AstroJourney II Report
Prince William
June 21, 1982
9:03 PM
London, England
AstroJourney II is written for adolescents and young adults. The report focuses
upon, but is not limited to, 14 to 29 years of age. There are a lot of transit
reports out there. Why write one for youth?
Survival is tougher today. Astrology is like a road map. Your road map. Your
destiny. Today, more than ever before, we live in a world of choices. Your
fate isn't set in stone. From the looks of things, we don't have too much to
say about who our parents are, where we're born, how many siblings we get,
whether our parents are rich or poor, loving or mean, rigid or liberal. Spiritual
astrology teaches that you got the best deal you could get in terms of your
karma. Your karma is the picture of your past, your debts and credits from
many lifetimes, for better or for worse. Whether you believe in karma or not,
you still have to work with what you've got!
The older you get, the more you're going to want to have a say, the more what
you say is going to make a difference, and the more you're going to have to
account for the consequences. Growing up, separating from your parents, and
making it on your own is about making decisions and taking responsibility for
your life. This happens in stages. Some stages of maturation are gradual. Others
are dramatic. Many things are hard to understand until later in life, when
we can look back on our experience with wiser eyes. Your personalized AstroJourney
II Report can help you understand what's going on while you're in the middle
of it. AstroJourney can help you pinpoint various possibilities to help you
make the best choices.
Some challenges we face have to do with stages in life. For example, between
the ages of 14 1/2 and 16 everyone lives through the first Saturn opposition.
This is usually a tough time, because you may feel quite capable of making
it on your own, but somehow you're not ready yet. You're probably still financially
dependent on your parents and you need to finish High School. You may need,
love, and respect your parents, but chances are you don't totally agree with
the way they do things. This is the age when you really start to see things
in a different way. This transition is necessary. Everyone goes through it.
Your parents went through it. It's usually a time of tension.
Other happenings in your life have to do with the day and the moment you were
born. Some of these cycles last for a couple of hours, others last for as long
as 14 years! Going through Uranus conjoined your Sun, which happens only
once in a lifetime and can totally turn around your life, is going to be different
at 16 or 22 than it would be at age 40 or 80! A transit like Neptune squaring
Mercury, which lasts a couple of years, would be confusing at any age in any
time. But today the danger of getting wasted with drugs or alcohol or dropping
out of school during this sensitive period is going to be more than it was
a generation ago. It's also a great time for self-discovery, creativity, getting
into music and art, meditation, Tai Chi, exploring spiritual concepts. In
writing this report, we want you to know what each transit means for you, at
your age, at this time in history
One thing I've discovered by working with thousands of people is that everyone,
without exception, no matter how much better off they may appear to be, has
tough issues to work out. Some kids are in more deeply than others. Maybe this
has to do with your relationships with parents, school issues, jobs or just
feeling good about yourself. Sometimes your attention is on your overall health
or appearance. During your twenties especially, much change centers around
friendships and intimate relationships. In writing each entry we had
to cover a lot of ground to speak to many people in different situations, but
at the same time hit how a certain influence works for you.
If you're 16 and living at home, stuff about looking for an apartment, buying
a car, getting involved in serious relationships and filling out job apps may
not be relevant to you yet. But, then again, it might. Many of you are sexually
mature, if not necessarily ready. We decided to treat you as older rather than
younger. You'll know what relates to you because it fits!
Some are in college, still deciding upon a major. Others go to work straight
out of High School. Still others defend our country and the cause of freedom
across the world. Some marry early and enter into the responsibility of parenthood.
Others have no obligations outside themselves. Everyone's story is unique.
Regardless of countless diverse scenarios, somehow (and this is the fun of
it) you'll find the transit description makes sense.
On some days you'll hit a mixed forecast. For example, transiting Mercury might
be Square your Mars, a challenging aspect. Your report warns you that
you are vulnerable to getting into arguments or get a ticket for speeding.
At the same time Mercury might be trine Jupiter, telling you it's a great time
for communication of all sorts and short trips. When you think about it, in
a single day, we deal with sometimes contradictory energies. If you put the
two together, they'd read, "a great day for short trips as long as you watch
your speed; you have a lot to say, but be willing to listen to someone else's
point of view. " You can often make the good better by taking note of the precaution,
or you can blow a positive possibility by letting your ego be too large.
This report is not religious in any way, but it is spiritual. All of you were
born with an astrology that brings you into understanding spiritual dimensions
of life not available to previous generations. East has met West with yoga
and acupuncture, Tai Chi, and meditation. Even chiropractors were for the alternative
crowd when many of your parents brought these and other "New Age" concepts
in a generation ago. Today, they're more and more commonplace, just the beginning
of what's to come.
You've been brought up with computers in an informational age. Technology and
the media are changing our lives so quickly that it's not easy to keep pace.
It may be harder to plan for the future when the present moves so fast. Yesterday's
model for marriage and close relationships doesn't really work today. In talking
about your social and career aspects, we kept these things in mind.
Finally, you are adolescents and young adults at a time in history when major
cycles are changing. We've just entered a new Astrological Age -- Aquarius,
the age of Love. People have different ideas about what love means but Aquarius
is already changing the way we think, work, play, relate. You aree inheritors
of a new world, one which many people in many lands believe will be a "Golden
Age" preceded by incredible turmoil.
In writing to each of you and all of you, we do so with great respect and understanding,
and with hopes that this book of changes will make a positive difference on
your journey.
The AstroJourney Report text was written by astrologer Kathie Garcia. Kathie
received valuable feedback from her children, Eugene and Indra, who were 17
and 19 years old at the time of the writing.
The author warns that any editing of the text is likely to change the intent
and balance of the intended message Therefore, editing is discouraged.
At the exact moment of your birth, the planets were in certain signs, in a
certain relationship to one another. To erect your natal chart, the astrologer
takes a picture of that moment, as if the heavens froze! The story of your
life is written in the working out of these energies over time. Some are harmonious
and others are challenging. Astrologers are able to predict what will happen,
when it will happen, and the duration of the effect by evaluating the impact
of transits. Transits compare the positions of a planet on a given date with
a planet or position in your natal chart.
Using AstroJourney II is easy! In your report you'll read the date on which
a transit is exact on the left hand side. This is when its influence is strongest.
In parentheses you'll see the full duration of the influence, when it comes
into play and when it leaves. On the right hand side, you'll see the description
of the transit which includes a transiting planet in aspect to a natal planet.
For example : Merc Sxtil Ven means transiting Mercury is sextile natal Venus.
The following paragraph is the interpretation of the influence.
Aspects are the astrologer's tool to understanding the nature of the relationship
between two planets or positions: Sextiles (60 degrees) and Trines (120 degrees)
show where energies flow harmoniously. Take advantage of these transits to
lighten your load, move forward, get that date, etc. Squares (90 degrees) are
the most challenging of all aspects. Conquering a square can be difficult and
requires discipline, but the prize is worth the effort. Oppositions (180 degrees)
challenge you in your relationships with other people. Sometimes you feel a
real positive, even stimulating exchange of energy. Other times we deal with
conflicts, confrontations, schisms, or separations. Someone else could be mirroring
something about yourself that you need to deal with but don't see. Conjunctions
(0 degrees) can go either way and depend much upon the nature of the two planets
coming together. Venus and Jupiter form a fun, if potentially lazy, combination
while Mars and Pluto can be pretty heavy since they both relate to anger and
Planets transiting through houses are going to highlight a specific area of
your life for the duration of the transit, according to the nature of the planet.
AstroJourney II will tell you when a transiting planet enters a particular
house in your natal chart. The date on the left tells when the planet enters
the house. In parentheses you'll see the duration of the transit. It will start
a day earlier than the beginning date. This is when the transiting planet is
on the house cusp. On the right hand side you'll see the name of the planet
and the house its entering. For example, "Merc 4th H." means "transiting Mercury
is entering the 4th house of your natal chart." So, now you've got the pack,
enjoy your journey!
