Redd's Cayce Past Life Report for
Michael J. Fox
June 9, 1961
12:15 AM
Edmonton, Canada
In the pages which follow, you will see descriptions of your character traits,
relationship potentials and challenges, as well as career potentials, and even
All or most of these sometimes intimate descriptions will be linked in some
way with your past lives and your experiences in the planetary realms between
lifetimes (the interlife).
Yet, you may ask, how can this information best be used?
First, HELP YOURSELF. The enclosed uplifting commentary can only be truly beneficial
if you see it as a means of self-help and self-transformation. So to get the
maximum practical benefit out of each page of this report, focus on connecting
what you read with what is going on in your life now.
Next, LOOK FOR PATTERNS. When you see repeated references -- for instance to
similar careers, pursuits or vocations -- you should consider these references
seriously. They demonstrate a positive karmic connection which you now have
with these same career-related potentials from past life endeavors. So, because
of prior life success, these areas of expression should be easier for you to
find rewarding or to succeed in, as compared with in other areas.
Also, pay close attention to REMEDIAL MEASURES. For instance, you may be given
an affirmation to use in meditation (or a prayer). Or you may be given a crystal/gemstone
to wear. These means of balancing out challenging vibrations can indeed be
very helpful, especially if used in a hopeful manner.
Finally, this report is a synthesis of past life and planetary interlife interpretations
originally given clairvoyantly by Edgar Cayce, for individuals with your same
planetary patterns at birth. So in applying this report to your personal life,
you should RESPECT INNER GUIDANCE -- through dreams, meditation and past life
regression for example -- as primary resources for this kind of information;
and most important, RESPECT YOUR FREE WILL! You alone must choose and know
what is really best for you.
Your birth chart interpretation is based on the positions of the planets at
the time of your birth.
Astrologer Ry Redd calculated on computer the astrology charts for hundreds
of people who received readings by Edgar Cayce which contained astrologically
based information. By studying these astrology charts, Ry Redd determined what
planetary influences were most likely responsible for the readings by Edgar
Cayce. In many cases the astrological basis of the Cayce readings appears to
be very straightforward. From this information Ry Redd was able to develop,
in conjunction with the computer programmers at Cosmic Patterns Software, an
analysis of your birth chart as Ry Redd believes that Edgar Cayce's psychic
readings would have interpreted it. Ry Redd's research effort was exhaustive
and was conducted over many years, some of which was spent at the Edgar Cayce
library at the Association for Research and Enlightenment headquarters in Virginia
Beach, Virginia.
Your Sun is sextile Uranus.
You have a great deal of originality, ingenuity, independence, and intuitive
ability. Because of your exceptional intellectual and higher consciousness
capabilities, to some people you seem inclined to be a dabbler into an extraordinarily
wide variety of subjects, projects, and occupations (a Jack-of-all-trades,
yet master of some). Your futuristic, scientific/technological as well as mystical,
New Age interests are sometimes light years ahead of the mainstream. Your main
motivation is likely to be helping others through your abiding interest in
things psychological and astrological, especially in esoteric traditions.
Your afterlife experience in the Uranus dimension of awareness tends to make
you an extremist. Feeling that anything worth doing is worth overdoing, you
do not go at anything halfheartedly. Yet know that only in the Christ consciousness
may extremes be brought together and made compatible with one another. Others
may see you as taking rather circuitous routes to achieve your many pioneering
goals, because you build your convictions gradually from careful evidence,
although never losing sight of your goals.
Regardless of such outside skepticism as this, you have probably gained a lot
in soul development in this experience. Just be sure to keep in mind a certain
promise: if you turn within, through your prayer, meditation and dream life,
you will know that your Redeemer lives. He is your Guide in correlating, centering,
and coordinating your Uranian activities and interests.
