4 articles for "Elements"
Elements [Astro*Index]Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, the elements of the ancients.
The Greeks divided the twelve signs into four groups of three triplicities, and assigned each of these triplicities to one element, as follows:
Fire: | Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius |
Earth: | Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn |
Air: | Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius |
Water: | Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces |
Earlier astrology made use of different groupings. For example, the Egyptians assigned Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces as Water; Scorpio as Air.
See also:Elements [Prima]
♦ Triplicity ♦ Earth ♦ Earth Signs ♦ Air Signs ♦ Fire ♦ Fire Signs ♦ Water Signs ♦ Elemental Balance
Fire, Earth, Air, and Water, are the four classical elements of the ancients.
The Greeks divided the twelve signs into four groups of three triplicities and assigned each of these triplicities to one element, as follows:
Fire Signs: | Aries, Leo, Sagittarius |
Earth Signs: | Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn |
Air Signs: | Gemini, Libra, Aquarius |
Water Signs: | Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces |
See also:Elements [DeVore]
♦ Triplicity ♦ Earth ♦ Earth Signs ♦ Air Signs ♦ Fire ♦ Fire Signs ♦ Water Signs ♦ Elemental Balance
The four fundamental natures, symbolized as Fire, Earth, Air and Water. v. Signs.
See also:Elements, Orbital [Astro*Index]
♦ Triplicity ♦ Earth ♦ Earth Signs ♦ Air Signs ♦ Fire ♦ Fire Signs ♦ Water Signs ♦ Elemental Balance
Orbital elements of the planets consists of a specified epoch and appropriate selections from the lists which follow.
The epoch used for all planets (and the Ecliptic) except Pluto is: 1900 JAN 0.5 ET = JED 2415020.0 For Pluto, the beginning of the Besselian Year of 1950 is used for the epoch: BY1900 = JED 2433280.5 For the 4 major asteroids (Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta), the epoch is: 1941 JAN 06.0 = JED 2430000.5 Three quantities are used to express the elapsed time from the epoch: d = elapsed ephemeris days from epoch = (JED - epoch) D = d/10000 T = d/36525 a = Semi-major axis e = Eccentricity i = Inclination N = Longitude of Node w = Argument of Perihelion w'= Longitude of Perihelion = N + w M = Mean Anomaly L = Mean Longitude = N + w + M = w' + M n = Sidereal Motion (in 36525 days) Elements are specified as being Mean or Osculating Elements. Mercury (Mean Elements): a = 0.3870986 e = 0.20561427 + 0.00002046 T - 0.000000030 T2 i = 7°00'10.37" + 6.699 T - 0.66" T2 N = 47°08'45.40 + 4266.75 T + 0.626 T2 w' = 75°53'58.91" + 5599.76 T + 1.061 T2 M = 102°16'45.77" + (415' + 261055.04") T + 0.024" T2 = 102.279381 + 4.0923344364 d + 0.00000050 D2 L = 178°10'44.68" + (415' + 266654.80") T + 1.084" T2 = 178.179078 + 4.0923770233 d + 0.0000226 D2 n = 5381016.3093 - 0.000495" T Venus (Mean Elements): a = 0.7233316 e = 0.00682069 - 0.00004774 T + 0.000000091 T2 i = 3°23'37.07" + 3.621 T - 0.0035 T2 N = 75°46'46.73" + 3239.46" T + 1.476 T2 w'= 130°09'39.8" + 5068.93" T - 