Star*Quest Pro Report for
Julia Roberts
28 October 1967
Atlanta, Georgia
25 February 2009 - 25 March 2009
Feb 2009 (31
Jan 2009 to 2 Mar 2009) Mars
7th H.
this time you are less willing to compromise or to overlook
differences for the sake of harmony
in your relationships and less willing to sacrifice your own
needs and desires. Any tensions which have been simmering in
your marriage or other close associations are likely to boil
over now. If you are of an argumentative nature, quarrels and
confrontations will be more frequent.
you are more inclined to initiate contact with someone that
you wish to make a connection
with, and you may begin a relationship at this time that will
be very worthwhile, one in which you are the pursuer or active
8 Feb 2009 (7
Feb 2009 to 6 Mar 2009) Sun
8th H.
financial affairs and investments are likely to be an issue
at this time, and it
is a good time to clarify each party's expectations and to
take care of legal business, insurance, wills, and so on.
a personal level, there is a desire to intensify the level
of intimacy and honesty in
your closest relationships and to clear away anything which
is impeding the deeper union you seek.
12 Feb 2009 (11
Feb 2009 to 2 Mar 2009) Merc
7th H.
this time you need and seek out the opinions, advice, and
counsel of others, realizing
that an objective or opposing point of view helps you clarify
your own thoughts. You may find others playing devil's advocate
in your discussions.
with your mate, business partner, or other close associates
is likely to be helpful
now, and you may be able to negotiate some agreement or come
to some resolution of a problem you've been having. You're
likely to be more fair and detached at this time.
25 Feb 2009 15:51 (23 Feb 2009 to
1 Mar 2009) Ven
13 Ari 53 Qucnx Merc 13 Sco 53
may decide to change the decor of your home, or you may attend
a musical or artistic event
that exposes you to new styles that are different from your
customary tastes. Communications with family and friends can
be strained at this time, as you try to clear up points of
confusion. This is a good time to get a new perspective on
your relationships and your life style, but do not force yourself
to make important decisions now while you are not completely
comfortable with any of the alternatives.
25 Feb 2009 22:48 (25 Feb 2009 to
26 Feb 2009) Merc
13 Aqu 53 Sqr Merc 13 Sco 53
disagreements or differences of opinion and viewpoints arise
now. You may have to speak
your mind in a way that challenges or unnerves someone else.
However, your mind is very active and sharp, and your reasoning
power is good, so this is a good time to do mental work.
26 Feb 2009 4:57 (26 Feb 2009
to 27 Feb 2009) Mars
16 Aqu 45 Sxtil MC 16 Ari 45
energetically with a clear objective in mind, advancing your
own professional goals, and
enlisting others' support for your projects by acting as a
leader are key issues now. Your superiors and others in authority
respond favorably to your confidence and your willingness to
take a risk or attack a problem in a new way.
27 Feb 2009 21:12 (26 Feb 2009 to
1 Mar 2009) Mars
18 Aqu 04 Qucnx Ven 18 Vir 04
or disagreeableness in a close relationship arises now. An
old friend or lover
who is rather disturbing to your peace of mind may contact
you, or you may feel uncertain about where you are going in
a particular relationship.
may aggravate or pick at a friend or loved one in the misguided
belief that you can
change things. At this point, however, it is unlikely that
your words or actions will create happiness or the desired
outcome. Try to be good natured about any differences that
are apparent to you now, and let it pass.
28 Feb 2009 0:07 (28 Feb 2009
to 1 Mar 2009) Merc
16 Aqu 45 Sxtil MC 16 Ari 45
decisions or long-range plans is favored now. Your judgment
is sound. Making worthwhile professional
contacts, reaching out to others who can help you in your work,
and taking care of business in an orderly, clear way are also
28 Feb 2009 22:05 (28 Feb 2009 to
1 Mar 2009) Merc
18 Aqu 04 Qucnx Ven 18 Vir 04
with a friend or someone you are usually in harmony with
are likely to arise
now, especially if you feel you are being taken for granted.
