April 2024

Hello Everyone!

Wishing you all from all of us at Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software. It is our sincere hope that you are all safe and happy. It is important to live our life as if it is our last. Don't hesitate to reach out to your loved ones and let them know how much you miss and love them. Have a wonderful time and be happy. Thank you all very much for your support.


Mercury conjunct Venus     April 19 to August 8, 2024

Mercury conjunct Venus Mandala

Vibrational Astrology: Interpreting planetary combinations:
We feel and connect with the energy and vibration of the planets in Vibrational Astrology. It is particularly noticeable when two or more planets are very close to each other.

Identifying the keyword for each planet will allow you to connect the energies and vibrations of the planets that are closely connected. Using those keywords, construct a sentence that illustrates the combined energy and vibration of each planet.

Let's begin by defining each of the keywords for Mercury conjunct Venus in Vibrational Astrology. The energy and vibration of Mercury are associated with the act of "communication". To think and communicate. Feel this energy as if an urge to speak is overwhelming you and you are unable to resist it. When you feel this way, you feel compelled to speak up and prefer not to remain silent. The energy of Venus is to feel and see love and beauty. You should experience this energy as if you are seeing and experiencing love and beauty all around you. Feel as if you are unable to control it. The next step will be to combine both Mercury's and Venus' keywords into a sentence to create an image.

Mercury conjunct Venus in Vibrational Astrology:
The ability to communicate with love and compassion in a beautiful manner. Capable of expressing things in a sensitive and engaging manner. Exceptional verbal skills. An excellent motivational speaker.

VA Forecast: April 19, 2024 (Mercury in Aries conjunct Venus in Aries):
Now is the time to express what you have in mind directly, lovingly, compassionately, and respectfully. You should approach and try to resolve any communication problems you are experiencing with anyone during this time. A direct focus and attention to details, as well as keeping an open mind, will enable you to resolve the issue calmly and effectively. Now is the time to negotiate openly in a respectful and compassionate manner.

This year, Mercury will next be conjunct to Venus on June 17, 2024 (in Cancer) and August 8, 2024 (in Virgo).

Download the above image at: Mercury conjunct Venus Mandala



Avalon School of Astrology
Weekend Workshop Online
Attend from the comfort of your home or wherever you are.

Avalon School of Astrology

Introduction to Astrology for Beginners!
August 18, 2024: 12 Noon to 04:30 PM Eastern Time

The Avalon School of Astrology supports, encourages, educates, and trains students to become professional astrologers. Avalon’s aim is to provide exceptional astrological education and training to the community we serve.

We are pleased to invite you to our first of many weekend workshops! We will begin with the focus on beginners in astrology who want to pursue this career. Astrology is the best avenue to get to know yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The best way to learn astrology is to know the history where it came from and the basics of entering the planets, signs and houses.

Pam Gallager:
Pam will give a two-hour workshop on “Where does astrology come from”. Pam is the owner and operator of the Midwest School of Astrology, where she teaches daily. In addition, she is also a professional astrologer with a large clientele both locally and internationally. In addition to being an excellent consultant, she is also an excellent speaker. She has been a, experienced teacher and professional astrologer for many years.

Starlene Breiter:
Starlene will give a two-hour workshop on the “Meaning of Planets, Signs, and Houses”. Starlene owns and operates the Sirius Astrology School, where she teaches online courses in astrology. Since graduating from Avalon in 2016, she has been a professional astrologer specializing in vibrational astrology. Starlene is a wonderful teacher who is compassionate and approachable. Her clients are located both locally and internationally. In addition, she possesses a mastery of Tarot reading and is adept at creating beautiful jewelry.

Click here to register




Mark your calendar...
Cosmic Patterns Conference 2025

Vibrational Astrology Online Event

March 7–9, 2025

This event is IN-PERSON, it will take place at the Florida Hotel and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Complete details will be announced soon.

We will soon send a personal message to each person who has already pre-registered for this event.



6th Annual Vibrational Astrology Conference Recording Available Now!

Vibrational Astrology Online Event

The conference was held one day live online. To those of you who were not able to attend the conference, we now have access to the recording available now.

Michelle Love presented “Heaven and Earth; A Vibrational Astrology Compatibility Analysis.

Christopher Pridham presented the 180-Vibe Chart, 181-Vibe Chart, and 182-Vibe Chart with the assistance of David Wells. Christopher also discussed how you can incorporate Vibrational Astrology into your existing practice, regardless of what you are currently using. Additionally, he led the Cosmic Patterns Research Team in presenting vibrational astrology as part of the mainstream astrology. In closing, 1-Vibe to 360 Vibe Charts were explained.

Starlene Breiter presented “The Magic on How to Change your Fortune for the Year using Vibrational Astrology.

Fei Cochrane Presented the result of her extreme case sampling research on 83-Vibe Chart, 89-Vibe Chart, and 97-Vibe Chart.

You will receive all of the lecture’s links listed above as part of your purchase. As if you were in attendance, you will enjoy and feel the conference by watching the videos.

Click here to purchase VA Conference 2024 Video Recordings



Special 30% Discount on the recorded Previous Vibrational Astrology Conferences

Participants at the Vibrational Astrology Conference have found the conference to be a big success. There is now the opportunity for you to listen to and watch lectures that were presented at various VA Conferences between 2019 and 2023 at a discounted price. It is available to listen to anywhere, anytime, and there is no expiration date.

