Environment Therapy
Report for
Julia Roberts
October 28, 1967
12:16 AM
Atlanta, Georgia
Your Environment
Therapy Report provides an astrological analysis of what you are
likely to experience in the cities and towns that you selected. The astrological
influences are listed very approximately in an order from strongest
weakest, so that the information provided earlier in the report
has a more powerful effect on you than the information provided later
in the
Therapy" refers to the ways in which different geographic regions
affect our attitudes and behaviors and even our physical health,
and how we can use this information to enhance our well being and health.
Some of us feel rejuvenated at the beach or we feel more alive,
and energetic in certain cities, or we feel a need to periodically
hike mountain trails. In different ways different environments are therapeutic
for us.
Also note that
you may prefer a particular beach, hiking trail, or city more than another
even though there may be no obvious tangible reason for why this is so.
One person visits Chicago and loves it, and another person with similar
tastes and proclivities visits Chicago and finds that nearly every other
city is preferable. We react differently to different locations, and
one can never be certain how a given person will respond to a particular
place. There seems to be a certain kind of chemistry that develops between
a person and certain geographic regions just as there is a special chemistry
between people. This is where the astrological influences may be relevant.
The astrological influences may be able to indicate how we function in
different locations.
Of course the
demographics of people living in the area, the climate, topography, etc.
of an area are vitally important, and the astrological influences are
not the only factor that determines how we function in a given place!
However, it is possible that astrological influences do play a part in
how we experience different places.
Astrology is
a controversial subject. One reason for the controversy is that astrology
has not yet been scientifically validated. Until astrology is validated
it is wise to regard astrological information with some caution or skepticism.
Also, you should consult a physician or other health care professional
if you are experiencing a physical problem! Although astrology has not
been validated scientifically, many people do find astrological information
to be useful and hopefully you find the information provided in this
report to be helpful to you in finding a place that is most conducive
to good health, and ways in which you can be as healthy as possible in
whatever place you are located.
2007 David Cochrane All Rights Reserved
ATLANTA, GEORGIA 33N44'56" 84W23'17" 27 CN 53 16 AR 45
Asc Sextile
Uranus (Orb:0 Deg 41 Min)
In this area
you are able to explore, discover, and innovate. You are not likely to
get stuck in a rut. This is a good place for you to become open and involved
with new things. The fresh stimulation and insight keeps life interesting
and is good for your health. Crystallized or rigid attitudes and physical
conditions can be loosened up. In this area you are likely to stretch,
both mentally an physically, and you are more flexible. You are willing
to experiment and try new things.
MC QuadNovile
Uranus (Orb:0 Deg 27 Min)
A good place
to discover new creativity and inspiration for your career and life work.
(Orb:1 Deg 08 Min)
Your life tends
to be fast-paced and periodically take unexpected turns. There is lots
of excitement and activity for you in this area. This is often enjoyable,
but it can also be hard on your body. Make sure that you sleep well and
maintain some regularity in your life.
(Orb:0 Deg 47 Min)
It is very likely
that you will read, write, or speak a great deal in this area. Your literary
side is strengthened, your aesthetic sensitivity is sharpened, and you
develop good friendships here. You meet people who are both sensitive
and intelligent, and consequently communicating with them is very easy
and natural. The effect on your physical health is indirect, but is positive
and inclines you to have good health. You are likely to be involved in
normal, constructive, healthy activities that require a combination of
careful analysis and aesthetic sensitivity. These activities establish
an environment in which you can enjoy a healthy and constructive life.
(Orb:1 Deg 09 Min)
In this area
you are likely to be able to solve problems and, for example, obtain
a diagnosis or analysis of a situation that is able to identify the root
cause of a situation. This is also a good place for psychotherapy and
family therapy.
(Orb:2 Deg 23 Min)
Mental concentration
and focus are good here. You might find yourself reading extensively
or studying in this location. However, you may also find that you are
unable to communicate as openly and freely with others as you would like.
Communications seem to break down periodically. It is best for you to
be involved with people with whom you are able to work through the logic
of a situation and use critical thinking skills to better understand
a subject. You may find that you are gravitating away from vague thinking,
and you seek clarity more than you do in other places. By having friendships
with people with whom you can carefully analyze situations and have a
respectful appreciation of one another's intelligence and views, you
are able to feel more centered and productive. A failure to achieve this
can result in headaches or other physical symptoms.
