Order your personal report for just $19.95
StarTypes Report
If you are a hermit, a recluse or anti-social, then why bother to order a Friends & Lovers report? It would probably be a waste of time and money.

However, if you are an average human being, whose life is made up of all sorts of relationships, then you definitely should consider a Friends & Lovers report, and maybe more than one! The truth is, the better your relationships, the better and more rewarding your life can be—absolutely! So...

If you are currently in a relationship—order a Friends & Lovers report.

If you are considering becoming more involved (is he or she THE right one?) – order a Friends & Lovers report.

If you would like to learn how to make any personal relationship – whether romantic, with family members, with friends, or even with business associates (and yes, even with the boss)—better, more rewarding and fulfilling—order a Friends & Lovers report.

What are you going to get?
This is a Synastry report. If you are not familiar with the term “synastry,” it is one of the foundation techniques of astrology, having been used for centuries. The accuracy of this technique, mainly operative in compatibility astrology, is one of the main reasons astrology has been so popular for thousands of years. The report we create for you here examines you “in relationship.” It will look at your birth chart, along with the chart of another person, and compare them. It will give you real insight into how exactly you relate (or will relate) to that specific other person. You will then be able to note your strengths and weakness, your unique challenges, and what roles you will likely play in relation to that person. It then turns around and provides similar information from the other person's perspective.

If you are looking at the information concerning a current relationship, don’t worry that you will hurt your neck by nodding in agreement, for it is not likely that you will agree with everything you read; however, once you have taken the time to reflect on it, you will often appreciate the insights you have gained.

I warn you in advance that these reports are accurate and insightful; therefore, you may not always like what you read or – you may be pleasantly surprised! Whatever the outcome, the knowledge you gain in reading this report can help you to make the most of your relationship, or help you to steer clear of a dead-end relationship – perhaps before you become too involved.

Peron #1

Type of the report: Lovers or Friends | Language: English or Spanish | Gender for Person 1 | Full Name for Person 1 | Birth Place for Person 1 | Birth Date for Person 1 | Birth Time for Person 1


Peron #2

Gender for Person 2 | Full Name for Person 2 | Birth Place for Person 2 | Birth Date for Person 2 | Birth Time for Person 2 | Email



Make sure that you select the report(s) that you want to purchase before you proceed.
All sales are final and not refundable.

Also Note that the interpretive report that you ordered is either automatically emailed to you as file attachment or sent to you manually as file attachment. Therefore, it may be subject to being automatically sent to your email spam folder. Check your spam folder within 15 minutes of placing your order.

If you did not receive the report that you ordered within 24 to 48 hours, check your spam folder and it might be there. If it is not there either, send us an email to cosmicpatternsoftware@gmail.com so we can recreate the report that you ordered.

Thank you.



1. Select Type:

Select report type, Lovers or Friends.

2. Select Language:

Select Language of the report.

For Person #1:

3. Name:

Enter the Name of the person #1 for the report.
John Smith

4. Birth Place, Date, & Hour:

Enter the Birth City and State, or City and Country of the person #1.
Enter the Complete Birth Date & Time of the person #1. For unknown Birth Time just type 0 AM
San Francisco, California, USA, May 21, 2025 / 7:01 AM

For Person #2:

5. 6. 7. Name, Place, Date:

Repit steps 3 - 4 for Person #2.

8. Email:

Enter the email Address to send the report.

9. Click on "Add to Cart"

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