Your most prominent past life was probably an Atlantean one, where you may
well have been quite influential in unifying teachings for the moral, intellectual,
and material uplift of others. In the present, you can best aid seekers --
whether beginners or advanced students, laymen, the great or the would-be great
-- in knowing their true relationships to their souls, their God, and their
overall purpose for being here, through the application of spiritual guidance
and philosophy. You may be the greatest help to others by giving advice which
aids them in their seeking for truth, without becoming dogmatic. Such an activity
is likely to bring you the greatest blessings as well. [1210-1, 5145-1, 398-1,
2403-1, 2786-1]
Your Sun harmoniously aspects Mars.
You are easygoing in your temperament, but once aroused to anger you can rise
as high as your quietness had formerly held you back. You also have considerable
vitality which is well to be directed toward nature, especially through energetic,
outdoor activities.
Farming and gardening are likely to be especially rewarding, as well as research
along agricultural and horticultural lines. Providing food and shelter for
individuals that have to do with their health, activity and energy are natural
drives, particularly in things pertaining to daily life home conveniences.
It is likely that you lived in America during its early frontier days, when
many of these talents were developed out of necessity. Also related to this
prior lifetime is your powerful physical determination, especially in competition:
you simply do not allow yourself to be defeated by others.
Colloquially expressed, you have "get up and go", or better, "true
grit". You have a very distinct vim or vigor in your self-determination
to follow the right course of action.
However, this may at times be expressed too aggressively, which may separate
you at least intellectually, mentally or communicatively from many of your
associates and relations. This is a feature of your personality this lifetime
that can either be constructive or destructive. Hence be sure to avoid going
too far with your very active, determined drive toward self-expression. [2322-2,
Your Moon is conjoined with Venus.
You are an artistic and romantic type of person, a natural quality you probably
inherited from past lives where you were socially active and involved with
the arts in some way.
Also, from one or more experiences between lives in the Venus dimension of
love and beauty, you are physically attractive and have a pleasing personality
Venus is the realm of afterlife awareness which is most similar to the earth,
especially as regards material desires and emotions. Therefore with your Venusian
background from past lives as well as between lives, you are likely to have
an intense, earthy yet subconscious sensuality. (Incidentally, males with this
pattern tend to select a mate especially for her sex appeal and physical beauty.)
Also, there may be times when your somewhat intense sexuality and desire nature
need balance. This can be accomplished by applying your will to spiritualize
your relationships through setting and consistently applying high moral standards
and ideals.
For instance, you might pray (although in your own words), "I feel a close
kinship with all living things, for their beauty is reflected in my own sensitive
nature. Lord, may I be blessed with a loving disposition without falling prey
to situations that demand nothing less than total personal involvement. Protect
me from soliciting the attentions of others for selfish reasons. With Your
love to guide me, Lord, I pray that I may learn how to express my feelings
in appropriate ways."
Your Moon is in an inharmonious pattern with Jupiter.
Upon reentering the earth plane to begin your present life, you
chose a time when Jupiter was in a challenging pattern with respect
to the Moon's orbit
around the earth. This symbolized and helped bring into your awareness the
need to overcome the more difficult side of your soul experience in the interlife
dimension of Jupiter and in past lives when you were involved with "Jupiterian" individuals.
For instance, you may attract to you souls who treat you like you treated them
in previous lifetimes. These people (who are likely to be in prominent positions
today, just as they were in the deep past) mirror your personal yet cosmic
history by presenting to you opportunities to meet yourself as you were then.
The influences of Jupiter open up opportunities for you to choose to pursue
activities dealing with groups and the public.
Yet using YOUR thoughts and actions as examples for others, you may be guided
in the way and manner as to sway the emotions and thoughts of the many. Especially
will this be so if presented as an expression of Christ's love, of His activity.
For the time is fulfilled when many must and will become as channels, as emissaries,
for the teachings which are the foundation of Him who gave those promises to
all people, "Love me; keep my commandments."
As an example of a more challenging karmic pattern, overborrowing and extravagance
concerning otherwise ample financial resources could bring you losses, as could
placing your faith in the wrong people or wrong causes. Here, setting the highest
ideals you know can be invaluable. All you need do is use your free will to
apply these ideals with modesty and humility.
