Michael Jackson
August 29, 1958
11:53 PM
Gary, Indiana
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Dear Friend,
This report is about how you can heal your mind
and body by being aware of the latent energies in your aura and making the best,
most spiritual use of them. Your aura is a field of energy that permeates and
surrounds your physical body. It has seven special energy centers within it called
chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy, and they are the places in your aura
where divine consciousness can come in and manifest in your physical body, especially
if you are receptive to it and use your willpower to allow it to enter.
Your aura also has three channels where the divine
energy flows within your aura, and in yoga, these are called the ida, pingala
and sushumna. The ida carries the life energy in the left side of your body.
The pingala carries it in the right side of your body. The sushumna, which is
the most important, carries it in the middle of your spiritual column.
The chakras are the places where the ida, pingala,
and sushumna meet together. There is so much energy in these places that the
energy whorls around as divine creative potential waiting as an ever-present
resource to be manifested into physical form, so that we can bring healing life-force
into our daily lives.
To draw upon this infinite source of energy, we
can use meditation, prayer, or affirmations. In this way, we transcend our everyday
consciousness and become receptive to the healing power within us. There are
specific affirmations that can be used to direct the healing force to particular
areas of the body. These are contained in Louise Hay’s book "Heal Your
Body". Often these affirmations are sufficient to address a particular condition,
but sometimes a more specific focus is needed to get the energy to come through.
That is because we may have subconscious blocks to allowing the affirmation to
work, and these have to be identified and dissolved. The blocks may be present
because we have grown up in a culture that asserts mind-body duality, rather
than mind-body unity. There may also be blocks because of individual karma from
the past or individual lack of recognition of future possibilities. This is where
astrology comes in - to identify any blocks you may have and to give you guidance
as to how to dissolve them, so that you can become one with the Source and fulfill
your divine purpose.
Louise Hay’s book also links the physical
conditions and affirmations with particular vertebrae in the spine. This is helpful
because the sushumna is located in the middle of your spinal column, and using
the most specific affirmation possible should bring the healing light to the
part that needs healing. However, if there is a blockage at the unconscious level,
it will manifest on the physical level in the form of a blockage in the energy
of the physical spine. The tension from this will be observable, as one or more
bones in the spine will be out of alignment and there will be various symptoms
in the surrounding muscles, organs, or other parts of the body. This report then,
is designed to give you insight into the nature of any such blockages that you
may be likely to have as an individual. The report also suggests ways of dissolving
them and getting your own healing energy flowing. It will still depend on your
own willpower whether you choose to use these new insights and how, in order
to better your own health.
This report neither diagnoses nor prescribes, but
works on the subtler level of the astral aura, as described by astrology, to
understand and potentially re-direct the energies before they manifest on the
physical level, so that you may be in tune with the higher, spiritual purpose
for which the energies are intended rather than have them manifest as any lack
of vitality or health.
This report is dedicated to my chiropractor, Dr.
John Bjarnason of Toronto, who has greatly assisted me in combining my astral
knowledge of my aura with its unblocked, physical manifestation, so that I have
been able to enjoy better health
Best Wishes, Lorna Houston Copyright 2005
1: The
Gemini Rising:
Your outward expression of your Heart Chakra is
likely to be very intellectual and willing to share on the level of ideas. Your
partner is likely to provide a balance for that by being less communicative but
more philosophical and meditative.
Chapter 2: The
Sun in
As an individual, you have a great deal of energy
in the area of your pancreas, spleen and intestinal tract. Just as your personality
is discerning and analytical, your body is capable of sorting out what is healthy
for you and getting rid of anything that is not. Keep up your health and resistance
by eating only healthy food in the first place, but remember also that pure thoughts
are what create a healthy body too. So, don't worry if you are exposed to any
unhealthy influences. Instead, be joyful and non-judgmental towards yourself.
This will do more good for your health than criticizing yourself or your environment
for not being perfect. So, let go and enjoy the sweetness of life. Nourish yourself
and be happy.
Keep the vitality coming into your body by maintaining
the health of your heart and your spine. Teach others to do the same and, in
that way, you will be spreading the happiness of being healthy. You will also
be creating for yourself an environment of health- conscious individuals, who
will make it easier for you to be able to enjoy your surroundings without having
to be concerned about their effect on your health. Show others, by your example,
the positive path to purity and the rewards of a healthy lifestyle.
Sun in 4th
The Sun rules your Solar Plexus, and its house
shows how you bring the energy of this chakra out into the world. Your Solar
Plexus gives you self-confidence, and you approach everyday life with the belief
of "I can." You apply this positive belief in yourself in the area
of your home, where you seek to make it a secure and nurturing place for your
family. You also have the ability to nurture and protect the environment.
