Jupiter's Promise
An Astrological Analysis of Jupiter for

Paula Abdul
June 19, 1962
2:32 PM
Los Angeles, California

Calculated for:
Time Zone 8 hours West
Latitude: 34 N 03 08
Longitude: 118 W 14 34


          Positions of Planets at Birth:
          Sun     28 Gem 06          Pluto     7 Vir 46
          Moon    21 Cap 09          N. Node   9 Leo 28
          Mercury 11 Gem 51          Asc.     18 Lib 49
          Venus    3 Leo 09          MC       20 Can 42
          Mars    16 Tau 11          2nd cusp 16 Sco 57
          Jupiter 12 Pis 26          3rd cusp 17 Sag 54
          Saturn  10 Aqu 44          5th cusp 23 Aqu 14
          Uranus  27 Leo 20          6th cusp 23 Pis 04
          Neptune 11 Sco 00

          Aspect           Orb in Natal Chart     Orb in Jupiter Return Chart
          Conjunction    :  7 Deg 00 Min           7 Deg 00 Min
          Opposition     :  5 Deg 00 Min           5 Deg 00 Min
          Square         :  5 Deg 00 Min           5 Deg 00 Min
          Trine          :  5 Deg 00 Min           5 Deg 00 Min
          Sextile        :  4 Deg 00 Min           4 Deg 00 Min
          Semisextile    :  4 Deg 00 Min           4 Deg 00 Min
          Quincunx       :  4 Deg 00 Min           4 Deg 00 Min
          Semisquare     :  3 Deg 00 Min           3 Deg 00 Min
          Sesquiquadrate :  3 Deg 00 Min           3 Deg 00 Min
          Quintile       :  2 Deg 00 Min           2 Deg 00 Min
          Biquintile     :  2 Deg 00 Min           2 Deg 00 Min
          Quindecile     :  2 Deg 00 Min           2 Deg 00 Min


Jupiter's Promise, Copyright 2006 Stephanie Clement

    "All the world's a stage,
   And all the men and women merely players;
   They have their exits and their entrances
   And one man in his time plays many parts,
   His acts being seven ages."

      Quotations from Shakespeare, As You Like It, Act II, Scene 7

We all want to expand our lives. Perhaps we want to expand our mental skills by attending college. We may want to extend our earning capacity through career training. We may want to form strong partnerships or enter into a romantic relationship, in order to expand our horizons. (We probably don't want to expand our physical weight!) Each of these possibilities relates to the planet Jupiter, and how it works in our birth charts. Shakespeare pointed out that we have many potential roles that unfold in regular rhythms throughout our lives.

This interpretation takes a look at your birth chart from the perspective of the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter takes about 11.86 years to go around the Sun. This almost twelve year period relates to many of the major life transitions you will experience throughout your life. Each milestone in this interpretation takes place at a Jupiter Return - when Jupiter reaches the same point in the zodiac it occupied when you were born. We can learn from Shakespeare's humorous depictions of the Ages of Man.

Let's look at the meaning of Jupiter in the birth chart first.

Part I - Jupiter in Your Birth Chart

   "At first the infant,
   Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms."

Jupiter is the Santa Claus of the planets. Where it is found in the birth chart, we find a focus for our hopes and dreams. It indicates an area of life where we are optimistic, expansive, generous, and often successful. It also indicates an area of popularity. Sometimes Jupiter shows where we are overconfident or extravagant. It shows where and how we seek to develop a more idealistic or philosophical attitude, and also where we can be impractical, excessive, or ostentatious.

On a practical level Jupiter governs function - the way things work. This includes processes in the physical body.

Jupiter in Pisces:

You are very impressionable. Throughout your life you may develop great psychic skills and an intense imagination. You could become a great writer because you see beyond the basic plot themes, into people's personalities and motivations. You could also excel in art or music when you incorporate your feelings into your work.

You almost always appear to be happy. This can be a cover for internal conflict between the way you see the ideal world and the realities that face you each day. You tend to make gains without much apparent effort, so people see your life as being comfortable, even easy.

You are kind-hearted. In part this is due to your empathic abilities. In part it is because you understand and love people in general. A mystical or visionary path through life beckons to you. If you incorporate mystical values into your daily life, you find you are as happy on the inside as you appear to be on the outside.

Jupiter in 5th house:

 Even if you never have children of your own, you enjoy their energy. You may treat your pets or your projects like children, nursing them along, caring for their needs, and helping them to be the best they can be. If you have children, you make them a focal point, even when you are busy with other projects.

Self-confidence is usually strong. Generally you believe you can take on big problems and solve them. On the spiritual level you tend to follow your intuition and trust it. When you ask, "Why am I here," you listen to the inner voice of intuition that never steers you wrong. That voice informs you about the transcendent values that guide your life.

As a child you probably loved reading, and school too, for that matter. You found learning easy, and you enjoyed finding out new things. You probably had a wide range of interests, and thus do not fit the traditional mold - one career is not enough, and was not enough as a child, either.

Jupiter Square Mercury:

You can waste time with the best of them. You love the telephone, the Internet, or other communication media. You also love a communication or writing challenge, and can rise to the occasion for rush jobs. You can be loud and over-zealous in your desire to convince others of your views.

Jupiter Sextile Mars:

You have plenty of energy to pour into creative activities. You love the action, for one thing, and you like the freedom involved in managing projects. If you occasionally rebel (or want to), you make up for it with your creative and organizational talent. Even as a child, you were an organizer.

Jupiter SemiSextile Saturn:

Patience is required if you want to achieve success. You may feel pessimistic when things don't go your way, but ultimately anger and irritation hurt you more than they help. You gain maturity through any difficulties you experience.

Jupiter Quindecile Uranus:

You may choose to take risks and push the boundaries in some way at this time. You rebel against beliefs or philosophies you have been taught by your family in order to develop your own individuality. You gain through efforts to help others, and may discover new ways to promote or establish equality for everyone.

Jupiter Trine Neptune:

You have profound depths of feeling, although most people will not be aware of this fact because you keep your thoughts to yourself. You are able to refine your own work, and you can also help other people to perfect their projects. Throughout your life you pursue metaphysical subjects. You have a compassionate nature.

Jupiter Opposition Pluto:

You want to be in charge. Period. You dislike working for anyone who can't "walk the walk." In fact, you might even lead a rebellion, if given a good opportunity. Sometimes you come on very, very strong, and push your organizational gifts to the max. This can lead to a waste of valuable energy. If you must argue, do it from the high ground, ethically and spiritually.

Jupiter BiQuintile Asc.:

Your best creative and expansive activities include physical activity. Even when your projects are largely mental or emotional, you benefit from a physical component, such as walking, yoga, or regular sports activity.


Now that you have the basic idea of how Jupiter functions throughout your life, we will examine seven milestones. Every twelve years Jupiter returns to its position in your birth chart, giving you a moment of clarity concerning your perspective on life, your emotions, and your spiritual tendencies. Each milestone illuminates a specific area of your life, growing out of the previous twelve-year period. Because of Jupiter's apparent motion from our perspective, you may have three returns within one year, giving you mixed messages for the following twelve years.

You may notice certain themes come up again and again. When you see this happen, it indicates that you will be reviewing ideas and renewing your intellectual and spiritual strengths during the coming period. You benefit from what you learned earlier and modify your behavior to avoid facing the same difficulties. If you fail to modify your behavior, a little excess can become a huge problem.

The first Jupiter milestone occurs when most people have achieved nearly adult size and development. Cultures around the world celebrate rites of passage around this time, as young people transition from childhood to teen and young adult life. You actually reach adult physical growth about midway through this period. You are expected to act like an adult in a thousand ways, yet you may feel unprepared for the demands of adult life, especially at the beginning of this period.

The twelve years following the first milestone can be difficult, filled with shocks and disillusionment. Your friends have different ways of doing things, and they have some less than helpful ideas about how to act. You still rely upon family to take care of your basic needs.

During this twelve-year period, you face huge changes in social relationships, habits, and attitudes. You break with some family beliefs, even if you maintain an outer appearance of acceptance. By the end of this period you know how you want to be different, and where you want to go in life.

 Milestone One: Around Age Twelve

   Whining school-boy, with his satchel and shining morning face,
   creeping like snail unwillingly to school"

 Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on May 7, 1974:

Jupiter in 8th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

In the Return chart Jupiter is in the house of other people's resources. During the next 12 years, other people's resources take on greater importance. In addition you will discover how your partners contribute materially to your success. Your sex life develops the most during this twelve-year period.

So far in life you have probably depended on other people to fulfill most of your needs and desires. Now you begin to gain independence, yet you still are attached to family and other support groups. In fact, you will always benefit from the support of others, but at this time you gain understanding of the extent to which family and other people can help you.