Vibrational Astrology Conference 2019 Audio Recording:
Original Price $70.     On sale for $49.00
Click here to see list of topics and speakers


Vibrational Astrology Conference 2020 Full Conference:
Original Price $625.     On sale for $437.00
Click here to see list of topics and speakers


Vibrational Astrology Conference 2021 Full Conference
Original Price $350.     On sale for $245.00
Click here to see list of topics and speakers


Vibrational Astrology Conference 2022 Full Conference
Original Price $450.     On sale for $315.00
Click here to see list of topics and speakers


Vibrational Astrology Conference 2023 Full Conference
Original Price $625.     On sale for $437.00
Click here to see list of topics and speakers



Sirius video tutorials

Sirius Tutorials at our YouTube channel!!!

It's good news! We've started a new series of Sirius Tutorials. We're updating this page regularly, so make sure you don't miss out.

This page will be populated as we create new series of tutorials overtime.


Click here to see the Sirius Tutorials



Kepler video tutorials

Kepler Tutorials at our YouTube channel!!!

Here is some good news: We have added a page dedicated to Kepler Tutorials. It has been a long time coming, and here it is. More video tutorials will be added in the future, so please stay tuned. Subscribe to the Cosmic Patterns Software YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are posted.


Click here to see the Kepler Tutorials



Pegasus video tutorials

Pegasus Tutorials at our YouTube channel!!!

We have now added a page dedicated to Pegasus Tutorials as well. It has been a long time coming, and here it is. More video tutorials will be added in the future, so please stay tuned. Subscribe to the Cosmic Patterns Software YouTube channel to be notified when new videos are posted.


Click here to see the Pegasus Tutorials



YouTube Cosmic Patterns Channel

Visit & Subscribe to Cosmic Patterns YouTube Channel!!!

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software YouTube channel is dedicated to providing video tutorials for our products. Among our products are Pegasus, Kepler, Sirius, Report Options, Win*Star, Day Watch, Matrix Search, Matrix Horizons, Blue*Star, Tarot Commercial, and Win*Writers.

Click here to visit Cosmic Patterns YouTube Channel



Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials

Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials

To learn more about Vibrational Astrology, purchase the best resource, Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials book!

Click here for more info >



Vibrational Astrology Study Guide

Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Module Three Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Module Three

Exciting News, the Study Guide Module 3 is now available.

The Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Series summarizes essential topics required to interpret an astrology chart using the methodology taught in Vibrational Astrology.

This is NOT a textbook and is intended to accompany training with a certified Vibrational Astrology instructor. It is also intended as a reference source for a review of various topics related to VA. This module can be purchased from Lulu:

Click here to read more information or to purchase it



Star Guidance: Personal Vibrational Astrology Forecast

Order your Personalized Vibrational Astrology Forecast!

In Vibrational Astrology (VA) the astrology chart is seen as containing a beautiful and intricate tapestry of different vibrations. Rather than just a few aspects like the trine, square, sextile, and a few others, the astrology chart is more like a kaleidoscope, intricately woven fabric, mosaic pattern, or mandala. The Vibrational Astrology Forecast traces the threads of the tapestry that is woven by the interaction of the transiting planets and the natal planets, and interprets the strongest patterns woven by these threads at different times.

The strongest planetary configurations of three planets formed by combining transiting planets and natal planets at a given time are interpreted. Each interpretation consists of two parts. The first part is an interpretation of the 3-planet combination. The second part is one line and is similar to this: Applied to achieve something with energy and intention.

Click here to Order your Personalized Report



Free Vibe Chart

Order ANY Vibrations Chart wheel from this page: This is a wonderful place to get your Vibe chart quickly while on the road. https://astrologyland.com/free_chart_wheel/YourFreeChart.aspx

After entering your birth data, click on the Vibe drop down arrow to select any Vibe Chart. Then click on Calculate you will get your Vibe Chart Wheel in a few seconds instantaneously.





Order your Own Personalized Written Interpretations

Matrix Personal Interpretations


Star GuidancePersonal Interpretations



Introducing our Book Store!

You've come to the right place!

Here you'll find astrology books and books related to astrology from a select group of publishers. We specialize in well-written, informative, and insightful books that provide new ideas and fresh insights.

Click here to visit the Book Store


Free Online Books


Michael Erlewine helped to revolutionize modern computerized astrology back in the early '70s. An archivist of popular culture. Click on the link below to read more about him and to download his free e-books and videos!

Click here for the "Free e-books" by Michael Erlewine.


Free Weekly Podcast by Cosmic Connections

Enjoy Free weekly Astrology Podcast with incredible Vibrational Astrologers and their special guests: Starlene Breiter, Christopher Pridham, Michele Love, and David Wells! Don’t pass this opportunity out, instead, share it with your circle of friends and family. It is the best past time to watch at home. You can watch their podcast on large your cell phone, iPad, etc. Watching it on a large screen Smart TV is a plus. Their podcasts are super cool, fun, exciting, and most of all educational. Their conversation is fun and exciting to watch.

Click here to view the PodcastsDon’t forget to Subscribe!  



Keeping in touch

We are very happy to hear from all of you either just to say hi, ask questions, or technical support. Send your email to CosmicPatternSoftware@gmail.com.
We usually respond to emails within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays. If you do not receive a response from us, please check your spam folder.

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Be aware that if you opt out of receiving emails you will not receive news about updates to the software you own and other developments. Also use this link to change your email address if you have a different email address that you prefer to use.

Unsubscribe here.



Thank You

Thanks again for all your support! During these trying times of a seemingly endless pandemic and other widespread problems, all of us are fortunate to have something that is meaningful to us and that we pursue with a passion: Astrology! To share that passion and learn from each other is a blessing! May all of you and all of our families and dear friends be safe and have meaningful and fulfilling lives.

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Team


Cosmic Patterns Software, INC. ® 2023

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