Heaven Sent Romantic Compatibility Report for

Bill Clinton


Hillary Rodham Clinton

Birth Data for Bill:

Bill Clinton
19 August 1946
Hope, Arkansas

Birth Data for Hillary Rodham:

Hillary Rodham Clinton
26 October 1947
Chicago, Illinois

Bill's Sun Sextile Hillary Rodham's Sun:

You get along well because your egos and manner of self-expression are compatible. Because you like each other, you bring out the best in each other and permit the other to shine. This is a plus in both work and play situations.

Bill's Sun Square Hillary Rodham's Mercury:

The ego is standing in the way of comprehension, causing you to tune the other out and resulting in confusion. You may have to repeat and explain yourselves, so while there may be much conversation, there is a lack of understanding between the two of you.

Bill's Sun Square Hillary Rodham's Venus:

Because your egos need to be loved, but because you are unable to express it directly, you can do so through gifts, praise and compliments and, in essence, "buy" each other's love. This is a too-much-of-a-good-thing aspect as it tends to overdo and overindulge out of a need for love.

Hillary Rodham's Sun Conjunct Bill's Jupiter:

You think the world of each other and see this reflected in each other's eyes. As a result, you are great friends and truly enjoy being together. You trigger each other's optimism and generosity---also each other's ego, so there can be a tendency to boast or exaggerate. This can also manifest as overindulgence when you are together.

Bill's Sun Square Hillary Rodham's Jupiter:

You want to be friends and can even lavish gifts and praise on each other, but you trigger one another's need for credit and recognition. You praise each other in order to be praised. You want to be seen as generous and optimistic, but can try too hard to appear that way.

Bill's Sun Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Saturn:

You bring out each other's maturity, seriousness and wisdom. You feel a responsibility for each other that can manifest as loyalty. You nevertheless, can feel restricted by the responsibility inherent in the relationship.

Hillary Rodham's Sun Square Bill's Saturn:

You each act like an authority figure with the other---and each resent and fear the other's authority. You each feel you are right. You are stoic, serious and unbending with each other. This is to cover up your fear.

Bill's Sun Sextile Hillary Rodham's Uranus:

You encourage each other's individuality, uniqueness and inventiveness by giving each other the space to be yourselves. You are non-possessive of one another and find the other fascinating. You can be in tune psychically.

Hillary Rodham's Sun Square Bill's Pluto:

There is a strong power play between the two of you. You each want to be in control and are threatened by the fear of losing the game, for it is an all-or-nothing, winner-take-all game. You do not trust the other and are always looking for the other's weak spots, at the same time you are protecting yourselves from attack.

Bill's Sun Square Hillary Rodham's N. Node:

You block one another's creative flow, which deters you from expressing your highest and best.

Hillary Rodham's Moon Trine Bill's Mercury:

You communicate well, both verbally and non-verbally, because you understand each other and hear what is NOT being said as well as what is. You balance the emotional with the mental in your communication with each other.

Bill's Moon Opposition Hillary Rodham's Mercury:

Your response to what the other is saying can be emotional rather than mental. As a result, you may not hear and/or understand what is being said. This creates a need for repetition and explanation.

Bill's Moon Opposition Hillary Rodham's Venus:

You trigger each other's need for love as well as each other's insecurities about not being loved. This can result in demonstrations of love, such as gifts and praise.

Hillary Rodham's Moon Opposition Bill's Mars:

You are competitive and trigger the other's impatience and desire to be #1. You are easily irritated with each other for not making you #1, at the same time that you are attracted to one another. The sexual energies between the two of you are strong and can be channeled into sports and/or creative projects.

Bill's Moon Square Hillary Rodham's Mars:

You constantly compete with one another and become angry when the other wins or when you do not get your way. You trigger past memories of unresolved emotional hurts from family members in each other on a subconscious level. As a result, your relationship has strong emotional highs and lows. Your anger is right below the surface and you are always upset about something when you are together. The sexual energy between you is powerful.

