Chiron and Asteroid Gems: Specialized Natal Report Sample Printout
by Donna Henson
Julia Roberts
October 28, 1967
12:16 AM
Atlanta, Georgia
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Listed below is a list of planetary positions at birth for Julia Roberts
Positions of Planets at Birth: |
Sun | 4 | Sco | 03 | | Pluto | 21 | Vir | 57 |
Moon | 24 | Leo | 47 | | True Node | 27 | Ari | 55 |
Mercury | 13 | Sco | 53 | | Asc. | 27 | Can | 53 |
Venus | 18 | Vir | 04 | | MC | 16 | Ari | 45 |
Mars | 3 | Cap | 45 | | 2nd cusp | 19 | Leo | 50 |
Jupiter | 1 | Vir | 22 | | 3rd cusp | 15 | Vir | 34 |
Saturn | 7 | Ari | 09 | | 5th cusp | 22 | Sco | 07 |
Uranus | 27 | Vir | 12 | | 6th cusp | 26 | Sag | 56 |
Neptune | 23 | Sco | 21 | | Chiron | 26 | Pis | 00 |
Tropical Placidus Daylight Savings Time observed
GMT: 04:16:00 Time Zone: 5 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 33 N 44 56 84 W 23 17 |
Aspects and orbs: |
Conjunction | : 8 Deg 00 Min |
Opposition | : 8 Deg 00 Min |
Square | : 8 Deg 00 Min |
Trine | : 8 Deg 00 Min |
Sextile | : 8 Deg 00 Min |
Quincunx | : 8 Deg 00 Min |
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Report and Text Copyright By Donna Henson and Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.
The contents of this report are protected by Copyright law.
By purchasing this report you agree to comply with this Copyright.
Much of our understanding of Chiron comes from mythology. The myth starts with Prometheus who defied the
gods and brought fire (technology) to human beings. The gods knew this signified a new world order (from
Saturn to Uranus) when gods would be driven away and replaced with technology. I like to think of the gods as
energies or urges - in other words, a part of our nature. This is true of Chiron which is an energy, not a sensitive
point like the Ascendant, Midheaven, or Vertex. Almost magically, Charles Kowall, its discoverer tapped into
the archetype of mythological Chiron for its name and its nature. What kind of nature is Chiron? He unlike all
the other Centaurs is a good Centaur - kind, wise, noble, and just. He is a blend of the old and the new.
Chiron was primarily a teacher. He was called "the wisest of all things beneath the sky." He taught the skills of
war hunting, and riding to Achilles, Hercules, Jason, Achaean, and Peleus. He imparted a love of and talent of
music to Orpheus and Artistes. To Achilles and Aesculapius he gave the arts of surgery and herbal medicine.
Therefore, Chiron is known as a great healer, an astrologer, an oracle, the father of medicine and chiropractors,
surgery, herbal medicine, and skilled at hunting, gymnastics, and warfare. Chiron's downfall began at a
wedding. His fellow centaurs got drunk and began forcing their affections on the women present. A fight
ensued, and finally the centaurs were routed with Hercules help. When the fight was over, the chief centaur
picked up one of Hercules' poisoned arrows which dropped by chance on Chiron's foot wounding him. Chiron,
who could heal others, could not cure himself and was left burning with pain. Being immortal, he was faced
with eternal agony, so he willingly gave up his immortality to Prometheus who was chained to a rock and had
his liver eaten out every night. Then it grew back and repeated. When Chiron died, his half-brother, Jupiter,
placed him in heaven where he has since been known as Sagittarius.
Chiron is only one of many energies in an astrological chart. Discovered in 1977, it is considered to be a Minor
Planet. Astrologically it shows where and how there have been woundings, where we might find a loophole if it
is needed, where an adjustment is needed, where we are a maverick, and it draws attention to what a person is
doing to damage himself. This awareness can lead to a turning point so that healing can take place. The signs
tell how we have been wounded. The planets tell the kind of wound. The houses tell the areas of our lives that
are affected. The aspects to Chiron modify the ease or difficulty of reaching the turning point where the wounds
we all have may be healed. Many of the favorable aspects - sextiles, trines, and some conjunctions - indicate
one whose healing experiences enable him to help or teach others to reach their turning points.
Chiron in Pisces:
Your wound is a loss of faith or trust in the divine. There can be a deep-seated sense of betrayal, victimization,
or disenfranchisement by life. You may also have a loss of faith in the power of the omnipresence of love. You
must attune consciousness with mysticism so that life for you can be a mystical crusade in which the mundane
has no place. You see a better world in your mind's eye even though prevailing cultural norms differ. Your
healing path is that you are constantly drawn into situations that will challenge you to see a more balanced
Chiron in 9th house:
The woundings for the last four signs and houses come not from the parents but from the outer world. If
intellectually inclined, you are apt to be a deep thinker who is well versed in philosophy and religion. If less
intellectual, you still have far-ranging drives but they are more concrete than abstract and more on the plane of
emotion than reason. Your efforts to achieve a college degree may be thwarted due to learning or financial
difficulties. You want to explore frontiers of experience that will uplift others by your example. There could be
a crisis having to do with religious teachings. You enjoy being the "eternal student," but you often enjoy being a
maverick in your thinking.
Chiron Quincunx Moon:
Emotional wounds from the past are not easily dealt with for you. Perhaps they are too deep, or perhaps you
avoid talking about them, especially if Gemini or the third house is involved. You feel a need to give service
and any interference to this expression is perilous. Something needs to be adjusted to the ways you give or
receive nourishment to get your own emotions back in balance.
Chiron Opposition Venus:
You are an alluring individual who is completely open to others. However, you are so busy caring for your
loved ones that you neglect your own needs. Some suffer emotional pain in personal relationships. If a balance
isn't achieved it can lead to resenting your partner. Being highly sensitive to inharmony, you often become the
peacemaker in your relationships.
