TimeLine Forecast Report Software
Buy TimeLine Express English $75.00 Spanish $75.00 French $75.00 Dutch $75.00 Norwegian $75.00 Swedish $75.00 A variety of forecasting reports!!

TimeLine is designed to produce a variety of forecasting reports which let you move back and forth, effortlessly, through time (looking back on special events can be as enlightening as looking forward). You can produce transit reports, progressed reports, solar arc direction reports . . . all of these alone, or in combination. You can mix eclipse contacts, house and sign ingresses, and much more. Easily configure your software to produce precisely the type of report you want to offer to your clients.

Mix transits with progressed or directed hits — major and minor progressions have a separate set of planets that are active. TimeLine reports can be created for 1, 3, 6 or 12 month periods. The built-in ephemeris covers a period from 600BC to 2299 AD. In composing a report, the software intelligently weighs and balances different chart factors objectively, thus producing reports of astounding accuracy.

Reports can be produced ready to be printed and mailed, or saved for quick e-mailing. You may choose to simply view your reports onscreen.

Timeline Features:

  • Coordinate systems include Geocentric, Heliocentric, and Right Ascension, including Geo or Helio Processed.
  • Choose between either the Tropical or Sidereal Zodiac.
  • Comprehensive Transits — select from a range of planets
  • Major progressions and directions — eight forms of major progressions and directions are available: Secondary, Solar Arc, Degree-for-a-year, Naibod Arc, Ascendant Arc, Vertical Arc, Quotidian #1, Quotidian #2. The two available forms of minor progressions are: Minor and Tertiary. You can select major and minor progressions in the same report.
  • Eclipse information — solar and lunar eclipse to natal aspects in a selectable orb.
  • Optional house and sign ingresses — Transit to House, Transit to Sign, Major Progressed House, Major Progressed Sign, Minor Progressed House, or Minor Progressed Sign.
  • Aspects — click to use Aspects from Natal Midheaven and Ascendant or to use True Body Aspects instead of ecliptic.
  • Sort hits on Enter or Exact contacts.


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Win*Writer Professional Reports
Win*Writer Express Personal Reports

Win*Writer Professional Reports Win*Writer Express Personal Reports
Win*Writer Professional report software is designed for astrologers and entrepreneurs who want to sell the reports they create. Win*Writer Express Personal Programs are designed for students, amateur astrologers, non-astrologers—and others, who want to create useful astrological reports for themselves, their friends, and their families.
These programs offer user-defined settings that allow you to tailor reports according to your own personal taste and preference; batch processing is available, and special tools permit even further personalization, for example, your own graphics, a personal logo, contact information and much more – the choice is yours! These reports give you the same precise astrological calculation and in-depth interpretation as is found in the Professional software; they do not, however, offer the user-defined options available in those more advanced report-writers.
Reports may be printed or saved for easy e-mailing. The reports you create with this quality software can be read onscreen or printed.
This software license includes the right to resell the reports you create. Express reports may not be sold.
System Requirements
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