While likely to be friendly and indulgent rather than antagonistic toward others,
you may still have tendencies toward procrastination -- and even laziness at
times -- which may well be valuable balances against stress and tension.
Also, be cautious about self-indulgence in eating and drinking, as this may
bring you difficulties with your liver. [1156-1]
Your Moon is in an inharmonious pattern with Saturn.
The Moon reflects your subconscious urges and emotions from past lives. Your
soul journey in the Saturn dimension between lives probably involved a very
profound change which involved a basic reprogramming of your emotional drives.
One result of this experience is that you may be challenging yourself this
lifetime with opportunities to meet and successfully grow through troublesome
conditions between groups, as well as political and foreign affairs. However,
when you meet these situations in your quiet manner, you will probably turn
them to your advantage, especially as regards your financial affairs.
It may also be said that as a mediator you are able to build upon the failures
of others where there is the expression of doubt or fear on their part. In
other words, where others have failed in communicating or making the right
connection with each other, owing to some cross or error over which there has
been dissension or discussion, you can take this challenge and build upon it.
This may often bring into your experience very satisfying conditions. Yet you
may constantly be changing in your relationship to groups, sometimes becoming
very close, and at other times much further apart.
Do try to refrain from making or drawing comparisons between you and others,
thereby belittling yourself. Your inclination to do this will not become a
stumbling stone if you hold to the ideal that he who would be the greatest
among his associates will be the servant of all, a helpful force in his experience
in every way. Moreover, it is better to be "had" by all than ever
taking advantage of any.
Therefore, in your prayer and meditation periods, seek help from the Creative
Forces for guidance as to how you may better express your feelings. You might
pray for forgiveness to come to those who have inhibited you in the past. By
so doing, you may free yourself to be more affectionate, expressive and less
inhibited in your own feelings in the present. You will then love more freely,
feel more joy in living and be more free to give to others! [165-2, 329-1,
994-1, 1792-2]
Your Mercury harmoniously aspects Neptune.
There is likely to be a close synchronization of innate mental urges from your
afterlife experiences in the heavenly realms of Neptune and Mercury, with emotional
promptings from past lives as the musician and mystic. The result is as fortunate
as it is intense: you are so especially gifted in these directions as to have
true potentials for creative, inspirational genius. You have very special gifts
in the form of abilities in devotional, inspirational music and poetry on one
hand and on the other, spiritual channeling through your dreams and visions.
While training often diminishes such natural gifts, your attunement to music
and color is so fine that with training, you can reach the level of a supersensitive
in the inner, mystic forces.
Water, the material emblem of the spirit, is Neptune's element. You should
live near water, whether it be a river, lake or ocean. This will increase the
influence of mystical activities and spiritual channeling, for instance through
dreams and meditation, which are your natural abilities. You also have urges
toward mysterious things such as collecting unusual items that to you may have
protective powers, or serve as good luck charms. These should not be considered
taboo. Just be sure to spiritualize them rather than visualize material or
financial results coming from them.
You love mystery, though with a tendency toward idealizing people and situations.
However, your experience of hero worship may not only be in the ordinary sense,
but also as decided likes and dislikes linked with characters in film and literature,
for instance.
These blessed potentials make it all the more necessary for you always to keep
spiritual purposes before you. Not just being honest so that others will speak
well of you, but being CLEAN in your thoughts and actions. Nor should such
a purity of purpose be pursued for a reward in heaven or earth. Instead, it
creates the vital mind-body balance necessary for harmonious mental-spiritual
experiences against the challenging mundane environment of the often harsh
material plane. [305-3, 963-1, 2799-1]
Your Venus is in an inharmonious pattern with Neptune.
At the time of your re-entry into the earth plane your soul flight paths from
Venus and Neptune were squared off or opposed in the zodiac. Your choice to
be born when these two planet- flight paths were at odds with each other resulted
in a call-up from your soul's past life records which reveal a love liability
in your cosmic account.
This same challenging choice of re-entry from Venus, realm of love and beauty,
and Neptune, realm of spirituality and mysticism, is made by many sincere seekers
who are earnest students on the spiritual path. It points out this lifetime
as an especially important one, for you are directly faced, among other things,
with the necessity to spiritualize the disappointments you have experienced
through your great need for love.
That is, your deep desire for affection -- and resulting heartaches from feeling
the lack of it -- all must be given up and instead has to be universalized
into BEING, manifesting Love and Compassion.
This is not to say that you should be impractical in being too empathetic and
allow yourself to be deceived (or to deceive or delude yourself), for instance,
by giving too much to the wrong -- especially spiritual or moral -- cause or
marrying the wrong person whom you have emotionally over-idealized. Let your
prayer or song be, "Lord, let me learn to BE the love I've been dreaming
of, learn to BE the love I need."
The other area of your unclear vision and lack of good judgment at times might
manifest in a kind of "mystical moodiness" as far as inner guidance
is concerned (this applies particularly to dreams and meditation experiences).
That is, you may be moved by an impulse thought to be from without -- from
higher, spiritual sources -- when it is really within your own head. Or, conversely,
you may often be prompted to act or fail to act on what you think is only a
feeling from within when it is really from without.
There are indicators that an excellent outlet for you would be in counseling
others who are emotionally or spiritually needy, either directly (one-on-one
or by leading small groups) or through writing, or both. The main requirement
is for you to CHOOSE. First, through analyzing yourself in such a way as to
know what is your ideal relationship to God. Second, what is your ideal attitude
and corresponding life work activity that can fulfill that purpose, that ideal.
Finally, what is the ideal yet practical manner of expressing these purposes
in relationship to those you deal with on a day-to-day basis. Then, whether
it be in fact or fiction, in a private journal or widely read book or column,
WRITE about what you have come up with! There are many, many souls who would
benefit, as long as you really have something constructive and helpful to say
as part of a specific purpose and lesson to be learned. [1962-1]
Your Venus is in an inharmonious pattern with Saturn.
You have chosen, through this aspect, perhaps your greatest challenge for achieving
either great healing or great hurt!
By choosing a time of birth when these two planets were in an inharmonious
pattern with each other in the zodiac, you brought with you into this experience
the challenging sides of your betweenlife experiences in Venus, realm of creativity,
beauty and love, and Saturn, the dimension of deep change, self-purging and
remolding. Because your soul flight paths from Venus and Saturn were thus at
odds with each other, as a soul re-entering the earth plane, you read from
and have since acted upon the debit side of your spiritual record.
In other words, you are inclined to attract associations from previous lives
which are the karmic source of relationship challenges you face this lifetime
as well as difficulties in loving and appreciating yourself. These past disappointments
in love and disillusionment with marriage are being brought back to you for
a proper hearing and, hopefully, a permanent healing.
Since self-healing must be preceded by self-knowledge, recognize your tendency
toward separateness and self-centeredness, both of which hurt those you love
and those who would love you, were you to let them. As you get older, loneliness
and related personal limitations may set in, including problems with finances
(Venus rules both love and money). Ironically, in spite of your apparent self-sufficiency,
you must face and overcome the difficulty of standing up alone in the world,
of being truly independent emotionally.
Your soul journeys in the spheres of Venus and Saturn between death and rebirth
inclines you to hold yourself aloof from other people, their thoughts and their
opinions, because what suits you is usually quite self-sufficient. What relationships
you have tend to be rather intense, unless you balance yourself through spiritualizing
your emotions.
You are doubtful at times of the sincerity of others who try to proclaim their
affections for you or who try to get close to you. At other times, this intensity
may manifest as jealousy when there is reason to suspect infidelity. Remember
that, while all love is lawful, not all expressions of love are expedient (for
example, tolerating or encouraging adultery are not supportive of soul growth,
regardless of who is the "adulterer" and who the "adulteree").
While at times you have rather striking tendencies toward extravagance, few
souls are better bargain hunters! Such parsimonious behavior can be excessive,
whether in companionship, in business or in any activity.