Chiron Square Mars:
It is easy for you to get in a rut. Your maverick tendencies show up in the way you use your energies. You resist
transmutation - going from Saturn, the old awareness, to Uranus, the new awareness, - until the transit of
Uranus opposing Uranus near age 40. Being assertive is difficult for you since you fear that your requests will
be met with anger. You also fear your own anger. Only when you reassess your personal desire and develop a
strong sense of your self-worth will you be able to use your Mars energy at its best. Some may be overly
aggressive and defensive.
Chiron Quincunx Jupiter:
You are one who has to handle interruptions and changes of directions as well as possible. You have difficulties
with conventional structures because you have an awareness of what is possible outside the structures. You
need to reflect on your own wounds and learn from your own experiences.
Chiron Opposition Uranus:
You are one whose quest dramatizes individualism as a defiance of what is socially normal. This opposition
brings much stress. Some of you turn to drugs. Since it was in effect much of the time between 1931 and 1989 it
has a generational effect. You have a strong desire for freedom and are likely to cut ties if anything stands in
your way. You need to find a creative outlet for your special abilities.
Chiron Trine Neptune:
Those whose charts show strength have a real talent for teaching small children because they love fantasy and
communicate it well. You understand people and will help them in times of trouble. People tell you their
problems. Many are drawn to the spiritual side of life. A career in the arts, television or films can be a positive
expression of these energies.
Chiron Opposition Pluto:
You are one who is to express, struggle with, and energize those that are trying to force their ways into mass
awareness. You are incapable of living a simple or trivial life. You struggle with the darker side of your life,
such as envy, greed, lust, and jealousy. It seems that the more you try to push them aside the more they grow.
You are to learn to recognize past feelings of rejection and to transform your new understanding into positive
Chiron Trine Asc.:
You have an easy way of expressing the best of Chiron in your lives from being an example or as a teacher.
Chiron can come from anywhere in your charts from the 4th or 5th houses to the 8th or 9th houses. From the
8th or 9th houses, you easily bring about the transformations (8th) or adopt the principles (9th) others need to
bring about their healing. Often you are an example or inspiration to others to try to emulate what you do with
your own lives. From the 4th or 5th, the same is true as others try to live up to the values you received from
your home (4th) and the creativity and love (5th) you project as a result of these values.
The Moon's Nodes
What are the moon’s nodes in your chart? Astronomically, they are the point on the ecliptic where the moon
passes from south latitude to north latitude (the North Node or Dragon’s Head as it is sometimes called) and the
point where the ecliptic passes from north latitude to south latitude (the South Node or Dragon’s Tail). What do
they mean to you and what do they mean in your life when activated by transit or solar arc direction?
In western astrology, the North Node is considered to be favorable, much like Jupiter, and the South Node,
unfavorable, much like Saturn. In eastern or Vedic astrology, the reverse is held to be true. What! They can’t
both be right, or can they? In the west, we say that the South Node represents what we have already developed
in many lifetimes. It represents areas that, subconsciously – the moon rules the subconscious – is comfortable
and easy since it is already familiar to us. The North Node represents areas of our life that need to be
developed. The new is not yet familiar, but we get our greatest fulfillment from this development. i.e. If your
South Node is in Libra or the 7th house, you may have spent many lifetimes in a marriage or other situation
where you were subject to and dependent on others. Now, with your North Node in Aries or the 1st house, you
are to learn to stand on your own two feet. You need to develop who you are in order to become a more
independent individual.
The nodes also have to do with relating and relationships. Frequently the nodes are activated when someone or
something comes into our lives, whether this is a person, a new job, or a new environment. I’ve seen this
happen when a baby was born into a family, a marriage, a new job, or even a roommate who became a
significant lifelong friend in a person’s life. Nodes may also be activated when someone or something goes out
of one’s life too.
North Node in Aries:
You have experienced and developed the Libra qualities in past lives. You have probably been in marriages that
allowed you little room for your own development. These Libra areas are comfortable for you now. It may still
be easier for you to rely on others and be too concerned with their opinions. Sometimes it has been easier for
you to find out what others are thinking or what they want than to assert your own thoughts and desires.
Through your charm and concern for them, you've been in the role of peacemaker many times. While
relationships, especially marriage, have been important in the past, you've neglected the things you want. Your
own development is what your task is in this lifetime. You tend to have difficulty making decisions and you
overly concern yourself with the opinions of others. You often rely on others too much. Practice boldness and
take a stand for what you believe in. You need to become more active and courageous. Growth comes from
assertiveness and taking a stand for what you believe in.
Spontaneity and assertiveness are qualities you need to develop. Loving and respecting yourself is not the same
as selfishness. It is now more important that you meet your own needs than those of others even if it means
having a need to be right, angry, combative, and seemingly unaware of their concerns at times. You know
instinctively that others can take advantage of you, especially in marriage, so it's time to affirm yourself and
develop the Aries quality of taking initiative.
North Node in 10th house:
There is a dilemma between your career or world and family. You need to develop competency, responsibility,
discipline, and achievement through your career while also developing a sensitive caring and compassionate
nature. There is a need for being practical as well as being one with feelings and empathy for your family.
Parental ties may be strong. You need to take charge of your life and accept responsibility. In past lives you
have ignored the ones who cared for you, and now your spouse and children seem to be unappreciative of all
that you do for them. You could be overly focused on emotional problems yet must maintain independence as
an adult. You’ve developed sensitivity to the opinions of others. Conflicts with family members over real estate
will manifest for some of you.
You need maturity to overcome childish reactions. When you can offer shelter to others, it brings you great
happiness. The financial and emotional security that you crave can come by clearly defining your goals and
achieving them. You feel that you had little care from others, so now you must be the adult instead of the baby.
