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Astrological Coordinates : A Recap
- The celestial equator and the ecliptic plane intersect to form the two equinoxes and the equinoctial axis.
- The Vernal Equinox or 0° Aries node or point is the ascending node of the ecliptic plane to the equatorial plane.
- The Autumnal Equinox or 0° Libra point is the descending node of the ecliptic plane to the equatorial plane.
- These points and these two coordinate systems are FIXED in space.
- AT ANY MOMENT and AT ANY PLACE in the Earth's orbit, the ZERO° Aries point is ALWAYS in the same direction and at an infinite distance.
- The measurement of longitude along the ecliptic or the equator is only identical at the four Cardinal points: the two equinoctial and solstitial points.
- At all other points, there is a difference between a degree of longitude (the same degree) as measured along the ecliptic and the same degree measured on the equator.
- Each system is simply tilted at an angle to the other.
© Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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