Medicine Wheel
Native American Astrology Report for

Julia Roberts
October 28, 1967
12:16 AM
Atlanta, Georgia

Medicine Wheel
Native American Astrology


        1. Red Hawk   (Aries)
         2. Beaver     (Taurus)
         3. Songbirds   (Gemini)
         4. Rabbit     (Cancer)       (Coyote - other tribes)
         5. Alligator   (Leo)
         6. Mouse     (Virgo)
         7. Bear   (Libra)
         8. Snake     (Scorpio)
         9. Elk   (Sagittarius)
         10. Deer     (Capricorn)       (Buffalo - other tribes)
         11. Otter   (Aquarius)
         12. Panther     (Pisces)


        Every animal power represents several of the Star Clans; that is why all over the world there are different symbolic images of the subdivisions of the seasonal circle of the sky. This seasonal circle, and all that it contains, is known as the Medicine Wheel by many Native Americans.

        The circle of our more immediate experience, extending to the horizons of the Four Directions, is also known as the Medicine Wheel, nesting within larger and larger wheels.

        Every Medicine Animal has power in one or more of the Three Realms of Above, Middle and Below; and with one or more of the Elements. The Medicine Powers of the Three Realms or Worlds, like that of the Four Directions, is a very ancient tradition of pretty much all the Native American people. The Medicine Powers of the Twelve Directions and the Seven Heavens and their Lights are in most ways special to the Kvniakati,Tsulawi and other Cherokee and Shawnee traditions, though others may know these things in a parallel manner. The Medicine Powers of the Elements are partially Kvniakati traditions but have certainly been influenced by early interactions of Cherokee/ Shawnee, Scottish and Chinese astrological and medical systems.

        It is good to have a balance of powers in the Realms and the Elements.


        The Above Realm is the world of the sky, the mind, fire and air. Red Hawk and Songbirds have power in this higher realm of cause and effect in the abstract and subtle sense. Bear has power here when she can stand up; her ally is the Crow who has power in the Above. Snake has some power here through his ally the Owl who has power in the Above Realm at night.

        It is good to have something going on with one of these Medicine Animals or have them high in one of the Heavens if one wishes to exert subtle cause and effect, or in any way take a truly higher view of things.

        Red Hawk and her Eagle relatives have the greatest power in the Above Realm and are the guardians of the East, the primary direction.


        Beaver, Rabbit, Mouse, Bear, Elk, Deer, Otter, and Panther all have varying degrees of power in the familiar Middle Realm where humans also have power. Red Hawk and Songbirds can come into the Middle Realm but have little strength here. Snake and Alligator can come into the Middle Realm also but lack strength here as well.

        On the face of it, Bear has the greatest power in the Middle Realm; she guards the Gate of the West into the Below Realm. Rabbit also has great power, more than is apparent, as he guards the Gate of the South; and the Deer guards the powerful Gate of the North.

        These are the guardians of the Four Directions which are the axes of the powerful momenta of the Earth and the heavenly bodies - Red Hawk in the East, Black Bear in the West, Tiny White Deer in the North, and Great White Rabbit in the South.

        It is good to have something going on with one of these Medicine Animals or have them high in one of the Heavens if one wishes to exert practical effects in the real world, or in any way make real changes in the daily life.


        The Below Realm is the world of water, emotions and the tides. The Below is where subconscious and sometimes malevolent powers can reside. Snake and Alligator have great power in the Below Realm, and Panther also has a special power here by night. Otter, Beaver and Mouse have varying temporary powers in this Realm. Rabbit can hide very securely in this Realm and has a special power that is not active or obvious.

        It is good to have something going on with one of these Medicine Animals or have them high in one of the Heavens if one wishes to exert subconscious effects in the motivational world, or in any way have an effect on the motivations of life and of others.


        Red Hawk has the power of Fire Above - pure intention, will and concentration.

        Alligator has the power of Fire Below - the ability to connect the primal charismatic mind with drives and emotions in the subconscious (also sometimes called "drama").

        Elk has the power of Fire in the Middle, or Fire in Wood - the interactive and enterprising social mind.

        Snake has a power of Fire in Water - again a reptile to represent primal subconscious drives and emotions.

        Mouse has a power of Fire in Earth - to store and categorize the various results of mental precipitations.


        Panther has the power of Water Below - the depths of the subconscious and the predawn dreamstate.

        Rabbit has the power of Water in the Middle, in Earth -the immediate emotions and practical nurturance.

        Snake has the power of Fire in Water in the Below Realm, and can extend into the Middle Realm and the Above Realm by night through his ally the Owl - primal survival drives and emotions.

        Bear has power in the Middle Realm of Air in Water - the Gate of Looks Within, gate of entry to the afterlife.


        Beaver has the power of Earth in Wood - industrious and relentlessly constructive.

        Rabbit has the power of Water in Earth - where emotions and the practical world interface.

        Mouse has the power of Fire in Earth - where the mind and the practical world interface.

        Deer has the power of Earth in Crystal - where the powers of the practical world are most crystallized.

        Otter has the power of Air in Earth - where the powers of the practical world are most transcended in the relative mind.


        Songbirds have the power of Air in Crystal - where the relational mind is most crystallized and unintentional.

        Bear has the power of Air in Water - where the relational mind guards the Gate of Looks Within.

        Otter has the power of Air in Earth - where the relational mind transcends the limitations of the practical world.


        Beaver has the power of Earth in Wood - a power to constructively transform the practical world.

        Elk has the power of Fire in Wood - a power to transform the interactive and enterprising social mind.


        Songbirds have the power of Air in Crystal - a power to focus and crystallize the relational mind by perspective.

        Deer has the power of Earth in Crystal - a power to focus and crystallize the practical world by meeting ordeals.

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MEDICINE WHEEL Native American astrology program copyright 2000  Dr. Randall C. Roffe


        Sun is considered to be female and to govern the basic physical makeup and the mitochondrial DNA (the genetic mother line) of the individual, while Moon is considered male and is the Hunter or the desire and attraction element. Both Sun and Moon are considered measurers of the sky, and distributors of the energies of the ancient and eternal Star Clans. These ancient sources of genetic code are symbolized by the Totem Animals in the constellations and in the clans of the various tribes.

Sun in Snake Place = Trading Moon (Sun in Scorpio)

        The Tsalaki Moon of Middle Autumn is called Nvdadegwa or Trading Moon. It corresponds to the Northwest direction as well as the darkness after sunset. At this time of year, when you were born, nature is becoming quite dormant and many animals burrow deep in the ground and some hibernate. The people gather and establish their clan and family networks of protection for the coming winter, and trade their surpluses with one another for mutual benefit.

        Trading Moon People are clever and opportunistic, with strong survival motives. They can be very private and introverted but are very interested in others' feelings. They can be very selfish and they want to make a trade of benefit to them, so that they will feel secure in the future. They can be very vengeful if they feel a trade was unfair to them, but they do not mind taking advantage of others.

        The Sun Guardian of this Moon is the Snake in the Kvniakati Tsulawi tradition, and its color is dark red. Snake or Inadv is nonaggressive unless intruded upon but then can be very vengeful. Dwelling in the Below Realm of Fire in Water, Snake is also the Guardian of Reproductive System Plants and the Wedding Basket (uterus or prostate) in Kvniakati herbal medicine. The snakes are promiscuous animals and do not travel much. You have many Snake qualities that come from the Below Realm of Fire in Water, the realm of the gene pool, reproduction and the afterlife of the ancestors. Ruthlessness or vengefulness may sometimes be a problem for you, but you have quiet determination.

        Red Hawk is the partner Guardian of Snake, but they do not usually get along so well, Red Hawk usually having the upper hand or talon. They are keen on the same prey and are known to cooperate at times. Still, Snake can eat Red Hawk's eggs and Red Hawk can eat Snake for dinner.

        Rabbit is a bit big for Snake to eat and they understand each other's wiles. Panther also is wily like Snake and they observe and learn stealth from one another and sometimes cooperate in the hunt.

        Mouse and Deer get along well enough with Snake and they know that only a small number of Snakes are really dangerous. Snake often gets along well with Mouse, at least some kinds of Snakes do, but other kinds of Snakes love to use a Mouse, taking over his home or eating him. One kind of Mouse knows how to get revenge. The Snake helps the Corn Maiden keep the grain free from the Mouse. Snake and Deer have a special relationship and they guard the Ginseng plants together. Snake just tries to steer clear from Bear or Elk but follows in their wake looking for food.

        Relations between Songbirds and Snake are sometimes neutral but often difficult as Snake may like to eat the Songbirds' eggs. Being of different realms, they often do not encounter one another closely. Songbirds may warn the other animals of the Snake's presence.

        Otter, Beaver and Alligator all resent Snake's slithering through their private nests and can be spooked by him. Otter and especially Alligator may have a Snake for lunch.

Moon in Alligator Place (Moon in Leo)

        The Moon was with the Alligator Hunter when you were born. Alligator Hunter, like Alligator, has great aggressive strength, but is very slow to be provoked unless his family is threatened. Alligator or Tsulaski dwells in the Below Realm of Fire, and is also the Guardian of Heart and Circulation Herbs in Kvniakati herbal medicine. The alligators are promiscuous animals or nearly so, and pretty much stay in the same pond their entire territorial lives. The Wolf and the Fox are sometimes associated with this direction, as is the Sturgeon in the Mdewiwin Tradition. You have many Alligator qualities that come from the Below Realm of Fire, giving social circulation and entertainment skills, and temporal leadership. Excess of fire can rise into the head from overaccumulation in the heart, causing attitudes of arrogance or self-importance, and swelling or enlargement of the nose.

        Emotionally, here is how you relate to the other Medicine Animals and their Hunters:

        Mouse is the partner Guardian of Alligator but they work and live in entirely different realms, not really knowing one another.

        Alligator gets along well with Red Hawk and Elk, all of whom have strong aggressive qualities. Alligator also gets along well with Songbirds and appreciates their insect control. Bear also gets along alright with Alligator as they both are frequently fishing and are of comparable strength.

        Alligator clashes with Rabbit or Deer only seldom, staying in separate realms. Panther and Alligator likewise seldom conflict but it is quite a fight when they do.

        Alligator's worst conflicts are with Otter as they compete in the Lower Realm underwater for fish and crustaceans. Otter finds the Alligator to be arrogant and power-hungry, while Alligator finds Otter to be very annoying, and Otter sometimes becomes Alligator's lunch. Snake and Beaver also clash with Alligator in the underwater Lower realm and frequently end up as her dinner too. Otter or Snake may eat Alligator's eggs at times in revenge, and Beaver may disturb Alligator's nests. Alligator does not like the way Beaver changes the water level, disturbing the fishing.

Sun Sextile Mars:

        The Sun and the Red Eagle are closely associated within your being. Ardent and passionate by nature, you can easily reach the burnout point.

Sun Sextile Jupiter:

        The Sun and the Older Relative are closely associated within your being, encouraging you to be growth-oriented, optimistic, authoritative and confident. You may also have conflicts with authority, or be overconfident.

Moon Conjunct Jupiter:

        The Moon Hunter and the Older Relative are closely associated within your being, encouraging you to be growth-oriented, optimistic, very social, and emotionally generous. Effects of excess socializing and assimilating can lead to swelling or over-accumulation. Excesses cry for simpler living.


        The Ascendant is known as the First Heaven position and tells us about the relationship of the person to all Seven Heavens of human ideation, as well as their aspirations and how they fit into the world and the afterworld. Second Heaven is associated with the twelfth house, Third Heaven with the eleventh house, Fourth Heaven with the seventh house, Fifth Heaven with the eighth house, Sixth Heaven with the ninth house, and Seventh Heaven with the midheaven or tenth house.

        Thus, First, Second and Third Heavens are in the East, and Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Heavens are in the West. The Heavens can be measured approximately by the breadth of your hand held at arm's length.

        The First Heaven is closest to this Middle Realm where human events occur and certain land animals have power. The second through sixth houses of Western Astrology are below the horizon and represent the Below Realm where swimming and burrowing animals have power. The other Heavens represent the Above Realm where birds have power.

        The Second and Fifth Heavens are tests, where flaws within the self and losses, enemies or opponents may be encountered. The Third and Sixth Heavens are more like most modern people's idea of a Heaven of harmony and communion. Fourth Heaven is the test of relationship, the heaven/hell conundrum, where the true self as well as the false self can be encountered in relationship, and balance restored when the false self is released. Finally, Seventh Heaven, the highest Heaven in Cherokee cosmology, is beyond formal conception: the balanced individual.

Asc. in Rabbit Place (Asc. in Cancer)

        The Guardian of your Ascendant in the Tsalaki tradition is the Trickster Rabbit and white is its color. For many tribes across the continent, the Coyote is the Trickster animal of the South, while for the Tsistsista (Cheyenne) it is the Mouse. Rabbit dwells in the Middle Realm of Water in Earth. Tsistu has qualities of innocence, nurturing, calming and comforting as well as trickery, self-calming and deception. This unpredictable animal is promiscuous but protective of its young. Rabbit also stays local and does not travel far. You have many of the Rabbit's qualities, and oversecurity or overcomfort may be an obstacle for you.

        Rabbit gives a prominent philtrum (the groove on the upper lip) and a busy mouth. Rabbit talks plenty but listens even more; he listens to everything. Rabbit people have mobile facial expressions and expressive ears. They bundle themselves up to feel secure, then they sit and twitch a little bit in their warmth. They are easily spooked and like to surprise others also. They are creatures of habit and they can be overly dependent. Despite their apparent mild gentleness, they are really fierce fighters, and they are of course very passionate and possessive lovers.

        Rabbit (Tsistu) is also the Guardian of Soothing Digestive and Milk-Producing Herbs. This includes Pearly Everlasting, Sweet Root, Fennel Seed, and Slippery Elm. These grow in the thickets and meadows of the Rabbit.

        With Rabbit Rising, Bear qualities are submerged in the Lower Realms of the inner self, and Rabbit may skeptically deny its deep introspective abilities and unnecessarily fear Death. The Rabbit approach governs the First Heaven position and tells us about your relationship to all Seven Heavens of human ideation. First Heaven Rabbit tells us that your aspiration is to demonstrate your awareness and sensitivity in this Middle Realm world. You fit into this world and the afterworld by first being very still, and then by moving quickly, contrarily and deceptively.

        Second Heaven is associated with the twelfth house, and for you this is called Second Heaven Songbirds. This means you can be unable to be flexible and versatile, and you may predictably retreat into your burrow to avoid predators or opponents. Your hiding places are almost always very obvious to all the other animals. Your weakness is this tendency to retreat even from blessings, and Songbirds types may be your secret enemies in the world above. Second Heaven is very much a potential obstacle in your quest for the Highest or Seventh Heaven.

        Third Heaven is associated with the eleventh house, and for you this is called Third Heaven Beaver. This gives natural industry and resignation, and friends who have these qualities.

        Fourth Heaven is associated with the seventh house, and for you this is called Fourth Heaven Deer. If, in life, one makes it through the First Three Heavens, then one can fully encounter someone else in a relationship that, at first, seems like the final goal of the soul's evolution. Opposites both attract and repel, and in the Fourth Heaven you encounter your opposite, the Deer. When you develop a tougher attitude and more ability to remain still rather than bolting, it probably comes from your learning through relationship. When this level is achieved it feels like the highest heaven, but it is not - it is just the powerful reconciliation of opposites. For Rabbit to develop the unsentimental qualities of Deer is the great step toward self integration.

        Fifth Heaven is associated with the eighth house, and for you this is called Fifth Heaven Otter. This is a level of self growth that can be perilous for it is a place where one can encounter enemies and danger. Here you encounter the energies within yourself that encourage enmity with others, and for you the potential enmity is with your partner animal the Otter. Otter is much more of a taker of risks than you will ever be. Remember that those who move in a way that you would consider dangerously reckless may present a hazard to you, often without their even intending to.

        Sixth Heaven is associated with the ninth house, and for you this is called Sixth Heaven Panther. As you near your high goal of finally achieving a state of energy and dynamism, you gradually develop more and more of your natural subtlety and more capacity for aggression as you educate yourself.

        Seventh Heaven is associated with the midheaven or tenth house, a place of great soul integration and balance for you. By the time you reach this point of growth, you have dealt with the balance of Rabbit and Deer for some time and have also begun to realize the hidden weaknesses of Bear that lie deep within you. Seventh Heaven Red Hawk represents your achievement of dynamic high energy, which for most Rabbit Rising people is an elusive goal.

        The partner Guardian of Rabbit is Otter, both of whom can be evasive and unpredictable. Otter has a better sense of humor and is less sensitive and passionate than Rabbit. The two get along at times still.

        Although Panther is a natural predator enemy of Rabbit, Rabbit loves to try to outwit Panther and considers him the ultimate challenge to try to trick, next to Snake. The funny thing is, Rabbit actually likes to be chased.

        Bear and Red Hawk both find Rabbit to be an aggravation and they are frequently angry at him. Red Hawk especially is a real threat to Rabbit and can catch him better than the land predators can.

        Rabbit spooks Deer frequently and enjoys it, much to Deer's aggravation. They also compete for food and argue frequently.

        Alligator and Songbirds do not pay Rabbit much attention.

        Mouse and Beaver get along well with Rabbit and are most sensitive and compatible with one another. They understand Rabbit's fears and appreciate his distractions.


        Mercury is known as the Younger Relative and deals with the functions that children perform in traditional society: communication and helpfulness. It also relates to that mental part of us that is inquisitive and that learns, so the position of Younger Relative tells us about how someone learns, remembers and communicates. The Younger Relative, like the Winged Serpent, is never very far away from the Sun.

Mercury in Snake Place (Mercury in Scorpio)

        The Younger Relative was with Snake when you were born, giving Snake qualities to the mind. Snake is nonaggressive unless intruded upon but then can be verbally vengeful. Younger Relative has probably been bitten already by Snake and may have sarcastic immunity. Dwelling in the Below Realm of Fire in Water, snakes are promiscuous animals and do not travel much. Secretiveness, or verbal vengefulness, may sometimes be a problem for you, but you have quiet determination.

        The voice of Snake is sometimes barely audible because they are in an inner world. Snake people can be very quiet as they develop their strategy. They like to communicate nonverbally. When angered, they hiss and posture threateningly. Their gestures are all advance or retreat. They use their tongue and nose to gesture.


        Venus is known as Quetzalcoatl, Quetzal or Winged Serpent. It tells us about the creative, passionate, associative, sensual, aesthetic and pattern-seeking part of a person. The Quetzal is a beautiful Central American green bird with very long tail feathers that trail behind it like a serpent as it flies. In the reconciliation of the solunar calendar, Winged Serpent gives us a reference point for a longer cycle. Quetzal, the Winged Serpent, known to tribes all over the continent, is about harmonizing Red Hawk and Dark Serpent energies to seek a higher level which is no longer predatory.

        The Winged Serpent, like the Younger Relative, is never very far from the Sun, although he may be found as much as two Medicine Animals (the equivalent of Western Astrology's signs) away on the Medicine Wheel. Winged Serpent appears as either a Morning Star or as an Evening Star, and may appear to be close to the Sun and thus unlikely to be seen, or may appear to be further away, thus appearing high in the eastern dawn or western dusk.

        The appearance of Venus as Morning Star at the time of someone's birth is traditionally considered to be indicative of an individual who uses the momentum of the created universe for their own purposes. Such an individual is considered to be a "young soul", still gathering experiences and powers. Morning Star People can have powerful creative abilities, but can sometimes get caught up in selfish activities. They may confuse their own impulses with what is good for the tribe, community, or planet as a whole, and they may also confuse others who mistakenly become their followers. A small number of Morning Star People fall into the path of selfish conjuring, leading ultimately to their downfall. Morning Star People can be very charismatic before they finally burn out. They can also learn self-restraint and can be very creative people.

        Evening Star People, on the other hand, are more "experienced souls" who are on the path of Return to Spirit. This does not make them any better or worse than Morning Star People, but there is a different depth of motive in their actions and attitudes. A small number of Evening Star People are highly experienced older souls who although already returning to Great Spirit, offer their experience unselfishly for the benefit of their people. These older souls are very seldom recognized by the general public, who seem to prefer the more dazzling charisma of Morning Star leadership.

        Great importance is placed on Venus, the Winged Serpent, its position in the Heavens and among the Animal Guardians, and most importantly, whether in the Morning Star or Evening Star phase.

Venus as Morning Star - Direct Motion

        The appearance of the Winged Serpent Venus as Morning Star at the time of your birth would be traditionally considered to be indicative of an individual who uses the momentum of the created universe for their own purposes. Such an individual is considered to be a "young soul", still gathering experiences and powers. Morning Star People can have powerful creative abilities, but can sometimes get caught up in selfish activities. They may confuse their own impulses with what is good for the tribe, community, or planet as a whole, and they may also confuse others who mistakenly become their followers. A small number of Morning Star People fall into the path of selfish conjuring, leading ultimately to their downfall. Morning Star People can be very charismatic before they finally burn out. They can also learn self-restraint and can be very creative people.