Sun Sextile
You were born with a special talent for acting
as a channel for the divine light, and you owe it to yourself to take advantage
of your many opportunities to develop it. The Sun rules your Solar Plexus and
gives you a great potential for creativity, energy and willpower. Neptune rules
your Throat Chakra and gives you very subtle receptivity that elevates your potential
to a high compassionate level.
Sun Conjunct
The Sun rules your Solar Plexus, the centre of
your creativity and willpower, and Pluto rules your Spleen Chakra, the centre
of your reproductive and regenerative power. These two very intense energies
are juxtaposed in the conjunction, so that whatever you do is very dynamic and
intense. This energy is meant to give life and to transform. Give it enough scope,
so that you will not just be dominating others.
Chapter 3: The
Moon in
You need to value your keenly tuned emotions in
order to maintain your wellbeing and to know that your finer perceptions are
the key to solving your problems. The Moon rules your Second Chakra, your source
of emotional insight, and Pisces relates to your Root Chakra. The Root Chakra
usually pertains to the earth, but because of the water element of the fish (Pisces),
it refers to the water in which the fish swims, and the water is always lower
than the surface of the land. From this vantage point of reflecting what is on
the land, you are able to see things in a very different and special way. You
have the ability to swim to different angles or depths as you choose, or to swim
away any time you want to escape. You can teach others about the connectedness
of all things, as you perceive it, or you can reflect back to others how they
appear, just as the water reflects what is on the land.
Moon in 10th
The Moon rules your Second or Spleen Chakra, and
its house shows how you bring your emotions out into the everyday world. You
can always tune in to it and say, "I feel," because your emotions are
in vital part of your being. You express your emotions in a very impersonal way,
but still by caring about others through practical deeds and through remaining
detached enough to help without getting caught up in the situation.
Moon Quincunx
Inthe past, you may have been discouraged from
expressing your emotions in a loving way, but you can overcome this by being
adaptable and open to the fact that you may meet nice, loving people who would
help you create a loving home. Focus on elevating your kundalini from your Spleen
Chakra to your Heart Chakra by working on your self-esteem and free flow of energy.
Heal any past emotional blocks.
Moon Square
It is a challenge for you to find harmony between
your emotions and your practicality, but with a positive attitude you can succeed
in maintaining a joyful outlook despite any responsibilities and limitations.
Work on maintaining the flow of energy between your Root and Spleen Chakras by
consciously accepting a positive responsibility for your emotions.
Moon Quincunx
You need to find a balance between listening to
your feelings on one hand and developing your higher mind on the other. Both
the emotions of your Spleen Chakra and the spontaneous genius of your Crown Chakra
are valid parts of yourself, and both deserve equal expression.
Chapter 4: Mercury
in Leo:
Mercury rules the Throat Chakra and Leo rules your
heart, so you have a very dramatic way of speaking right from your heart. Your
words would attract the attention of others and you could inspire them in acting
or public speaking. You would also know how to take charge of children in such
a way as to be able to teach them and have them listen.
Mercury in
4th house:
Mercury co-rules your Throat Chakra, along with
Neptune. Its house shows you the areas of life where you are likely to gain information
and express your thoughts. It has to do with communication, and can be summarized
in the words "I speak." You are likely to engage in much educational
activity in your home, such as reading, having discussions and teaching your
Mercury Square
It is a challenge for you to communicate without
sounding too aggressive, but with conscious willpower you are able to apply tact
and diplomacy. Mercury rules your Throat Chakra of communication and Mars your
Solar Plexus, so the key is to become more detached from your ego, so as not
to be argumentative.
Mercury Sextile
You have many opportunities to speak to others
about your positive, philosophical ideas in your travels, in the classroom, or
in front of audiences. Mercury rules your Throat Chakra of communication and
Jupiter elevates your verbal ability to the level of the keen perceptions and
ideals of your Brow Chakra.
Mercury Conjunct
Mercury rules your Throat Chakra and pertains to
your logical thought and communication. Pluto rules your Spleen Chakra and pertains
to your regenerative and reproductive ability. Your speech is likely to have
a strong emotional impact on others and you are likely to study scientific subjects
in great depth to determine the real causes of things.
Mercury is
Mercury rules your Throat Chakra, and this is an
area that may have some indication that you do not think you are moving ahead,
even though you really are. For example, you may have had throat problems in
your childhood that were somehow not real problems, but still seemed to hold
you back. There may have been situations where you could not speak up for yourself.
