The information you provide to Matrix Astrological Web Services (Matrix Software) through our secure website is confidential. This information is used to process your request or order. Credit card information is encrypted and not retained in our files after processing your order.
No customer information is sold, rented or shared with outside companies.
No personal information is gathered by Matrix or any other source without your knowledge and consent. The Log In gives users the option of employing a cookie to eliminate the need to re-enter access information each time you visit.
If you are visiting from the website of one of Matrix Software’s affiliate partners we identify that source should you decide to make a purchase. No information is gathered without your consent. Any information you provide is confidential and is not shared or sold.
Phone Orders:
1-800-779-2559 (orders only)
Technical Support
1-(352) 373-1504
Mon-Fri 8 AM - 5 PM EST
Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software
6212 NW 43 Street, Suite B
Gainesville, FL, 32653
Tech Support: