June 2024

Hello Everyone!

Greetings to all of you. How are you? We wish you all good health and happiness from all of us at Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software.

Cosmic Patterns Software remains committed to providing you with support. Should you require assistance, we encourage you not to delay or hesitate in contacting us via email. Continually improving our products and services is our goal. We are also a proud sponsor of the Cosmic Patterns Conference next year bringing you world class speaker and professional astrologers!




March 7 – 9, 2025, at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center
in Orlando, FL, USA. This is an in-person conference.



The early bird registration period has now opened! Sign up now. Early bird registration ends on August 30th.

At an affordable price, our pre-conference workshops are also the best workshops that you can attend. Among the workshop presenters are Lynn Bell, Oner Doser, Demetra George, Rick Levine, Ray Merriman, and Christeen Skinner.

In this conference, you will have the opportunity to learn Vibrational Astrology, Hellenistic Astrology, Financial Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Modern Astrology, Forecasting, and different astrological research methods from well-known and professional Astrologers. There will be several tracks, unlike our first six conferences.

Click here to meet all of our speakers Click here to visit our page and register

The hotel venue is impressive, comfortable, and offers a variety of amenities at an affordable price. You can make this a family vacation as the conference venue is close to all of the amusement parks, as well as located within the largest mall in the state. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to learn from world-class speakers from around the world. Make your hotel booking soon!




Delta Airline

The official Cosmic Patterns Conference Airline

Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer a special discount for Cosmic Patterns Software Inc.

For more information, click to visit this page



Sirius video tutorials


Spread the News!
Sirius Version 4.1 just released!


We are celebrating the release of Sirius version 4.1 in Turkish!

During the past few months, we have been hard at work updating the Sirius menu items in Turkish. We have achieved our goal! The Sirius Turkish menu items have been significantly improved with the assistance of our Turkish team in Istanbul, Turkey and our excellent programming team. Thank you so much to our fantastic team!

Sirius Version 4.1 focuses exclusively on improving the Turkish menu items. Our primary focus was on improving the menu items, which are now in excellent condition. English remains the language of all outputs produced by the program.

Additionally, we have added a few important but very significant features:

  • Earthquake Forecast Graph by Oner Doser:
    a) Earthquake Forecast with Lunations
    b) Earthquake Forecast for Selected Place
  • The 38,000 Optional Asteroids are now included
  • There have been significant improvements to some menu items
Click here to view these features in details


Special Good News!

In appreciation of all your support, EVERY registered user of Sirius version 4.0 will be automatically upgraded to Sirius version 4.1 FREE of charge!

 Please be patient as fulfilling your free upgrade may take some time due to the large number of users who have already registered for Sirius v4.0. We appreciate your patience and cooperation. Our processing procedure will follow a sequential order based on the customer number. As we can only process several orders during office hours, this will definitely take some time. You do not have to contact us, but you may certainly send us an email if you have any questions.

In the event that you are a registered user of Sirius v4.0 and have recently changed your email address, please notify us by sending us an email request to update your record. Otherwise, your free upgrade will be sent to the current email address associated with your account.



Avalon School of Astrology
Weekend Workshop Online
Very affordable and you can attend from the comfort of your home

Avalon School of Astrology

Introduction to Astrology for Beginners!
August 18, 2024: 12 Noon to 04:30 PM Eastern Time

The Avalon School of Astrology supports, encourages, educates, and trains students to become professional astrologers. Avalon’s aim is to provide exceptional astrological education and training to the community we serve.

We are pleased to invite you to our first of many weekend workshops! We will begin with the focus on beginners in astrology who want to pursue this career. Astrology is the best avenue to get to know yourself, your family, friends, colleagues, etc. The best way to learn astrology is to know the history where it came from and the basics of entering the planets, signs and houses.

Click here to register




YouTube Cosmic Patterns Channel

Visit & Subscribe to Cosmic Patterns YouTube Channel!!!

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software YouTube channel is dedicated to providing video tutorials for our products. Among our products are Pegasus, Kepler, Sirius, Report Options, Win*Star, Day Watch, Matrix Search, Matrix Horizons, Blue*Star, Tarot Commercial, and Win*Writers.

Click here to visit Cosmic Patterns YouTube Channel



Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials

Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials

To learn more about Vibrational Astrology, purchase the best resource, Vibrational Astrology: The Essentials book!

Click here for more info > It is also available in Turkish >



Vibrational Astrology Study Guide

Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Module Three Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Module Three

Exciting News, the Study Guide Module 3 is now available.

The Vibrational Astrology Study Guide Series summarizes essential topics required to interpret an astrology chart using the methodology taught in Vibrational Astrology.

This is NOT a textbook and is intended to accompany training with a certified Vibrational Astrology instructor. It is also intended as a reference source for a review of various topics related to VA. This module can be purchased from Lulu:

Click here to read more information or to purchase it



Star Guidance: Personal Vibrational Astrology Forecast

Order your Personalized Vibrational Astrology Forecast!

In Vibrational Astrology (VA) the astrology chart is seen as containing a beautiful and intricate tapestry of different vibrations. Rather than just a few aspects like the trine, square, sextile, and a few others, the astrology chart is more like a kaleidoscope, intricately woven fabric, mosaic pattern, or mandala. The Vibrational Astrology Forecast traces the threads of the tapestry that is woven by the interaction of the transiting planets and the natal planets, and interprets the strongest patterns woven by these threads at different times.

The strongest planetary configurations of three planets formed by combining transiting planets and natal planets at a given time are interpreted. Each interpretation consists of two parts. The first part is an interpretation of the 3-planet combination. The second part is one line and is similar to this: Applied to achieve something with energy and intention.

Click here to Order your Personalized Report


Keeping in touch

We are very happy to hear from all of you either just to say hi, ask questions, or technical support. Send your email to CosmicPatternSoftware@gmail.com.
We usually respond to emails within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays. If you do not receive a response from us, please check your spam folder.

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Updating Your Email Address / Opting Out

If you no longer want to receive these newsletters and wish to be removed from our email list, please click below.

Be aware that if you opt out of receiving emails you will not receive news about updates to the software you own and other developments. Also use this link to change your email address if you have a different email address that you prefer to use.

Unsubscribe here.



Thank You

Thanks again for all your support! During these trying times of a seemingly endless pandemic and other widespread problems, all of us are fortunate to have something that is meaningful to us and that we pursue with a passion: Astrology! To share that passion and learn from each other is a blessing! May all of you and all of our families and dear friends be safe and have meaningful and fulfilling lives.

The Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Team


Cosmic Patterns Software, INC. ® 2023

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