Hillary Rodham's Moon Trine Bill's Saturn:

You respect each other and encourage each other's maturity, wisdom, responsibility and loyalty. You take each other seriously and support the other's authority in your respective fields.

Bill's Moon Square Hillary Rodham's Saturn:

You trigger an unresolved fear of authority figures in one another. As a result, you are afraid of each other, yet still feel drawn to be together. You both feel responsible for your part in the relationship, but withhold from one another. This causes you to both feel restricted and inhibited.

Hillary Rodham's Moon Square Bill's Uranus:

Your relationship is unpredictable because you trigger one another's unresolved feelings of rebellion. You each insist on having your own way, and refuse to be bound by responsibility. This creates sudden, unexpected emotional outbursts that can result in impulsive actions.

Hillary Rodham's Moon Opposition Bill's Neptune:

You want one another to fulfill your dreams, so you see each other as perfect. As a result, while you can inspire each other, you don't see one another clearly. This can create disillusionment and disappointment.

Bill's Moon Square Hillary Rodham's Pluto:

Your emotional and psychic attunement is powerful. You each want to be in control of the other out of fear of being  controlled. You don't trust one another and can be vengeful when hurt by the other.

Bill's Moon Conjunct Hillary Rodham's N. Node:

You are drawn to each other and are in psychic attunement. You create a positive emotional environment for one another.

Bill's Mercury Square Hillary Rodham's Venus:

You do not see eye-to-eye when it comes to music, art, beauty or love. Your social skills are also at odds with each other. You don't always understand each other. This can trigger lots of conversation between the two of you.

Bill's Mercury Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Mars:

You are mentally stimulating to each other. This fires up your thinking, but can also cause you to become impatient with each other for speaking too much. As a result, you can blurt things out sharply without realizing it. You trigger one another's spirit of adventure and find the other both exciting and exasperating.

Bill's Mercury Trine Hillary Rodham's Jupiter:

You enjoy talking together because you encourage one another to explore new ideas and philosophies, and to see the good in all things.

Bill's Mercury Sextile Hillary Rodham's Neptune:

You are spiritually in tune and inspire each other without saying a word. You bring out the other's most beautiful thoughts and ideas.

Bill's Mercury Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Pluto:

There is a powerful psychic attunement between you which can inspire revelations in one another. You each know what the other is thinking and communicate on many levels at once. You may tend to be suspicious of one another, however, if you feel the other controlling you.

Hillary Rodham's Mercury Square Bill's Pluto:

You do not trust one another and speak to each other guardedly. You question, withhold and play verbal games in order to test each other and maintain control.

Bill's Venus Sextile Hillary Rodham's Mars:

Your romantic attraction for each other is strong and balanced. You are loving, affectionate and enjoy one another without being competitive.

Bill's Venus Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Neptune:

You share a spiritual love for one another, adore one another and feel the other is too good to be true. You feel blessed to have found each other. When you are together you are in love with love and do not see the other clearly. This can lead to self-deception---or can manifest as unconditional love, in which you willingly sacrifice for one another. You inspire one another and encourage the other's artistic self-expression.

Bill's Venus Sextile Hillary Rodham's Pluto:

You share a deep bond of love and are magnetically drawn together. You know that you will always be there for each other. You encourage one another's artistic and creative talents, and together, you see the beauty in all things.

Hillary Rodham's Venus Square Bill's Pluto:

The sexual energies between you are powerful. You are each jealous and possessive when you feel you are not in control---and you will manipulate in order to be in control. There is an all-of-nothing tone to the relationship.

Bill's Mars Sextile Hillary Rodham's Jupiter:

You are great friends and enjoy being together because you make life an adventure. You are honest with each other and keep your promises.

Hillary Rodham's Mars Sextile Bill's Uranus:

Your relationship is always unique and exciting because you encourage each other to be yourselves, to be innovative and inventive, and to go for it NOW. Your energies are positive, exciting and enthusiastic.

Bill's Mars Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Neptune:

You inspire each other to go for your dreams---yet can side-track one another at the same time. The messages between you are confused and you may not know how to proceed from moment to moment. You can feel guilty for being aggressive---or passive.

Hillary Rodham's Mars Conjunct Bill's Pluto:

You are each afraid of being controlled by the other. In order to prevent this, you attempt to be in control. The result is that you are controlled by control itself. Your feelings for each other are intense, and the sexual energy between you, powerful. When threatened, you retaliate with a vengeance.

Hillary Rodham's Mars Sextile Bill's N. Node:

You energize one another and encourage each other to more forward.

Hillary Rodham's Jupiter Trine Bill's Saturn:

You balance each other beautifully and act as practical optimists when you are together. You are honest, ethical and responsible with each other. You can both work and play together.

Bill's Jupiter Trine Hillary Rodham's Uranus:

You are great friends and encourage each other's universal concepts and philosophies. You believe in one another and support each other's innovative approaches to life.

Hillary Rodham's Jupiter Sextile Bill's Neptune:

You inspire one another to dream great dreams, to be your highest and best, to see God in everything, and to love mankind.

Hillary Rodham's Saturn Sextile Bill's Uranus:

You respect one another's point of view, and together you combine old and new, traditional and non-traditional. There is an ageless quality about your relationship.

Hillary Rodham's Saturn Conjunct Bill's Pluto:

You are afraid of being controlled by one another, so you resist each other's authority. This manifests as a power play between you---and the winner takes all.

Hillary Rodham's Saturn Sextile Bill's N. Node:

You help one another assume your responsibilities.

Bill's Uranus Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Uranus:

You trigger one another's individuality, inventiveness, uniqueness and independence.

Bill's Uranus Trine Hillary Rodham's Neptune:

You inspire one another to be innovative, independent and creative. You feel the other is special. You are in tune psychically.

Hillary Rodham's Uranus Conjunct Bill's N. Node:

You encourage one another's uniqueness, inventiveness and individuality.

Bill's Neptune Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Neptune:

You inspire one another to fulfill your dreams. There is a spiritual bond between you.

Hillary Rodham's Neptune Sextile Bill's Pluto:

You are psychic together. You inspire one another to achieve limitless success.

Hillary Rodham's Neptune Trine Bill's N. Node:

You inspire each other to dream great dreams.

Bill's Pluto Conjunct Hillary Rodham's Pluto:

You understand one another's need for control. Nevertheless, your own need for control can trigger a power play between you.

Hillary Rodham's Pluto Sextile Bill's N. Node:

You help each other transform your lives.

Bill's Sun Sextile Hillary Rodham's Asc.:

You get along well and give each other room to express yourselves.

Hillary Rodham's Moon Opposition Bill's Asc.:

You are drawn to one another and either tune into the other psychically or trigger an emotional reaction in each other.

Bill's Mars Square Hillary Rodham's Asc.:

You are easily irritated by one another. This creates competition and arguments.

Bill's Jupiter Trine Hillary Rodham's Asc.:

You are good friends who bring out each other's optimism, generosity and enthusiasm.

Hillary Rodham's Uranus Square Bill's Asc.:

You trigger rebellion and the desire for freedom in each other.

Bill's Neptune Square Hillary Rodham's Asc.:

You confuse, deceive and delude one another because you do not see each other clearly.

Bill's Sun in Hillary Rodham's 3rd house:

You open Hillary Rodham's mind to new and creative ideas and encourage him/her to express them. As a result, Hillary Rodham can speak with more authority and conviction. However, because you influence Hillary Rodham with your thinking, he/she may be expressing your ideas.