You are more acutely aware of differences in style, taste,
or values. You will want your personal preferences to be appreciated
and taken into account.
1 Mar 2009 (11
Feb 2009 to 18 Mar 2009) Ura
21 Pis 57 Oppos Plu 21 Vir 57
close relationships with others undergo some abrupt changes
at this time. The driving force
behind these changes is your impatient, demanding need to achieve
greater sincerity, honesty, and understanding between you and
others. In a marriage or love relationship, you are likely
to bring up jealousies and hurt feelings from events that occurred
quite a long time ago. You feel the need to air out and clear
your feelings and to stop hiding things from each other. If
you feel that the other person is unapproachable on these topics
or that you simply don't have the courage to bring them up,
the feelings will brew and seethe, and you will vent your feelings
by being bossy, impatient, demanding, and angry with the other
person. You will blame your partner for various problems in
your life, rather than admit that you have quite a lot to do
with your problems as well!
are in a reforming spirit now. Impatient and unwilling to
compromise, you are quick to see
the flaws, insincerities, ego trips, and personal ambitions
that warp the functioning of organizations, businesses, and
governments. You are likely to find yourself being forthright
and direct about political and social issues, expressing yourself
with emotion and conviction. You simply do not have the patience
to allow important issues to be glossed over, ignored, or distorted.
You also pursue your own personal goals and career now with
greater dedication, conviction, and honesty. One warning: do
not be too tactless and strident in your dealings with others.
You tend to express yourself in a manner that polarizes you
against others and causes others to feel like adversaries.
A tactful and harmonious style will usually better achieve
your goals without compromising your message.
is the time to break old habits and start new ones. Be careful,
however, in making major career
decisions or business agreements. Because this is an unstable
time with lots of changes, it is often better to wait until
things settle down more and the best alternatives can be better
2 Mar 2009 (1
Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009) Merc
8th H.
and negotiations regarding joint finances, shared assets
and investments, and
property or anything else you own in common with another person,
are likely now. It is a good time to get such affairs in order.
Discussions about death are also likely to arise, both over
legalities (wills, inheritances, and so on), and the more emotional,
personal aspects of it.
2 Mar 2009 (28
Feb 2009 to 4 Apr 2009) Mars
8th H.
over shared resources, joint finances, or anything which
you hold in common with another
are more likely now, and you are prone to impulsiveness and
recklessness regarding such matters. Also, fights over money
may only be symbolic of other, deeper conflicts between you
and your mate or business partner, such as questions of personal
power and control in the relationship.
desires and passions are stirred up now as well and this
can be a time of a sexual and
emotional renaissance in an intimate relationship.
3 Mar 2009 13:34 (2 Mar 2009
to 4 Mar 2009) Merc
21 Aqu 57 Qucnx Plu 21 Vir 57
plans and ideas are subject to radical revisions, significant
changes, and forced adjustments.
Something you had counted on may suddenly disappear. You are
also apt to hear a totally unsuspected side about someone or
something. While possibly distressing, this news nevertheless
puts pieces together for you which were missing before. Also,
you may be dealing with behind-the-scene matters, subtle political
maneuvers, or Machiavellian tactics.
4 Mar 2009 7:55 (4 Mar 2009
to 5 Mar 2009) Sun
13 Pis 53 Trine Merc 13 Sco 53
you are a writer, teacher or student or are involved in any
intellectual work, this is a positive
time for you: ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express
your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling,
negotiating, and communications of all kinds.
4 Mar 2009 11:57 (4 Mar 2009
to 5 Mar 2009) Merc
23 Aqu 20 Sqr Nep 23 Sco 20
clarity, discrimination, and your ability to separate fact
from fiction is diminished now.