Kathie Garcia
Text Copyright Kathie Garcia 2005
Nov 16, 2007 (Oct
5, 2007 to Dec 14, 2007) Plu
Conj Asc
None of your old selves may "fit" anymore. You may want to retreat to the Himalayas
or some remote tropical island until this blows over! Your shadow self makes
an appearance; strange compulsions, needs to control what may not be yours,
or a desire to totally withdraw are typical. Good advice may come from enemies
and criticism from best friends - a world in reverse! The best way to come
through this is to work hard on your communication skills while dodging the
bullets! Pluto is the Roto-Rooter of the zodiac. It gets out the garbage. Afterwards
you're so much lighter you hardly recognize your old self. Let go of what you
don't need. Make room for the new you!
Nov 16, 2007 (Nov
14, 2007 to Apr 1, 2009) Plu
1st H.
Pluto passing through the House of Self: You've entered a powerful cycle of
self regeneration. Transformational changes happen as a result of light meeting
darkness and being the victor, so when you find yourself facing a major test
of character, rise to the challenge! (Why do you think Star Wars is so popular?)
A word of warning; the chance to avoid temptation may exist only for a flash
in time. Indulging in a bit of what you know you should avoid is dangerous!
(Reread the Adam and Eve tale for confirmation) Enough said!
You shed old snakeskins, a new you appears; the process is intense but empowering.
Beware of being overly controlling or intense. If others roll their eyes or
back away, that's your clue! Discover the super potency of kindness. Some meet
this test not so much within, but by experiencing a major life transforming
event. Whatever it is, be courageous, do a daily inventory of self and determine
to stay true to your higher principles no matter what.
Nov 29, 2007 (Nov
28, 2007 to Dec 19, 2007) Sun
12th H.
Sun passing through the House of endings: Yesterday's memories create tomorrow's
dreams; meditate on things unseen. Vanquish any shadows of fear by wielding
the power of faith. Find that within you which is capable of mastering any
situation that might come your way.
Dec 5, 2007 (Dec
5, 2007 to Dec 19, 2007) Merc
12th H.
Mercury passing through the House of endings, hidden support, hidden enemies:
You're searching behind the curtain, examining the past for answers. Examining
the past might be instructive but don't let it bring your down. This is a good
time for research, quiet contemplation and meditation.
Dec 7, 2007 (Dec
6, 2007 to Dec 23, 2007) Ven
10th H.
Venus passing through the House of career, reputation and elders: Connections
could take you to the top. Perhaps an older person sponsors you. This is a
propitious time for any art related career. Know your worth.
Dec 7, 2007 (Dec
3, 2007 to Feb 1, 2009) Jup
1st H.
Jupiter passing through the House of self: The spotlight is on you for now.
Improving your self-image? The impression you make now could set the pace for
several years. Do you sense the breeze of spiritual self-renewal? Be on guard
that conceit not damage an otherwise positive period of good fortune. Gains
are possible from travel, higher education and diverse cultural experiences.
Make the most of it As your consciousness expands, see to it that your waistline
stays lean.
Dec 7, 2007 (Dec
3, 2007 to Dec 12, 2007) Jup
Conj Asc
You're looking good! Aside from a potential for gaining weight, this is a very
welcome transit that usually imparts a greater sense of self-confidence. You're
ready to manifest significant inner growth in an outward way. At the same time,
you're embarking upon a six year cycle of potential personal expansion and
success. Travel and positive social contacts are possible pluses.
Dec 9, 2007 7
PM(Dec 8, 2007 to Dec 10, 2007) Ven
Trine Moon
Passions formed under this influence may feel good, but they may not last.
If you're already in love, this is the time to patch things up or make them
better. Perhaps this is the right time to surround yourself with family and
friends. Sugar and spice and all things nice!
Dec 11, 2007 10
AM(Dec 10, 2007 to Dec 12, 2007) Merc
Sxtil Sat
It's time to get to business. Put your mind to work and take care of any details
on your desk. Stuff you may have felt blocked about is more easily resolved
now. Take advantage of this clear frame of mind to turn in those job or school
applications, meet with parents, employers or other authority figures. Mental
organization, patience and determination, and a welcome dose of common sense,
help you resolve even complex problems. Need an extension on your paper deadline,
a later curfew perhaps? Ask now!
Dec 16, 2007 12
PM(Dec 16, 2007 to Dec 17, 2007) Sun
Sxtil Plu
Whether you're clearing out your closet or your brain, this is the time to
get rid of what you don't really need. Focus on progress and self-improvement.
Gauge by other people's reactions if you're coming on too strong. You might
make some important changes in your image.
Dec 16, 2007 10
PM(Dec 16, 2007 to Dec 17, 2007) Merc
Sxtil Plu
A great time to get to the core of the matter. Whether you're taking it to
the next level in sports or in convincing others, this is the time to make
it happen. This influence is like having a ballpark halogen light inside your
brain. Subject matter previously hidden becomes apparent. Constructive financial
strategies you devise under this influence are likely to pay off.
Dec 17, 2007 7
PM(Dec 17, 2007 to Dec 18, 2007) Merc
Conj Nep
Under this conjunction, you can add new dimensions to your spiritual and inner
worlds. This is truly a good time to delve into your psychology, but try not
to float away. The potential danger is giving in to an urge to escape pain
and responsibility. Explore creative, nondestructive ways to express your feelings
such as meditation, yoga, poetry, soul searching with a friend, or taking in
a movie. Artists, musicians and spiritual seekers find this to be a most inspiring
interlude. The powers of imagination could take you to new heights of understanding
and happiness or plunge you into the depths of despair. Guard the mind.
Dec 17, 2007 9
PM(Dec 16, 2007 to Dec 18, 2007) Sun
Conj Nep
This transit only lasts a few days but could be disturbing. At best, Neptunian
enchantment allows you to enjoy a peaceful interlude. Perhaps you pause to
meditate and relax or perhaps you simply soothe your soul by listening to your
favorite music and/or enjoying a movie. This is a good time to delve into your
psychology, as long as you can remain objective. Imagination and visualization
is enhanced. The negative potential of this transit relates to fantasizing,
fooling yourself, sleeping when you should be alert, or looking for an easy
out when the problem needs to be handled. It's tempting to space out.
Dec 18, 2007 8
PM(Dec 16, 2007 to Dec 21, 2007) Mars
Conj Moon
A testy time. This is because Mars is stirring up turbulent emotional memories
and vibrations. Try to step out of yourself. Looking at your feelings honestly
without overreacting and taking things too personally will help you decide
consciously which way to go. Are you reacting like a child (ie. a tantrum)? Such
behavior may have made sense when you were a kid but gets in the way of your
adult relationships. Family quarrels, discord, and arguments over petty issues
result in hurt feelings. Own your issues. Determine to rise above such clashes.
Objectivity is the key.
Dec 19, 2007 1
AM(Dec 18, 2007 to Dec 20, 2007) Merc
Conj Asc
Busy, busy, busy! You should be able to get your ideas across with ease. Your
communication skills are heightened. Gossip and idle chatter fritter away your
Dec 19, 2007 (Dec
18, 2007 to Jan 12, 2008) Merc
1st H.
Mercury passing through the House of self: Hyped-up communication. You're plugged
in, talkative, ideas come from all directions. Avoid needless arguments. Walking
or physical exercise might help relax your mind. Peace.
Dec 19, 2007 (Dec
14, 2007 to Dec 23, 2007) Jup
Oppos Sun
Opportunities appear all around you but how they work out depends on your ability
to pull in the reins; it's easy to overextend your wallet, exaggerate your
vision, commit impulsively. Even if your goals are noble, have you objectively
calculated what it will take to fulfill them in time and space? Consider that
you'll have to deal with other people's resentment and anger if you make unrealistic
promises that you cannot fulfill. Examine carefully any proposals before making
binding promises. Plans that are overblown could prove to be costly.
