4 articles for "Cusp"
Cusp [Astro*Index]In mathematics, a "double point" at which two tangents to the curve are coincident.
In astrology, cusp refers to an intersection of two great circles, most commonly those that determine the boundaries between the astrological houses.
See also:Cusp [Prima]
♦ House ♦ Sign ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Great Circle ♦ House System
The term used to denote a boundary, i.e. the boundary between one house and another or between one sign and another.
In astrology the word "cusp" is a mathematical concept that refers to the intersection of two great circles, the ecliptic and the house circle (a great circle) that defines two houses (e.g. the first and seventh houses) in a particular House System. Publications known as Tables of Houses give the ecliptic longitudes of such cusps.
The ancients considered a planet within 5° of the cusp of the next house to be in that house. Aspects to the house cusps provide useful informat- ion about the matters pertaining to those houses.
See also:Cusp [Munkasey M.]
♦ House ♦ Sign ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Great Circle ♦ House System
A great circle which is used to demarkate the houses of thehoroscope. Usually spoken of in the sense of: "The 12th house cusp, etc.".
See also:Cusp [DeVore]
♦ House ♦ Sign ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Great Circle ♦ House System
(a) The imaginary line which separates a Sign from adjoining Signs, a House from its adjoining Houses; (b) an indeterminate but small arc contiguous to the boundary-line between adjacent Signs and Houses, wherein there is uncertainty as to the planet's location at a particular moment, and ambiguity as to the planet's influence in a borderline relationship. A birth planet is stronger when it is on the cusp than when it is in the last degrees of a House. The angular cusps are doubtless the sharpest.
See also:
♦ House ♦ Sign ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Great Circle ♦ House System
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