Miscommunications and an inability to formulate your ideas
coherently are likely. Your mind wanders, and this can be a
time of creative reverie or daydreaming. Avoid making binding
contracts at this time.
4 Mar 2009 20:17 (3 Mar 2009
to 6 Mar 2009) Mars
21 Aqu 57 Qucnx Plu 21 Vir 57
are willfully resistant to any outside pressure, manipulation,
or authority at this
time. A fateful encounter with an adversary, one that can neither
be avoided nor ignored, is indicated. You seesaw between taking
forthright, direct action and using more covert, subtle methods.
A desire to break down, destroy, or overthrow existing conditions
is also a part of the picture. Be careful with sharp instruments
or glass.
5 Mar 2009 10:47 (4 Mar 2009
to 6 Mar 2009) Merc
24 Aqu 47 Oppos Moon 24 Leo 47
this time you have important discussions with women and with
people you are (or once were) very close
to. You may wish to visit, write, or make a telephone call
to someone from your past. Connecting with your roots is the
theme now, with an emphasis on seeing the past objectively.
Memories and old feelings surface very clearly now.
6 Mar 2009 (4
Mar 2009 to 6 Apr 2009) Sun
9th H.
is a time to lift yourself out of your usual mundane concerns
in order to get a larger
perspective on your life. You seek new vistas and broader horizons
through traveling, studying, or reading about foreign cultures
or by seeking out people with greater experience, insight,
and knowledge than your own. A teacher or mentor may be particularly
important to you now.
6 Mar 2009 (1
Mar 2009 to 11 Mar 2009) Jup
13 Aqu 53 Sqr Merc 13 Sco 53
this time period you are planning big things for the future.
You become excited about an idea
that promises much greener pastures for you. Your enthusiasm
and optimism are so strong that it is difficult for you to
realistically evaluate the situation. If others question or
doubt your plan, you quickly brush their concerns aside, as
you pursue a grander vision. Hopefully, you have done your
homework or else your grand dream can go up in smoke.
is an excellent time to spread your wings, to travel and
visit new places. You may read something
that causes you to view life in a very different light. Your
mind soars to a broader, more encompassing view and perspective.
You should not rein your thoughts in; the only warning is to
be careful when making practical decisions based on these ideas.
You can easily overlook the importance of practical details
needed to successfully carry out a plan.
6 Mar 2009 15:14 (6 Mar 2009
to 7 Mar 2009) Mars
23 Aqu 20 Sqr Nep 23 Sco 20
can be a very depleting and confusing time when you do not
know exactly what you want or you do not
feel strong, capable, or effective. Physically, you need to
be gentle with yourself and take care not to dissipate your
energy reserves. Your imagination can run wild now, and you
want to act out a fantasy or strange desire - something you
normally would have the good sense not to attempt. However,
if you are an artist, this is a very inspired, fertile time
for you.
7 Mar 2009 0:19 (6 Mar 2009
to 8 Mar 2009) Merc
27 Aqu 12 Qucnx Ura 27 Vir 12
You tend to be tense, "wired",
on edge, a bit nervous or jumpy, and you will need to take
a little time to breathe deeply and settle yourself. The pace
of the day may make this difficult, however. You are apt to
be too quick to respond or respond inappropriately to questions,
tests, quizzes, etc. If you consciously slow down, you will
do a lot better.
7 Mar 2009 (8
Feb 2009 to 8 Apr 2009) Nep
24 Aqu 47 Oppos Moon 24 Leo 47
Emotions run very high and deep now.
Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you. These
feelings are often irrational and out of character, so you
are likely to squelch them; they seem childish, exceedingly
sentimental, foolish, and out of proportion. All of this is
true, but you should not squelch them! Here are examples of
the kinds of emotional experiences you can have now: crying
during a movie, crying from seeing an old photograph or other
remembrance from years ago, writing poetry for the first time
in over a decade, feeling emotionally overwhelmed by a beautiful
piece of music or a "golden oldie", concern that
the world will end next week, wondering if your mother really
adopted you and you are actually an alien from another planet,
or believing that you are one of the 144,000 people who must
save the world. There is nothing wrong in any of these feelings,
and you should express them fully. But don't take yourself
too seriously! For example, it is very unlikely that you are
an alien from another planet! However, this is the time to
expand the range of your feelings and develop your imagination.
