4 articles for "Hindu"
Hindu Age [Astro*Index]The great ages (kalpa) begin in different years, depending upon which value of the Ayanamsha is used.
The following tabulation gives the dates for a selection of the most popular values of the Ayanamsha.
Age | |||
GEM | BC6230 | ... | *** |
TAU | BC4080 | ... | |
ARI | BC1930 | ... | |
PIS | AD 221 | ... | |
AQU | AD2371 | ... | |
See also: ♦ Exaltation ♦ Sidereal Zodiac ♦ Sidereal Age ♦ AyanamshaHindu Astrology [Astro*Index]
Astrology of the Indian subcontinent. Celestial Longitude is measured from a fiducial point which is fixed with reference to a particular star, thus creating a Sidereal Zodiac. Several different zodiacs are in current use, each defined by its own value of the Ayanamsha. A characteristic feature of Hindu Astrology is its elaborate system of subdivisions of the circle, and the assignment of planets and gods to these subdivisions.
See also: ♦ Dwad ♦ Celestial Longitude ♦ Fiducial Point ♦ Sidereal Zodiac ♦ AyanamshaHindu Astrology [DeVore]
This is apparently based upon a fixed zodiac, determined by taking a birth year, substracting 498, multiplying by 50 1/3" per year, reducing the product to Arc and subtracting it from all positions computed according to a Geocentric Ephemeris.
The equivalent names of the elements in Sanskrit are:
Aries | - Mesham Sun | - Surya |
Taurus | - Vrishabham Moon | - Chandra |
Germimi | - Mithuna Mercury | - Budham |
Cancer | - Katakam Venus | - Shukra |
Leo | - Simha MarsKuja | |
Virgo | - Kanya Jupiter | - Cura |
Libra | - Tulam Saturn | - Shani |
Scorpio | - Vrischika Rahu | |
Sagittarius | - Dhanus Ketu | |
Capricorn | - Makaram Angular: Kendra | |
Aquarius | - Kumbha Succedent: Panapara | |
Pisces | - Minam Cadent: Apokalima | |
Ascendant: | - Lagnam | |
Trine: | - Trikonam | |
Square: | - Kandra |
The Houses are numbered as counted from any significator. Houses 3, 5, 9, 11 are uniformly favorable as regards that significator; 6, 8, 12 uniformly unfavorable; while 1. 2, 4, 7 and 10 are judged according to the planets occupied. It can be seen that this is largely their method of considering aspects. All planets in 10, 11, 12, 2, 3, 4 houses from a significator are benefic, including harmonious planets in the 1st. All others are evil.
Progressed positions are computed by a complex series of periods, which follow the basic series of Ketu 7, Venus 20, Sun 6, Moon 10, Mars 7, Rahu 18, Jupiter 16, Saturn 19, Mercury 17. The figures give the duration of the period in years. These are divided into 9 subperiods ruled in the same order, but beginning in each case with the planet's own subperiod. The sub-periods are again divided into inter-periods, ruled according to the same method and by the same series. These are applied to the Mansions of the Moon (qv.).
See also: ♦ Dwad ♦ Celestial Longitude ♦ Fiducial Point ♦ Sidereal Zodiac ♦ AyanamshaHindu Calendar [Astro*Index]
Gregorian calendar equivalents for the months of the Hindu calendar see in the table Hindu Calendar. An extra month is inserted after every month in which two New Moons occur (once in 3 years). The intercalary month has the same name as the one which precedes it. The month Baisakh is sometimes considered the first month of the Hindu year.
The months of the Hindu calendar, with their approximate Gregorian calendar equivalents, are as follows:
Greg. | No. | Hindu | |
MAR-APR | 01 | Chait | |
APR-MAY | 02 | Baisakh | |
MAY-JUN | 03 | Jeth | |
JUN-JUL | 04 | Asarh | |
JUL-AUG | 05 | Sawan | |
AUG-SEP | 06 | Bhadon | |
SEP-OCT | 07 | Asin | |
OCT-NOV | 08 | Kartik | |
NOV-DEC | 09 | Aghan | |
DEC-JAN | 10 | Pus | |
JAN-FEB | 11 | Magh | |
FEB-MAR | 12 | Phagun | |
See also: ♦ Gregorian Calendar ♦ New Moon
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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