You are capable of executive positions if you are business-like and take control.
The Four Major Asteroids
The asteroids add a wealth of information in a chart that is often ignored. By 1988, over 2000 of them had been
discovered. This report is limited to the “main ones,” Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, and Juno, which were all discovered
in the nineteenth century and were the first. These are mainly concerned with the feminine side of human nature
of both sexes since we all have a masculine and a feminine side. Imagine how much has been left out by
considering only the 10 planets (for convenience astrologers lump the sun and moon in this group). We think of
four of the feminine roles: Ceres, the mother; Pallas, the daughter; Vesta, the sister; and Juno, the wife when
working with these. Besides the more mundane interpretations of these four, Demetra George in Asteroid
Goddesses gives some very specific interpretations of their roles:
Ceres, the great mother, provides a model to understand the causes of co-dependency, eating disorders, child
sexual abuse, and the challenges of single parenting. Pallas Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, refers to the dilemma
of professional women who sacrifice relationships or children for career and the wounds from the
father-daughter interaction. Vesta, the temple priestess illuminates the need to illuminate spiritual and sexual
energies, and to find meaningful work. Juno, Goddess of Marriage, speaks to the redefinition of significant
relationships, changing sexual roles, and the plight of battered women and powerless wives.
When studying these four asteroids, people often ask what it means if they are retrograde as they often are.
Ceres and Pallas are retrograde every 16 months for 3 ½ months; Vesta every 16-17 months for 3 months; and
Juno, every 14 ½ months for 3 ½ to 3 ¾ months. These retrograde periods create the 4 and 5 year cycles that
lead up to the 9 year great cycle of asteroid economic effect which is discussed at length in The Theory of
Celestial Influence by Rodney Collin.
Esther V. Linebach interprets the retrograde periods this way:
Ceres retrograde may lead to being away from home a great deal.
Pallas retrograde may cut down on mathematical understanding, or there may be less discipline or focus, a
decrease in practicality, and more emotional reactions.
Vesta retrograde may change the tendency to become involved too deeply in commitments.
Juno retrograde ventures from established moral and social codes more easily than usual. These people are
often self-confident and from good families who sometimes seem to be oblivious to public opinion.
These retrograde interpretations are still in an early stage of development but are well-worth exploring.
Introduction to Ceres
Ceres is the largest body in the asteroid belt, approximately 587 miles in diameter. It takes 4.6 years for it to
orbit the sun or 1,680 days. On January 1, 1801, it was the first of the asteroids to be discovered.
In symbolizing the function of mother in psychology and astrology, Ceres governs a number of psychological
quantities that cannot be described any other way. Like Cancer it addresses the issue of how we give and
receive nurturance, how we develop feelings of self-worth, how we provide and care for others, and how we
respond neurotically if these needs are not met. Like Taurus and Scorpio Ceres governs the lessons of
attachment and aversion, the pathology of loss and rejection, the capacity for grief and sorrow, and the principle
of sharing. Like Virgo it symbolizes issues of productivity, growth, self-reliance, and work.
Thus, we find that Ceres shows the relationship between mother and child or what prevented nurturing. For
some, food is your mommy, so Ceres-Pluto aspects may show food problems, such as anorexia, bulimia, or
obesity. It may indicate an overwhelming mother. It is the mid-West, fields of grain, and cereal. Ceres opposing
the ascendant may show someone who doesn’t get taken care of (someone is too busy doing Mars). Ceres
transits and progressions may indicate times for pregnancy and childbirth or difficulties pertaining to these.
Ceres is the goddess of fertility and agriculture. In many cases progressed aspects to Ceres have coincided with
a change of job. Ceres becomes the basis for a healthy self-acceptance and self-esteem. Through her association
with the Eleusinian mysteries, she contains the secret of both birth, death, and renewal, the feeding and
nourishment of both soul and spirit. Her colors are green, like vegetation, but also blue-black, the inner color of
the underworld where seeds lie dormant. Her element is earth. Like the Ceres-Persephone story, she teaches the
wisdom that sharing and letting go lead to reunion. However, if one is fixated on the Ceres process, he may
experience abandonment and rejection until learning to transform grasping into generosity. 1 Where do these
ideas come from? We look to the myth of Ceres, Persephone, and Pluto. Persephone was Ceres’ daughter to
whom she was too attached. They were happy together, so the earth knew no winter. Persephone wandered
away one day where she was attracted to the narcissus blooms. As she inhaled the fragrance, the earth split
open and Pluto, god of the underworld emerged. He carried her off to become his bride and queen. Later, Ceres
could not find Persephone. She searched day and night for ten days. She learned of the abduction, and that her
brother, Zeus, approved. She left Mount Olympus to avoid Zeus and disguised herself as an old woman seeking
refuge. Eventually, she came to Eleusis where she was befriended by the king’s daughter and the queen who
gave her the care of her infant son. She reared the boy as a god and once placed him in the fire to burn off his
mortality. The queen was outraged and Ceres was hurt at being thwarted in her attempts to give him eternal life.
She revealed her identity and ordered a temple and alter be built where mortals could be initiated into her rites.
Meanwhile, Ceres neglected the earth in her grief. Crops were destroyed and fruit rotted on the trees. In
desperation, the people appealed to Zeus (Jupiter), and Ceres, realizing that if humanity died out there would be
none to worship the gods, ordered Pluto to release Persephone for half of each year. Pluto, in sly kindness,
agreed, but first he offered her several pomegranate seeds, the symbol of sexual consummation, so her marriage
with him became indissoluble. The compromise was that she would spend six months as Pluto’s bride (winter)
and six more with Ceres (summer).