Fantasy, fiction, mythology, fairy tales, music, movies, and
spiritual development are areas of emphasis now. Enjoy them!
are particularly enamored of symbols at this time and consequently
fairy tales, myths, and religious
symbolism hold a powerful fascination for you. Vivid, powerful
dreams occur now and have a deep effect on you. Try to understand
the meaning of the symbolism and the message that it holds.
careful in all practical business matters and important decisions.
Because your powerful moods
and emotions affect what appeals to you, it is likely that
you will choose the option that appeals to your fantastic imagination
rather than what is feasible and practical.
7 Mar 2009 10:49 (6 Mar 2009
to 8 Mar 2009) Merc
27 Aqu 53 Qucnx Asc 27 Can 53
is a time when short trips, excursions, errands, etc. are
interfered with. You will have
to adjust your plans or appointments to accommodate an inconvenience.
You may also have to re-examine some matter you believed to
have already been concluded and resolved. Negotiations are
apt to be strained and awkward, although direct confrontation
is unlikely.
8 Mar 2009 11:35 (8 Mar 2009
to 9 Mar 2009) Mars
24 Aqu 47 Oppos Moon 24 Leo 47
feel highly competitive, hot-blooded, and impatient, which
can cause friction or furiously emotional
confrontations with others. Your spouse, children, or parents
seem especially able to rouse your ire at this time. Unresolved
feelings and issues from the past are likely to trigger emotional
outbursts now.
8 Mar 2009 12:17 (8 Mar 2009
to 9 Mar 2009) Sun
18 Pis 04 Oppos Ven 18 Vir 04
are feeling particularly affectionate now and the company
of your love partner or very close friends
is important to you. This is not a time for solitary activity.
Sharing, harmonizing, and love are the themes now. However,
if you are not happy in your personal life, your problems may
seem especially pressing at this time.
9 Mar 2009 15:28 (9 Mar 2009
to 10 Mar 2009) Merc 1
Pis 22 Oppos Jup 1 Vir 22
are mentally restless and can not concentrate well on your
immediate, familiar tasks. You
are not inclined to discipline your mind or focus on practical
matters, unless there is an element of gambling, play, or risk-taking
involved. Reading something that is mind expanding, taking
a trip, or planning a vacation is favored at this time.
11 Mar 2009 2:36 (10 Mar 2009
to 12 Mar 2009) Merc 3
Pis 45 Sxtil Mars 3 Cap 45
are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others
at this time and you may have a very
fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited debate, or a very
active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished.
You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or
idea quite convincingly.
11 Mar 2009 7:08 (10 Mar 2009
to 12 Mar 2009) Merc 4
Pis 03 Trine Sun 4 Sco 03
are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make
a decision or come to an agreement,
negotiate, exchange your views with others, or present your
case. If you are in a profession dealing with words, ideas,
or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas
flow, and you express your thoughts well.
11 Mar 2009 13:36 (10 Mar 2009 to
12 Mar 2009) Mars
27 Aqu 12 Qucnx Ura 27 Vir 12
You act very impulsively and
may do something spontaneously that really upsets the status
quo in your life. Daring and reckless, you act with fierce
independence. All manner of accidents could result from this
rash foolishness. You are apt to feel tense, "wired",
cross, or out of control. You might wish to avoid traveling
at this time.