All these qualities open up a distinct opportunity for sharing the many talents
with which you are endowed, to be applied as you see fit. You can accomplish
a great deal through the candid yet right use of words, preferably accompanied
with music -- whether in writing, teaching, counseling, lecturing or singing
-- providing what you say is uplifting and not just what people want to hear.
As a private pursuit and attunement aid giving expression to the beautiful
emotions, playing music would be good for you, too. Especially valuable would
be any stringed-type instruments such as the piano, harpsichord, harp, mandolin,
guitar or violin.
You are also probably good in accounting, accumulating facts and figures, whether
in finances or in creative fancy. You would do well in commercial art and advertising,
ornamental and industrial arts, computer or video graphics, designing logos
and the like. Furthermore, whatever the career you build, work WITH a companion
rather than just BEING a companion.
Whether through words, music or art, you will find your greatest soul development
in leading others into the spiritual insight or recognition of their true self
worth. To express love in your actions to others -- whether individuals, one
on one, or in small groups -- is the greater service a soul can give in this
earthly experience. You can best show them the way to the greater Light through
your own personal example -- through love. This you can do by FORCING your
will to an inner understanding both of your own worth and of the higher spiritual
forces being exercised on your behalf in the present.
Such growth is not likely to be easy, for your behavior is not always consistent.
For instance, especially when you are alone, not working, or otherwise inactive,
you may get discouraged and in such "down" periods condemn yourself.
At the same time, you may tend to JUSTIFY your manner of thinking because of
what others have done or have failed to do. Remember that condemning yourself
is as erroneous as condemning others. The greater need is to exert your will
in favor of your urges for the beautiful and your ability to see the best in
Put into your own words, let your prayer or affirmation be something like, "I
will be protected from loneliness. I will be shown through my dreams and other
ways how to devote more of myself to others, so that I may establish closer
personal bonds. In dedicating myself to service for others, I will bear this
commitment for the sake of learning how to genuinely care for others and will
be taught how to give and share joyfully with my loved ones." [2725-1,
1204-3, 2497-1, 1632-3]
Your Venus forms a square pattern with Jupiter.
Your between-life experience in the Jupiter sphere brings you a widening, broadening
group-oriented influence, so that traveling long distances, dealing with a
large number of individuals, meeting people from abroad and mastering subjects
from ancient times are all likely to come naturally to you. Your past lives
probably had in common appearances during periods when far-reaching changes
were coming about in the economic world, as well as in the intellectual, cultural
and religious thought of the planet's inhabitants. At least one prominent experience
in the Holy Land is likely to have been your lot, and souls you contacted then
will be attracted to you again for your counsel and spiritual upliftment, as
will financial prosperity.
While you are still likely to be a light to many, have a broad mind and are
adaptable to most circumstances and relations, there is the need to avoid over
expanding and over indulging, especially emotional self-indulgence. Where food
and drink are concerned, this inclination toward excess can result in health
problems, especially with your liver, intestines and gall bladder.
This tendency toward self-indulgence probably arises from having had a greater
number of past lives in the earth than the average individual. With the earth
plane being uniquely an emotional, physical experience (experiences in the
other planetary environments being non-physical, non-emotional and purely mental),
having had may prior incarnations inclines you to emotional overdoing and extravagance.
However, your interest in the beautiful things in this material world should
be balanced with a constant reminder of their source in the creative forces
of nature and the spirit. Also, your frequent appearances in this plane, together
with your Venus-Jupiter experiences, tend you toward restlessness, overconfidence
and taking chances before you have had time to process the past. Remind yourself
at such times of the value of inner peace, of harmony and of the Source of
all good and perfect gifts.
In all you do, see, feel, understand that all things which are beautiful in
love, friendship, hope, grace and patience give the greater, truer concept
of the relationship your physical and mental experiences bear to the Whole,
or God. Therefore only look at past challenges and disturbances as steppingstones
rather than stumbling blocks. Know that each of these difficulties have been
to enrich your understanding so that you can create and share with others more
of the love and beauty manifested in the TRUTH.
Yet always try to bear in mind the universal law of "give and take" (otherwise
known as the principle that you can't have your cake and eat it too). That
is, if you are to have friends and be loved, you must be friendly and loving.