Ceres expresses differently in each sign just as there are different types of mothering and nurturing. It expresses
more easily in some signs than others too. Probably Cancer, Virgo, and Pisces are more harmonious signs for
this energy than Aries, Sagittarius, or Aquarius who emphasize other interests more strongly unless they have
the more nurturing signs present in their charts too. All signs, though, have an interest in the production of food
and many of the other themes symbolized by Ceres. They just manifest this energy in different ways.
Ceres in Virgo:
You equate nurturance with the service and the skills you’ve developed. You want to feel useful through
striving for perfection. The right nurturance from the mother or any other who fulfilled her role leads to
competence, discrimination, confidence and self-discipline. As you develop your talents, you enhance your
self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. If you’ve experienced excessive criticism, this may lead to an obsessive
need to be perfect and critical of the imperfections of others. Eleanor Roosevelt exemplified this need for giving
service and perfecting her skills to be of greater service. She went far beyond the expectations of a first lady to
become one of the most admired women of her time.
The houses answer the question “where.” The house that holds Ceres tells you where or in what area of your
life the nurturing and care you’ve received affect you. It also shows in what area of your life you receive
nurturing. So if in the third house, you receive care through conversation, in the tenth house, through your
career, or in the first house you provide much of it yourself.
Ceres in 3rd house:
You feel nurtured with words or other forms of communication, so to nurture another you talk, teach, and
expose others to a variety of ideas. You bring family, friends and associates together by keeping them up to date
with the latest news as would a reporter, public speaker, minister, teacher, or the person in a family or group
who keeps everyone informed. As a result it is necessary for you to be around a variety of people and
happenings so that you may know what is going on. Some of you may become writers as did Mark Twain and
Ernest Hemingway.
Ceres Conjunct Uranus:
Your approach toward caring for others is apt to be original and innovative and done in a friendly way. You
strongly support children’s individuality since individuality is one of your own characteristics. You have a
highly developed intuition concerning human nature that enables you to establish rapport with people of races
other than your own. Some are able to universalize their energy into humanitarian activities.
Ceres Conjunct Pluto:
Those of you with this aspect are willing to share your creations whether they are mental, physical, emotional
or spiritual to help others bring about the transformations they need. Like the Ceres-Pluto theme of loss and
return, you’ve learned that one cannot become too attached to what you’ve created and nurtured but when
you’ve had to experience a loss, you’ve also experienced a return. Becoming a parent is very transformative to
many with this.
Ceres Sextile Neptune:
You use your heightened sensitivity and compassion in your daily life in whatever role you find yourself to
nurture those who need your service. You have many opportunities to express this side of your nature whether
you are a first responder, a nurse or doctor, a parent, a teacher, a friend, or in some artistic field. Your
self-esteem is enhanced for doing so. You can create a depth of compassion and empathy for all beings with
your sensitivity to their needs.
Ceres Sextile Asc.:
You have many opportunities to be the nurturer in your family since you probably have cared in many ways for
yourself from an early age. You are apt to see areas that need your care that others miss. These activities give
you a sense of purpose and identity in life that you wouldn’t have otherwise. How you care for others is show
by the house and sign placement of Ceres. i.e. With Ceres in the eleventh in Gemini sextile the Ascendant in
Leo from the 11th house, you serve by being a friend who will talk to this person.
Ceres Square Mars:
You may have had a domineering parent who hindered your need for independence and being who you are. As
a result the feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, or powerlessness persist inclining you toward unwise
behavior at times. Some overdo caretaking giving too much. Others, particularly if Saturn or Pluto are involved,
may have experienced harsh discipline as a child and/or be a harsh disciplinarian themselves.
Ceres Square Vesta:
You may be called on to sacrifice some of your personal life or time spent alone for your dedication to your
career. Whether this is by choice or not, some are alienated from parenting. Some deal with sexual complexes
or sexual issues such as using more discrimination in sexuality. Resolution of these challenges often comes
from balancing your personal life with your career needs in a way that you nurture both.
Ceres Quincunx North Node:
You are apt to relate to your loved ones as a nurturer. Still you get your greatest fulfillment from this role by
making adjustments as to how you relate. Perhaps you need more freedom from or more diligence to your
duties. The husband of a client of mine has Ceres in the 7th. Since he has some disabilities, his wife (7th house)
is his caretaker. The North Node makes a quincunx to Ceres in Aquarius from the 3rd , and according to her,
some tactfulness in the way he speaks to her (3rd house) would go far in ensuring domestic tranquility.
Ceres Opposition Saturn:
It may seem that every time you set a long-term goal for achieving a more stable and dependable environment,
something or someone blocks your goal. If you struggle to overcome each challenge you soon find out that you
are gradually getting what you want. The things or people that block you make you struggle. Think of how
much stronger you are compared to those who have been given everything easily
Ceres Opposition Chiron:
In bridging the gap between what you’ve already experienced and the way you’ve lived before (Saturn) and
going to the new (Uranus) you may meet some opposition or hurdles you have to overcome. These hurdles may
come from messages you’ve received, intentionally or unintentionally, from parents, siblings, school chums or
others whom you’ve allowed to limit you in some way. Filtering out the hurtful or negative ones as a way of
finding the truth can be highly liberating. You’ll probably find that many of these limiting messages were
spoken because of the other person’s problems or weaknesses. They don’t have to be a part of your life.
Introduction to Pallas
Pallas, also known as Pallas Athene, Minerva, or Hippie (because she trained horses), is the second largest of
the four major asteroids. It has a diameter of 535 km, and it orbits the sun in 4.61 years. It was discovered in
1802 by the German astronomer Wilhelm Olbers.
Pallas represents creative intelligence and the need to balance the male and female polarities within us as well
as the difficulties that result when harmony is not achieved. If you have a strong Pallas (in an angular house,
1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th, or in a strong aspect to the sun, moon, or ascendant), you will often seek companionship
rather than passion in your heterosexual relationships. You may feel torn between your intimate relationships
and your work or ambitions. It can signify the difficulties that women working in the outer world experience in
balancing the other parts of their lives as well as the discrimination and sexism they encounter in the
professional world.
Martha Lang-Wescott has observed that Pallas shows “what you will do to get Dad’s approval.” She has found
it in the charts of several cases of child abuse. She has also found that people with a strong Pallas may do
anything unless it’s expected of them. They feel that what they have to do is to get Dad’s approval, and then
they use it to please or not please others. Other astrologers have found that when there are many stressful
aspects to Pallas a person may have visual or auditory problems, color blindness, dyslexia, poor hand-eye
coordination, mental retardation, or learning difficulties.
When delineating Pallas, consider the element it is in. It will show how one will express his creative
Fire (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) - by becoming inspired and formulating visions
Earth (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) - by creating new forms and structures
Air (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) - by developing new ideas and theories
Water ((Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces) - by becoming psychic and intuitive
Ideas about how Pallas operates in our lives come from the myth of Pallas Athene. These began in Libya 6,000
years ago where she was born on the shores of Lake Triton, home of several tribes of African Amazons. Her
mother, Metes, helped Zeus-Jupiter achieve victory over his father, Cronus (Saturn) by giving him an emetic
that forced him to caugh up his swallowed children. Although Metes changed into many shapes to avoid Zeus’
lustful advances, she was finally ravished and got with child. Gaia and Uranus warned Jupiter that Metis would
bear a child after Pallas Athene who would become king of gods and men. To maintain his sovereignty, Jupiter
consumed Metis whole while she was pregnant with Athene. Jupiter’s blinding headache that resulted could
only be relieved through having his head cleft with a double-edged sword (a matriarchal symbol). Out sprang
Pallas Athene in armor of pure gold. She immediately became her father’s favorite. From a sociological
perspective, the myth of Pallas’ birth from Jupiter’s head marks the ingestion of the feminine wisdom principle
to the needs of the new patriarchal order. The myth also describes the growth of wisdom from the instinctive to
the conscious. By elevating the procreative urge to the level of creative intelligence, the patriarchal birth of
Pallas Athene heralded a turning point in the development of the human psyche.
Pallas types may be women who support and defend a male-ordered world or align themselves as the right hand
to successful and powerful men. It can signify putting aside one’s sexual nature, sexually or unconsciously, in
order to relate harmoniously in a platonic manner with those of the opposite sex. Some others may overly
identify with the father and develop “animus ridden” personalities (In ancient times, the Amazon; in modern
times this could be a combative and aggressive woman who has lost touch with her softness and receptivity).
When the father-bond is impaired, as it often is with a strong Pallas, several psychological complexes may
occur. One is the “Daddy’s Little Girl” the dutiful daughter who passively submits to her father’s power;
another is the Amazon type who seeks to have or imitate the masculine power of the father. This is the
“tomboy” who denies her strong feelings and emotions.
In a man’s horoscope, a strong Pallas can denote the reverse, the “anima ridden” personality, his unconscious
feminine side. In the extreme, it may manifest as excessive passivity, dependence, moodiness, or hesitancy to
assert his will. Both sexes lack wholeness of their intrinsic nature that alienates others and prevents intimacy
with the opposite sex. Pallas may depict a highly developed intellectual or artistic male who fears being rejected
for not being macho enough. He may block his softness and sensitivity in order to conform to the norm of
women’s expectations.
Another manifestation of a misused Pallas is seen in the fear of success. While Pallas’ mental abilities are
highly praised, these were (and are) not recognized as feminine qualities. “The brain” while being applauded
for her academic achievements is often not asked to the prom. Some daughters are still encouraged to play
dumb as a means of attracting men. Thus, the irony for a Pallas woman is that the more she expresses her
creative potential, the more she threatens her opportunity to form a conventional relationship with a man. She is
the thinker who needs to learn to stand up to authority. She has to learn to stand up for herself when confronted
with power. She has to break out and exercise her right to think and act for herself.
On the positive side, Pallas types, if not badly afflicted, have a capacity for whole pattern perception. It
represents the wisdom of strategy, foresight, and planning which leads to concrete achievement ad tangible
results. She inclines to talent in the visual arts – drawing, painting, graphics, design, photography, crafts, and
film. She also excels in the healing arts, such as acupuncture, homeopathy, macrobiotics, cellular regeneration,
or polarity therapy.
The suffering and alienation that are found in today’s Pallas types are rooted in the assumption that femininity
and mental creativity are mutually exclusive. Thus, the soul work for the Pallas woman is to recover her lost
origins, to see her not as a goddess who has renounced her femininity, but as one who teaches us to recognize
courage and vulnerability, creativity and receptivity as equally feminine qualities.
Pallas in Signs gives you an individual interpretation of how Pallas works in the twelve different signs. Pallas’
energy shows how you use your wisdom, intelligence and creativity. It shows how you would perceive and
protect justice and the law. It indicates how you think about protecting excellence in the professional world. For
example someone with Pallas in Aries might be blunt and forceful in upholding the law while a person with
Pallas in Virgo would analyze all the ramifications before acting. This applies to your approach to any of the
Pallas themes.
Pallas in Virgo:
Pallas in this analytical sign has the wisdom of discrimination – separating the wheat from the chaff. You see
the simple essence of things in their simplest form leaving out unnecessary complications. You excel in detailed
craftsmanship such as sewing, computers, or woodworking, all of which are of practical use. You fight for
perfection, high quality, and standards in any field. As you work constructively, you work cheerfully.