To avoid turning people off from the start, guard against an arrogant
attitude that says, "I've got all the answers!" The experience
you gain from traveling expands your horizons, but be prepared for additional
costs before you take off. That outer success not be an empty shell, focus
on inner values to precipitate outer prosperity and happiness.
Dec 19, 2007 7
PM(Dec 18, 2007 to Dec 20, 2007) Sun
Conj Asc
You're feeling pumped, focused, even radiant. You could find yourself in the
limelight. Enthusiasm, if controlled, adds to your credibility. The vibes are
so positive, it's easy to get carried away. Guard against arrogance. Keep yourself
heart centered.
Dec 19, 2007 (Dec
18, 2007 to Jan 26, 2008) Sun
1st H.
Sun passing through the House of Self: As your vitality is likely to be increased
by solar rays, strive to be the best "me" you know how to be.
Dec 20, 2007 (Nov
24, 2007 to Jan 14, 2008) sat
sqr merc
Try not to identify so much with your problems. Don't freak out over tests
and overwhelming responsibilities. In the grand scheme of things, it's all
small stuff, so why sweat it? It has been said:
"Please grant me the courage to change the things that I can change, the serenity
to accept those things that I cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Respond to outer challenges with sincerity and equanimity. Conflicts with siblings
and/or neighbors require diplomacy to avoid getting stuck.
Dec 20, 2007 4
PM(Dec 20, 2007 to Dec 21, 2007) Merc
Oppos Sun
You're ready for brainstorming, swapping ideas, and defending your point of
view. All this could be very energizing. Watch out, however, that conversations
not turn into arguments due to a bruised ego. The better you feel about yourself,
the easier it'll be for you to keep out of fights and arguments. If you carry
a chip on your shoulder, you'll react to words as if they were cannonballs.
A little humility won't hurt, especially when dealing with older persons.
Dec 20, 2007 10
PM(Dec 20, 2007 to Dec 21, 2007) Merc
Sxtil Jup
This influence will help you balance the big picture with the details. For
example, if you want to apply for a job or go to school away from home, this
is the time to plan it out and possibly to apply. Vacations, schoolwork and
travel are all favored. This is an optimum time to sign contracts as long as
you carefully consider the fine print. Your life may be spiced by communication
with siblings, cousins or even foreigners or people in faraway places. Good
Dec 20, 2007 (Dec
16, 2007 to Dec 25, 2007) Jup
Sxtil Jup
This is a good time influence, so go for it! Dress up and go out because this
is the time to get connected. Long term, this means you could be on a gloriously
adventurous trip, finish off a decent semester, or experience an inner expansion
of consciousness. Short term, this may mean a fortunate encounter, some extra
bucks or an extra burst of vitality. Circumstances line up to help you get
to where you're going. When the wind's in your sails, go for it! However, restlessness
and a natural desire for change make it hard to finish current cycles. Resist
dropping what must be completed. Put your mind on the goal. Victory!
Dec 22, 2007 4
AM(Dec 22, 2007 to Dec 23, 2007) Merc
Sxtil MC
This is a good time to think about where you're going and what you want to
do. Your ability to tune in to your future possibilities is definitely enhanced
now. If it's appropriate, share your vision with those who believe are supportive
of your plans.
Dec 22, 2007 9
AM(Dec 22, 2007 to Dec 23, 2007) Sun
Oppos Sun
About six months have passed since you began the birthday cycle kick off. During
the next three months, be prepared to deal with experiences that demand you
look deeper into yourself. Your "mirror" could be someone at home, your parents,
a co-worker, an employer or your significant other. So, what's the test? Maintain
emotional harmony. Ride the wave by tuning in to what life is trying to tell
you and keep your cool.
Dec 22, 2007 6
PM(Dec 22, 2007 to Dec 23, 2007) Sun
Sxtil Jup
Take advantage of this uplifting forecast. A return of positive karma could
be coming your way. A surge of extra enthusiasm brightens your day. Whether
it's romance, school or a job that you're thinking of, all should go well.
A good day for making up if need be. Advice from a guide or older person is
helpful. Opportunities happening now tend to be fortuitous.
Dec 23, 2007 (Dec
22, 2007 to Jan 5, 2008) Ven
11th H.
Venus passing through the House of aspirations and friends: This is a time
to enjoy friends who count. Harmony abets teamwork. A congenial personality
attracts others to you. Explore the power of diplomacy.
Dec 23, 2007 6
PM(Dec 23, 2007 to Dec 24, 2007) Merc
Oppos Moon
You're thinking through your emotions. Some of this could be unconscious. If
you're not careful you could be sorry later for remarks that are childish or
simply out of place. You could over react to another's comments, or have to
deal with them overreacting to you. It helps to step outside the situation
to understand what's really going on. Communication with little kids or siblings
could test your patience.
Dec 24, 2007 4
PM(Dec 24, 2007 to Dec 25, 2007) Sun
Sxtil MC
You're sitting pretty, so take charge and do your very best. Your diligence
and persistence pay off at work. Interactions with employers, professors, parents
or other older persons are highly favored.
Dec 25, 2007 5
AM(Dec 22, 2007 to Dec 27, 2007) Mars
Trine MC
Financial backing or perhaps a supportive team are among the potential positive
developments happening now to support your ambitions. Employers, parents, authority
figures, whoever represents "the boss" for you is likely to be receptive now.
Take advantage of the positive breeze. Go for it!
Dec 26, 2007 9
AM(Dec 26, 2007 to Dec 27, 2007) Merc
Sqr Mars
Master the challenge of this square and you may find you have the right answers
at the right time. Then again, you could be irritable and easily set off. While
you may have legitimate complaints, think about the way you choose your words
if you want positive results. If you use your tongue like a weapon, be prepared
to handle the return artillery. Getting ticked off sets you up for a fall.
Remember, anything you say could be used against you. Strategize and put your
energy into your work. It'll pay off. Reasonable caution is advised while traveling.
Dec 27, 2007 3
AM(Dec 26, 2007 to Dec 28, 2007) Sun
Oppos Moon
If you manage to keep your cool, these could be enjoyable days. You're feeling
more emotional than usual so you're prone to take things personally and to
overreact. Getting stressed out is easy to do. Step back a moment. Other people
pushing your buttons may actually be mirroring parts of you that you don't
see clearly. We're all players in each other's scripts. So, stay loving and
peaceful, especially with family or with friends of the opposite sex.
Dec 27, 2007 4
AM(Dec 26, 2007 to Dec 28, 2007) Ven
Oppos Ven
It's helpful to remember that opposites attract. When they don't, you're looking
at a potential tug of war. At best, this means some positive social interactions,
and at worst a real clash of values. Diplomacy is Venus' weapon of love.
Dec 29, 2007 (Dec
25, 2007 to Jan 2, 2008) Jup
Sxtil MC
Your insights into yourself and your psychology should pay off now as increased
self-confidence. Opportunities open up, allowing you to take important leaps
ahead. You can multiply potential gain during this cycle by exercising a positive
and creative mental attitude.
Dec 30, 2007 7
AM(Dec 30, 2007 to Dec 31, 2007) Merc
Sqr Sat
You could be too hard on yourself and on others these days. A heavy workload,
difficult circumstances or bad weather could make you feel out of it. Try to
remember that every black cloud has a touch of gray. Any important decision
making or problem solving now is going to require centeredness and patience.
You could easily feel irritated by or concerned about siblings, cousins, roommates,
schoolmates and/or co-workers. Serious discussions may take place. Confirm
appointments. If you can work with this, the sun will come out and turn your
gray to silver!
Dec 30, 2007 8
AM(Dec 27, 2007 to Jan 2, 2008) Mars
Trine Jup
Surf the South Seas, climb Mt. MidheavenKinley! Anything seems possible now!