If you are to experience the advantages of prosperity, social and economic
success, you have to show your understanding of this law.
Your greater work this lifetime will then be in encouraging the weak and fainthearted,
in giving courage and strength to those who have fallen off course and by making
others aware of the Christ's presence in them. By doing this, you may well
finish your soul purpose this incarnation so that you will not need to return
to the earth again. [1346-1, 951-4]
Your Mars is conjoined with Uranus.
While urges arise from soul sojourns through astrological aspects, they do
not force you to act in any specific way. Rather than a forced reaction to
urges, your experiences in the planetary heavens are for higher training purposes
(similarly, earth incarnations are forms of emotional practice). Your sojourn
in the psychic, extreme dimension of Uranus followed by a visit in the energetic,
warring realm of Mars makes you almost 100% Uranian in your inner urges. One
consequence of being nearly full Uranian is that you are probably equally an
Atlantean, with many contradictory emotions and activities likely to be manifested
in this lifetime.
Extremes of moods may cause you to be very active, headstrong and over-enthusiastic
at one time, with a great deal of will-power, courage and determination concerning
a specific association or activity. Yet at other times you may care little
and pay no attention to it. At the same time you are naturally intuitive and
psychic, knowing many things without knowing how you obtained the information.
Some times you may find yourself very lucky, with everything going your way,
and at other times nothing seems to go your way: during such periods for instance,
you may find it virtually impossible to win through any game of chance. It
would be wise for you to stay away from gambling in any form, whether in card
games, sports or races and avoid any kind of speculative investments such as
Also, firearms, speeding automobiles and body-contact sports should be avoided
or dealt with using extreme caution, as there is a likelihood of serious injury
to your head. Your tendency toward violent outbreaks of temper makes caution
here absolutely necessary. Nervous system strain is another condition to be
warned of, as your great courage during dangerous moments may outlast your
patience and natural resistance to stress.
With the application of your will to meet these tests -- and you are indeed
capable of meeting them as part of your soul's training -- you may well find
yourself affable, respected and helpful through them. In fact, your great vitality,
energy and intuition can be turned into potentially remarkable healing instruments
if you make up your mind to devote them to service on behalf of others.
A prayer or affirmation to help you with the above-mentioned challenges might
go something like, "When things become difficult, Lord, let me not forget
you. Make me see that constructive changes can never occur through impetuous
action, but only through proper planning. Teach me to exercise control, so
that I may bring equanimity and orderliness into all my daily affairs. But
if an emergency should arise, I pray that You will help me find vast reserves
of strength to assist those in need. Lord, show me how to put my relentless
energy to good use." [1885-2, 1334-1, 406-1]
Your Jupiter is in an inharmonious pattern with Neptune.
Your experience in the Neptune and Jupiter dimensions between lives carries
over into your present life an interest in universal principles, mystical beliefs,
philosophical and religious mysteries, as well as the mysterious and magical
sides of peoples lives.
In these schemes and dreams, you are more inclined than the average soul to
go through periods of daydreaming, pondering, musing, whether inward wondering
or emotional wandering, you keep many things to yourself. Yet during these
periods of inner mental activity ask yourself if you are fully exercising your
own true abilities and opportunities this lifetime.
You may long ago have been exposed to the Ultimate Mystic and Universal Principle,
the Messiah, or some of His close followers, in the Holy Land during the New
Testament period. Yet, in addition to afterlife soul journeys in Jupiter and
Neptune, sometime since then, perhaps in your immediately previous life, you
may have unlearned some of what you gained in your Early Church experience
through, for instance, an early American incarnation when you may have opposed
those whose beliefs were different from yours.
As a karmic result, then, when faced with disappointment resulting from deception
and domination by others, you may ask yourself whether you are strong enough
in your faith. This is emphasized because, in addition to having a pleasing
outer temperament and tremendous inner resources from your lifetime in ancient
Israel, you have a great deal of strength in your spiritual inclinations and
marked leadership potential, especially involving groups and larger numbers
of people even in the business world.
However, you may tend to allow your own beliefs, ideals, intuitions and unique
capacities to be made subservient to the circumstances, attitudes and beliefs
of others. This may have more than once brought you the feeling that you were
hedged in by outer circumstances and if you could only have the opportunity
for your wishes to be realized, how different things would be for you socially,
financially and psychologically!
One likely consequence of this is a tendency toward exaggeration and at times
confused shifts of feelings. For instance, you may find yourself going from
near elation over some circumstances in your life to downright despondency
with other ones.
Moreover, your true beliefs and feelings concerning your relationships with
individuals and groups (for example feelings involving deception, exaggeration
or simple confusion) are likely to be hidden from those close to you. However,
because you are very impressionable, make a special effort to apply your will
to stabilize yourself inwardly so you can better use abilities you have in
many different directions, whether as a leader or in building and binding friendships.
Bear in mind always that through your free will you can always CHOOSE to loose
yourself from and stay aloof from relationships that take advantage of you.
Also, remember that the ability to pursue constructively your opportunities
as a leader on one hand and to control these challenging situations you are
meeting from past life links with others nonetheless lies entirely within you
and not another. You must simply will yourself actively to express your innate
abilities, perceptions, feelings and intuitions in a direct, straightforward
fashion. This includes saying "No" to false friends as well as false
beliefs. Were you to do this, supported spiritually with consistent meditation
and vigilant prayer to be guided by the Divine Will rather than the will of
another, you will find a far freer and greater potential for expression this
lifetime. [1929-1, 240-2]
NOTE: The Zodiac signs of the Sun and Moon are
analyzed below. First they will be analyzed in
the Tropical zodiac. If the positions are
different in the Sidereal zodiac, then they
will also be analyzed in the Sidereal zodiac.
Also, if the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac
sign, then only the Sun position is interpreted;
the Moon position, being the same as the Sun
position, does not need to be interpreted in
this case.
Your Sun is in Gemini (Tropical zodiac).
Coming as you do under the double sign of Gemini, there are likely to be two
natures within you as far as your inner, subconscious urges are concerned.
One of these urges is to seek to know (and this thirst for knowledge may sometimes
involve questionable things or conditions, at least as far as others are concerned).
The other part of this dual urge from Gemini's influence is your innate as
well as outwardly manifested spiritual seeking for a greater, better and more
perfect relationship with another. At times these two urges may be more in
conflict than most people ordinarily experience.
Also, as in other in Gemini children this tendency toward double-mindedness
at times may find expression in inclinations to change your mind and overspeculate
about things. With application of your will, these inclinations can be curbed.
Now, you were probably part of European culture during the Middle Ages, when
there was considerable action and adventure, for example in the continual feuding
and strife among the many fiefdoms, families, tribes, castles and kingdoms
comprising Europe before its present consolidation into several nation-states.
You may even have been among the gentry or upper class of France or England,
attending or participating in jousting tournaments, making long journeys to
the Crusades against the Muslims in Palestine, or involved with trade exchanges
with the caravans going to and from India and China.
In other words, because Mercury is the planet which rules or symbolizes the
essence of Gemini, overall you may have experienced in one or more of these
lifetimes a sense of restlessness enduring into your present life.
Finally, centuries or even millennia earlier, you may have led a life in what
has become known as Australia or on one of its neighboring South Pacific islands.
[674-3, 962-1]
Your Moon is in Taurus (Tropical zodiac).
Taurus' influence inclines you to be somewhat headstrong, with a very set and
determined manner. Hence you are not always understood in everything you try
to do, or in things which you know yourself to be true. Yet long-lasting are
the influences you make on others with whom you have deep associations from
previous lives.
Remember, success or accomplishment in life is not a matter of some great force
or influence. Just as taught by the Master, it is not the power of the storm
or of the earthquake or of great noises and the like. Rather it is the still
small voice speaking from within you which becomes the influence through which
movements of truly great forces really arise.
Since your childhood, being outdoors and living close to nature is probably
more significant to you than to most others. This love of nature and the great
outdoors is from one or more past lives spent on a farm or in nature settings.