The expansion into sexual experience can cause tremendous upheaval during this period of your life. To the extent that you developed confidence during the first twelve years of your life, you will manage the slings and arrows of romance and sex well. You may find that moderation in this area gets you a lot better results than overconfidence or indulgence.

Jupiter Trine Mars:

You overflow with energy now.  You direct your personal will effectively, and you love the challenges presented in career, business, and other venues.  Your honorable approach to life and your organizational ability contribute to make you a fine leader.

Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Uranus:

When you are focused on your internal stress and tension, you are not paying attention to the opportunities coming your way. When you argue with other people over petty details that you won't even recall next week, you are wasting valuable time and effort. You would be better off keeping your thoughts to yourself.

Jupiter Square Neptune:

While you appear to be happy, you are actually more dreamy. You discover inner conflicts concerning your ideals about the world, and the realities you face. You feel you are somewhat misunderstood by others during this period of your life.

JUPITER RETURN on September 9, 1974:

Jupiter in 11th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

In the Return chart Jupiter is in the house of group involvement. During the next 12 years, you find that community takes on greater importance. In addition you will discover how you work within groups, both in leadership roles and as a volunteer or support person. You may find that you step up to a leadership role in some situations, and step down in others.

During this period you are the quintessential group member. You may emerge as a leader or you may remain part of the pack. Either way you find happiness and comfort within group activities. If you choose, you can devote yourself to the group's goals. You may be disappointed in the efforts of other group members, but rarely are they disappointed in the effort you expend. You are usually tolerant of others and able to direct their efforts and your own into channels that promise the greatest degree of success and satisfaction.

As you gain experience, you move into leadership positions. You know what it takes to accomplish tasks because you have been a "worker bee" within your group. Now you have the opportunity to learn how to lead others and encourage them to be their very best. In the process, any group you are associated with will thrive.

Jupiter Opposition Sun:

Finances and spending could be an issue.  Pay attention to business indicators, and reduce spending to compensate for sagging markets or income.  In addition, trim your waistline by reducing your intake of fast and junk foods, and through regular exercise.

Jupiter Square Moon:

You tend to be all about yourself and not nearly enough about the people around you.  Take time to consider how your speech and actions will affect others.  What you do now either enhances or damages your social position and your career prospects.

Jupiter Quindecile Mars:

When you have too many irons in the fire, you may obsess over which projects to work on, which ideas to pursue, and which relationships to focus on.  Willful or excessive pursuit of desires can damage a partnership and require your full attention to repair the hurt.

Jupiter Trine Saturn:

This period is likely to be extremely fruitful for you.  You know when to make a deal, when to sell, and when to stay out of the market.  You also have similar instincts in social and personal matters, and you find that your efforts reap big rewards.

Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Uranus:

When you are focused on your internal stress and tension, you are not paying attention to the opportunities coming your way. When you argue with other people over petty details that you won't even recall next week, you are wasting valuable time and effort. You would be better off keeping your thoughts to yourself.

JUPITER RETURN on December 26, 1974:

Jupiter in 3rd House of Jupiter Return Chart:

In the Return chart Jupiter is in the house of the immediate neighborhood in which you live. During the next 12 years, you find that communication takes on greater importance. In addition you will discover how your siblings and/or peer relationships require your direct attention, and you will learn how to establish and maintain clear communication channels of all kinds.

You will very likely be involved with cutting edge communication technology. You are able to absorb both the theoretical information about communication styles and the material processes that make it work. You can develop skill in counseling, business, teaching, writing, or all of these areas if you apply yourself to the processes involved.

During this period you develop lasting friendships. You are popular with your peer group. As you master relationship skills, you gain confidence and are generally optimistic. Overconfidence can lead to situations where you are unceremoniously put in your place. Ostentatious displays of affection or attitudes can leave you on the sidelines. You don't need to be pompous to come off looking good to your friends and siblings.

Jupiter Square Mars:

You feel rather rebellious during this period.  You may feel that the rules are made for other people, and that you should be free to do whatever you choose. Hasty action before you have all the necessary information can creative difficult problems.

Jupiter Trine Saturn:

This period is likely to be extremely fruitful for you.  You know when to make a deal, when to sell, and when to stay out of the market.  You also have similar instincts in social and personal matters, and you find that your efforts reap big rewards.

Jupiter Square Neptune:

While you appear to be happy, you are actually more dreamy. You discover inner conflicts concerning your ideals about the world, and the realities you face. You feel you are somewhat misunderstood by others during this period of your life.

Jupiter Quincunx Pluto:

You seek all or nothing is your search for power. It's important to learn to exercise your will power to avoid being squelched as you move ahead. Make adjustments before you are backed into a corner.

Jupiter Quincunx MC:

You respond to the philosophical energies of others by modifying your sense of self. This can be beneficial if you learn to change in ways that are consistent with your inner needs, and not just to suit others. The discovery of a new philosophy can mark a turning point in your life.

Milestone Two: Around Age Twenty-Four

   "And then the lover, sighing like a furnace, with
    a woeful ballad made to his mistress' eyebrow"

By age twenty-four, you have achieved near full intellectual development. This does not mean that you stop learning, but that your capacity for learning is fully in place. As you start out on your adult adventure, the excitement of life is often matched by the anxiety level.

You try to "act like an adult" at every turn. Yet your emotions remind you of earlier times when you felt helpless. During the years between Milestones Two and Three, you develop a better understanding of relationships. In the process your relationship to your parents undergoes dramatic changes as well. You learn to accept your emotions as your own.

Finally, you fill in the gaps in your education, either through more schooling, or in the "world of hard knocks." By the end of this period, your unique personality is refined. You discover that your inner mental, emotional and spiritual environment is more important in many ways than the material environment.

Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on April 16, 1986:

Jupiter in 5th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

In the second Jupiter Return chart, Jupiter is in the house of creativity of all kinds. During the next twelve years you will build on creative skills from the past, and you will develop new skills. You may have children. If not, you will devote major attention to creative projects. Self confidence will match your desire to lead.

Jupiter SemiSquare Sun:

You tend to stress out when you don't get the recognition you feel you deserve.  When you feel this way, first determine what you want, and then change your own behavior to make that outcome more likely. If you determine that people or things outside yourself are the true source of the problem, then takes steps to remove yourself from situations that you cannot tolerate.

Jupiter Trine Moon:

You are able to present a serene face to the world.  Your life appears to be in order on every level.  However, beneath the surface you are aware of the tensions of unresolved issues.  You are adept at problem-solving, and can handle emergencies well.

Jupiter Sextile Mars:

During this period you experience numerous opportunities in career, business, and personal matters.  The key to success is to consider each opportunity, gather information, and make informed decisions before you dedicate yourself to any project.

Jupiter Square Saturn:

You face big challenges during this period.  Business activities are critical, and you may change jobs or establish a new partnership.  You may take classes to bone up on new technology or to flesh out training.  You may feel a bit less optimistic than usual.

Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Asc.:

You want to be important. The thing is, you don't really want to make this your goal at the expense of friendships and working relationships. Instead, work out your long-term goals in private. Then apply yourself to reaching them while also cultivating those essential contacts.

Milestone Three: Around Age Thirty Six

   "The soldier, full of strange oaths, and bearded like the
    pard, jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel.
    Seeking the bubble reputation even in the cannon's mouth."

At the third milestone you enter a philosophical phase of life, questioning your own purpose. People often associate the unrest during the latter half of this period - the mid-life crisis - with unfulfilling relationships, changes in the job scene, or anything else outside your own personality.

We often think that once past age thirty, we no longer continue to grow. Actually, our emotional, mental and spiritual growth occurs largely after that time. While we are busy developing careers, raising children, and expanding our social spheres, we continue to change psychologically and spiritually.

By age forty-eight at the next milestone, you probably see the good side of your decisions as well as the downside. But then you have greater understanding of your own inner workings.

Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on March 28, 1998:

Jupiter in 10th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

At your third Jupiter Return, Jupiter is in the house of career and social position. Your progress to date may have had its ups and downs. Now you begin a twelve year period in which you expand every career and social possibility. You have a sense of duty firmly in place, ad you will build on your sense of ethics.

You now begin to refine your intuition. You fid that life's surprises no longer derail your intention as they once did. Oh, you can still be surprised. You get over it much more quickly now and get down to the business at hand with confidence.

Jupiter SemiSextile Moon:

You will encounter situations that seem thorny at the moment, but which are susceptible to solution when you take a calm, thoughtful approach.  Others may marvel at your seemingly placid demeanor in the midst of external turmoil.

Jupiter SemiSextile Uranus:

In the long run events nearly always turn out favorably for you. Sometimes you are just thankful that you get through situations at all. The stresses of life can cause episodes of indigestion. Pay attention to your intuition. You may get an idea for an invention.