12 Mar 2009 9:31 (12 Mar 2009
to 13 Mar 2009) Sun
21 Pis 57 Oppos Plu 21 Vir 57
directly confront something that has been hidden, forgotten,
or ignored for a long time. Unresolved
issues in personal relationships are stirred up and the underlying
causes of a painful or problematic aspect of a relationship
may be brought to light.
power and control are issues for you now, and if you take
too much power (i.e. are manipulative
and tyrannical) or too little power (i.e. are overly passive
and easily victimized), then you will become embroiled in power
struggles with others.
12 Mar 2009 10:33 (12 Mar
2009 to 13 Mar 2009) Mars
27 Aqu 53 Qucnx Asc 27 Can 53
in your environment are irascible and quarrelsome; they may
attempt to embroil you
in their disputes. What begins as a high energy competition
or purposeful activity may turn nasty. It will be difficult
for you to stay out of it; your inclination now is to do something.
It would be much better for you to go solo right now rather
than attempt a cooperative endeavor.
12 Mar 2009 (28
Feb 2009 to 25 Mar 2009) Sat
18 Vir 04 Conj Ven 18 Vir 04
a decision in a love relationship is the key issue now. Your
feelings about what
you want in a mate become very clear to you now. Your tastes
have probably gradually changed over the years, and now you
have a new image of the kind of person that appeals to you.
If you are married or deeply involved with someone whose tastes
and interests no longer match yours, the relationship will
become very strained at this time, probably to the point of
breaking. However, honest, sincere, and deep communication
of feelings and attitudes, some of which may have been kept
secret, can bring about a rebirth in the relationship, making
it deeper and stronger than ever. The relationship is tested
to see what is really holding it together.
is a strong interest in developing lasting, secure relationships
at this times, which
makes any separation from a loved one even more painful. It
also explains why couples who have been living together for
a long time often decide to marry at this time. This astrological
influence tends to bring people together or break them apart
and is guaranteed to at least change the quality of the relationship.
The effects also extend to friendships, and you may form close,
long-lasting friendships with people of either sex at this
time, or a friendship may dissolve.
13 Mar 2009 19:13 (12 Mar 2009 to
14 Mar 2009) Sun
23 Pis 20 Trine Nep 23 Sco 20
this time you really enjoy art, theater, music, and your
own inner world of fantasy. Your imagination
is vivid. If you have an interest in spiritual matters, these
interests come to the fore now also. The inability to be decisive
and a lack of energy or drive is a negative possibility. You
can be quite lazy now.
15 Mar 2009 6:02 (14 Mar 2009
to 16 Mar 2009) Sun
24 Pis 47 Qucnx Moon 24 Leo 47
are likely to feel vexed, vaguely dissatisfied, or out of
touch with yourself, as if you don't
know what you want but are fairly certain you don't have it.
Unusual food cravings, desires and moods which are distracting
or at least tangential to what you would prefer to be focused
upon, and/or a strong pull toward your past which interferes
with your present, all are quite likely now. You have to strike
a balance between your emotional needs and yearnings and your
daily life.
15 Mar 2009 10:27 (11 Mar 2009 to
17 Mar 2009) Ven
13 Ari 53 Qucnx Merc 13 Sco 53
may decide to change the decor of your home, or you may attend
a musical or artistic event
that exposes you to new styles that are different from your
customary tastes. Communications with family and friends can
be strained at this time, as you try to clear up points of
confusion. This is a good time to get a new perspective on
your relationships and your life style, but do not force yourself
to make important decisions now while you are not completely
comfortable with any of the alternatives.
16 Mar 2009 21:18 (15 Mar 2009 to
18 Mar 2009) Mars 1
Pis 22 Oppos Jup 1 Vir 22
energy level and your self-confidence are high now. You are
full of enterprise and may chafe at the
bit if you can not do enough, if your present position doesn't
give you enough scope, or if your superiors do not allow you
to take initiative and advance as you want to. Also, at this
time you tend to overextend yourself or to believe you can
do more than you actually can.
