October 2024

Hello Everyone!

Cosmic Patterns and Matrix Software would would like to take this opportunity to wish you the best of health and happiness.

Sirius video tutorials


Spread the News!

Sirius Version 4.1
was released last May!


A major focus of Sirius version 4.1 is the improvement of the Turkish menu items on the Main Screen, as well as other menu items that have been enhanced and are now in excellent condition.

Additionally, we have added very significant features:

  • Earthquake Forecast Graph by Oner Doser:
    a) Earthquake Forecast with Lunations
    b) Earthquake Forecast for Selected Place
  • The 38,000 Optional Asteroids are now included
  • There have been significant improvements to some menu items
Click here to view these features in details

If you missed the Sirius version 4.0 release, click here to view the new features added to Sirius version 4,0.

If you're using Sirius version 3.0 or older, this is a significant upgrade for you. Now is the perfect time to make the switch!

Free upgrade from Sirius version 4.0!
As promised, since the launch of Sirius v4.1, we’ve been diligently providing free upgrades to all registered users of Sirius version 4.0. We've successfully sent upgrades to everyone. If you haven’t received yours, please check your spam folder, it may have ended up there. The upgrade was sent from cosmicmatrixorder@gmail.com

Click here to purchase the Sirius version 4.1


Let's get together!

Convergence 2025

See you at the Convergence 2025.
It will be a once-in-a-lifetime event.

Click here to register


Click here to visit our Conference page


Click here to meet all of our speakers


Marketplace Vendor Registration

Vendor Registration

We are delighted to invite you to apply to be a part of the Convergence 2025 Marketplace.

There is a limited number of booth spaces available, so it is important to register as soon as possible. An exhibitor table includes one 6 ft table (draped), two chairs, free electricity, and Wi-Fi access. The name and description of your business will be posted on our website along with a link to your website or contact information.

In addition to conference participants, the Convergence 2025 Marketplace is open to the general public. We are likely to receive many walk-ins from the area as well as other guests and hotel staff. As a result, your potential sales should increase. This is a great opportunity for your work to be seen by a highly targeted audience. Don't miss it.

Click here to reserve your booth


With the conference venue located close to all of the state's amusement parks, as well as within its largest mall, this can be a great family vacation. You will also have the opportunity to learn from world-renowned veterans and masters in the field.

Thank You

Let's get together! See you at the Convergence 2025. It will be a once-in-a-lifetime event.


Keeping in touch

We are very happy to hear from all of you either just to say hi, ask questions, or technical support. Send your email to CosmicPatternSoftware@gmail.com.
We usually respond to emails within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays. If you do not receive a response from us, please check your spam folder.

Please do not click on "Reply"
to this message,
we will not receive it.
Create a new message instead and send it
to the above email address.


Updating Your Email Address / Opting Out

If you no longer want to receive these newsletters and wish to be removed from our email list, please click below.

Be aware that if you opt out of receiving emails you will not receive news about updates to the software you own and other developments. Also use this link to change your email address if you have a different email address that you prefer to use.

Unsubscribe here.


Cosmic Patterns Software, INC. ® 2024

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