January 2024
Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Everyone!

Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous New Year from all of us at Cosmic Patterns.
It is our sincere hope that you are all safe and happy. Thank you all very much for your support.


Vibrational Astrology Conference 2024: March 2, 2024

Vibrational Astrology Online Event

It is an exciting event that you can attend at an affordable price in the comfort of your own home.

Christopher Pridham, Fei Cochrane, Starlene Breiter, and Michele Love are looking very excited and cannot wait to share all of their Vibrational Astrology Research Work soon! The findings are so practical and that by attending this conference you will be able to apply it to your own astrological practice.

If you are a student of astrology and curious about Vibrational Astrology, you will gain and understand what it is about and how it is used!

Visit Vibrational Astrology to register for the March 2, 2024, online event.



Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials

Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials

To learn more about Vibrational Astrology, purchase the best resource, Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials book!

Click here for more info >



Vibrational Astrology Study Guide

Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Module Three Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Module Three

Exciting News, the Study Guide Module 3 is now available.

The Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Series summarizes essential topics required to interpret an astrology chart using the methodology taught in Vibrational Astrology.

This is NOT a textbook and is intended to accompany training with a certified Vibrational Astrology instructor. It is also intended as a reference source for a review of various topics related to VA. This module can be purchased from Lulu:

Click here to read more information or to purchase it



Star Guidance: Personal Vibrational Astrology Forecast

Order your Personalized Vibrational Astrology Forecast!

In Vibrational Astrology (VA) the astrology chart is seen as containing a beautiful and intricate tapestry of different vibrations. Rather than just a few aspects like the trine, square, sextile, and a few others, the astrology chart is more like a kaleidoscope, intricately woven fabric, mosaic pattern, or mandala. The Vibrational Astrology Forecast traces the threads of the tapestry that is woven by the interaction of the transiting planets and the natal planets, and interprets the strongest patterns woven by these threads at different times.

The strongest planetary configurations of three planets formed by combining transiting planets and natal planets at a given time are interpreted. Each interpretation consists of two parts. The first part is an interpretation of the 3-planet combination. The second part is one line and is similar to this: Applied to achieve something with energy and intention.

Click here to Order your Personalized Report



Free Vibe Chart

Order ANY Vibrations Chart wheel from this page: This is a wonderful place to get your Vibe chart quickly while on the road. https://astrologyland.com/free_chart_wheel/YourFreeChart.aspx

After entering your birth data, click on the Vibe drop down arrow to select any Vibe Chart. Then click on Calculate you will get your Vibe Chart Wheel in a few seconds instantaneously.





Order your Own Personalized Written Interpretations

Matrix Personal Interpretations


Star GuidancePersonal Interpretations



Fei Consultation Practice

Find out more about Fei by clicking "About Fei", get a quick VA reading by clicking "Dear Fei", or consult Fei professionally by clicking "Consult with Fei".

Click here to visit Fei's website Fei's Personal Blog Learn Vibrational Astrology with Fei




4x3 Special

Matrix Win*Writer Professional: Purchase any 4 Win*Writer Professional report programs and one of them is free!. To take advantage of this offer you should call us at 1 (352) 373-1504 from 9 am to 5 pm E.T. Monday through Friday. When you buy four report programs, the least expensive is free!

Go to the Matrix Win*Writer Professional web page. Call us at: 1 (352) 373-1504


January Report Sale

Happy New Year Report Options and Win*Writers Sales!

All Report Options, and Win*Writer
Professional Programs at 15% off.

Discount Code: CPMATRIX15%022924
Note that all reports options require Pegasus, Kepler, or the Sirius.
Offer ends February 29, 2024

Report Options for Pegasus, Kepler,
and Sirius

Click here to view a complete list of Report Options

or scan this QRCode to go to the Secure Order page
with a complete list of Report Options and their prices.


To place the sale order follow the steps below:

1. Click on the report Info ›. This will open the report web page.

2. Click on the Purchase button. This will open https://astrosoftware.com/cgi-bin2/order.cgi

3. Look for The Report you are buying, then click on the radio button next to it to select it.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page then click on "Continue".
    You will then be prompted to enter the credit card information.

5. Fill out the form then at the end of the form in the "Special Instructions" box,
    type the discount code: CPMATRIX15%022924

6. Click on "Submit Order".


Win*Writer Professional

Click here to view a complete list of Win*Writer Professional

or scan this QRCode to go to the Secure Order page with a
complete list of Win*Writer Pro programs and their prices.