A raise or new job is possible (you might, however, have to ask). You're in
the flow and everything's all right. Go for it! A potentially good time for
buying a car and for enjoyable travel. Negotiate the price down. Maxing out
your credit card could be tempting. Commit only to that which is doable.
Dec 31, 2007 7
AM(Dec 30, 2007 to Jan 1, 2008) Sun
Sqr Mars
You're feeling exceptionally sure of yourself. Use this positive charge to
get a lot accomplished. This a good time to push through important projects,
apply for a job, or set out to win in any competition.
he down side is that your fuse is likely to be short now. Guard against impatience
and irritation, and you'll reach the goal Jordan style. But watch out. Little
things could get you mad. Being pushy with members of the opposite sex is not
going to go over well now. Obviously, if you're edgy, this is not a particularly
good time for approaching parents and other authorities. Carelessness, anger
and frustration can result in accidents. It's a lot of ch'i to handle. Physically
working out, engaging in sports, or dancing could help you blow off some steam.
Dec 31, 2007 9
AM(Dec 28, 2007 to Jan 3, 2008) Mars
Conj Sun
Maximize on the mega energy and drive available, making this an optimum time
to launch that project and push forward! Do it now! A word of advice:
play hard but keep your temper in check. Remember that you always need someone
on your team. Pump up, don't punch out!! This influence is great for sports
and other competitive events.
Jan 1, 2008 12
AM(Dec 31, 2007 to Jan 1, 2008) Ven
Conj Ura
You may feel compelled to do something weird under this influence. Relationships
formed under this aspect may be fun, but not necessarily long lasting. While
some sort of financial breakthrough is possible, you might find it hard to
hold on to what you receive. If you've been held back in your sense of self-expression,
this aspect could help you break down barriers. Beware of throwing care to
the wind with people, food, or money -- you might not feel so bold later.
Jan 4, 2008 3
PM(Jan 4, 2008 to Jan 5, 2008) Merc
Sqr Plu
Go Zen. To navigate this intense labyrinth, you must keep your mental balance.
Dark energies are surfacing. This is your chance to cleanse and purify your
mental outlook. Keeping up a positive mental attitude now may be easier said
than done. Nevertheless, it's your way out of heavy thoughts and attitudes
that weigh on you at this time. Just because you feel something, it doesn't
mean you should act it out. This means suicide, drugs and self-destruction
are not the ticket. If they come up, they've got to go. Dive into your heart
and retrieve a happy thought!
Suspicions about others may tell you more about yourself than about them. Otherwise
it's probable your problem comes from within. This is a helpful influence for
self-discovery and understanding as long as your angle is positive.
Steer clear of brawls, especially with brothers, sisters, classmates and co-workers.
Be careful driving.
Jan 5, 2008 (Jan
4, 2008 to Jan 22, 2008) Ven
12th H.
Venus passing through the House of endings, the past, hidden friends and enemies:
A love from your past may not be part of your future. Extra reserves of empathy
lead to a desire to help out. An opportunity to capture a more spiritual understanding
of love.
Jan 5, 2008 1
PM(Jan 5, 2008 to Jan 6, 2008) Merc
Trine Ven
You're feeling more together than usual. Take care of any negotiations or important
correspondence. All else being equal, this might be a good time to take in
a movie, see a show, go out. Even better, enjoy a meaningful conversation with
a friend. How about an excursion combining work, study and fun?
Jan 6, 2008 11
AM(Jan 5, 2008 to Jan 7, 2008) Sun
Sqr Sat
Saturn, sometimes called "The Great Teacher," is testing you. Psychological
attitudes or external events block the flow. Responsibilities pile up. Clashes
with parents and/or other authority figures may occur. While some might choose
to sit this one out, you can make this influence work for you. If you feel
overwhelmed, determine your priorities and tackle each situation one by one.
Look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. Patience is a powerful
key. Don't force things.
Jan 7, 2008 3
AM(Jan 7, 2008 to Jan 8, 2008) Ven
Oppos Merc
Your sentiments and the ideas (or speech) of another could clash. What they
say sounds rude. Or perhaps your message gets misconstrued. Courtesy tells
another "I value you and what you have to say." If you're willing to really
listen, great dialogue can result. Put a hold on gossip and meaningless conversation.
Letting people know you appreciate them often does a world of good!
Jan 7, 2008 8
AM(Jan 7, 2008 to Jan 8, 2008) Ven
Sxtil Mars
A little social life adds spice to your life. This might be the perfect time
to meet a friend for lunch, take in a movie or go dancing. An extra dose of
enthusiasm, charm and self-confidence is a boon in business as well. Some extra
cash may come your way. No matter how hectic life may be for you these days,
take the time to have a little fun. Meetings formed under this influence often
prove to be fortuitous.
Jan 8, 2008 4
AM(Jan 4, 2008 to Jan 11, 2008) Mars
Oppos Asc
Beware! This transit almost always brings you into conflict with others. As
Mars enters your house of important relationships and open enemies, interpersonal
differences can easily become ignited. The only way out is through the heart.
Be considerate of others, but know that people will do what they will do. Strengthen
your inner reserves.
Jan 8, 2008 (Jan
8, 2008 to Feb 24, 2008) Mars
6th H.
Mars passing through the House of work, health, pets and habits: This is an
auspicious time to clean up your desk, your work environment and practices.
Making the time to do a basic health inventory pays off. Which habits tie up
your energy and which promote wholeness? Why not check out your pet as well?
Be patient. You may not see immediate results, but provided you don't overdo
it, gain will almost certainly result from your efforts. Now is the time for
working hard. However, if you allow stress to build up, it could manifest as
illness or a short fuse. No need to worry, but do take a reasonable degree
of caution with occupational hazards.
Jan 8, 2008 12
PM(Jan 7, 2008 to Jan 9, 2008) Merc
Sqr Jup
You're in a problem-solving mood. Discovering exactly the lessons life has
offered you and how to learn from your experience is the way to crack the code.
Meditating in motion may suit you better than staying still.
If you're going to get an apartment or buy a car, read the fine print. Schoolwork
could suffer if you're not in the mood or if you're sloppy. Just do it! Leave
fishing for later. Ignoring details could prove costly and at the very least
you may have to do things over later. Backing up and protecting copies of files
is always a good idea. Your life may be spiced by communication with siblings,
cousins or even foreigners or people in faraway places. No matter how good
the news sounds, give it a few days or more to see if it pans out.
Jan 9, 2008 3
AM(Jan 9, 2008 to Jan 10, 2008) Merc
Sxtil Ura
Your mental genie is awake. Quick answers, great lines, and brilliant solutions
are yours to command. This is the time to get your point across and be creative.
What appears to be an unforgettable revelation could vanish like a dream. Jot
down or record original flashes of genius and inspiring thoughts.
Jan 9, 2008 (Jan
5, 2008 to Jan 13, 2008) Jup
Oppos Moon
You're itching for adventure, but working your plans to fit your budget may
be hard. Be sure you've got the cash to cover the costs before taking off.
Lessons in giving and receiving may be on this year's agenda. You're feeling
so generous, but how much is it really wise to give? Depending on handouts
leads to mental laziness. Temper your zeal and allow others to have reasonable
differences. Be ready to deal with problems related to moving, traveling,
and studying.
Jan 9, 2008 5
PM(Jan 9, 2008 to Jan 10, 2008) Merc
Sqr MC
Be aware of the potential for banging heads now. Confronting your parents or
boss may not be the brightest of moves. Watch what you say. You could easily
alienate others or damage your reputation. With those who understand you best,
the conversational dance could be exhilarating.
Jan 12, 2008 (Jan
11, 2008 to Apr 2, 2008) Merc
2nd H.
