Solar Return Forecasting interpretation ever produced!
Birthday Report is very special in that it is an example of what, in the trade, is called an evergreen report, meaning, it will never go out of style! Let's face it, we all have birthdays, if not, we are no longer alive!
Take a look at this sample report!. It is beautiful from start to finish, taking full advantage of unique graphics, such as individual Astro*Image cards (astrological tarot-like cards). Along with well-designed graphics creating an attractive cover page, this report also includes both natal and current solar return charts, with planet listings for both.
This is a full report, covering, just as you would expect, all of the major planetary categories. Each category contains an exceptional interpretation by well-known astrologer John Townley, as well as descriptive headers written in plain English, easy for your to understand. Of course, the astro-jargon (i.e. Venus Sextile Mars) is included as well.
Also, check out The Right Place, a list of all of the major cities in North America, as well as in the world, each color-coded with an indication as to whether or not the city is auspicious for the year of the solar return.
1. Select Gender:
Select Mail or Female.
2. Name:
Enter the Name of the person for the report.
John Smith
3. Birth Place:
Enter the Birth City and State, or City and Country.
San Francisco, California, USA
4. Birth Date & Time:
Enter the Complete Birth Date & Time. For unknown Birth Time just type 0 AM
May 21, 2025 / 7:01 AM
5. Current Place:
Enter the City and State, or City and Country, where you are living now.
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
6. Email:
Enter the email Address to send the report.
7. Click on "Add to Cart"