For ages countries on the Mediterranean such as ancient Egypt, Greece and virtually
all of the ancient Mideast lived in close contact with nature. So did the Native
Americans of pre-Columbian America. And surely you were one of them.
Farming, fishing and hunting then, are among your familiar pursuits (even if
they only involve occasional outdoor activities like gardening, boating or
indoors, tending flowers and plants). You also probably have greater confidence
in holistic, natural healing approaches than in modern medicine's "advanced" yet
artificial technology.
Now, Venus is the planet which rules or best symbolizes the essence of the
sign Taurus. Of course, Venus symbolizes the female sex. Centuries ago in oriental
cultures women were more feminine -- and experienced much more respect -- than
today. A lifetime in Asia and lands like China, then, are also a likely part
of your past life experiences.[1149-1, 1641-1]
Your Moon is in Aries (Sidereal zodiac).
From Aries are found inclinations often to be considered by others as being
headstrong. You may also be very hard to convince alongside judgments you have
made which have been the determining factors in your experience. Yet once you
are convinced of something, you become very determined in that particular direction.
This tendency toward self-determination and being headstrong is probably rooted
in at least one lifetime in ancient Palestine. Your likely link with the tribal
nomads known as the Hebrews is expressed in your urge either to be a powerful
yet somewhat dogmatic leader or to be inclined to follow someone with strong
leadership qualities.
Also, living in large or extended family units dominated by a strong director
or leader (whether male or female), having special admiration for winners,
or even being totally submissive to another person who you feel is somehow
in charge of you and your life are characteristic inclinations from similar
experiences long ago.
Of course, Mars is the primary planet which symbolizes or rules the sign of
Aries. This makes Mars and martial urges of special significance to you this
lifetime. Therefore, depending on whether or not you apply your will, responding
to conflict situations with directness and force are likely to be among your
subconscious urges. These urges are from your prior experiences in the realm
of Mars and from one or more past lives in the harsh, ancient desert culture
of Israel and neighboring Arab lands.
Also from Mars, the Ram influence and this past lifetime in ancient Canaan
and Palestine you may feel a need not only to be a leader or director but to
excel in your career or in more physical endeavors like exercising or a competitive
activities such as sports.[279-4, 340-15, 1804-1]
Your Past Life Decanates
According to an ancient Vedic astrology method
still practiced in India, Past Life Planets are realms
in which you sojourned between earth lifetimes. They
are identified through the position of your sidereal
Sun and Moon in the decanates (a decanate is a one-
third division of a zodiac sign; each is ruled by a
planet). Any patterns involving these Past Life
Planets are therefore of special importance. Pay extra
attention, then, to any sections of your Report which
interpret these planets.
NOTE: If your Sun and Moon are both located in a
decanate which is ruled by the same planet, then
only the Sun position is interpreted; the Moon's
decanate position, being the same as the Sun's,
therefore does not need to be interpreted.
Your Sun is in Capricorn Decanate
Your sidereal Sun is in the decanate of Capricorn, which is ruled
by Saturn. Saturn is the all-important realm to which the soul
casts itself for purging
and cleansing. Your likely sojourn between earth lives in Saturn's realm points
to a major experience of soul reprogramming and self-purification. This brings
into your present the essential of a "fresh start" lifetime.
Therefore, armed with self-discipline and excellent organizational and management
skills, you will have special opportunities for spiritual progress through
the mature way in which you face heavy changes and responsibilities. Also,
an early death in one or more prior lives, especially in childhood (or perhaps
even through suicide), is indicated.
Your Moon is in Aries Decanate
Your sidereal Moon is in ARIES decanate, which is ruled by Mars. Mars as Past
Life Planet points to an active, outdoor, courageous, passionate yet at times
warlike nature.
Your exceptional will to survive and endure is built up from military-related
lifetimes in the ancient Greco-Roman world or more recently (within the past
century) in pioneering experiences in Great Britain/Europe, colonial Asia,
Africa and/or the Americas.