Pallas in Houses tells you to area of your life in which your mental-creative urges are most strongly expressed.
For example Pallas in the 4th may put her mind to building a strong home and family. Often a parent has an
influence on one’s mental activities here, as was true in General Douglas McArthur’s life. Pallas in the 11th
uses his or her mind to participate in groups and organizations, pursuing one’s goals, and building friendships.
Robert Cooper, who served for many years as executive direct of the American Federation of Astrologers, is an
illustration of this.
Pallas in 2nd house:
You have a strong practical sense and are quite creative in acquiring resources. You enjoy making money as
long as it does not interfere with your personal ethics. You would never do anything that you consider to be
wrong for gain. Since you have a desire to save and conserve, you are not wasteful. Some with this can get what
they want from life by creative visualization, and often the planning of a task is as meaningful to you as the
actual manifestation.
Pallas Conjunct Jupiter:
You are likely to possess a broad, farseeing mind that grasps the implications of the large social issues that face
humanity. You have the potential for exceptional intelligence. This aspect emphasizes and enhances the
wisdom activity of Pallas Athene. Bob Scheffer, the newscaster, and Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson, the revered
astrologer, are two who have this.
Pallas Sextile Sun:
You have opportunities to use (or misuse) your creative intelligence. These efforts are central to your life
purpose and to how you identify yourself. You want the self-esteem that comes from your work whether you
are artistic, political or in one of the healing arts. Getting involved in causes that try to make the world a better
place is appealing to you.
Pallas Sextile Mercury:
You are apt to have power and skill in the use of words whether in talking to your friends and loved ones or
with the media. You have opportunities to get opposing factions to work together due to your clarity of speech.
In your personal life, you find affirmations effective. With his Pallas in Pisces in the 10th sextile Mercury,
Orson Wells appealed to the imaginations of his audience in his “War of the Worlds” broadcast.
Pallas Square Vertex:
The blocks to the expression of your creative-intelligence are there to teach you that you are not in complete
control of your destiny. Others must be considered too. Pallas has much to do with the father. Perhaps your
father disapproved of your career choice or any other choice in your life. Ask yourself what you have given up
to please your father. If you are listening to his ideas only you may not be listening to what is right for you.
Giving in to a feeling of inadequacy or ignorance is not the way to go. After all, the Unsinkable Molly Brown
had this aspect too. She didn’t get “Unsinkable” added to her name for giving in to negativity.
Pallas Trine Mars:
Your mental and creative energy combines with the masculine principle of action and assertion. You use your
mental creativity in physically active ways. Like Pallas Athene you exhibit valor and activism. You do this in a
positive way executing well-thought-out plans with strategic skill and confidence. You are capable of fighting
for cherished ideas from which you emerge victorious. The masculine energies are well-developed and
Pallas Quincunx Saturn:
You want to use self-discipline and structure to bring your ideas into reality. However, you may experience a
conflict between acting and producing results in a practical way and maintaining your freedom of artistic
expression. This can lead to blocking the creative process. Perhaps parental pressure has led you to expect too
much of yourself, or you may need more faith in your abilities. Keep using your Saturn (self-discipline and
structure) to achieve what you want.
Introduction to Vesta
Vesta was discovered May 29, 1827, by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers. Its diameter is 525
km or 326 miles making it one of the largest of the asteroids.
Vesta as ruler of Virgo represents unobstructed commitment and dedication to work. Vesta seems to symbolize
the true Virgo “workaholic,” the person who almost works for the sake of working rather than for any other
reward. Dislike from one’s job, when Vesta is prominent, can lead to a health breakdown which allows one to
escape the work. When there are transits to and from Vesta, it represents times when we need to retreat from the
outer world to replenish and reintegrate ourselves. It symbolizes the capacity to be whole, self-identified, and
fertile. Vesta gathers energy and brings it to a single point. Those of you with a strong Vesta (Vesta in the 1st,
4th, 7th, or 10th, or aspecting the sun or moon) can concentrate your energies to a point of focus and give your
undivided attention to whatever you are doing. A prominent Vesta shows a potential for an “all or none”
quality, as if all the time and energy is committed to the work or all to the personal life, so that the person has
difficulty doing both. This is especially true if Vesta is in the sign of personal relationships, Cancer, Leo, Libra,
Scorpio and/or the 4th, 5th , 7th or 8th houses. For sexually active people, progressions to Vesta can lead to a
complete disinterest in or desire for sex. It passes when the progression is no longer in effect.
Much of our interpretation of Vesta comes from the myths of the Vestal virgin. Vesta, or Hestia, as she was
known to the ancient Greeks was the keeper of the sacred flame in the temple and on the home alters. She plays
almost no role in the frequently violent myths and little personality is described other than devotion to duty and
purity. She remains a virgin in her total commitment to her tasks and so were the priestesses who served her. In
some periods, a priestess who broke her vow of celibacy was buried alive. Despite Vesta’s reserved, almost
colorless nature, she played a major role in the Greek faith. All meals began and ended with an offering to her.
Security depended on the preservation of her sacred flame.
Vesta, as a possible ruler of Scorpio, rules sexual denial. Yet, those with strong Vestas are often sexually active
men and women. The women may engage in sexual encounters with a variety of men, yet these encounters are
by no means profane. Instead, they are described as transcendent, spiritual, and healing. Men with strong Vestas
have a high degree of sensitivity to the sexual needs of women and a strong need to enter into sexual union, yet
they may avoid long-term commitment. Instead they are labeled as gigolos or heart-breakers.
The sign Vesta is in shows how you focus on the work you do. Vesta in Aries may work by initiating an effort
while Vesta in Libra prefers working with a partner. Each sign indicates different styles and preferences for the
way you work. Knowing your personal inclinations can not only help you make beneficial choices for yourself
but also help people who work in personnel or the hiring of others as well as teachers or anyone who works
with people
Vesta in Sagittarius:
You focus best when you are working for something you believe in such as an ideal or a cause. Alienation may
occur, though, if you are insistent on your own ideas and visions with a lack of consideration for the beliefs of
others. You seek high adventure and truth in seeking to enhance sexual expression, although a lack of honesty
and loyalty can erode trust in a relationship. Some sublimate the sexual urge for their causes.
The house that holds your Vesta shows which area of your life you focus your strong dedication to work. It also
shows by its sign and the aspects to it where there may be problems in achieving your work goals or where you
may be benefitted in doing so. For example, John F. Kennedy was prevented from achieving the results of his
hard work and dedication (Vesta in the 5th trine Saturn and Neptune in the 10th) by the ultimate transformation,
his death (Pluto) in a distant city (Pluto in the 9th).
Vesta in 5th house:
You are strongly dedicated to children, the manifestation of your artistic ideas, or your creative expressions.
Alienation from the pleasures of life, including children and your creative endeavors, may produce blockages in
the creative process. Some may have children but are not allowed to be with them during their early years
because of work situations, divorce, family problems, or other reasons. Control or personal feelings sometimes
manifests as personal illness. Sexual sublimation may result if one is too perfectionistic or critical of his own
creativity. Nevertheless, you may have a creative profession that brings you before the limelight.
Vesta Conjunct Mars:
You can concentrate and direct your energy at will since you combine the masculine principle of action and
assertion. You can direct your energy at will in intimate relations as well as giving skill and sensitivity in sexual
expression. Some sublimate, focus, and direct physical energy into fighting for a cause. Jack Kevorkian, who
fought for the right to have doctor-assisted death when death was inevitable and desire by the patient, had this
aspect. He was eventually imprisoned for his fight.
Vesta Sextile Sun:
Your work, self-involvement, and sense of commitment become an essential part of your life’s purpose. You
have opportunities to be self-identified with a high degree of personal integration. Your seriousness of
commitment and dedication to an ideal characterize your approach to work. You avoid possessive relationships
and determine your own sexual values.
Vesta Square Uranus:
You may have a conflict between the desire to focus on the goal you’ve assigned for yourself and your urge to
innovate and improve something. You may want to do something in a different way from the accepted norm
causing conflict. For some it leads to rebellion from obligations or erratic behavior. Even if you’re right your
ideas may not be accepted. In a few cases, one with this might express deviant behavior from the accepted
sexual or ethical code.
Vesta Square Pluto:
You encounter stress in using your focusing power for personal rather than transpersonal ends. This power
could be released destructively on a mass scale. Some feel overly isolated from society. Some are threatened by
society, such as John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King who were both assassinated for pursuing their ideals
for the country. Others have transforming ideas that are not accepted or accepted only with great difficulty.
Others experience a great fear of death.
Vesta Square Chiron:
The wounds you have from someone’s intended or unintended remarks in your childhood block your ability to
meet the focused, dedicated goals you have set up for yourself. You cannot be all that you want to be until this
block is resolved. For example, if you’re a creative person, someone may point out that you can’t make money
that way. Or, if you love to write, they may point out all the negative facets of being a writer instead of the
positive ones. The resolution may come from setting your own well-focused and realistic goals and listen only
to your inner voice, not others.
Vesta Trine Moon:
Your appropriate and beneficial emotional responses combine with your ability to focus your energy. You have
a strong devotion to your family or, at least, a strong desire to care for others. Yu can display sympathetic
understanding and an emotional rapport in responding to a variety of sexual situations. A free and open attitude
about sex is often present too. Most have a fertile nature, both physically and mentally.
Vesta Trine Jupiter:
You have the ability to focus on and synthesize the details of broad-scale issues. You can focus on your social
visions with your urge to expand and focus with much dedication and commitment. These social issues may
include everything from the ministry, education, social work, child welfare, to legislation to address them.
Some sublimate their sexual urges to concentrate on their devotion to working with there social concerns.
Vesta Trine North Node:
Your dedication and focus benefit all kinds of relationships. You probably relate to your co-workers or the boss
well. You are able to relate well to the changes in your life that we all have. You seem to fit into your
environment and therefore seem to have opportunities and luck that others do not have. You’re a hard worker
but you know how to balance your need and the needs of others in your environment including your loved ones
in your home. You treat them well so that you all benefit.
Vesta Quincunx Asc.:
Your own personality and self-expression define your work ethic and focus in your work. However,
adjustments need to be made. Look at the sign and house of Vesta and the ruler of your ascendant to see what
needs to be adjusted. One extreme example of Vesta quincunx the ascendant is Charles Manson, the murderer
of Sharon Tate who spent much of his life in prisons and orphans’ or foster homes. He probably never met his
father, and his mother, a heavy drinker, rejected him multiple times so that at times he had no home. He is
serving a life sentence since the death penalty was outlawed in his state. Vesta is in the 7th (his relations with
others), and the ruler of his Taurus ascendant is also in the 7th conjunct the sun, both square Saturn. His is a
pathetic case.
Introduction to Juno
Juno was the third asteroid to be discovered. Karl Ludwig Haring, a German astronomer, found it September 1,
1804. It is 2290 km in size, the 11th largest. It orbits the sun in 4.36578 years.
Juno is considered to be a significator of marriage, most likely a “traditional” rather than a non-traditional one.
She is also known as Hera, the model bride and wife, the guardian of childhood and motherhood, patroness of
marriage, and one who sought fulfillment through her relationship. Juno rules the rites and arrangements of
legal marriage (June/ Juno brides). She is also associated with Libra (intimacy) and Scorpio (manipulation).