(Orb:2 Deg 21 Min)
This area inspires
you to make real changes to align your life with very deep and honest
spiritual ideals. Consequently, you can grow as a person here and direct
your energies to higher purposes. However, strive to make the changes
gradually so that your body can adapt. For example, changing from being
a meat eater to a pure vegetarian overnight is difficult for the body
and may not be healthy. Very often the body has to learn and grow into
new habits. The real shift in direction that your life wants to take
requires courage and common sense. Keep in mind also that simple changes
you make in your life style can have more profound effects than you may
realize. Handled properly, your health does not need to be negatively
affected here, but it does require proper handling. Too often this astrological
influence results in at least temporary lowered resistance to disease
and feelings of weakness or listlessness. By building new habits and
working to align your life with your ideals, these negative tendencies
do not need to occur.
NEW YORK, NEW YORK 40N42'51" 74W00'23" 9 LE 30 27 AR 48
IC Novile
Venus (Orb:0 Deg 15 Min)
A good place
to feel loved, appreciated, and to feel special. Others are able to see
something beautiful in you, and likewise you see special, beautiful qualities
in others.
IC QuadNovile
Saturn (Orb:0 Deg 40 Min)
A good place
to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of family members
and loved ones. A place where you can feel that your contributions to
the community are important. A good place for social work and assisting
(Orb:1 Deg 28 Min)
In this geographic
area you strive to achieve your goals and you can become impatient with
people and situations that distract you from your interests. If you are
athletic, this is a good place for you to train and compete. However,
too much attention on competition can lead to a hot and fiery temperament.
If you find yourself becoming angry, keep in mind that even a quiet,
seething anger is destructive both psychologically and physically. If
you cannot find a way to channel this energy well, then spending some
time in another location may help.
Asc Trine
Saturn (Orb:2 Deg 21 Min)
Your self-control,
capacity for discipline, and focus on things that are most important
to you is very strong in this area. You are likely to find that you are
able to diet, exercise, and build a healthy routine more easily here
than you can in other areas. Consequently, your health tends to be good.
In this area you are also likely to have trustworthy friends.
Asc Novile
Venus (Orb:1 Deg 26 Min)
A good place
to feel loved, appreciated, supported, and healed.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 34N03'08" 118W14'34" 28 GE 44 10 PI 03
Asc Square
Uranus (Orb:1 Deg 32 Min)
You will meet
some very interesting and unusual people in this area. There is also
a tendency for relationships to change. Plans are also not likely to
turn out as expected while you are in this area. People may move or other
situations arise that change the original plan. Some psychologists emphasize
that an increased number of changes in our lives increases stress levels,
and high stress levels are associated with increased risk of health problems.
If you are unable to build a feeling of stability and security in this
area, you might consider relocating. On the other hand, if the spontaneity
and changes are agreeable, this will help you from getting stuck in a
Asc BiNovile
Venus (Orb:0 Deg 40 Min)
A good place
to feel loved, appreciated, supported, and healed.
(Orb:0 Deg 20 Min)
You are likely
to have less financial stress in this location than in other places.
This reduced stress is good for your health and in this location you
tend to be content, to have many friends, and acquaintances, and to have
a nice home. You may also gain some unwanted weight and be less disciplined,
but you can counteract this tendency by building regular times for enjoyable
exercise into your routine.
(Orb:1 Deg 08 Min)
You might find
some of your relationships becoming more like an obligation than a joy
and blessing in your life. If this happens, the lowering of inner enthusiasm
and joy eventually can affect your health. On the positive side, this
is a place where you face responsibilities to others and yourself, and
you can, for example, lose extra pounds that you would like to shed.
However, if you find there is little real joy for you in this location,
then you need to find a way to change this.
(Orb:0 Deg 48 Min)
There is a severe
and demanding quality to life here. Some things from your past may be
ripped away from you. You need to rebuild and have a rebirth into a new
life here. There may be a loss of luxuries and even things that are not
so easily dispensed with. This is a good place to become more disciplined
and focused, and to learn how to sacrifice and to be resourceful. This
is not likely to be a place where you can settle down and feel that you
are being nurtured and supported, and able to become stronger and healthier.