These situations seemed to originate from your ancestors rather than from you.
You need to acknowledge your own goodness and be assured that it is okay to express
Chapter 5: Venus
Venus in
Venus rules your Heart Chakra and Leo rules your
heart in your physical body. The key to nurturing your naturally very warm heart
is to affirm that you are loved, that you are safe, and that you can stand tall
with joy and self-acceptance. The Heart Chakra rules the thymus gland in your
endocrine system, and for it to be healthy you need to visualize that you are
loved throughout your life like the best-loved child.
Venus in 3rd
Venus rules your Heart Chakra, Its house shows
you the areas of life where you give and receive love and compassion. The key
words for it are "I love." You have good relationships with your relatives,
as you do things for them and they do things for you. You express your love very
well in words.
Venus Square
It is a challenge for you to find ways to act upon
your compassion and to form loving relationships with others, but you have the
willpower and energy to succeed. You can convey your love better through actual
physical actions than just through thoughts and niceties. Focus on creating an
easy flow of energy between your Heart Chakra and Solar Plexus by first building
your own self-esteem and then reaching out to others.
Venus Trine
You are very fortunate in your ability to maintain
long-term relationships, which you do by being loyal and dependable. You have
an easy flow of energy between your Heart Chakra and your Root Chakra. This enables
you to express your artistic talent with careful, practical skill.
Venus Conjunct
As Venus rules your Heart Chakra and Uranus your
Crown Chakra, you are able to direct the love and compassion of your heart to
the highest of universal ideas. You will be able to express love and tolerance
for everyone, and to transcend differences and see beyond polarities.
Chapter 6: Mars
Mars in
Mars rules your Solar Plexus Chakra, and inspires
you to be self-confident from within, rather than have to seek security from
material possessions. You are capable of taking the high road and asserting that
peace and harmony are the answer for both the health of individuals and society
as a whole. Whatever houses or other possessions you have can best be used for
a high, spiritual purpose in such a way that you will still have security yourself.
Mars in 12th
Mars co-rules the Solar Plexus Chakra, along with
the Sun. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your initiative,
desire, and physical action. The key words for it are "I can." You
are likely to apply your drive towards work in an institution or retreat, helping
the poor and disadvantaged, or creative work such as art, music or dance.
Mars Quincunx
You may have been held back from learning how to
discipline your strong physical energy when you were young, but now you can adapt
yourself to the opportunity to develop a special skill, so that you will have
something practical to work at where you can succeed. You have a good potential
to assert yourself, from your Solar Plexus ruled by Mars, and a good ability
for organized work, from your Root Chakra ruled by Saturn.
Chapter 7: Jupiter
in Libra:
Jupiter rules your Third Eye, and Libra your relationship
with a partner. This gives you the potential to have a very happy, psychic relationship
with another person, based on higher values of sharing and mutual understanding.
You are able to provide what your partner needs, especially by being able to
tune in ahead of time to what will bring the most harmony.
Jupiter in
5th house:
Jupiter rules your Brow Chakra. Its house shows
you the areas of life where you express your spiritual values, positive thinking,
and prosperity. The key words for it are "I see." You give a great
deal to children, to ensure their education and higher guidance. You are likely
to be fortunate in investments. You are inspiring and creative and have a great
deal of energy.
Jupiter Conjunct
Jupiter rules your Third Eye and Neptune your Throat
Chakra. You are able to perceive higher, spiritual truths especially if you are
in a quiet place where you can tune in on the subtler level and listen. You would
be able to express your positive insights through art, music or other creative
means. You may be able to act as a channel for positive, higher inspiration.
Jupiter Sextile
You have a special talent for accessing your
spiritual, regenerative power and using it to uplift yourself and others. You
are able to use the power of prayer and meditation very effectively. This is
because there is an easy flow of energy between your Third Eye and your Spleen
Chakra. You have the willpower to do what is positive.
Chapter 8: Saturn
in Sagittarius:
Saturn rules your Root Chakra, which is the source
of your energy to actually manifest your goals on the physical plane. Sagittarius
is the sign that most likes to set goals, like the archer aiming arrows. You
have a vast ability to explore what you truly want, to decide on specific goals,
and then carry them out. Rather than adhere to the dictates of the past, clear
your subconscious mind of any strict religious influences that may be blocking
your ability to set goals for yourself. You will then feel fulfilled because
your goals will be genuinely spiritual, genuinely your own; you will be able
to achieve them with great success.
Saturn in 7th
Saturn co-rules your Root Chakra, along with the
Earth. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express discipline, responsibility,
and structure for your survival and grounding. The key words for it are "I
have." You are very serious about your personal and professional partnerships.