Jupiter Square Pluto:

Your desire to run the world will catch up to you some day and cause untold problems. If you can be realistic for a moment, you realize that you only need to run your corner of the world. You don't need to step on everyone else's toes to meet your own needs and desires.

Jupiter Square Asc.:

You provide challenges for yourself in the form of puzzles about which direction to pursue and what opportunities to grasp. You are usually very successful in making friends and cultivating the right relationships to improve your work and family life. You tend to put on extra pounds and have to manage your diet accordingly if you want to remain or regain a trim physique.

Milestone Four: Around Age Forty Eight

   "And then the justice, in fair round belly with good
    capon line, with eyes severe and beard of formal
    cut, full of wise saws and modern instances"

You may not be the round-bellied figure Shakespeare mentions, but at this milestone you may enter a somewhat less physical and somewhat more mental period of your life. There is no abrupt transition here - you just gradually find your interests shifting.

Over the next twelve years, you struggle less with internal conflicts. By the end of this period you integrate your diverse talents, skills, and goals, and you empower yourself instead of looking to the world for empowerment.

At the end of this period, your Jupiter and Saturn periods come into close alignment. Your sense of wholeness incorporates substance and process into one worldview. You accept your accomplishments and probably see the larger connections between Self and the Universe.

Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on March 11, 2010:

Jupiter in 11th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

At your fourth Jupiter Return, Jupiter is in the house of groups and circumstances. During the coming phase, your participation in charitable and social organizations challenges your capacity to be a team player. You also must exert your charm to get your policies and plans accepted.

Jupiter Conjunct Mercury:

Your intellect is a focus during this period.  You may read more, study subjects more deeply, and entice the subtle details from any book or other resource.  You rework what you know, formulating your own unique view of the topic.  Such insights lead to unexpected success in career and personal dealings.

Jupiter Sesquiquadrate Mars:

If you fail to take time to resolve frustrations as they arise, you may find you become agitated and rebellious.  Usually able to manage people and situations well, you only need to take the time to think things through in order to settle conflicts agreeably.

Jupiter SemiSquare Asc.:

You tend to rebel against instruction from others, causing yourself stress. This is a waste of your time and energy. A slight change of attitude can convert a difficult condition into one where you meet others half way.

Milestone Five: Around Age Sixty

Because the typical life span has increased since Shakespeare's time, there is no quotation for this milestone. It's not easy to determine which part of life is longer, but this seemed like the logical milestone to skip assigning one of the "seven stages of man" because people are retiring later and living longer. Age sixty used to indicate a long life, but today many people live well into their seventies, eighties and even nineties, remaining active members of society.

If you have maintained good health, you can foresee many years ahead of you, and you are not about ready to stop here. You may find you need to re-examine your life and make a new plan. This is a time for mulling over the past, not because you are stuck in it, but because you want to distill the values you have found and let go of old ideas that no longer suit you.

Our children often say that we are better parents to our grandchildren. This is because we can let go of old rules and methods, change our attitudes, and joyfully engage life in a fresh, relaxed way.

This can be a period of spiritual inspiration. Its' also a time to recall goals from an earlier time, choose the goals you still want to accomplish, and focus on them as fully as possible. While we often think of the period before age sixty as the productive time of life, many people are accomplishing their greatest work after that time.

Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on February 23, 2022:

Jupiter in 6th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

At your fifth Jupiter Return, Jupiter is in the house of service. This milestone marks a transition from a primary focus on productivity toward a mentoring perspective. Your work efforts in the next period will emphasize service elements in your career field. From fast food to corporate headquarters, you offer your skills and experience to help in whatever way you can. You strengthen your ethical foundation too. Resist the urge to offer superficial criticism.

Jupiter SemiSextile Mercury:

Sometimes you feel compelled to tell the bare truth, and you find that others receive it with less enthusiasm than you had hoped.  Initially, the truth has a sting.  Later, others realize the value of cutting to the chase and getting on with the solution to their problems.

Jupiter Sextile Uranus:

You have many opportunities to achieve extraordinary success. You have to open the door when opportunity knocks, and you probably can't act on every opportunity. Intuition plays a strong role in how you make decisions.

Jupiter SemiSquare Pluto:

You find yourself in trouble with authority figures when you try to force your own desires on others. The desire for power must be moderated by a desire for spiritual balance.

Jupiter Opposition Asc.:

Because Jupiter relates to expansion and the Ascendant relates to the physical body, this aspect indicates a tendency to overweight and associated health issues. This does not condemn you to being overweight. It does indicate an area where you need to develop discipline. You may also want to research the variety of diets out there and consult a nutritional expert to determine which general dietary style is best for your body type.

