4 articles for "Axial Rotation"
Axial Rotation [Astro*Index]The daily rotation of the Earth upon its axis every 24 hours is an example of axial rotation. Can be applied to any planet.
See also:Axial Rotation [DeVore]
♦ Astronomy ♦ Axis ♦ Meridian ♦ Horizon ♦ Rotation
The diurnal motion of the Earth around its axis; also similar motion on the part of any other celestial body. v. Solar System.
See also:Axial Rotation House System [Astro*Index]
♦ Solar System ♦ Astronomy ♦ Axis ♦ Meridian ♦ Horizon ♦ Rotation
Proposed by the Australian astrologer Zariel (David Cope) in the early 1900s. It has never received much attention, but was investigated by American astrologers Bruce Lloyd and Garth Allen in the late 1950s, who referred to it as the axial rotation system. This term is misleading, as no rotation is involved, but derives from the use of the North and South celestial poles for the construction of the pseudo-House circles (lunes). The MC is identical to the 10th cusp, but the ASC is not equal to the 1st cusp. The right ascension of the 10th cusp is equal to the sidereal time, and the RA of each successive cusp is obtained by successive additions of 2h (=30°). The ascendant is inserted into the resulting chart.
RAn = ST + 90° + n30°, n=10,11,12,1,2,3 Xn = cos(RAn) * cos(obl) Yn = sin(RAn) Ln = atan2(Yn,Xn)/CRD Example: Given that: obl = +23.45° LAT = +37.00° ST = 07:32:00 = 113.00° we have that: MC = 111.2768° ASC = 198.8521° Then, RA10 = 113.00° RA11 = 143.00° RA12 = 173.00° RA1 = 203.00° RA2 = 233.00° RA3 = 263.00° and, MC = 10: 111.2768° = CAN 21°16.6' 11: 140.6100° = LEO 20°36.6' 12: 172.3767° = VIR 22°22.6' 1: 204.8283° = LIB 24°49.7' 2: 235.3417° = SCO 25°20.5' 3: 263.5733° = SAG 23°34.4'
See also:Axial Rotation House System [Prima]
♦ House System ♦ Celestial Pole ♦ Mc ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Sidereal Time
A pseudo-house system proposed by the Australian astrologer Zariel (David Cope) in the early 1900s. It has never received much attention but was investigated by American astrologers Bruce Lloyd and Garth Allen in the late 1950s, who referred to it as the axial rotation system. This term is misleading because no rotation is involved; it is derived from the use of the north and south celestial poles for the construction of the pseudo-house circles (lunes).
The MC is identical to the 10th cusp but the ASC is not equal to the 1st cusp. The Right Ascension of the 10th cusp is equal to the Sidereal Time, and the RA of each successive cusp is obtained by successive additions of 2 hours (=30°). The ASC is inserted into the resulting chart.
The formula, for those interested, is:
RAn = ST + 90° + n30° n=10,11,12,1,2,3 Xn = cos(RAn)cos(obl) Yn = sin(RAn) Ln = atan2(Yn,Xn)/CRD ^
See also:
♦ House System ♦ Celestial Pole ♦ Mc ♦ Right Ascension ♦ Sidereal Time
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