17 Mar 2009 2:09 (16 Mar 2009
to 18 Mar 2009) Merc
13 Pis 53 Trine Merc 13 Sco 53
and sharing plans and ideas with others are very fruitful
now. You understand what
others are telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood
also. This is a favorable time for getting your message across
to others via writing, speaking, or advertising.
17 Mar 2009 16:13 (16 Mar 2009 to
18 Mar 2009) Sun
27 Pis 12 Oppos Ura 27 Vir 12
go awry or at least take an unexpected turn. The need for
more freedom, independence,
or novelty on your part, or on the part of someone close to
you, may disrupt the status quo in an important relationship.
You may also come into contact with someone who is very different
from yourself and who challenges, surprises, or upsets you.
Expect the unexpected in your relationships!
18 Mar 2009 (17
Mar 2009 to 3 Apr 2009) Merc
9th H.
This is a good time to plan
or take a journey to a distant land. Travel and exposure to
new ideas and ways of thinking about the world interest you
now. You may meet and learn from someone from another culture
or with vastly different beliefs and experiences than your
own. Philosophical discussions or studies are also on the agenda.
You're thinking about the "big picture" rather than
the mundane circumstances and details of your life.
18 Mar 2009 8:43 (18 Mar 2009
to 19 Mar 2009) Sun
27 Pis 53 Trine Asc 27 Can 53
are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment.
There is a sense of ease and
of flowing with, rather than fighting against or resisting,
what is going on around you. Therefore, you have more energy
and more fun at this time.
is a good time to make a presentation, go for an interview,
or meet the public in some way; the response
is positive.
19 Mar 2009 10:40 (18 Mar 2009 to
20 Mar 2009) Merc
18 Pis 04 Oppos Ven 18 Vir 04
is a favorable time to take a short vacation or pleasure
trip, especially to visit people
you really enjoy. The tone of this time is light, friendly,
and easy. Positive connections are made with others, and you
may meet a new friend. You may also want to call or write someone
you love, simply to cheer them up or tell them you love them.
19 Mar 2009 22:03 (18 Mar 2009 to
21 Mar 2009) Mars 3
Pis 45 Sxtil Mars 3 Cap 45
are capable of forceful, decisive action, and you have the
will to carry through on your intentions
at this time. Physically, you feel good and your energy is
flowing smoothly. Also, your interactions with others are feisty
and spirited. You inspire others to take action, and group
efforts or joint projects are favored.
20 Mar 2009 (15
Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009) Jup
16 Aqu 45 Sxtil MC 16 Ari 45
and assistance in business relationships is high now and,
consequently, significant growth
and progress in your career is likely at this time. Communications
and contacts in business and professional circles open up,
with opportunities to expand your services and professional
involvements. Take advantage of these opportunities because
they will prove to be very beneficial. There is no need to
take risks so avoid wild speculation; a very positive avenue
for growth is available to you now. This growth and progress
in career is very personally fulfilling and rewarding because
the work is meaningful to you, not just a means of making money.
Consequently you feel good about yourself and this spills over
into a happy attitude towards your family. Improvements in
your domestic life are also likely. Do not sit back and watch
this influence pass you by; you may feel so comfortable that
you do little to take full advantage of the opportunities.
that the precise timing of this astrological influence is
very dependent on the exact birth
time, so the dates given are accurate only if your birth time
is very accurate.
20 Mar 2009 7:31 (20 Mar 2009
to 21 Mar 2009) Mars 4
Pis 03 Trine Sun 4 Sco 03
vitality and self-confidence are high, and you can achieve
your goals with much more ease
than usual. You enjoy vigorous physical activities, competitive
work or sports, and meeting challenges. You are inclined to
strike out on your own and to assert your own will, but not
in a way that creates resistance in others.
21 Mar 2009 13:42 (21 Mar 2009 to
22 Mar 2009) Merc
21 Pis 57 Oppos Plu 21 Vir 57
can be a time for exposing and talking about hidden, intensely
private, secret, or taboo subjects.