On the other hand, if other astrological influences in this location
do give these qualities, then this may be a place where you can live
an extremely simple life and be healed. You become more self-reliant
(Orb:0 Deg 57 Min)
You are likely
to have some friends that you enjoy laughing with. Certainly you have
good times here, but there is also a likelihood of some instability.
You may move often or find that you are constantly making changes, or
perhaps your neighbors change, or other surprises occur regularly. You
may also find yourself sometimes feeling like you are spinning around
too fast, and this can lead to an upset stomach or headache. If it feels
like there is too much going on, then set some priorities to keep things
in balance.
Asc Sextile
Jupiter (Orb:2 Deg 38 Min)
Excellent opportunities
in your career, vocation, or business pursuits. Doors open for you, and
you can find a good job and have a nice home life in this area. The ability
to succeed without too much stress in this area is good for your health.
(Orb:1 Deg 41 Min)
You are likely
to learn more about your early childhood, your parents, and your heritage
while you live here. This is a good place for psychotherapy and getting
to the emotional root of problems. However, if you live here, you may
continue dredging up the emotional past for too long, and at a certain
point it is better to focus on the present. This geographic area can
be good for diagnosing the root of problems, but in the long run may
work against good health and have you mired in issues of bias, prejudice,
mistrust, and emotional pain from past situations. If this happens, you
may need to spend time at another location to move forward with your
life and gain better health.
(Orb:1 Deg 36 Min)
You are likely
to achieve success in your career and work in this area. You are able
to come into contact with influential people, and you benefit from these
relationships and involvements. This success brings you the ability to
have good health care, but you may also be inclined to be less disciplined
and careful about diet and getting regular exercise. You can stay very
fit in this area if you allocate time for maintaining sound health.
ARROYO SECO, NEW MEXICO 36N30'58" 105W34'09" 11 CN 31 23 PI 45
MC Opposition
Pluto (Orb:1 Deg 48 Min)
geographic area is not one for light, easy living. All kinds of heavy
feelings and issues arise. You are likely to discover "skeletons
in the closet", like things in your family or your ancestry that
you never knew, and even things about yourself that you had not
recognized. Life can become very emotionally complex and intense here.
This can be
a good place for personal growth or psychological therapy, but
otherwise is not conducive to healing and strengthening of the body.
IC Novile
Sun (Orb:0 Deg 18 Min)
A good place
for vocational guidance, a sense of direction, family therapy, and other
healing therapies and treatments.
MC BiNovile
Mars (Orb:0 Deg 00 Min)
A good place
for gaining confidence and cooperation with others. A positive place
for a team effort and business meetings. Also a good place strengthening
and intensive healing, such as deep tissue massage, etc.
(Orb:1 Deg 07 Min)
You are likely
to enjoy dance, night life, or relationships with humorous or eccentric
people in this area. This liveliness keeps you from becoming too rigid,
keeps life interesting, and also helps keeps you healthy. You are unlikely
to have constipation or chronic tension in this location. Something seems
to always loosen you up. On the other hand, you need to make sure that
you have stability and regularity in your life as well, as the body needs
regularity in order to work properly.
(Orb:0 Deg 50 Min)
You are inclined
to impulsive actions here than you are in most other places. You tend
to take more risks. This can be exciting, but it presents obstacles for
maintaining optimal health. Sudden changes can suddenly change blood
pressure levels, hormone balance, etc. and you put your body through
a workout. Your body may not always be able to adapt, and then physical
symptoms can arise. By maintaining good health habits and a regular routine
that provides adequate time for sleep and exercise and a balanced diet,
you can avert problems that otherwise might arise.
MC Opposition
Uranus (Orb:3 Deg 27 Min)
Unexpected changes
and a lack of continuity and regularity in your life can make this area
difficult for health-related issues. Strive to maintain good sleeping
habits and regular routines in your life. Your body may not be able to
adapt as quickly to changes you experience as quickly as you are able
to adapt mentally and emotionally.
Asc Trine
Mercury (Orb:2 Deg 21 Min)
You are inclined
to have pleasant and enjoyable conversations and communications with
others in this area. This positive communication inclines you be mentally
quick and alert in this area, which is good for your nervous system as
well as overall health.