Hillary Rodham's Sun in Bill's 1st house:

Hillary Rodham empowers you to express yourself and be creative. As a result, Hillary Rodham has a great deal of power and influence over you. The closer Hillary Rodham's Sun is to your ascendant, the more he/she influences you and the less autonomy you have because it is only in association with Hillary Rodham that you feel empowered. Hillary Rodham puts more attention on you, so you put more attention on yourself. You "come into your own" with Hillary Rodham.

Bill's Moon in Hillary Rodham's 11th house:

You trigger Hillary Rodham's emotional need for the security of friendship, and make him/her possessive of and nurturing toward his/her friends. Since you are Hillary Rodham's friend, he/she can be possessive of you.

Hillary Rodham's Moon in Bill's 6th house:

Hillary Rodham triggers your need to find security at work. You can be emotional about and protective of your job. You want to be needed, to serve.

Bill's Mercury in Hillary Rodham's 2nd house:

Hillary Rodham thinks more about money and possessions with you. He/she comes up with money-making ideas as a result of your association.

Hillary Rodham's Mercury in Bill's 2nd house:

You think more about money and possessions with Hillary Rodham. You come up with money-making ideas as a result of your association.

Bill's Venus in Hillary Rodham's 5th house:

You trigger romantic feelings within Hillary Rodham. He/she wants to play and have fun when you are together.

Hillary Rodham's Venus in Bill's 2nd house:

Hillary Rodham triggers your love of and appreciation for your finances and possessions, which helps you increase them.

Bill's Mars in Hillary Rodham's 4th house:

Home and family come first to Hillary Rodham when you are together. He/she will fight FOR them and WITH them.

Hillary Rodham's Mars in Bill's 11th house:

Hillary Rodham triggers your impatience to be with your friends---and anger at your friends when they do not do things your way.

Bill's Jupiter in Hillary Rodham's 5th house:

You trigger a strong desire within Hillary Rodham for fun, pleasure and enjoyment of all kinds.

Hillary Rodham's Jupiter in Bill's 2nd house:

Hillary Rodham triggers a positive financial attitude in you and helps you increase your monies and possessions.

Bill's Saturn in Hillary Rodham's 2nd house:

You trigger within Hillary Rodham more responsibility and more concern over money. You trigger his fear of losing his/her possessions, which makes him/her tenacious of what he/she owns.

Hillary Rodham's Saturn in Bill's 11th house:

Hillary Rodham triggers your feelings of responsibility for your friends, but may restrict your friendship circle. You may be resistant to Hillary Rodham's friendship because you feel too much is expected of you.

Bill's Uranus in Hillary Rodham's 12th house:

When Hillary Rodham is with you he/she feels confined and wants to break loose because you trigger a subconscious rebellion within him/her.

Hillary Rodham's Uranus in Bill's 9th house:

Hillary Rodham shows you a unique philosophy that helps you see the limitless options open to you.

Bill's Neptune in Hillary Rodham's 4th house:

You either trigger visions of the ideal home life in Hillary Rodham or confuse him/her about his/her family. This leaves him/her open to wishful thinking in domestic situations.

Hillary Rodham's Neptune in Bill's 1st house:

You feel either inspired or spacey and confused when you are with Hillary Rodham. You do not see yourself clearly and can be vulnerable to (self-) deception.

Bill's Pluto in Hillary Rodham's 3rd house:

You control Hillary Rodham's ideas and trigger his/her desire to control them. This can bring about a total change in his/her thinking.

Hillary Rodham's Pluto in Bill's 11th house:

Hillary Rodham controls your friendship circle, which triggers your desire to be in control.  This can bring about a total change in your choice of friends, as well as your hopes and wishes.

Bill's N. Node in Hillary Rodham's 12th house:

Hillary Rodham's success comes in spending more time behind the scenes in spiritual service and less time with the how-to's of getting the job done.

Hillary Rodham's N. Node in Bill's 8th house:

Your greatest happiness comes from helping other people develop their resources. Pool your monies rather than acting independently in financial matters.