3 articles for "Peregrine"
Peregrine [Astro*Index](Latin: peregrinus, foreigner)
A peregrine planet is one that has no essential dignity at its position in a horoscope. It is classed an essential debility by Lilly, who gives it a -5 in his point system (highest debility).
(Lilly's Point Systems).
Some astrologers hold that a mutual reception will remove the debility of being peregrine; some allow any kind of mutual reception, some only those of rulership or exaltation, while others allow no mutual reception of any kind to remove the debility. With mutual reception, a peregrine planet is able to "change places" with a planet residing in one it dignities. The term peregrine is sometimes though midleadingly used in reference to planets which make no major aspects in a horoscope. This is more like void-of-course, without reference to sign limits or whether a planet applies to or separates from an aspect. In this condition, the planet is said to wander through the horoscope and has the potential to run amock with its symbolism in an individual's life.
See also: ♦ Dignity ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Debility ♦ Sign ♦ Mutual Reception ♦ Void of coursePeregrine [Astro*Index]
Foreign, Alien. A traditional term said of a planet when it is placed in a sign where it is neither dignified or debilitated. A neutral position. However, if it is in mutual reception with another planet, it is not considered peregrine.
See also: ♦ Dignity ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Debility ♦ Sign ♦ Mutual Reception ♦ Void of coursePeregrine [DeVore]
Foreign, alien. Said of a planet posited in a sign where it possesses no essential dignity: where it is neither dignified nor debilitated. It is employed in Horary Astrology, where it is usually reckoned as a debility. In a question of a theft, a peregrine planet in an angle or in the second house, is the thief. However, no planet is reckoned peregrine if it be in mutual reception with another.
See also: ♦ Dignity ♦ Essential Dignity ♦ Debility ♦ Sign ♦ Mutual Reception ♦ Void of course
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine