Julia Roberts
October 28, 1967
12:16 AM
Atlanta, Georgia
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Report and Text Copyright 2007 Lorna Houston
The contents of this report are protected by copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this copyright.
Dear Friend,
In the beginning, God created the universe. The universe was perfect,
because God was perfect.
The Universe included the sun, moon and stars to guide us back to our
awareness of the perfection of the Creator. There are twelve signs, which
are twelve paths back to our origins.
As human beings, we were created in the image and likeness of God. We
are, therefore, perfect. That is our true identity.
Any perceived imperfection is just the result of original sin. It is
not who we really are. It is not our underlying perfection.
As individuals, we were perfect at our conception. It is only because
of things like our karma, our inheritance, our prenatal, birth, and early
childhood experiences that we might not think we are perfect. However,
these intervening influences are just the effect of original sin; they
are not who we really are. When we discover who we really are and become
one with God again, we are reborn.
This report is designed to affirm your oneness with God and to help you
dissolve any blockages to your ultimate awareness. Special attention will
be paid to removing any such influences which may be lingering from your
prenatal and birth experiences, so that you can then live from the purity
of your conception.
This report is a sequel to the Chakra Healing Report, in that once you
have healed all seven of your chakras, you can focus on living from the
highest spiritual awareness of your Crown Chakra. Your Crown Chakra is
the thousand-petaled lotus, which is infinitely more complex and magnificent
than all of your other chakras combined. It is in your Crown Chakra that
your awareness is one with God. Holistic healing rightly unifies your body,
mind and spirit, and your Crown Chakra pertains to your spirit.
have a place on the top of your head which is called your conception
point. You can locate it
by putting the heel of your hand on the top of
your nose (so that it fits into the indentation there), and the point
which your middle finger then touches on the top of your head is
your conception
point. You grew downwards and outwards from that point. Your "horizontal" relationships
are with the world around you, and your "vertical" relationship
is with God.
If the influences of the world around you are in harmony with divine
will, then they help you maintain your sense of oneness in God. However,
if the influences around you come from original sin or any of its manifestations,
then a correction has to be made for you to rediscover your true perfection.
natal, astrological chart is a record of all the influences upon you
up to and including your birth.
It includes your prenatal life, your
conception and, according to recent research, "cellular memory" from
before your conception. In your chart, your conception point is shown
by your Midheaven, which is the highest spiritual point in your chart.
remainder of your chart consists of various guiding posts to show
you the way back up to your highest enlightenment.
Note: In this report I have used many Christian references to describe
the highest religious experiences. This is because I myself, was raised
in a Christian environment, and I needed a familiar language in which to
express my ideas. However, I am aware of the limitations of referring to
only one religion in particular. All of the great world religions and philosophies
share the same, essential ideals of faith, love, compassion, truth and
healing. You are encouraged to translate the essence of what I have described
into your own frame of reference and to use it in whatever way benefits
With Pluto now in sidereal Sagittarius, the world is in the process of
uniting the essential value of all religions into one, universal world
religion. By each contributing our part, from our own perspective, we are
pioneers in creating the new, global understanding.
Wishes, Lorna Houston Copyright 2008
Midheaven, which is shown in your chart as "M.C." is the
highest spiritual point in your chart. ("M. C." stands for the
Latin words "medium coeli") which means "middle of the sky" or "middle
of the heavens". The word "celestial" comes from the Latin "coeli".
a line extending out into outer space from the equator. This is called
the "plane of the ecliptic".
Now imagine a meredian line going from the south to the north from
your birthplace through the
zenith. (The zenith was the point straight up, overhead, where you
were born.) Next, imagine the place where the plane of the ecliptic
intersected that meridian. This point is your midheaven.
Your Midheaven indicates your highest point of communication with God,
as through prayer. It also indicates where your highest, spiritual awareness
comes into your chart such as communication from the Creator to answer
your prayers or to tell you the ultimate, best, most right things for you
to do. This wisdom may come to you through listening to your Higher Self
or from another channeled entity. It may be what you regard as your conscience,
or it may come to you in an inspired dream, or an experience of seeing
the Light.
The place to which your Midheaven corresponds in your body is your conception
point, on the top of your head. Then, in your brain, you have what is called
a left hemisphere and a right hemisphere. These represents your father
and your mother respectively (or the Sun and the Moon in your chart). Then
there is a crossover, so that your left hemisphere controls the right side
of your body, and your right hemisphere controls the left side of your
The left hemisphere pertains to the brain's logical thought and the right
hemisphere to lateral thinking. However, your Midheaven, as manifested
through your conception point, is your ultimate point of awareness of unity,
creation, and inspiration. Therefore, you can always transcend parental
and other earthly influences and directly contact the Source. The Source
is beyond the Sun and the Moon, because God created the Sun and the Moon,
and you are ultimately a child of God.
MC in Aries:
You are able to readily bring the highest level of spiritual awareness
into your actions. In other words, you practise what you preach. Your higher
awareness controls your ego, so that your motivating energy is an extension
of your higher self, rather than any lower attachment. You are able to
bring about great good, because your drive is self-renewing and comes from
the infinite. You cannot be discouraged because of your great faith.
The Nodes of the Moon indicate influences which have come into your life
through your mother.
The South Node, which has a Saturnian connotation, shows the types of
inheritances which you have received - from
human condition, your race, and your parental inheritance. Your purpose
in being here is to make the
world a better place. You need this knowledge of what the world
is like, so that you will be able to address your higher awareness to
it. However, you are not meant to feel burdened by your past, and
it is good and right for you to release anything from it which is standing
the way of your awareness that you are always a perfect child of
Your North Node has a Jupiterian connotation. It refers to your mother's
awareness that it is God's will for her to conceive and nurture a child.
It indicates her gratitude and joy that God has blessed her with a child.
It refers to her fertility and optimism for the future, as well as her
religious and cultural knowledge as to how to provide generously for a
Because of your mother's unconditional love for you, you were able to
grow and develop. The love you learned from your mother taught you about
the love of God. It gave you your example and inspiration to be a loving
person youself. Your North Node shows you how and where you will proceed
with your own life's mission of making the world a better, more God-like
North Node in Aries:
The influences which came to you through your mother have a great deal
to do with successful, harmonious relationships. Your parents had a good
marriage and so did your grandparents, but now that you have mastered that
area of life, you are ready to find something new. Even your relationship
with your mother is so ready-made that you feel the need to explore whom
you are as an individual, as separate from your mother. Even if you are
going to go forth in the world and spread the knowledge of peace and harmony
which you learned at home, you need to get more of a sense of it being
your own, individual project.
Work on developing your self-confidence. Spend sometime alone. It will
feel lonely and awkward at first, but you will know that you are growing
in a new way. Start out with easy goals for independence and gradually
progress to more complex ones. Know that you do not have to give up everything
to acquire something new. You already know that you are good at seeing
both sides of things, and you can safely explore one side for your own
independence without losing your ultimate awareness of balance.
Chapter 3: THE MOON
The Moon in your chart represents the nurturing of life. The Moon in
the sky reflects the light of the Sun, and reminds us that the illumination
of God is available to us, even in the times of darkness.
We learn to love by being loved. The love of our parents, which went
into our creation, is a reflection of the love of God. Our experience of
being cared for, protected, and nourished in the womb taught us that we
are loved, and that we can love ourselves and become more independent.
Our birth confirmed our independence and put us into more direct contact
with the love of God, because our perception of the Moon, the Sun, and
the planets was now our own. By now being separated from our mother, we
were able to reflect upon the love of the God who created our mother and
ourselves. This experience made us more loving because, as we reflect God's
love, we love, protect and nurture the people around us. We gradually became
more aware of our surroundings and learned to love the trees, the fish,
the flowers, the oceans , and all of the other wonderful aspects of God's
creation. God's creation is a reflection of God, just as the Moon's light
is a reflection of the Sun's light.
Once we are completely reborn, we are motivated to love all of Creation,
and to do our part for its well-being. We become loving stewards of the
land and nurturing protectors of all those who need love. We set an example
of love, and then our love is reflected in the actions of others, as the
love of God which inspires us is infinite.
We can make a conscious choice to be loving and nurturing, by choosing
to summon the great potential for love which is within us. We can allow
our instinctive drive to be nurturing, which we internalized during our
prenatal and childhood years, to flow freely and be our concious motivation
from now on. We can choose to love ourselves, so that we remain nurtured
and nourished, no matter what happens. We can choose to increase our capacity
to be loving persons.
"And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also." (Genesis
1:16). We do not worship the Moon as if it were a god; we appreciate
the Moon as a part of God's creation, as the light which reminds
us of God's
presence through the darkness of the night - and which we are aware
is still there during the day.
Moon in Leo:
In your prenatal life, you first learned about celebration and fun. There
may have been a baby shower held in your honour, with the guests bringing
all kinds of gifts for you. The mothers may have brought their children
with them, for them to have a party too. You may have had older siblings
at home playing games, or your mother have taken them to a nursery to play
with other children. Your prenatal experience was, therefore, very joyous.
You were happy to be born, and to be centre of a lot of positive, admiring
attention. Pretty soon, you would be old enough to play with the other
children and have birthday parties of your own. Your birth may have reminded
your mother of the story of the baby Jesus and how the Three Wise Man came
to give him gifts. This story set a very happy example as to how children
should be treated.
Moon in 2nd house:
Your parents were of one mind in deciding to create you and they both
worked together to nurture and provide for you from then on.
Moon Conjunct Jupiter:
Your mother would have been absolutely thrilled to have a new baby, and
she was grateful to God for your arrival. As a result, you learned to be
kind and caring toward others.
Moon Square Neptune:
Your mother was psychic and empathic to your needs before you were born,
but there were interferences with it, such as a noisy or insensitive environment
or perhaps drugs or alcohol. Purify your system and your environment and
enjoy your full potential.
Moon Trine N. Node:
You were blessed in your early life to have an unusually kind, nurturing
mother who provided you with inspiration to create a prosperous future
for yourself and others.
Chapter 4: THE SUN
The Sun in your chart represents life itself. The Sun was created by
God as was all manifestation of the Divine Absolute. The Sun is not God
but the Sun is a channel through which God has manifested your life at
conception. Your conception was the moment when you first became a distinct
individual, as separate from your parents. Your birth was the moment when
you became separate to your mother, when your embilical cord was cut. Your
rebirth is the moment when you become completely self-sufficient, so that
it is your own inner light which is coming through and shining in everything
you do. You are reborn when you became the very best of whom you were created
by God to be.
The Sun is also manifested in the life which supports and nourishes you.
It is the Sun which gives life to the plants and trees which make the oxygen
which we breathe. The Sun gives you the light by which you see. The Sun
gives warmth which sustains all life. Because you derive life and inspiration
from the Sun, you grow and prosper. When you grow and prosper, you have
much to give others, to inspire them with light and life. You become a
supporter of life, as you learn to be more godlike. You heal others with
Light. You remind others that the life which sustains them comes from God.
Then they want to become more godlike too, and elightenment comes.
the Sun, we learn that God teaches us to love our enemies: " .
. . he maketh his own sun to rise on the evil and on the good . . ." (Matthew
5:45). We also learn to let our own light shine, as a positive example
for others: "Let your own light so shine before men, that they may
see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven".
(Matthew 5:16).
In the Metamorphic Technique, which is for healing from prenatal stresses,
the emphasis is on the idea that life itself is the great healer, and that
we have a self-healing quality. Once the old patterns are let go, we discover
whom we can be. Before conception, there is conciousness of the life to
be, but this stage is still out of time, space and matter, and then life
begins at conception.
In Leonard Orr's Rebirthing, it is the stress of the birth trauma which
is released through breathing techniques, in order to allow us to become
fully alive and to live the potential which is our birthright.
Sun in Scorpio:
Your conception itself was a rebirth, because you were the new life created
out of very intense, almost life-or-death circumstances. Your birth would
likely have been an intense struggle, with the miracle of your healthy
birth emerging at the end of it.
You are well prepared for whatever it will take for your spiritual rebirth,
because you already have the intense courage to face anything and to uncover
whatever is needed for your spiritual advancement.
Sun in 4th house:
You may have been born at home, or else in a place which was made as
much as possible to be like a secure, protective home. A midwife or sensitive
nurse may have helped your mother with your delivery, and your father may
have been there to help too.
Sun Sextile Mars:
Your birth was an experience of cooperation between two healthy, strong
individuals - you and your mother. You are happy to have your own identity
in the world, and also to share that joy with an individualistic mother.
Sun Sextile Jupiter:
You have a talent for reaching others with kindness and inspiration.
As your own energy level is high and your faith is strong, you have much
to give.
Just as the Sun indicates your father and the Moon your mother, the Ascendant
represents you, the child. It is the place in your chart which shows how
you are a distinct individual, as separate from your parents.
Your Ascendant is based on the time of day of your birth, but you are
already a distinct individual right from your conception. You have awareness,
which develops as you grow inside the womb. You have awareness of yourself,
your mother, and even events outside of the womb, such as the presence
of light or sound. If you have a twin, you are aware of another human being
who is developing along with you.
are books about the amazing extent of prenatal awareness. One is "The
Secret of Life of the Unborn Child" by Thomas Verny (Delta, N.Y.,
1981), which is geared towards preparing your unborn baby for a happy,
healthy life". Another is "Life before Life" by Helen Wambach
(Bantam, N.Y., 1979).
ability of the unborn child to perceive and respond to stimuli outside
the womb is recorded in the
Bible: "when Elizabeth heard the salutation
of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb." (Luke 1:41)
So, you have always been a distinct, important individual, right from
your creation. Your Ascendant and the subsequent house positions of your
planets show where you express your individual self, as a unique child
of God.
In terms of the Holy Trinity, the Sun would correspond to God the Father,
the Moon to Jesus and the Ascendant to the Holy Spirit.
Cancer Rising:
assert yourself by being protective of your family. Your ability to do
this goes all the way back to your prenatal experience of having
a very caring family and a mother who likely stayed at home to give
you the best prenatal care. You would be very good at caring for small
You are well aware that the care they receive now will detemine what
they will be like as adults. Because your mother would have communicated
you psychically when you were young, you would instinctively be able
to tell what children need. Your unconditonal love is a reflection of
a loving
and caring God.
Chapter 6: MERCURY
Mercury rules speech and communication, as Mercury was the Roman messenger-god.
The transcendental meaning of the role of a messenger becomes clear in
the bible:
"And they called Barnabas Jupiter; and Paul Mercurius, because he
was the chief speaker." (Acts 14:12). When Barnabas and Paul went
to Lystra, the people there thought that the gods had become men
and come down to them, but they convinced the people to believe in
the real living
God; they were human messengers bringing the good news about God,
as missionaries.
The angels also acted as messengers for God, such as Gabriel bringing
the glad tidings to Zacharias that he and his wife would have a son, even
though they had grown old. (Luke 1:11-20). An angel of the Lord appeared
to Joseph in a dream and told him that Mary was going to have a son, that
he would name him Jesus, and that Jesus would save his people from their
sins. (Matthew 1:20-21)
A good messenger has the faith that there is good news to bring, and
works on the level. Good news has a healing effect, which multiplies and
spreads a wave of positive energy to every corner on earth. Look for the
good, and spread the happiness which you discover.
Mercury in Scorpio:
You have a probing mind and courage to discuss anything. You would have
much to offer as a researcher of the impact of prenatal and birth experiences
on personality and the ways to heal any blockages to future happiness.
You would understand the significance of the first breath a newborn takes.
Mercury in 4th house:
You give your children the opportunity for positive news by reading to
them, teaching them how to read, and having a good library in your home.
Chapter 7: VENUS
Venus in astrology represents love, and love can take many forms on the
higher level. There is the love of God, and there is the love of God for
those who love God. God shows his love to thousands of generations of those
who love him and keep his commandments. (Exodus 20:6).
said "My commandment is this: love one another, just as I
love you. The greatest love a man can have for his friends is to give his
life for them". (John 15:13).
is love between husband and wife: "Jacob worked seven years
so that he could have Rachel, and the time seemed like only a few days
to him, because he loved her." (Genesis 29:20).
is also brotherly love: Paul said "Love must be completely
sincere. Hate what is evil, hold on to what is good. Love one another warmly
as Christian brothers and be eager to show respect for one another." (Romans
must be for God, rather than be attached to worldly things: "Do
not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love this
world, you do not love the Father." (1 John 2:15).
Venus in Virgo:
You show your love to others by caring about them in a practical way.
For example, you would attend to every detail for their health and nutrition.
You like to work and serve other people, and you are ultimately serving
Venus in 3rd house:
You behave lovingly towards your brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles
and other relatives. You have harmonious relationship with your neighbours.
Venus Conjunct Pluto:
You are steadfast in your love for others, particularly when they are
going through very intense situations. Your love regenerates their faith.
Chapter 8: MARS
in astrology, is what indicates your strength, and this strength ultimately
comes from God: "The God of Israel is he that giveth strength
and power unto his people." (Psalms 68:35) As long as you remember
that the real source of your strength is God, you will not be attached
to it and you will use it only for purposes which are in harmony
with the divine will. Be strong in your faith, and use your strength
to help the
also symbolizes newness - new beginnings and a new birth: "And
now I make all things new!" (Revelation 21:5). Newness is created
by turning away from sin and giving yourself to God. (Romans 6). "No
longer do we serve in the old way of written law, but in the new way of
the Spirit." (Romans 7:6) Jesus said: " A person is born physically
of human parents, but he is born spiritually of the Spirit." (John
Mars in Capricorn:
You are very self-disciplined about maintaining the highest standards
and you help keep others on the straight and narrow too. You would be very
inspired by the Ten Commandments as a guide for living and creating a better
world. You would have no difficulty accepting God as the ultimate authority.
Mars in 6th house:
You have great strength when it comes to being able to work hard at something
requiring precision, especially if you are working with your hands. Your
exactingness is inspired by God's perfection.
Mars Trine Jupiter:
You create goodwill by putting your religious beliefs into action. Others
are inspired by your positive attitude that each moment is a brand, new
Mars Square Saturn:
You have the strength and willpower to see God even in the harshest conditions
of hard labour and endurance.
Chapter 9: JUPITER
Jupiter in astrology represents faith, benevolence, goodness, praise,
positive beliefs and, on the higher level, miracles.
leads to salvation. "Whoever believes and is baptized will
be saved . . . Believers will be given the power to perform miracles." (Mark
16: 16-17)
seeks to rise above the everyday world to discover the higher, philosophical
truths: "And be ye not conformed to this world; but
be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that be ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2).
Jupiter rules wisdom. Wisdom can be found in the Bible in the Book of
Proverbs, which is a collection of the moral and religious teachings of
Solomon, Agur, and others. The Gospel (the Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke
and John) is the record of Christian teachings. Paul's letter to the Romans
gives further explanation of Christian wisdom. Wisdom can also be found
in other religions and in the works of great seers and philosophers.
rules abundance, as in the idea of "my cup runneth over"(Psalm
23:5). The story of the loaves and the fishes is about how God is the ultimate
source of our abundance, and how being grateful is the way to increase
how much we have. There was a multitude to feed, but they had only five
loaves and two fishes. Jesus took them and looked up to heaven, and gave
thanks to God, and then there was enough to feed thousands of people. If
someone gives us something and we say "thank you",' they will
be inclined to give us more, but if we are critical of what they
give us, they will not. Such is the secret of prosperity: positive
thinking, positive
faith and gratitude.
Jupiter in Virgo:
You have high moral values, which you bring down to the practical level
in the everyday world. For example, you pay attention to cleanliness, detail
and accuracy. The fact that others trust you to perform tasks honestly
enhances their faith in God. This is especially true if you are working
in the health field and others are coming to you because they trust you
to heal them.
