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Delving into Declination #2 Date Published: 3/1/2001 by Kt Boehrer
Bio: Kt Boehrer:

Kt Boehrer had her first lesson in astrology at the age of five and hasn't finished the course yet.

In the interim she qualified as a medical technologist, specializing in hematology, blood chemistry, serology and x-ray-all the while studying astrology. She attended the University of Virginia, the Sorbonne and the Alliance Française, taking selected courses and studying astrology. She says that she thinks she must be a slow learner because she hasn't finished the course yet.

Her hobbies are music, painting, miniatures (as in complete houses of many rooms built and completely furnished on the scale of one inch equals one foot), travel and history. Bowling is her sport (because it is conducted in air conditioned buildings and doesn't mess hair and makeup like some sports).

Born in central Texas, Kt has lived in California, Indiana, Wisconsin, Virginia and the D.C. Metropolitan Complex, and Europe where her husband was attached to the State Department and the United States Embassy in Paris for several years.

Formerly an editor, researcher and writer for the "Stellium Quarterly, An Astrological Journal," and a practicing astrologer who devoted 18 hours a day to her astrology practice for 25 years, that practice was abruptly terminated while she took a couple of years off to kill a few cancers. Happily, she is now back in business again.

Her book, DECLINATION: THE OTHER DIMENSION, was published in 1994 and was the best selling new book at the AFA 1994 Convention. It continues to be one of their best sellers. In April, 1995, the NCGR approved the establishment of a Declination Special Interest Group and the first issue of their newsletter, 'THE OTHER DIMENSION' was published. This SIG was the largest special interest group in the NCGR family of SIGs and remains one of the largest even into the millennium. In fact, with the introduction of the internet and astrology lists, astrologers all over the world are eager to learn all about declination and discovering greater precision and exactitude in their work as well as causative activity that can never be revealed by longitude alone.



Parallels of declination have been discussed in many astrology books. In fact, that old classic The A to Z Horoscope Delineator by Llewellyn George, provides three references to parallels. Everything he said is good and valid, but it was incomplete. Much more recently, Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson devoted a considerable amount of space to this subject in almost every one of her numerous and excellent books. William Lilly mentions it and even Ptolemy discusses parallels of declination – very briefly.

It is a subject that has been around for a long, long time during which no one ever really addressed or understood the dimensions and import of declination and its parallels. But even more importantly no astrologer and no astrology book ever (at least in the last thousand years or so) has really defined and described the overpowering importance of declination until my 1975 book, Declination: The Other Dimension appeared. No one has ever recognized the definite and definable influence of declination which would then allow us both finite and infinite knowledge about the reality that is taking place in the heavens around us. This subject is not an old technique rediscovered – unless we are referring to thousands of years old and long-lost techniques (in astrology this is always a possibility.) My work is a 'current' look at the heavens and declination in a novel fashion.

The most remarkable aspect of this work is the fact, manner and means of examining/understanding and applying a new comprehension of the importance of the extremity of the orbit of the celestial objects that comprise our charts. This extremity is of major importance in defining the effect of the planets in each chart. Some of the planets are capable of such extreme orbits that they almost intersect the Equator at a right angle, and in doing so they often swing far into space beyond the maximum declination of the Ecliptic.

These orbits are enormously important in the influence or lack of influence of aspects. In addition, these orbits identify those periods when a planet is Out-Of-Bounds (OOB) because it has escaped from the maximum limits of declination of the Ecliptic. In going OOB these planets have a very definitive influence on the character, personality and intelligence of the individual born at the time that a planet was OOB.

With one exception, everything that has been written about parallels of declination has not addressed the subject correctly and completely.

With one exception, everything that has been written about parallels of declination has not addressed the subject correctly and completely. The work that Ivy M. Goldstein Jacobson did was almost 100 percent on in mundo parallels - and it was powerful and important and perfectly correct and complete for in mundo work, but was very limited because parallels in mundo are a very different matter from declination and parallels as a whole, as they are presented in my book, Declination: The Other Dimension.

It is precisely this extremity of orb that renders invalid so much of the work that has been done on declination in the past, for the simple reason that no other astrologer has ever recognized, researched or written about the OOB planets. In addition, all mathematical calculations were done on the basis that declination didn't matter, so those periods when one or more planets were OOB were simply ignored. As long as the planet remained within the ecliptic limits the calculations were all right (no guarantees about the correctness of delineation however) but as soon as the planet exceeded 23N/S28 declination the calculations and delineations were incorrect.

In addition, no other astrologer has ever presented a mathematical formula for identifying the exact degree on the Ecliptic that an OOB planet is aspecting from beyond the maximum Ecliptic declination. Strangely, astronomers had the formula but didn't have a real use for it. To them it was a source of information that had no real value or meaning. We astrologers had no formula but did have a great need for it! For us its significance is highly important and informative!

For these reasons it is incorrect to label my presentation in that book as a new way to do old tricks as some have done, and doing so only reveals their lack of understanding.

In future articles I will also provide and explain a 'real,' and 'accurate' declination chart: the Boehrer declination chart designed by the author in 1974 and copyrighted in 1975. There is no other correct and accurate declination chart. Let me add that Linear Graphs are very helpful and very interesting but not nearly as informative as the Boehrer Declination Chart. However, the astrologer who wishes to work with declination will find the Linear Graph of great interest and quite informative, although fairly limited.

'Til the next article, then, I remain, KtB, the Declination Lady

© Copyright: Kt Boehrer





Other articles by Kt Boehrer:

Boehrer, KtIntroduction to Declination #1

Boehrer, KtDelving into Declinations #3



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