Juno describes the need for a deeply committed and just relationship as well as for the range of suffering and
neurotic complexes when this union is denied or frustrated. Those with a prominent Juno are drawn to the path
of committed relationships. They spend their lifetime experiencing the 7th house lessons of learning to develop
cooperation, compromise, understanding, and harmony with others. Usually it represents the mate, but it can
refer to any close one-on-one relationship. By transit, Juno describes the timing for the inception of
relationships as well as periods of crisis and separation. In synastry, Juno is a primary indicator of compatibility
and karmic connection. Juno depicts the issue of sexual fidelity as well as the patterns of oppression and force
that are so often used to maintain it.
However, Juno has significance in other kinds of relationships too. Dr. Lee Lehman gives an example in her
book The Ultimate Asteroid Book. Dr. Lehman got the time and location of the crash and the birth charts of six
of the flight attendants in the crash. In all cases but one, using both geo and helio positions of Juno of the flight
attendants, Juno was making aspects to the natal chart. For the one exception, helio Juno was at 0 degrees
Libra, a critical degree. Obviously, Juno here did not pertain to marriage, but it does show something of
relationships, especially the kind of relationship in which the individual does not hold the key to power.
In mythology, Juno was the wife of Zeus. According to the myth she was tricked into marrying Zeus out of guilt
and obligation since Zeus had disguised himself as a Cuckoo and then caused a mighty rainstorm. Hera (Juno)
took pity on the bird, shivering and frozen from the cold, and warmed it with her cloak. At this time Zeus
resumed his true self and ravished her. Shamed by her violation, she married him. He took her to Olympus to
share his throne. At first, the divine bride and bridegroom exchanged much love and tenderness, but this bliss
rapidly faded. For the remainder of the marriage, Zeus and Hera lived in a continual state of tension and
perpetual combat due to his infidelities and arrogance. Forced into obedience and submission, Hera’s only
means of striking back at Zeus was by taking revenge on his lovers, so Juno or Hera has come to be associated
with revenge as well as symbolizing monogamous marriage or the fulfillment of herself through a single
husband to whom she could be a single wife.
For both men and women, Juno is the astrological significator for the fear of losing their significant other and
the grasping, possessive attitude that arises from this insecurity. It is also an indicator of the fear of betrayal that
arises from the partner’s real or imagined faithlessness. Also, it is an indicator of the tension and fears that exist
concerning encounters within relationships. As guardians of legal marriage, Juno signifies the rights of
legitimate children and society’s ostracism of illegitimate children. She also rules those who fight for the rights
of the underdog (particularly women) in the political, economic, educational, and judicial arenas. Juno too, is
the indicator of the subjugation and revenge that follows the relinquishing of personal power and can
predispose an individual to participate in self-defeating power struggles. She represents the fighting side of
Libra wanting justice, equality, and fair play.
Gloria Steinem, with her stressful square of Juno in Capricorn square her sun in Aries, when asked why she
never married said, “I don’t mate well in captivity.”
Juno in the sign describes your twelve styles of relating and meeting our intimacy needs. Often the sign
describes the type of partner you attract and how you handle any frustrations you have if your need to express
in the way the sign describes is frustrated in any way. Some of you project the qualities of the sign on the
partner meeting your needs (and often creating problems for yourself) in that way.
Juno in Libra:
You must relate as an equal in relationships and have a fair give and take. You want to be consulted on decision
making. Respect and approval for your ideas are required. You want a mate who is harmonious, artistic,
musical, and intelligent. Marital rapport may be more easily reached on the mental than the physical level.
When equality needs are not being met you can become uncooperative, competitive, or combative.
Juno in the houses is a very useful tool for interpretation. It tells us where or what area of our lives an energy
(planet) exerts an effect. Juno in the 6th might desire to work effectively with a partner; Juno in the 9th might
want a partner with a similar philosophy of life, compatible religious beliefs, and similar educational
background; or Juno in the 11th might want the partner to be a friend as well as a lover and might want friends
to be an important part of their lives. This is one reason couples need to know each other well before marriage.
If the needs of both are not met trouble can ensue.
Juno in 3rd house:
Verbal and intellectual communications are required for fulfillment in a relationship for you. The partner often
serves as a means for one’s own self-understanding. In many ways other people hinder your freedom of study
and travel. Your most important relationship interactions will occur in the area of daily communication and
networking with others. You prefer to keep all relationships within accepted norms. Siblings and friends are
expected to fit your mold of respectability too.
Juno Sextile Vertex:
Juno operates harmoniously when in sextile to the Vertex giving you the opportunity to experience the best of
marriage and partnerships. Through this relationship it becomes your destiny to develop what the world expects
you to do as a result of who you are and what you do. This growth comes through the other person as you react
to events. Some of you who are not married experience a longing for union which may be fulfilled when Juno is
activated favorably by transit or progression.
Juno Opposition Saturn:
Stressful aspects like the opposition indicate that you may have a limited belief system, personal insecurities, or
fears of commitment that could be obstacles to a meaningful relationship. You may remain with a partner for
the wrong reasons, such as a sense of duty, social pressures, or a desire foe material security. This can lead to
fears of oppression, frustration, and dependency. For some, fears of a close relationship and intimacy may block
the formation of lasting unions.
Juno Opposition MC:
Usually Juno comes from the 3rd or 4th house when it opposes the MC. If it is from the 3rd, there may be
something about the way you or your partner talks– perhaps too much, or tactlessly, or too little-or some other
type of communication that is not helpful to your position in the world or your career. The opposition brings
awareness, so you are aware of the problem. If it is from the 4th, some of the possibilities are that there is a
parent who is disapproving of your union or is a concern in some way. Perhaps you have the responsibility of
caring for a parent. Also it could pertain to your actual home or perhaps the lack of a stable home that needs to
be balanced with your career needs.