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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





3 articles for "Antipathy / Antipathies"

Antipathy [Astro*Index]

Old term indicating a disharmony between two bodies resulting from their ruling or being exalted in opposite zodiac signs.

(plural: Antipathies)


See also:
♦ Sign
Antipathy [DeVore]

Disharmony of two bodies, usually planets, which rule or are exalted in opposite Signs. For example, Saturn ruling Capricorn, has an antipathy for the Moon, ruling Cancer.


See also:
♦ Sign
Antipathies [DeVore]

The unaccountable aversions and antagonisms people feel toward each other when positions in their Nativities are in conflict. Among the causes of such conflict are the luminaries in dissociate Signs, or in inharmonious aspect to one another; the Ascendants in opposite Signs; the Infortunes conjunct or in inharmonious aspect to the luminaries, or to each other, or in opposition from angular Houses. Sometimes loosely applied to planets seen in an inharmonious relationship through an adverse aspect, whereat they are considered to bear an antipathy to one another.


See also:
♦ Sign


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine


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