Mercury passing through the House of values and money: Your mind is set to
take care of business. Write down ideas to increase cash flow; eliminate confusion
and see results. You might be especially convincing during this time. If your
mind is befuddled, wait for the solution to appear before committing.
Jan 12, 2008 12
PM(Jan 11, 2008 to Jan 13, 2008) Ven
Sxtil Sat
This is a positive aspect, especially if you're involved in the arts. It's
also a good time to select a new wardrobe or decorate your room. Sometimes
old friendships and important relationships are rekindled during this time.
It's easy to relate to employers and authority figures. There's a sense of
mutual appreciation. Long term friendships or romances sometimes develop under
this influence.
Jan 13, 2008 8
PM(Jan 13, 2008 to Jan 14, 2008) Merc
Trine Merc
You're juiced. You're quick. Get in the game! You'll have no problem getting
your point across now. This influence is favorable for any kind of competition,
all sorts of games, plugging into the computer, and interfacing with others.
Take advantage of this positive time to apply for jobs or schools, working
things out, or making plans with brothers, sisters, roommates, classmates and/or
Jan 14, 2008 12
AM(Jan 13, 2008 to Jan 14, 2008) Merc
Trine Mars
You're sharp today. You say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier
to talk about your feelings, write up those school or business strategies.
Get those projects in motion now while you've got the steam. Now is prime time
to work out or pump up. If you're into sports or competition, make this one
a win. You might enjoy a short trip.
Jan 14, 2008 11
PM(Jan 13, 2008 to Jan 15, 2008) Sun
Sqr Plu
Fights, power struggles, and intense arguments characterize this short but
powerful influence. Gear up to the challenge and try to handle any confrontational
situations sensibly. Don't allow others to clobber you with criticism. You
could be too hard on them as well. Nevertheless, Pluto can show you where changes
have to be made. If you're financially independent, questions related to your
credit could surface now. Control your temper and keep clear of violence.
Jan 16, 2008 1
AM(Jan 11, 2008 to Jan 22, 2008) Mars
Oppos Nep
Neptune is your connection to the unseen worlds, your data line to the Muses.
Be on guard; it's tempting to detour. Tune in to the soul crying out for healing
and avoid "making wrong right!" If you think you've found the love of your
life, take it easy until this transit passes and you see/sense more clearly.
Stay objective and attuned with your heart, so that you not be vulnerable to
being duped.
If you feel excessively bummed during this transit, there may be someone or
something (including yourself) who you have to forgive. Forgiveness is the
key to peace and resolution. On Neptunian days, we often feel like we'd rather
pull the covers over our heads. Its tough, Mommy and Daddy aren't there anymore!
And when they were there, the circumstance may of been less than ideal. No
matter how busy you may be, take the time to meditate. Unpleasant events or
emotions, the results of past actions, may appear on the screen of your life.
Your impulse may be to run and hide or play the victim, but it is best to face
such times head on. If it doesn't sit well with your heart, don't do it! The
fact is that the truth does indeed set us free! Paint, write, play or listen
to beautiful tunes, dance, pray! Enjoy this inspirational time.
Jan 16, 2008 10
AM(Jan 15, 2008 to Jan 17, 2008) Sun
Trine Ven
Are you radiating an extra dose of love these days? It's Venus! Share the good
vibes. You might spend this tender time with loved ones, perhaps with children.
Romance may be in the air. Shopping's fun. This astrology helps promote business
and smooth over negotiations. You could enjoy good food and drink, but don't
pig out.
Jan 18, 2008 8
AM(Jan 17, 2008 to Jan 19, 2008) Merc
Trine Sat
It's time to get to business. Put your mind to work and take care of any details
on your desk. Stuff you may have felt blocked about is more easily resolved
now. Take advantage of this clear frame of mind to turn in those job or school
applications, meet with parents, employers or other authority figures. Mental
organization, patience and determination, and a welcome dose of common sense,
help you resolve even complex problems. Need an extension on your paper deadline,
a later curfew perhaps? Ask now!
Jan 19, 2008 2
PM(Jan 19, 2008 to Jan 20, 2008) Ven
Sxtil Plu
Strong attractions to the opposite sex often occur under this influence. Something
deep inside you draws you to relationships that reveal your hidden self. This
energy can also be channeled successfully into creative work and really fun
social outings. Some financial gain is possible. This is a good time to use
funds resourcefully. You could get some top notch entertainment, obtain something
beautiful or luxurious, and improve your wardrobe or appearance.
Jan 20, 2008 5
PM(Jan 19, 2008 to Jan 21, 2008) Ven
Conj Nep
Your imagination is enhanced. You are highly idealistic and capable of giving
much to others now. Before you get going on that quest to find the perfect
jewel or win over your most recent crush, remember to bring along your common
sense. Writers, artists and those of mystical inclination could be inspired
to new heights.
Jan 21, 2008 4
AM(Jan 21, 2008 to Jan 22, 2008) Sun
Sqr Jup
This influence is like having lots of money in your hands but not necessarily
spending it wisely. You've got plenty of enthusiasm. But you could easily go
too far, take on too much, promise more than you're willing or able to deliver.
You could get ripped off if you're not careful. Someone older or in authority
could disapprove of your actions or decisions. It could be hard to figure out
the right move. If you believe in yourself, you're more likely to obtain the
support of others. If you feel full of yourself, you're apt to make foolish
mistakes. If you feel frustrated as to where you're headed in life just now,
wait this one out.
Jan 22, 2008 4
AM(Jan 21, 2008 to Jan 23, 2008) Sun
Sxtil Ura
Do something different. Pay attention. You may discover insights into day-to-day
problems and into your psychology that will prove to be of great value later.
Your antennas are tingling, making this a prime time to study your astrology.
A teaching you attend now or dream you experience could be a revelation. No
matter how cosmic it appears, you're apt to forget if you don't write it down.
This is a positive influence for participating in group activities and for
taking the lead. Tying into the Internet or some other computer related work
may be on your menu.
Jan 22, 2008 (Jan
21, 2008 to Feb 22, 2008) Ven
1st H.
Venus passing through the House of self: Even the shy radiate warm smiles now.
This is a time to improve your image and indulge your sense of style. Reach
out and share your happiness.
Jan 22, 2008 7
AM(Jan 21, 2008 to Jan 23, 2008) Ven
Conj Asc
You're leading a charmed life! Others want to get to know you. Don't let it
go to your head. Rather, use this positive astrology to make that date, apply
for that job, or otherwise make yourself known!
Jan 23, 2008 3
AM(Jan 23, 2008 to Jan 24, 2008) Sun
Sqr MC
You may be looking for answers in the basic areas of life: relationships, home,
school, future. However, if you come on too strong now, others might react
and you could feel frustrated as a result. Or you may need a boost of self-confidence
to get others to help facilitate your plans.
Jan 24, 2008 10
AM(Jan 23, 2008 to Jan 25, 2008) Ven
Oppos Sun
You may find yourself butting heads with someone you care about over values.
Especially in close relationships, you could feel terribly self-conscious.
Everyone needs to love and be loved. Rather than feeling lonely or despondent,
meditate on the light within the heart. You value yourself by acknowledging
inner beauty. Consider the notion that Love is the gardener preparing the garden
of your heart. Sometimes it's necessary to meet another half way. Other times,
the loving choice is to say "no," even to the best of friends.
Try not to over personalize. You're not the only one learning how to love.
So, what helps you feel happy? Go shopping, change your hairstyle, play with
your dog or bake a cake. As long as you consider your budget and your waistline,
you could have fun. While you may be at your creative and romantic best, it's
easy to overindulge. Wear that outfit, visit that bistro, go on that date;
just check your vanity and insecurity at the door.
