New Millenium Reflects the Old Date Published: 8/10/1988Arthyr W. Chadbourne is a third generation astrologer who has long been an advocate for exploring new dimensions of awareness in the astrological field. As a practicing astrologer and researcher, his open acknowledgement of individual spirituality as the core of the astrological chart has put him on the cutting edge of those in astrology who are creating the metaphysical arts of the future.
Arthyr is well known in Southern California as a speaker with S.C.A.N., many chapters of N.C.G.R. as well as part of the Whole Life Expo tour. He has appeared on many radio and television shows. He was the astrological director and star in the motion picture, "The Astrologer" and the executive producer of the TV series "Meet the Astrologer."
For the past twenty-six years, Mr. Chadbourne has researched the ancient texts of Babylon and Egypt in the hopes of finding the basic "ground rules" by which astrology was created. His contribution is in the form of "Ancient Whispers from Chaldea - Making Babylonian Astrology Work for You." His research on the sunset chart is considered a major breakthrough by many top astrologers in the field.
Currently, Mr. Chadbourne is busy touring with his book "Ancient Whispers from Chaldea."
To order the book, "Ancient Whispers from Chaldea": https://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Whispers-Chaldea-Arthur-Chadbourne/dp/0966896637
Several millennia past, early civilizations associated their kings with gods. The primary reason was the people thought their kings conversed with God to predict the proper time to successfully plant and harvest crops. In reality, the king's success depended upon a select group of counselors who watched the heavens. As the Sun set each evening, ancient observers simply watched and noted the succession of planets and star patterns as they appeared in the nightly skies. These observations were referenced to correspond with seasonal events here on Earth and the king would be so informed. The selected observers were basically "human calendars" and throughout different parts of the world they were addressed by different titles. In Babylon, they came to be known as the Wise Men or Chaldean Magi.
With no more than their fingers held at arms length to judge distance and a water clock to designate time, the early Chaldeans observed, calculated and journalized stellar events with an amazing level of accuracy. By reducing their empirical evidence to mathematical schemata, the Chaldeans developed the first astronomical tables known today as the ephemerides.
As time passed, the Chaldean Magi began to notice other corresponding events between heaven and Earth. Through the centuries that followed the Chaldeans developed an amazing array of collected works such as the "Mul Apin" and later "Enuma Anu Enlil" describing the activities in the sky and how they related to the events here on Earth. Although not known as astrology, it was about 1,800 B.C. that the development of astrology had actually begun.
To the Chaldean culture, the hour of sunset served two purposes: it supported their religious views that creation began out of darkness, and it marked the starting point from which stellar observations could be made. The time of sunset therefore, not only marked the beginning of the new day but, at the same time, formed a neutral matrix where planetary positions created the standard for the next twenty-four hour period; from sunset to sunset.
It is important to understand that the Chaldean's primary concern was not necessarily short periods of time but the true synodic returns of the same phenomenon such as Sun trine Mars. Although the Sun does trine Mars each year, it will do so in different locations of the zodiac. A true synodic return is when the Sun and Mars are exactly in the same sign and degree three decades later. However, this presents a problem because, in our lifetime, we will only see a few actual synodic returns with Mercury, Venus and Mars.
The sunset chart becomes the foundation by which all charts are considered and/or compared.To solve such large time-spans between the outer planets, I've taken this a step further and developed a method that presents a bold and unique idea of astrology based on Chaldean concepts. It's called the sunset chart. With the sunset chart, we "create" artificial synods by noting each planet's distance of arc from the Sun. The sunset chart becomes the foundation by which all charts are considered and/or compared. The effect becomes apparent by creating a triwheel chart and rotating the inner charts clockwise while the outer chart remains in place. We immediately see the planets "move" and aspect their sunset positions within the entire twenty-four hour period. In this fashion we can see our entire life displayed within this time frame.
Using a biwheel, place the birth chart within the sunset chart, align the birth chart Ascendant with the sunset Ascendant. Notice the aspects to the sunset chart; those aspects create a standard and quality of life. In this fashion we establish a compatibility chart between the newborn child and the world! The aspects between both charts reveal how the planets and the native work together.