Jupiter in 2nd house:
You have a natural ability to take the assets you have and create a far
greater abundance with them. It is your faith which inspires you to build
prosperity for the future.
Jupiter Trine N. Node:
You are blessed to be a person of great faith and wisdom among people
who share your beliefs. Because of your benevolence and knowledge, you
are likely to become a spiritual leader within your group.
Chapter 10: SATURN
in astrology has to do with trustworthiness and discipline. In order
to be inspired to be
trustworthy, you need to put your trust in God. "Offer
sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the Lord'. and "It
is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man"' (Psalms
118:8) and "Trust ye in the Lord forever: for the Lord Jehovah is
everlasting strength". (Isaiah 26:4)
word "discipline" comes from the word "disciple",
and the twelve disciples were the followers of Jesus. They listened
to his teachings and in that way became qualified to teach others.
Saturn in Aries:
You may have been born with your mother being in labour for a long time
and there being a tightness around your head. This may have been because
you mother was old to be having children or, if you are the first-born,
the canal where you came out was tight. The result is that you tend to
be responsible and not just in a hurry.
Saturn in 9th house:
When you were young, you may have seen religion as a restricting influence
in your life, because of its standards and rules. However, now you can
study it in a different light and use it as a source of strength and happiness.
Chapter 11: URANUS
in astrology refers to the concept of equality for all: "Masters,
give unto your servants that which is just and equal; knowing that ye also
have a Master in heaven." (Colossians 4:1).
will be judged equally in the long run: ". . .with righteousness
shall he judge the world, and the people with equity." (Psalms 9 8:9)
also rules the idea of having many friends and acquaintances, working
together to achieve
more than the total of what each individual
could accomplish by working on his or her own. You will do this if
you remember that God is your friend: "Remain united to me, and I will
remain united to you. A branch cannot bear fruit by itself; it can do so
only if it remains in the vine. In the same way you cannot bear fruit unless
you remain in me." (John 15:4 and "This, then, is what I command
you: love one another." (John 15:17). If everyone followed this, there
would be universal love, as inspired by God.
in astrology refers to lightning and flashes of inspiration coming from
the highest level.
In the Bible, there was lightning before God appeared: "And
it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders
and lightning, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet
exceeding loud; so that all the people that was in the camp trembled. And
Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God." (Exodus
Uranus in Virgo:
You would be able to bring new ideas into the health care system, along
with others, as to how to make the birth experience more enlightened and
less traumatic. You would see the importance of prayer and meditation for
manifesting good health.
Uranus in 3rd house:
You like dealing with new, inventive ideas, and you would work well with
intelligent friends to develop them.
Uranus Sextile Neptune:
You are kind and compassionate to those in need and you treat them as
Uranus Conjunct Pluto:
You are very much tuned into the idea of reforming and regenerating the
world in harmony with God's will, even if it means widespread, radical
Uranus Sextile Asc.:
You have flashes of inspiration from your Higher Mind and you express
yourself in an agreeable, yet original manner.
Chapter 12: NEPTUNE
Neptune in astrology, represents fish and the sea. On the human level,
Neptune rules compassion.
the story of creation, God created the sea and the living creatures in
it: "And God said, Let the water bring forth abundantly the moving
creature that hath life.... And God created great whales and every living
creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly." (Genesis
called four fishermen to be his disciples: "As Jesus walked
along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers who were fishermen,
Simon (called Peter) and his brother Andrew, catching fish in the lake
with a net." (Matthew 4:18). He told them to come with him and then
he went on and saw James and John, who were in their boat getting their
nets ready, and Jesus called them to go with him. He told Simon and Andrew "Come
with me, and I will teach you to catch men." (Mark 1:17) - in other
words teach them about God and save them.
said to God "You will be merciful to us once again. You will
trample our sins underfoot and send them to the bottom of the sea!" (Micah
are various other references to God's compassion in the Bible, such as: "But God was merciful to his people. He forgave their sin
and did not destroy them." (Psalm 78:38). Jesus said to a man from
whom he had removed demons: "Go back home to your family and tell
them how much the Lord has done for you and how kind he has been to you." (Mark
5:19) The example being set by Jesus was for people to be compassionate
to one another, as the good Samaritan did: "But a Samaritan who was
travelling that way came upon the man and when he saw him, his heart was
filled with pity. He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds
and bandaged them; then he put the man on his own animal and took him to
an inn, where he took care of him." (Luke 10:33-4).
