2 articles for "Alchemy"
Alchemy [Astro*Index]A discipline of a speculative philosophy, the aim of which is to change base metals into gold and extend life; metaphorically, the process of making the commonplace unusual or distinct. Medieval alchemical texts are full of planetary symbolism.
See also:Alchemy [DeVore]
♦ Alchemist ♦ Adept
1) Medieval chemical science, which sought the transmutation of other metals into gold, a universal cure for disease, and a formula for long life.
2) The art of extracting juices from plants for medicinal purposes.
3) In occult terminology, the chemistry of nature: based on a primary assumption that there exists a universal solvent by which all atomic elements can be transformed into their original substance. Gilding pale streams with heavenly alchemy. - Shakespeare.
See also:
♦ Alchemist ♦ Adept
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