Jupiter Square MC:

You may change residence and career as you grow in philosophical understanding of your chosen field. You see yourself as capable and durable, but your stamina is not limitless. Still, you can accomplish more than almost everyone else.

Milestone Six: Around Age Seventy Two

   "The sixth age shifts into the lean and slipper'd pantaloon, with
    spectacles on nose and pouch on side, his youthful hose, well sav'd,
    a world too wide for his shrunk hank; and his big manly voice, turning
    again toward childish treble, pipes and whistles in his sound."

This milestone ushers in a twelve year period during which the mysteries of your own mind can be examined. In the process you discover a higher power that resides in and acts through you.

This period is ideal for mentoring younger people because you are both receptive to the student's needs and expressive of your own wisdom. You feel less attached to outcomes, and more focused on clear, effective processes.

Unique opportunities come into your life during this period. You are able to undertake activities that didn't even make your list before. You may experience a life filled with miracles large and small.

Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on February 6, 2034:

Jupiter in 5th House of Jupiter Return Chart:

At your sixth Jupiter Return, Jupiter is in the house of creativity. By this stage you tend to think through your ideas to the logical conclusion before beginning any activity. You work out everything you can before you put your shoulder to the grindstone. You also work with a group of people to accomplish your goals, instead of feeling you have to do everything yourself.

Jupiter Trine Saturn:

This period is likely to be extremely fruitful for you.  You know when to make a deal, when to sell, and when to stay out of the market.  You also have similar instincts in social and personal matters, and you find that your efforts reap big rewards.

Jupiter SemiSextile Pluto:

In setting goals, think your plan all the way through to the end. In this way you avoid fanaticism, unpleasant encounters with the legal system, and wastefulness, while maximizing your leadership potential.

Jupiter BiQuintile MC:

Self-awareness, for you, is a body/mind function. You can think through a personal problem, for example, but eventually you need to integrate the results in your physical body. Likewise, learning physical activity demands a mental or emotional component to be fully successful.

Milestone Seven: Around Age Eighty Four

   "Last scene of all, that ends this strange eventful
    history,is second childishness and mere oblivion;
    sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything."

With modern medicine and longer life spans, many of us never get into this condition, or if we do, it is very close to the end of life. What we do experience is an inevitable slowing down of the physical machinery. Healthy nutrition keeps many people alert and active right up to the end of life, even in the nineties and past.

This is not the time to quit, but it may be time to take a different approach to life. Be yourself! Engage in social activities, consider your relationship to the Universe, and celebrate your connection to others and to the Divine.

During the coming twelve year period, you attain a sense of dominion over your personal motivations.

Your Personal Milestone Indicator

JUPITER RETURN on January 19, 2046:

Jupiter in 3rd House of Jupiter Return Chart:

At your seventh Jupiter Return, Jupiter is in the house of communication. Your "neighborhood" may be somewhat smaller than it once was. However, you also may still be interested I traveling to visit family or to see places that are filled with good memories. Communication via phone and Internet offer ways for you to keep in touch with children, grandchildren, and distant friends. Your life demands more structure in your daily activities than it once did, and you welcome modern advances that make your activities simpler.

Jupiter SemiSquare Sun:

You tend to stress out when you don't get the recognition you feel you deserve.  When you feel this way, first determine what you want, and then change your own behavior to make that outcome more likely. If you determine that people or things outside yourself are the true source of the problem, then takes steps to remove yourself from situations that you cannot tolerate.

Jupiter Sextile Neptune:

Your abundant feelings take you in several directions at once. You have a strong imagination, and can plan and execute large projects, keeping the details in the back of your mind. You relish any opportunity to pursue idealistic or spiritual directions. You develop greater compassion during this Jupiter period.

Jupiter Quincunx MC:

You respond to the philosophical energies of others by modifying your sense of self. This can be beneficial if you learn to change in ways that are consistent with your inner needs, and not just to suit others. The discovery of a new philosophy can mark a turning point in your life.


As you read through the different milestones, you have probably observed specific themes. Where you find similar concepts, you can identify periods during which you are building on previous experience. Where fresh ideas arise, you find opportunities to take a different turn in your life.

Throughout your life, you develop wisdom and love. At each stage you have the possibility of expanding your life in every way - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By looking ahead at each milestone, you can set goals that are consistent with the promise of that period in your life, as seen through astrology.