For example, if the chart has hard aspects, such as a square or opposition to the sunset positions, this would make for challenging circumstances making the need for contingency plans constantly necessary. Squares to the sunset chart have a more difficult time adjusting to the rules and regulations of the world at large (even if there are trines within the framework). Metaphorically, it's as if there are always many fires to stamp out. Easy aspects, such as a trine or sextile to the sunset positions make for easier circumstances. For example, someone born with the Sun in the third or eleventh house show a basic trine configuration between both the birth and sunset charts. The trine is an indication of an easy "way" with the world at large, these people just seem to be able to move in different circles with apparent impunity (even if the birth chart has "hard" aspects within its framework). In essence, the birth chart is to the sunset chart what the Ascendant is to the Sun sign in today's astrology.
To discern events, we make a triwheel with two sunset charts and the birth chart in the center. We then rotate the second inner wheel to the value of five degrees per year. By rotating the inner wheel of the triwheel chart (with the smaller birth chart within it), all planets will aspect their own sunset position as well as the planets in the birth chart. Each house has the value of six years thus the entire chart is a seventy-two year cycle. Using this chart method, we find that during a lifetime, the timing, quality and influences of major events are based on the planetary (i.e. synodic) distance of arc.
The process
Now, let's get started. There are actually two procedures that are followed. The first objective is to discern whether you were born before or after midnight. Those of you who were born before midnight will use the same date as the date you were born to calculate your chart. Those of you who were born after midnight must calculate the chart for the previous date.
Next, erect a chart for sunset using the equal house system. The Sun should be located on the seventh house cusp. Make a duplicate copy and print two copies in a triwheel fashion. Cut out the middle chart of the triwheel and place it in the middle of the other triwheel chart. With this, you now have a movable wheel inside the other. This triwheel chart, as we will see, can be used for predicting upcoming events. Next make a triwheel copy of your birth chart, cut out and place the smallest wheel of your birth chart by aligning Ascendants in the smallest position within the triwheel chart. Many students have claimed that this is the most revealing chart they have ever worked with.
We use the equal house system for ease of discerning the age of events. When using the equal house system each year is equivalent to five degrees. The equal house makes it easier to see the distance of arc between all the planets. Some of you may want to use other house systems you are more familiar with but different size houses create another problem. As the houses differ in size, you must divide each house segment by six to get a correct distance of arc. Regardless of the house system, the key is to remember that each house has the value of six years therefore each irregular house must be divided by six.
Now, align both sunset Suns. To determine events in the past, rotate the movable wheel clockwise using the Sun as the indicator of age. Notice any "apparent" aspects such as conjunctions, trines or squares between the two outer charts. Take note of the planets involved, they will determine future events under similar circumstances. For example, let's say we have a sunset chart with Saturn placed thirty-five degrees away from the Sun in the fifth house. By rotating the chart clockwise, the Sun moving at the rate of five degrees per year will reach Saturn's position when the native is approximately seven years of age. Any event, say an illness, that happened during that time will repeat itself during the lifetime when Saturn either rotates to some other planet in the chart or when transiting Saturn makes an aspect to other planets in the chart. With this technique, it becomes easy to recognize future trends because you are understanding past circumstances.
As you rotate the wheel clockwise (called rogression), the Sun will travel through the sixth house denoting the first six years of life. Planets placed there indicate childhood health issues, birth of siblings, encounters with domestic help and so on.
As the Sun leaves the sixth house, it enters the fifth house (children and creativity) denoting the sixth to the twelfth year. Here the child learns to develop his social skills with other siblings his age. He also begins to learn about his creative and technical skills as he attends school. It may be during this age that he develops his first crush with a significant other.
Leaving the fifth house, the Sun enters into the fourth house. This position of the Sun relates from twelve years to eighteen years old. During this period the child moves into adolescence and becomes aware of his roots and personal responsibilities.
As the Sun moves through each house we can see how the individual develops through the backdrop of each house segment. At eighteen, as the rogressed Sun reaches the fourth house cusp, the entire chart is now square to itself in relation to the sunset chart. It is here that the individual may decide to leave home to attend college, get married and/or venture into a different lifestyle altogether. As with all angles, eighteen becomes a marked year for most people as the Sun reaches its first angle in the sunset chart.
As you regress a chart, be aware of planets throughout the chart to indicate events. Make note of these events and the planets involved for future references. If you take the time to work out this method, you won't be disappointed. There are many uses and chart variations this method will cover from daily activities to compatibility charts, from solar returns to an event on Wall Street. It's all up to you as to how to make the best use of this chart method.
To personally reach Arthyr Chadbourne: Email: awc99@verizon.net
© Copyright: Arthyr W. Chadbourne