How Will it Work ?
The Lovers Report is a compatibility and relationship report, a report that provides an in-depth description on how you relate to a partner or friend. Actually this report consists of four separate reports in one, starting with how you approach relationships, the role you tend to take on when relating to others.
The report then goes on to describe how you feel about and relate to your particular lover and partner, how they affect you, and how compatible you are. Equally important, however, is the section on how they see and relate to you, which may not be the same as you feel about them. And last, there is a section on what your partner wants and needs out of the relationship.
1. Select Gender:
Select Gender of the person.
2. Name:
Enter the Name of person 1 for the report.
John Smith
3. Birth Place:
Enter the Birth City and State, or City and Country of the person #1.
San Francisco, California, USA,
4. Birth Date:
Enter the Complete Birth Date & Time and Hour for person 1.
May 21, 2025 / 7:05 pm
5. 6. 7. Gender, Name, and Birth Date for person2r:
Repit steps 2 to 5 for Person #2.
8. Email:
Enter the email Address to send the report.
9. Click on "Add to Cart"