3.515 T2 M = 212°36'11.59" + (162' + 712093.95) T + 4.6298 T2 L = 342°46'01.39" + (162' + 717162.88" T) + 1.1148 T2 n = 2106641.3832" + 0.000096 T Earth-Moon Barycenter (Mean Elements): a = 1.00000023 e = 0.01675104 - 0.00004180 T - 0.000000126 T2 i = 0.0 N = 0.0 w'= 101°13'15.00" + 6189.03 T + 1.63 T2 + 0.012 T3 = 101.220833 + 0.0000470684 d + 0.0000339 D2 + 0.00000007 D3 M = 358°23'33.04" + 129596579.10 T - 0.54" T2 - 0.021" T3 = 358.475845° + 0.9856002670° d - 0.0000112° D 2 - 0.00000007° D3 L = 99°41'48.04" + 129602768.13" T + 1.089" T2 = 99.696678° + 0.9856473354 + 0.00002267 D2 n = ? Mars (Mean Elements): a = 1.5236915 e = 0.09331290 + 0.00009206 T - 0.000000077 T2 i = 1°51'01.20" -2.430 T + 0.0454 T2 N = 48°47'11.19" + 2775.57" T - 0.005" T2 - 0.0192" T3 w'= 334°13'05.53" + 6626.73" T + 0.4675" T2 -0.0043" T3 M = 319°31'45.93" + (53' + 215490.60") T + 0.6509" T2 + 0.0043 T3 = 319.529425 + 0.5240207666 d + 0.000013553 D2 + 0.000000025 D3 L = 293°44'51.46" + (53' + 222117.33") T + 1.1184 T2 = 293.747628 + 0.5240711638 d + 0.000023287 D2 n = 689050.9262" + 0.000169 T Jupiter (Mean Elements): a = 5.202803 e = 0.0473365 + 0.00016302 T i = 1°18'31.30" - 20.00T N = 99°26'16.30" + 3639.50" T w'= 12°42'41.12" + 5800.79 T M = 136°37'44.88" + 299.123557 d L = ? n = 109256.6481" Saturn (Mean Elements): a = 9.538843 e = 0.0558900 - 0.00034705 T i = 2°29'33.30" - 16.00 T N = 112°47'00.84" + 3143.43 T w'= 91°05'19.72" + 7053.97 T M = 174°19'45.64" + 120.39926" d L = ? n = 43996.18875" Uranus (Mean Elements): a = 19.182281 - 0.99957008 T e = 0.0470463 + 0.00027204 T i = 00°46'21.80" + 2.00 T N = 73°29'23.65" + 1838.25 T w' = 169°02'23.65" + 5846.80 T M = 73°35'18.25" + 42.2131" d L = ? n = 15426.33375" Neptune (Mean Elements): a = 30.057053 + 0.0012101066 T e = 0.00852849 + 0.00007701 T i = 1°46'45.30 - 33.00" T N = 130°40'43.28" + 3966.54" w' = 43°44'49.24" + 3161.43 T M = 41°16'50.73" + 21.5829525 d L = ? n = 7864.563 Pluto (Osculating Elements): a = 39.37364135300176 e = 0.2488033053623924 i = 17°10'11.5182" N = 109°41'00.463" w'= 224°01'18.746° M = 301°40'46.517" L = ? n = 5245.5258" Ceres (Mean Elements): a = 2.767227300 e = 0.079431700 i = 010°35'48.9" N = 080°48'20.1" w'= 151°53'15.1" M = 075°45'50.6" L = ? n = ? Pallas (Mean Elements): a = 2.770495500 e = 0.234709600 i = 034°48'50.8" N = 173°04'11.3" w'= 123°14'09.0" M = 068°27'50.8" L = ? n = ? Juno (mean Elements): a = 2.2668989700 e = 0.256231800 i = 013°01'01.4" N = 170°42'37.3" w'= 056°05'08.1" M = 053°51'54.0" L = ? n = ? Vesta (Mean Elements): a = 2.360720300 e = 0.090290700 i = 007°08'22.4" N = 103°46'32.4" w' =253°25'51.4" M = 249°25'17.6" L = ? n = ? Ecliptic: e = Mean obliquity of Ecliptic = 23°27'08.26" - 46.845" T - 0.0059" T2 0.00181" T3 P = Longitude of axis of rotation of Ecliptic = 173°57.06' + 54.77' T = 173.9510 - 0.2499 D p = Annual rate of rotation of Ecliptic = 0.4711" - 0.0007 T = 0.00013086 - 0.000000053 D
See also:
♦ Triplicity ♦ Earth ♦ Earth Signs ♦ Air Signs ♦ Fire ♦ Fire Signs ♦ Water Signs ♦ Elemental Balance
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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