4 articles for "Planet/s"
Planet [Astro*Index]One of the 9 major bodies orbiting our Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Astrologers also include the Sun and Moon within the scope of the term planet, in accord with their original (generic) definition of the term, which means 'wanderer'; this term was used in contrast to the 'fixed' stars, which appeared not to move with respect to each other. Astronomers make a distinction in the case of the Sun and Moon: The Sun is a star, and is illuminated by its own radiation; the Moon is a satellite, and is illuminated only by reflected light.
See also:Planet [Munkasey M.]
♦ Inferior Planet ♦ Jovian Planet ♦ Outer Planet ♦ Superior Planet ♦ Terrestrial Planet ♦ Uranian Planet
As used in astrology this means the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. In general it is a major body which revolves around a Sun in a periodic orbit.
See also:Planets [Prima]
♦ Inferior Planet ♦ Jovian Planet ♦ Outer Planet ♦ Superior Planet ♦ Terrestrial Planet ♦ Uranian Planet
"The planets are symbolic expressions of functional principles which are found at all levels of functional existence; they refer to nothing in particular, but to functions which are found in every organic unit."
Dane Rudhyar
The meanings of the planets vary according to the specific use you are making of astrology. In psychological interpretation, the planets are representative of various aspects of the psyche. In mundane and electional astrology, the planets refer to external events and objective phenomena. Various schools of astrology have planetary interpretations that may differ yet conform to the inherent meaning of these powerful symbols.
See also:Planets, Classifications of [DeVore]
♦ Sun ♦ Moon ♦ Mercury ♦ Venus ♦ Mars ♦ Jupiter ♦ Saturn ♦ Uranus ♦ Neptune ♦ Pluto
Androgynous planet.
Mercury, because both dry and moist.
Barren and fruitful.
Barren: Mars, Saturn, Uranus. Fruitful: Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune.
Moderately fruitful: Mercury.
Benefic and Malefic.
Benefic: Venus and Jupiter, particularly when not afflicted. Some authorities include the Sun, Moon and Mercury, if favorably aspected.
Malefic: The infortunes, Mars and Saturn, and by some modern authorities, Uranus and Neptune, whether afflicted or otherwise. Mercury unfavorably aspected is deemed a malefic with respect to money, law and marriage. Modern authorities consider no planet can be truly termed a malefic, except insofar as its vibrations are improperly applied, and is dependent largely upon its aspects for the nature of its operation.
Cold and hot.
Cold: The Moon and Saturn; also, according to Sepharial, Mercury and Uranus.
Hot: Sun, Mars. Warm: Venus, Jupiter, Neptune.
Diurnal and nocturnal.
The nocturnal planets are the Moon and Venus, because of their feminine qualities, their cool, moist temperaments, and their passive natures as compared to the Sun and Mars. Also applied to those which at birth were below the horizon, and thereby deemed to represent' passive qualities. In this case the diurnal planets are those which at birth were above the horizon, and are thereby considered to represent the more active influences.
Dry and Moist.
Dry: Sun, Mars, Saturn.
Moist: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus; also, according to Sepharial, Neptune. Mercury is both dry and moist.
Electric and Magnetic.
Electric: Sun, Mars, Jupiter.
Magnetic: Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Neptune. According to Sepharial both Sun and Moon are magnetic.
Masculine and Feminine.
Masculine: Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
Feminine: Moon, Venus and Neptune. Also, planets are said to take on masculine attributes in masculine signs; when in advance of the Sun; or in the oriental quadrants; and feminine attributes in feminine signs; when following the Sun; when on the opposite side of the horizon from the Sun; or when in the occidental quadrants.
Morning and Evening. Matitutinal and Nocturnal.
This refers particularly to Mercury and Venus, as morning and evening "stars," although all the planets become morning and evening stars at some part of the year, though not all of them are visible to the naked eye. (v. Retrograde.) It must be observed that a planet which is "behind" the Sun in its orbital motion, rises in diurnal motion "before" the Sun. The counter-clockwise motion of the Earth's surface causes objects as uncovered on the Eastern horizon to appear to move in a clockwise direction. Thus the planet which is behind the Sun in orbit, rises in diurnal motion before the Sun.
Superior and Inferior.
The Major or Superior planets are those that have orbits larger than that of the Earth, and which lie at a greater distance from the Sun. They are: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also called the Ponderous or Ponderable planets. Their motion appears to us to be slower, due to their greater distance from the Sun. Their effects are more enduring than those of the Minor or Inferior planets. The Minor or Inferior planets are those that have orbits smaller than that of the Earth, and which lie closer to the Sun. They are Mercury and Venus.
The order of the planets outward from the Sun is used in a recent work in psychology, in illustration of a memory aid in the form of the sentence: "men very easily make jugs serve usual needy purposes" — the first initial of each word corresponding to that of a planet: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Also the word Vibgyor, for the colors of the Solar spectrum, from the top downwards: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red.
See also:
♦ Solar System
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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