According to Yogi Ramacharaka, the astrological chart for the birth of
Christ has a strong Neptunian component, because there was a Jupiter-Saturn
conjunction in Pisces, the sign ruled by Neptune. These two planets, still
in close position to each other were joined by the planet Mars next spring.
(p.20. Mystic Christianity, Yogi Publication Society, Chicago, 1935).
Neptune in Scorpio:
You are very understanding of how prenatal and birth experiences affect
later emotions. You would be able to help heal others from any early blocks
to their future happiness.
Neptune in 4th house:
You express care and compassion in your home, whether it is a newborn
baby or an older relative who needs you.
Neptune Sextile Pluto:
You have many opportunities to transform both individuals and planet
as a whole by being kind and compassionate.
Neptune Trine Asc.:
You have a gift of being able to understand and harmonize with those
in need. You are very compassionate and inspiring to them.
Chapter 13: PLUTO
in astrology has to do with regeneration, rebirth, and transformation.
Jesus said to his disciples "That ye which have followed me, in the
generation when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye
also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." (Matthew
said to his letter to Titus: "...according to his mercy he
saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost,
which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour." (Titus
said to Nicodemus: "Except a man be born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God." (John 3:3).
wrote to the Romans: "And
be ye not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the
renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what
is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
A very dramatic story of transformation and rebirth is that of Saul in
the Bible. At first he tried to destroy the church but then he underwent
a dramatic conversion: Suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him.
He fell to the ground and Jesus spoke to him, because the Lord had chosen
him to serve him (Acts 9). Saul, who was also known as Paul, then went
on to spread Christianity to many places including Rome, from where Christianity
was later spread to the entire western world - and beyond. So no matter
what life is like now, you can transform it for the better by believing
that you can, and by focusing on the highest, possible good.
can go beyond spiritual purification to include your body as well.
Then it is called
transfiguration. "This means going to heaven
and taking your body with you... The ability to dematerialize and rematerialize
the physical body as the immortals of the Bible and India have illustrated,
enables us to go to other universes without going through physical
death." (pp.12-14
in "The Common Sense of Physical Immortality" by Leonard Orr,
published by I Am Alive now in the World, Box 163, Sierraville, CA
96126, U.S.A.)
Pluto in Virgo:
You were born at a time when healing and preventive health care were
seen to be the way to regenerate the society. Many became vegetarians and
undertook self-healing therapies, in the belief that healthy individuals
make a healthy society.
Pluto in 3rd house:
Although you may have found learning in school to be difficult at first,
you have the determination and willpower to become a successful student
with an intelligent and probing mind.
Although a conventional astrological reading ends at the planet Pluto,
there are many other phenomena in the universe and in God's total, infinite
creation. Meteor showers are important because they consist of matter which
has remained frozen and unchanged since the creation of our solar system.
During a meteor shower, these rocks actually enter the earth's atmosphere
and melt for the first time. Therefore, their influence on us is to put
us back in touch with the origin of our creation, so that we can be reborn.
The most concentrated meteor showers are the Quadrantids on about January
3-4 each year, the Perseids on about August 12-13 each year, and the Geminids
on about December 13 each year. If you were born at one of these times,
you might have something to tell the rest of us about how meteor showers
can be interpreted in astrology. Everyone can notice how he or she views
rebirth at these times of the year and contribute to this new knowldge.
Do you experience anything at the conception point on the top of your head?
Do you see things more clearly? Do you envision more hope for the world?
Are you in better communication with God? Perhaps you will be the one to
enlighten the world about this.