Your mind is very probing and your conversations and interactions
with others are intense. Pat answers and superficialities don't
suffice now. You can be too intrusive or overbearing when stating
your point of view.
21 Mar 2009 20:49 (20 Mar 2009 to
22 Mar 2009) Sun 1
Ari 22 Qucnx Jup 1 Vir 22
irritable urge to be free of constraints, social obligations,
or bureaucracy typifies this time period.
You may inadvertently provoke the disapproval of colleagues,
superiors, or other authorities through some presumptuous act
on your part. Beware of overly optimistic schemes or self-indulgent
purchases at this time also.
22 Mar 2009 7:48 (22 Mar 2009
to 23 Mar 2009) Merc
23 Pis 20 Trine Nep 23 Sco 20
are inspired creatively, artistically, or spiritually at
this time. Your imagination, intuition, and
psychic sensitivity are high now, and you find yourself wanting
to paint or listen to music, daydream, or fantasize rather
than concentrate on practical matters.
23 Mar 2009 2:21 (22 Mar 2009
to 24 Mar 2009) Merc
24 Pis 47 Qucnx Moon 24 Leo 47
Your sense of perspective and
proportion is a bit skewed at the moment. Small problems loom
large and details and other minor matters consume a lot of
attention and focus. You are apt to be mentally restless, scattered,
unable to concentrate on the immediate task at hand, absorbed
in something related to the past. A somewhat disconcerting,
but only too familiar, interaction with a parent, child, or
other family member is likely. Be aware that you may
be too stuck in your own point of view or self protectiveness
to really hear what they are trying to convey.
24 Mar 2009 6:14 (24 Mar 2009
to 25 Mar 2009) Sun 3
Ari 45 Sqr Mars 3 Cap 45
know just what you want right now and woe to anyone or anything
that gets in your way! You
are much more likely to become domineering, pushy, or inconsiderate
of others now, so it is a good time for you to do what you
need to do by yourself rather than with others. Accidents,
mistakes made in haste, or ego conflicts may occur due to your
impatience and willfulness. Positively, physical energy is
high and you could accomplish a great deal.
24 Mar 2009 8:58 (24 Mar 2009
to 25 Mar 2009) Merc
27 Pis 12 Oppos Ura 27 Vir 12
This time is filled with stimulating
discussions about controversial topics, unusual or offbeat
ideas, or "crazy" schemes. The tempo of your life
increases and may leave you feeling frazzled. Because you are
quite restless, you may do or say things in haste that you
will regret later.
24 Mar 2009 13:43 (24 Mar 2009 to
25 Mar 2009) Sun 4
Ari 03 Qucnx Sun 4 Sco 03
this time you may feel out of your element or out of sync
with yourself or your surroundings.
Interference from others requires adjustment and perhaps sacrifice
on your part. What you have to offer or want to do doesn't
mesh well with what seems to be necessary. While not a full
blown crisis, it is a time of strain and tension, which can
be somewhat debilitating to your health. A partial retreat
in order not to deplete yourself and your strength is beneficial
right now. You may be upstaged by other people or events which
occur now.
24 Mar 2009 17:34 (24 Mar 2009 to
25 Mar 2009) Merc
27 Pis 53 Trine Asc 27 Can 53
are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself
Public speaking, interviews, and other transactions with the
public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go
smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.
26 Mar 2009 (8
Mar 2009 to 13 Apr 2009) Ura
23 Pis 20 Trine Nep 23 Sco 20
increased imagination, and rejuvenation of spiritual ideals
are key issues now. Your
imagination and intuition are very keen now. If you are involved
in an imaginative area such as art, music, theater, or writing
fiction, you will find that fresh, new insights and creative
inspirations give added zest and originality to your work.
