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Relocation Report
Although astrologers use many techniques, almost all are in agreement that the movement of the planet Saturn, the great timekeeper, is a planet that affects every one of us. In particular, as Saturn moves through the astrology chart in its thirty-year cycle, it marks a path that all must follow, ready or not.

The Life Landscape Report, written by astrologer Michael Erlewine and designed by astrologer Stephen Erlewine, provides full coverage of Saturn for ninety years. It comes complete with separate charts for each of Saturn's 30-year cycles. These charts show the movement of the planet Saturn through the all-important chart angles (with years and dates), and then provide a personalized interpretation for each cycle as it occurs in your lifetime. A chronological list of every Saturn-related event is given as well—along with dates, interpretation of the event, and even a graphic reminder of the nature of the event.



Name | Birth Place | Birth Date | Birth Time | Place for the report | Current Date | Current Time | Email



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All sales are final and not refundable.

Also Note that the interpretive report that you ordered is either automatically emailed to you as file attachment or sent to you manually as file attachment. Therefore, it may be subject to being automatically sent to your email spam folder. Check your spam folder within 15 minutes of placing your order.

If you did not receive the report that you ordered within 24 to 48 hours, check your spam folder and it might be there. If it is not there either, send us an email to cosmicpatternsoftware@gmail.com so we can recreate the report that you ordered.

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1. Select Gender:

Select Gender of the person.

2. Name:

Enter the Name of the person for the report.
John Smith

3. Birth Place:

Enter the Birth City and State, or City and Country.
San Francisco, California, USA

4. Birth Date & Time:

Enter the Complete Birth Date & Time. For unknown Birth Time just type 0 AM
May 21, 2025 / 7:01 AM

5. Current Place:

Enter the City and State, or City and Country, where you are living now.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

6. Current Date & Time:

Enter the Complete Current Date and time for the report.
Sep 21, 2021 / 10:30 AM

7. Email:

Enter the email Address to send the report.

7. Click on "Add to Cart"

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