To place the sale Win*writer order follow the steps below:

1. Click on the report Info ›. This will open the report web page.

2. Click on the Purchase button. This will open https://astrosoftware.com/cgi-bin2/order.cgi

3. Look for The Report you are buying, then click on the radio button next to it to select it.

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page then click on "Continue".
    You will then be prompted to enter the credit card information.

5. Fill out the form then at the end of the form in the "Special Instructions" box,
    type the discount code: CPMATRIX15%022924

6. Click on "Submit Order".


Sirius video tutorials

Sirius Video Tutorials!!!

Good news! A new series of Sirius Tutorials has been launched. Don't miss out on our regular updates to this page. Over time, this page will be updated with new tutorial series.


Click here to see the Sirius 4.0 Tutorials



YouTube Cosmic Patterns Channel

Visit & Subscribe to Cosmic Patterns YouTube Channel!!!

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software YouTube channel is dedicated to providing video tutorials for our products. Among our products are Pegasus, Kepler, Sirius, Report Options, Win*Star, Day Watch, Matrix Search, Matrix Horizons, Blue*Star, Tarot Commercial, and Win*Writers.

Click here to visit Cosmic Patterns YouTube Channel



Introducing our Book Store!

You've come to the right place!

Here you'll find astrology books and books related to astrology from a select group of publishers. We specialize in well-written, informative, and insightful books that provide new ideas and fresh insights.

Click here to visit the Book Store


Free Online Books


Michael Erlewine helped to revolutionize modern computerized astrology back in the early '70s. An archivist of popular culture. Click on the link below to read more about him and to download his free e-books and videos!

Click here for the "Free e-books" by Michael Erlewine.


Free Weekly Podcast by Cosmic Connections

Enjoy Free weekly Astrology Podcast with incredible Vibrational Astrologers and their special guests: Starlene Breiter, Christopher Pridham, Michele Love, and David Wells! Don’t pass this opportunity out, instead, share it with your circle of friends and family. It is the best past time to watch at home. You can watch their podcast on large your cell phone, iPad, etc. Watching it on a large screen Smart TV is a plus. Their podcasts are super cool, fun, exciting, and most of all educational. Their conversation is fun and exciting to watch.

Click here to view the PodcastsDon’t forget to Subscribe!  



Software Updates

Matrix Software Packages

Version 6 Matrix Software updates are available for the following programs: Win*Star Express version 6, Day watch version 6, Winning Times version 6, Blue*Star version 6, Horizons version 6, Search version 6, Win*Writer Pro v6, Win*Writer Express

If you purchased any of the above programs before December 2023, you will benefit from the new update. We continue to improve the atlas and its access to each of these programs. We have now completed this change and happy to report of this progress. Updates are free for Version 6 only of these programs.


Cosmic Patterns Packages

Software updates for Sirius version 4.0, and Kepler version 8 are
also available.

If you purchase either Sirius version 3 of Kepler version 8 before December 2023, you will benefit from an update that is available. We fixed minor problems to the program that our users reported.

Send your request for the link to update programs to CosmicPatternSoftware@gmail.com. Please include your full name and home address along with your customer number so we can easily locate and confirm your record.

Note that it may take 2 to 3 business days to respond to your email because there may be a large number of responses to this newsletter.


Keeping in touch

We are very happy to hear from all of you either just to say hi, ask questions, or technical support. Send your email to CosmicPatternSoftware@gmail.com.
We usually respond to emails within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays. If you do not receive a response from us, please check your spam folder.

Please do not click on "Reply"
to this message,
we will not receive it.
Create a new message instead and send it
to the above email address.


Updating Your Email Address / Opting Out

If you no longer want to receive these newsletters and wish to be removed from our email list, please click below.

Be aware that if you opt out of receiving emails you will not receive news about updates to the software you own and other developments. Also use this link to change your email address if you have a different email address that you prefer to use.

Unsubscribe here.



Thank You

Thanks again for all your support! During these trying times of a seemingly endless pandemic and other widespread problems, all of us are fortunate to have something that is meaningful to us and that we pursue with a passion: Astrology! To share that passion and learn from each other is a blessing! May all of you and all of our families and dear friends be safe and have meaningful and fulfilling lives.

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Team


Cosmic Patterns Software, INC. ® 2023

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