Whether you are directly involved in these areas or not, you
will encounter imaginative works that inspire and uplift you
sense of awe and wonder expands now, allowing you to appreciate
life to a greater extent. You
also encounter inspiring people and places that reinforce your
sense of the magic and mystery of life. Your religious and
spiritual interests are revitalized and rejuvenated now too.
You may attend a spiritual retreat or workshop that inspires
you to pursue your ideals and visions with greater gusto. In
short, this time period is a positive one, in which your ideals,
imagination, and sensitivity are awakened and uplifted.
26 Mar 2009 (21
Mar 2009 to 31 Mar 2009) Jup
18 Aqu 04 Qucnx Ven 18 Vir 04
generous gifts, profuse sentimentality, cravings for beauty,
luxury, or sensual delights, giving in
to the temptation to overindulge, or a lack of moderation in
romantic or financial affairs are all definitely indicated
now. There will be tension within you over these issues, and
you are apt to seesaw between immediate gratification and more
long lasting benefits.
events and festivities may be the scene of some embarrassment
or awkwardness, also.
30 Mar 2009 (16
Mar 2009 to 15 Apr 2009) Sat
16 Vir 45 Qucnx MC 16 Ari 45
blockage, disappointment, or dead end in your professional
life can make this a crucial
period for you. Long term goals and your relationship to mentors,
teachers, and figures of respect and authority are reassessed.
Do not overlook or ignore whatever messages you are getting,
especially if warnings or problems arise. On the other hand,
don't get discouraged if you feel overwhelmed with responsibility
or the realization that you must part company with those who
may have guided or employed you in the past. At this time,
too, you may feel you have missed opportunities, avoided the
requisite rigors, or simply not taken your own goals seriously
enough. Now is the time to realign yourself with your own purposes,
roll up your sleeves, and get to work.
that the precise timing of this astrological influence is
very dependent on the exact
birth time, so the dates given are accurate only if your birth
time is very accurate.
5 Apr 2009 (5
Mar 2009 to 6 May 2009) plu
sxtil sun
During this time period you
change many personal habits. Your will power and determination
are strong, and you have the courage to go to the root of any
problem. Not satisfied with the "quick fix", you
want to pull the weeds out by the roots. For example, people
with weight problems or health problems may begin a regimen
of exercise, changes in diet, stopping smoking, etc. You may
also finally overcome persistent problems such as lack of confidence
or other personal problems. Of course, major changes of this
nature are not easily achieved, and this astrological influence
will not bring about miracles. It does, however, give increased
determination to root out the cause of problems or difficulties.
This is a time when you can shed an old skin and gain a fresh
outlook on life.
5 Apr 2009 (17
Feb 2009 to 23 May 2009) plu
conj mars
ambition and drive to succeed are incredibly strong now.
You will go to any lengths to achieve
your goals, and you have the energy to do it. You are driven
by a compulsive need to achieve, and you often find it difficult
to stop. Even if you are normally rather lethargic, you will
be a workaholic during this time period. If you normally are
a workaholic, you may work to the point of exhaustion now,
in which case you should exhibit some restraint or you will
make yourself sick from overexertion.
work is very satisfying for you at this time. There are situations
in your life that
you now want to change completely and you see the hope of working
your way out of the limitations of your current life. Go for
it! The only caveats are to refrain from working to a point
of exhaustion and to be wary of inciting arguments and fights
with others. Your aggressive, determined pursuit of goals can
cause you to be pushy, belligerent, impatient, overly competitive,
uncooperative, or domineering.
is a period in your life when hard work can enable you to
overcome tremendous obstacles.
However, be careful to make intelligent and wise decisions
about what to invest your energy in. This astrological influence
gives you the motivation and energy to work hard, but neither
helps nor hinders your ability to choose the best area to invest
your energies. Hard work does not guarantee success; you must
also choose an area that will be fruitful.
of physical activity is a must now. If the focus of your
work is not very physical,
then you should take time for regular physical exercise and
outdoor activity. Competitive sports are a good outlet.