Jan 24, 2008 6
PM(Jan 23, 2008 to Jan 25, 2008) Ven
Sxtil Jup
The breezes feel warm and favorable. Use the extra dose of love and good vibes
you feel know to settle any outstanding grievances. Diplomacy and kindness
mend the rifts. This transit is an epicure's delight; cook it up and invite
someone special or hit your favorite restaurant. Take some time out to enjoy
your life; a mini vacation might be ideal. By providing some service, extending
a hand, helping those in need, you expand the joy within your heart. Your romantic
life receives a few sprinkles of happiness now. This astrology is potentially
positive for increased cash flow. Even though this is a positive influence,
it must be said: too much of a good thing can be harmful.
Jan 26, 2008 8
AM(Jan 25, 2008 to Jan 27, 2008) Ven
Sxtil MC
You're feeling especially loving and harmonious right now. Your appreciation
of all beautiful things is heightened. You could be in the limelight, especially
with superiors or in relation to your work.
Jan 26, 2008 (Jan
25, 2008 to Mar 20, 2008) Sun
2nd H.
Sun passing through the House of values and money: Consider what resources
are available to you and how best to use them. Above all, be true to yourself.
Do the clothes make the man? Know that you are worthy and shine! Some lessons
in letting go might be on the menu; remember that when a door is locked, a
window is opened.
Jan 27, 2008 10
AM(Jan 18, 2008 to Feb 13, 2008) Mars
Trine Plu
Your sense of purpose and determination is intensified. You're working through
some killer internal changes that could lead to great new beginnings. Changes
made now could have long lasting consequences. Nevertheless, if you push too
hard, you could be too oppressive to yourself and others.
Jan 28, 2008 9
AM(Jan 27, 2008 to Jan 29, 2008) Ven
Oppos Moon
Emotional clashes are common under this influence. Often the conflict relates
to sex or to spending. A defensive attitude could keep you (or possibly a loved
one) from seeing clearly. A bit of detachment helps. If your heart is hurting,
give yourself some love, but no self-pity, please. If you're partying, avoid
overdoing it. If you're shopping, have fun but respect your limits.
Jan 28, 2008 (Jan
24, 2008 to Feb 2, 2008) Jup
Sqr Mars
What you feel like doing may not measure up with what you need to be doing.
You may not feel like taking the obvious road to success that has opened up
in front of you, especially if it involves hard work. It has been said that
the road of one thousand miles begins with one step. Nevertheless, consider
well the consequences before you act. Make a foolish gamble, act on impulse,
and you'll find yourself squished at the bottom of the pileup. Run the blocks
and you'll make it downfield. Often, longer is quicker; right preparation and
attention to detail gets the job done right!
Jan 29, 2008 merc
trine plu
A great time to get to the core of the matter. Whether you're taking it to
the next level in sports or in convincing others, this is the time to make
it happen. This influence is like having a ballpark halogen light inside your
brain. Subject matter previously hidden becomes apparent. Constructive financial
strategies you devise under this influence are likely to pay off.
Jan 29, 2008 12
PM(Jan 29, 2008 to Jan 30, 2008) Sun
Trine Merc
The creative juices are flowing. Maximize this optimum time for planning, writing,
and putting your attention on schoolwork. You may find yourself more talkative
and involved than usual. This is a positive influence for dialoging with older
persons, teachers, employers, or people in charge. You shouldn't have any trouble
getting your point across!
Jan 29, 2008 (Dec
31, 2007 to Mar 20, 2008) Plu
Oppos Sun
This may be a cycle of dealing with the Black Knights. Intense determination
helps you accomplish whatever you set your mind to, provided you try not to
alienate those you need the most by arousing their anger and opposition, or
through scaring them off with your bravado. Choose your battles wisely. Despite
current inclinations, you'll probably discover that diplomacy will get you
further than fighting it out. Making enemies unnecessarily gets you embroiled
in brawls you don't need. Remember -- that which upsets you most in others
may be a reflection of what you don't want to face within yourself! Thank them
inwardly for the mirror, change negative aspects of self that oppose your true
happiness, and move on!
Be aware of and transmute any self-destructive habits or behaviors such as
abusive or sexually degrading relationships, power struggles and other such
negative karmic ties. Conflicts related to the father or father figure may
well be at the core of some of your current issues. Forgive, seek peace, and
let go! You'll be more tolerant of others when you keep in mind that not everyone
is experiencing life with such great intensity. Nevertheless, you may have
to confront, expose or struggle against some form of darkness (personal or
planetary). Pluto and the Sun's house positions and aspects fill in the details.
Jan 29, 2008 6
PM(Jan 29, 2008 to Jan 30, 2008) Sun
Trine Mars
You have an extra dose of self-confidence. That makes this a good time to get
things done. Good eye-hand coordination and steady effort make almost any job
doable. If you don't get out and do something, all this energy could drive
you nuts. How about at least hitting the gym to blow off some steam?
Jan 31, 2008 8
PM(Jan 31, 2008 to Feb 1, 2008) Ven
Sqr Mars
Squares create challenges. Being that this is a love challenge, your heart
is your best counselor for whatever might come up in your personal relationships.
It's likely that you desire to express and receive love now. So, where's the
rub? It might be just a moment during the day in the midst of larger happenings.
Did you react with anger or hurt at another's words? Did s/he react to yours?
Your sense of values could be in conflict with your feelings. Go into your
heart. Think through your actions before jumping into anything. Maybe you're
tempted to spend more than you can afford or go further than you think you
should. Don't be afraid to say no. Never put yourself or another down in the
name of love. We all have different needs. Be honest in all business transactions.
Feb 3, 2008 12
PM(Jan 18, 2008 to Feb 13, 2008) Mars
Trine Plu
This astrological influence (Mars Trine Plu) also occurred on Jan 27, 2008
(peak date). Please refer to this date.
Feb 4, 2008 11
PM(Feb 4, 2008 to Feb 5, 2008) Sun
Trine Sat
You're up to tackling projects that require real discipline and organization.
Hard work pays off. Progress you make now could benefit you for some time to
come. All else being equal, you'll likely to be well received by parents, employers,
or other authority figures.
Feb 5, 2008 10
PM(Feb 5, 2008 to Feb 6, 2008) Ven
Sqr Sat
This is not an easy time. You could feel unappreciated and unloved. You can't
always get what you want. What's keeping you from getting the love you need?
Practice "heart smarts." First of all, recognize what's good in you. Then,
even if you don't feel like it, go into your heart. Bring up memories of good
times you've had. Replace negative feelings with good vibes.
Feb 8, 2008 7
AM(Feb 8, 2008 to Feb 9, 2008) Merc
Trine Sat
This astrological influence (Merc Trine Sat) also occurred on Jan 18, 2008
(peak date). Please refer to this date.
Feb 12, 2008 (Jan
10, 2008 to July 4, 2008) Plu
Sxtil Jup
Your life path undergoes major changes. You find yourself focused and homing
in on what really matters to get ahead. An optimal time to find mentors, practice
sports, see the world or reflect on what your role is in the big picture. This
is when you search for the meaning of it all. You could discover a major clue
to your specific mission in life. Potential long term benefits derive from
school, specialized training or travel. Your financial picture is likely to
undergo some positive changes.
Feb 12, 2008 11
PM(Feb 12, 2008 to Feb 13, 2008) Ven
Sqr Plu
Intense sexual encounters are possible under this "fly by" influence. If you
feel yourself coming on too strong, getting power hungry, or allowing other
people to dominate you, you could feel very discouraged. Rather than trying
to remake the other person, let go and deal with your own stuff.
Feb 13, 2008 12
PM(Feb 12, 2008 to Feb 14, 2008) Sun
Trine Plu
Whether you're clearing out your closet or your brain, this is the time to
get rid of what you don't really need. Focus on progress and self-improvement.
Gauge by other people's reactions if you're coming on too strong. You might
make some important changes in your image.
