Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine
3 articles for "Circumpolar Star"
Circumpolar [Munkasey M.]This term is used with bodies which do not rise or set at designated terrestrial latitudes.
See also:Circumpolar Star [Astro*Index]
♦ Geographic Coordinates ♦ Declination ♦ Celestial Pole
Literally, around the poles; stars whose distance from the celestial pole above the horizon is less than the terrestrial latitude of the observer. Such stars move across the sky, but never dip below the horizon. Similarly, stars closer to the celestial pole below the horizon than the numerical value of the observer's latitude never rise above the horizon.
See also:Circumpolar Star [Astro*Index]
♦ Geographic Coordinates ♦ Declination ♦ Celestial Pole
Circumpolar stars satisfy the relation, abs(ë) > 90° - abs(í) where ë is the declination and í is the latitude.
See also:
♦ Geographic Coordinates ♦ Declination ♦ Celestial Pole
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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