You are likely to have lasting relationships with mature, cooperative people.
Chapter 9: Uranus
in Leo:
Uranus rules your Crown Chakra, the source of your
infinite potential for new ideas and knowledge. Leo is a fire sign, bringing
enthusiasm and passion to the manifestation of your original thoughts. You come
across as being confident that your ideas are good. You bring ideas to life and
make others want to expand their minds too.
Uranus in 3rd
Uranus rules your Crown Chakra. Its house shows
you the areas where you express your universal understanding, knowing and, intuition.
It also shows where you express your urge for freedom and individuality, and
the types of friends you will choose and groups you will join. The key words
for it are "I know." You are a quick thinker, open to learning about
the newest trends, way ahead of most people. You could make new, scientific discoveries.
You tend to associate with other intelligent people, some of whom may be relatives.
Chapter 10: Neptune
in Scorpio:
Neptune rules your Throat Chakra and your ability
to listen on the subtler level. Scorpio is capable of handling extremes. You
are able to understand others in a very deep way. You could even help them handle
grief by being sympathetic, and at the same time not being afraid of dealing
with the intense topic of death. Your insights are very profound.
Neptune in
5th house:
Neptune co-rules your Throat Chakra, along with
Mercury. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your ability
to listen and to reflect back creatively what you hear, especially when you are
acting a channel for a higher source. The key words for it are "I speak," but
also "I listen." You are physically very tuned in to children, and
you could help them with their musical and artistic expression by gently supporting
them and letting their talent emerge.
Neptune Sextile
Neptune rules the subtler listening ability
of your Throat Chakra and Pluto the regenerative and transformative power of
your Spleen Chakra. You have a special ability to care and to heal in a very
ultimate way. You could, for example, work on healing the planet. You could also
express your compassion for the masses in a way that would make a real difference.
Chapter 11: Pluto
Pluto in
Pluto rules your Second Chakra, in your lower abdomen.
It has domain over your emotions and sexuality. Virgo, on the other hand, is
a very rational sign of the mind and intellect. However, your mind would not
exist if you had not been created in physical form, and your body is essential
as a temporary house for your soul. Therefore it is important to recognize the
importance of your emotions and sexuality for your overall health, including
the evolution of your mind and soul.
Pluto in 4th
Pluto co-rules your Second or Spleen Chakra, along
with the Moon. Its house shows you the areas of life where you express your regenerative
ability and your willpower to transcend mass karma, as well as your emotions
and sexuality. The key words for it are "I feel." You have a tremendous
ability to heal your family members and to be healed by them, especially a baby
or young child. You are also very tuned in to nature and could do effective work
to regenerate and restore the environment.
Chapter 12: Chiron,
North Node, and the Midheaven
Chiron in Aquarius:
Chiron represents the link between your individual
identity and the Universal, as it is located between the inner and outer planets
of the solar system. In your aura, it is related to your Heart Chakra, which
is the link between your lower, physical chakras and our higher, mental ones.
Aquarius already has command over the highest possible mental awareness. You
are already open to the vision of infinite, new ideas. First, you need to acknowledge
this wonderful ability within yourself, and to love yourself for it. Then you
need to expand your heart to others, so that they too can open their minds and
become free. Show them how they can think in such a way as to get outside of
the box, and encourage them to trust their intuition.
North Node in Libra:
Just as the ida and pingala (the channel of life
energy and the left and right sides of your auric body) meet at your chakras,
the Moon's path crosses the Sun's path at your lunar nodes. Your Aquarius North
Node gives you special insight into how your male and female polarities can work
together for your future. You will now be free to work on causes and discover
new inventions. Your Leo South Node shows that you have already mastered the
lessons of attracting attention and being recognized, freeing you to be more
North Node in 5th house:
You are learning to enjoy life, particularly to
have more recognition, more recreational activities, and more time to spend with
children. You have learned from your own past and from your parents and grandparents
that a bohemian lifestyle and offbeat ideas result in too much of giving one's
energy to causes, rather than being able to have a positive identity of one's
own. As you become happier and more energized yourself, your Second Chakra will
open. For this to happen, you may need to release some tension from your nervous
system, spinal cord, and ears.
MC in Aquarius:
You use your willpower to make sure that you are
part of a group of respectable people because the Light coming in through your
Crown Chakra inspires you to be tolerant of a variety of different people with
new ideas. This tolerance could contribute new inspiration. Your home is likely
to be a place where you can entertain and show off your wealth, as your Root
Chakra energy provides you with this practical base.