Feb 14, 2008 4
AM(Feb 14, 2008 to Feb 15, 2008) Ven
Trine Ven
You're showing fabulous taste. Now's the time to appreciate the finer things
in life. This is a propitious cycle for going out, being with friends, going
shopping, and in short, for enjoying life. The time is especially auspicious
for artists, entrepreneurs, romantics and lovers of beauty.
Feb 14, 2008 9
PM(Feb 14, 2008 to Feb 15, 2008) Sun
Sxtil Nep
This influence pumps up your imagination and your ability to see beyond, providing
you with the makings of a short inspirational interlude. Artists, musicians,
romantics, mystics, spiritual seekers, and idealists all delight in being lifted
in the spirit. You could woo your creative side or simply meditate in motion,
take in an interesting movie, write a poem, or go star-gazing.
Feb 15, 2008 12
AM(Feb 14, 2008 to Feb 15, 2008) Sun
Sqr Ven
Chances are you feel like taking it easy today. It could be hard gearing up
if you've work to do. Your sense of self and your need to be loved meet, but
could be at odds with each other. Some people seek comfort in sweets. Instead
of mellowing out, they tend to be crabby and emotional, and unreasonably demanding
with close friends and family. Maybe it's just a bad hair day, or perhaps older
persons are put off by your appearance. Whatever it is, it's probably not a
big deal. On the up side, this influence can inspire you to perfect art and
music projects, upgrade your wardrobe, or enjoy the company of another --that
is, if you're willing to take the time and make the effort.
Feb 15, 2008 11
AM(Feb 13, 2008 to Feb 25, 2008) Merc
Trine Mars
You're sharp today. You say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier
to talk about your feelings, write up those school or business strategies.
Get those projects in motion now while you've got the steam. Now is prime time
to work out or pump up. If you're into sports or competition, make this one
a win. You might enjoy a short trip.
Feb 15, 2008 5
PM(Feb 8, 2008 to Feb 20, 2008) Mars
Oppos Nep
Neptune is your connection to the unseen worlds, your data line to the Muses.
Be on guard; it's tempting to detour. Tune in to the soul crying out for healing
and avoid "making wrong right!" If you think you've found the love of your
life, take it easy until this transit passes and you see/sense more clearly.
Stay objective and attuned with your heart, so that you not be vulnerable to
being duped.
If you feel excessively bummed during this transit, there may be someone or
something (including yourself) who you have to forgive. Forgiveness is the
key to peace and resolution. On Neptunian days, we often feel like we'd rather
pull the covers over our heads. Its tough, Mommy and Daddy aren't there anymore!
And when they were there, the circumstance may of been less than ideal. No
matter how busy you may be, take the time to meditate. Unpleasant events or
emotions, the results of past actions, may appear on the screen of your life.
Your impulse may be to run and hide or play the victim, but it is best to face
such times head on. If it doesn't sit well with your heart, don't do it! The
fact is that the truth does indeed set us free! Paint, write, play or listen
to beautiful tunes, dance, pray! Enjoy this inspirational time.
Feb 15, 2008 10
PM(Feb 13, 2008 to Feb 24, 2008) Merc
Trine Merc
You're juiced. You're quick. Get in the game! You'll have no problem getting
your point across now. This influence is favorable for any kind of competition,
all sorts of games, plugging into the computer, and interfacing with others.
Take advantage of this positive time to apply for jobs or schools, working
things out, or making plans with brothers, sisters, roommates, classmates and/or
Feb 16, 2008 7
PM(Feb 16, 2008 to Feb 17, 2008) Sun
Sxtil Asc
As far as your image goes, things are looking super today. Chances are you
feel very expressive and are able to communicate well. This, then, is a good
time to approach the boss, older persons or those in positions of authority.
Unless Mars and Jupiter are severely challenged, this might be the day to start
a vacation, get into sports or begin a new project.
Feb 18, 2008 2
AM(Feb 18, 2008 to Feb 19, 2008) Ven
Sqr Jup
The planet of love and money (Venus) and the planet of opportunity (Jupiter)
come together, but they may be at odds with each other. Much good fortune comes
from this meeting. The square, however, alerts us to the dangers of excess,
overspending, overeating, and over dating. Sometimes, the sweet breezes of
these astros incline the person toward laziness, a definite waste. This is
not the hour to follow impulses or overindulge desires. The things you know
are best for you may not jive with what you feel like doing. Some self-restraint
allows for fun and pays off big tomorrow. Resist the temptation to buy stuff
you really don't need or cannot afford.
Feb 18, 2008 9
PM(Feb 18, 2008 to Feb 19, 2008) Ven
Sxtil Ura
Be ready for unexpected romantic, social or financial opportunities. Write
down your poetic and practical inspirations. Why not get away from routine
and do something completely different for a change? Friendships formed during
this transit tend to be special, if out of the ordinary. Combining art and
technology might be a lot of fun. Your team might experience a breakthrough
at work.
Feb 19, 2008 9
AM(Feb 18, 2008 to Feb 20, 2008) Sun
Trine Sun
This feeling good influence should give you a real boost. Be creative. Get
out there! Stress levels are relatively low, making this an opportune time
to get your schedule organized or figure out your plans. Regardless of whatever
else you might be handling, here's some good energy for dealing with parents,
teachers and/or people in charge. Carpe Diem, seize the day!
Feb 19, 2008 4
PM(Feb 18, 2008 to Feb 20, 2008) Ven
Sqr MC
If you meet this square successfully, you could spend an enjoyable, even stimulating
few days with someone special. However, if you feel yourself put down in relation
to someone else, this shows that you need to work on your basic self-esteem.
Cash flow issues could cut into plans. Duty and desire may be at odds.
Feb 19, 2008 6
PM(Feb 18, 2008 to Feb 20, 2008) Sun
Trine Jup
Take advantage of this uplifting forecast. A return of positive karma could
be coming your way. A surge of extra enthusiasm brightens your day. Whether
it's romance, school or a job that you're thinking of, all should go well.
A good day for making up if need be. Advice from a guide or older person is
helpful. Opportunities happening now tend to be fortuitous.
Feb 20, 2008 6
PM(Feb 20, 2008 to Feb 21, 2008) Sun
Sqr Ura
Watch out! Here's a fuse about to blow. Uranian squares bring in a lot of restlessness
and can be very disruptive. Uranus is "The Awakener." You could receive a needed
lesson, but perhaps not in the packaging you'd prefer. Be humble. If you do
feel riled up, take a jog or find a constructive way to release this energy.
Sitting on it could lead to explosions. You may feel the "system" or someone
with greater authority than yourself, stifles your freedom. Or maybe you're
impatient with protocol, legal glitches, and rules. Seek changes but avoid
radical actions that cause unnecessary damage. Be nice to your vehicle and
hi-tech equipment. This is a dangerous time to live on the edge. If good friends
would mislead you with foolish invites, be prepared to say no.
Feb 21, 2008 5
PM(Feb 20, 2008 to Feb 22, 2008) Sun
Trine MC
You're sitting pretty, so take charge and do your very best. Your diligence
and persistence pay off at work. Interactions with employers, professors, parents
or other older persons are highly favored.
Feb 22, 2008 12
PM(Feb 13, 2008 to Feb 24, 2008) Merc
Trine Merc
This astrological influence (Merc Trine Merc) also occurred on Feb 15, 2008
(peak date). Please refer to this date.
Feb 22, 2008 (Feb
21, 2008 to Apr 6, 2008) Ven
2nd H.
Venus passing through the House of values and money: You attract the good things
in life, your taste is impeccable. Manage your resources sensibly. Keep in
mind that all that glitters is not gold. Think beautiful, be beautiful, and
guard the light!
Feb 23, 2008 2
AM(Feb 13, 2008 to Feb 25, 2008) Merc
Trine Mars
This astrological influence (Merc Trine Mars) also occurred on Feb 15, 2008
(peak date). Please refer to this date.
Feb 24, 2008 5
AM(Feb 24, 2008 to Feb 25, 2008) Sun
Trine Moon
The world is looking friendly right now. You should be able to figure out even
tough problems. Take advantage of this positive breeze to seek answers and
work things out.
Feb 24, 2008 (Feb
22, 2008 to May 21, 2008) Mars
7th H.
Mars passing through the House of Relationships: This period will test your
ability to resolve interpersonal conflicts. Anger often masks hurt feelings.
Take a step back from the issue and ask yourself, "What do I expect of this
person? What is being expected of me?" In searching for the answer, be willing
to be honest with yourself and considerate of others. If sparks fly, determine
to act decisively but avoid over reacting in a way that you might later regret.
A mutually agreeable compromise may be necessary to settle differences amicably.
On the plus side, your efforts could be strengthened by working energetically
and harmoniously with another person toward a common goal.
Feb 24, 2008 5
PM(Feb 20, 2008 to Feb 28, 2008) Mars
Oppos Asc
Beware! This transit almost always brings you into conflict with others. As
Mars enters your house of important relationships and open enemies, interpersonal
differences can easily become ignited. The only way out is through the heart.
Be considerate of others, but know that people will do what they will do. Strengthen
your inner reserves.
Feb 24, 2008 11
PM(Feb 24, 2008 to Feb 25, 2008) Ven
Trine Merc
This positive astrology brings love and communication together harmoniously.
The possibilities are endless, but it doesn't last long. Some simply take pleasure
in the everyday details of life. Others enjoy mini-excursions, a movie or a
chat with a friend in a local café. Still others use this influence by writing
and sharing the thoughts of their hearts. If you want to win someone's love,
now is the time to impress them with your words. This is a propitious moment
to take up a course like Compassionate Communication by Marshall Rosenburg,
or to read How to Influence Friends and Loved Ones by Dale Carnegie. It's classic.
Give loved ones a call.
Feb 25, 2008 3
AM(Feb 24, 2008 to Feb 26, 2008) Ven
Trine Mars
A little social life adds spice to your life. This might be the perfect time
to meet a friend for lunch, take in a movie or go dancing. An extra dose of
enthusiasm, charm and self-confidence is a boon in business as well. Some extra
cash may come your way. No matter how hectic life may be for you these days,
take the time to have a little fun. Meetings formed under this influence often
prove to be fortuitous.
Feb 26, 2008 (Feb
14, 2008 to Mar 10, 2008) Sat
Sxtil Moon
During this time emotional maturity and sustained effort pay off. You find
that you can handle stuff that used to leave you dazed and confused. This is
a great time to reorganize your work or home environment, bring to fruition
uncompleted tasks, and work out solutions with kids. Helping older people,
mentoring youth, working with children, or training a pet could prove satisfying
to the soul.
Feb 28, 2008 5
AM(Feb 28, 2008 to Feb 29, 2008) Sun
Sqr Merc
The forecast: high probability of harsh words with a brother or sister, authority
figure, parent, teacher or older person. Communication is improved when you
center in your heart and take a moment to consider the other person's needs
and feelings. Instead of getting angry or down on yourself or someone else,
listen to your own thoughts and be willing to admit mistakes. You can learn
a lot from taking in what others have to say.
Feb 29, 2008 (Feb
23, 2008 to Mar 6, 2008) Jup
Sqr Sat
Timing is essential. It could be hard to know which move to make and when.
Initiating new activities, expanding an existing business, or taking on new
responsibilities is generally not recommended now. If such moves are inevitable,
consider well the details and be careful not to bite off more than you can
chew. Keep in mind that the ends may not justify the means; be sincere in all
things, know well with whom you're dealing. Errors in judgment could prove
costly. Preparedness is essential to avoid snags. There's potential for clashes
with parents, teachers, or authorities; sometimes it's not what's happening
that counts as much as how you react. Do your homework, be ethical in all transactions,
stay positive, and control your enthusiasm. Then all should be well. If that's
too tall an order, life will teach you what you can and cannot accomplish,
with whom and under what circumstances.
Mar 1, 2008 6
AM(Mar 1, 2008 to Mar 2, 2008) Ven
Trine Sat
This is a positive aspect, especially if you're involved in the arts. It's
also a good time to select a new wardrobe or decorate your room. Sometimes
old friendships and important relationships are rekindled during this time.
It's easy to relate to employers and authority figures. There's a sense of
mutual appreciation. Long term friendships or romances sometimes develop under
this influence.
Mar 2, 2008 8
PM(Mar 1, 2008 to Mar 3, 2008) Merc
Trine Sat
It's time to get to business. Put your mind to work and take care of any details
on your desk. Stuff you may have felt blocked about is more easily resolved
now. Take advantage of this clear frame of mind to turn in those job or school
applications, meet with parents, employers or other authority figures. Mental
organization, patience and determination, and a welcome dose of common sense,
help you resolve even complex problems. Need an extension on your paper deadline,
a later curfew perhaps? Ask now!
Mar 4, 2008 6
PM(Mar 1, 2008 to Mar 7, 2008) Mars
Conj Sun
Maximize on the mega energy and drive available, making this an optimum time
to launch that project and push forward! Do it now! A word of advice:
play hard but keep your temper in check. Remember that you always need someone
on your team. Pump up, don't punch out!! This influence is great for sports
and other competitive events.
Mar 5, 2008 10
PM(Mar 2, 2008 to Mar 8, 2008) Mars
Trine Jup
Surf the South Seas, climb Mt. MidheavenKinley! Anything seems possible now!
A raise or new job is possible (you might, however, have to ask). You're in
the flow and everything's all right. Go for it! A potentially good time for
buying a car and for enjoyable travel. Negotiate the price down. Maxing out
your credit card could be tempting. Commit only to that which is doable.
Mar 8, 2008 6
AM(Mar 7, 2008 to Mar 9, 2008) Ven
Trine Plu
Strong attractions to the opposite sex often occur under this influence. Something
deep inside you draws you to relationships that reveal your hidden self. This
energy can also be channeled successfully into creative work and really fun
social outings. Some financial gain is possible. This is a good time to use
funds resourcefully. You could get some top notch entertainment, obtain something
beautiful or luxurious, and improve your wardrobe or appearance.
Mar 9, 2008 8
AM(Mar 9, 2008 to Mar 10, 2008) Ven
Sxtil Nep
Compassion, sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others and artistic and
musical inspiration are enhanced under this influence. This is an opportune
time to visit family or friends, especially those in need of comfort. Relationships
initiated under this aspect could be an ideal encounter or some pie-in-the-sky
bubbles soon to burst.
Mar 9, 2008 11
AM(Mar 9, 2008 to Mar 10, 2008) Ven
Sqr Ven
Chances are you're very touchy these days. You could feel unloved or could
even be unloving. You could feel lonely or confused about a relationship, about
your romantic prospects, your financial situation or about life in general.
During this time you can get in touch with your heart. Artists, dancers, writers
and musicians are expert at turning the soul's longings, even when unfulfilled,
into inspiring poetry and images. The only lasting happiness comes from within.
Don't blow your cash on stuff you may not really want tomorrow.
Mar 10, 2008 12
PM(Mar 9, 2008 to Mar 11, 2008) Merc
Trine Plu
A great time to get to the core of the matter. Whether you're taking it to
the next level in sports or in convincing others, this is the time to make
it happen. This influence is like having a ballpark halogen light inside your
brain. Subject matter previously hidden becomes apparent. Constructive financial
strategies you devise under this influence are likely to pay off.
Mar 11, 2008 4
PM(Mar 8, 2008 to Mar 14, 2008) Mars
Trine MC
Financial backing or perhaps a supportive team are among the potential positive
developments happening now to support your ambitions. Employers, parents, authority
figures, whoever represents "the boss" for you is likely to be receptive now.
Take advantage of the positive breeze. Go for it!