        Venus was moving in direct motion, back toward the Sun, at the time of your birth. Most of your selfish social exchanges are in accord with a greater purpose whether you are conscious of it or not, so the "karmic cost" of your ticket for this phase may not be as great. This makes self-restraint a bit easier for you.

Venus in Mouse Place (Venus in Virgo)

        Winged Serpent was with Mouse when you were born, and this brings the challenge of channeling the Quetzal's magnetism through the small world of the Mouse. Mouse is nonaggressive and always keeps moving or hiding to protect itself and its little store of snacks. Quetzal Mouse is vulnerable to cycles of excessive self-control alternating with bingeing or over-indulgence. Mouse dwells in the Middle Realm of Fire in Earth and the Winged Serpent (Quetzal) can feel a bit trapped here. If you can let the Mouse energies refine the creativity of Winged Serpent, then moderation in all things, even moderation in moderation, becomes possible, to your great relief. Remember that restriction or denial is not moderation.

        The mice may be monogamous animals for a season, and do not travel far from home. You have many Mouse qualities that come from the Lesser Harvest Moon, such as a tendency to store things away and categorize them, whether in an organized or chaotic fashion.


        Mars is known as Red Eagle, Red Hawk or Red Condor in various North American tribes, or sometimes as the Fire Star. Red Eagle is the heat of the survival instinct which is often predatory and aggressive. The warrior qualities it brings were often appreciated by the very strongly ritualized Native American warriors.

Mars in Deer Place (Mars in Capricorn)

        The Red Hawk Star (also known as the Red Eagle or Condor) was with the Deer when you were born. This direction is linked with the Bison in most of the Native American tribes. Deer is nonaggressive unless protecting its family and has excellent practical protective senses. Dwelling in the Middle Realm of Metal/Crystal in Earth, Deer is also the Guardian of Plants for Injuries, the Musculoskeleton and Large Intestine in Kvniakati herbal medicine. The Deer are all polygamous animals, and travel moderately far in small herds. You have many pragmatic Deer qualities that come from the Middle Realm, giving stability, responsibility and toughness. Practically constructive and involved nature leads to many material successes.

Mars Trine Jupiter:

        Red Eagle/Condor and Older Relative Star were in close interaction when you were born. This brings a certain degree of conflict between the desires of Red Condor and the established position of the Older Relative (the "establishment"). Often this is fortunate, in that the stress can lead to constructive results in business and other goal-oriented activities.

Mars Square Saturn:

        Red Eagle/Condor and Ordeal Star were in close interaction when you were born, bringing difficulty and conflict in certain areas of your life. Physical injuries, especially to joints and tendons, and also major stress and frustration in the areas of life associated with each of the Medicine Animals of the Red Eagle and the Ordeal Star are likely. The aggressive Red Eagle is constrained by the Ordeal Star which is very stressful.


        Jupiter is known as the Older Relative and is considered as a source of guidance and wisdom, called Poia by the Blackfeet and other Algonquian tribes.

Jupiter in Mouse Place (Jupiter in Virgo)

        Older Relative was with Mouse when you were born, and this brings the challenge of channeling the wide range of experience of the Older Relative through the small world of the Mouse. Mouse is nonaggressive and always keeps moving or hiding to protect itself and its little store of snacks. Older Relative Mouse is vulnerable to cycles of excessive self-control alternating with bingeing or over-indulgence. Mouse dwells in the Middle Realm of Fire in Earth and the Older Relative can feel a bit trapped here. If you can let the Mouse energies refine the experience of Older Relative, then moderation in all things, even moderation in moderation, becomes possible, to your great relief. Remember that restriction or denial is not moderation.

        The mice may be monogamous animals for a season, and do not travel far from home. You have many Mouse qualities that come from the Lesser Harvest Moon, such as a tendency to store things away and categorize them, whether in an organized or chaotic fashion.


        Saturn is known as the Ordeal Star or Sickness Star. Ordeals were considered preferable to sickness and could stave off misfortunes by a kind of atonement. Meeting one's ordeals has always been considered an essential part of indigenous people's life, and a great source of learning and strength.

Saturn in Red Hawk Place (Saturn in Aries)

        The Ordeal Star was with the Red Hawk when you were born. Your Ordeal, like others born in the same two and one half year period, is with the Red Hawk. Red Hawk is aggressive, passionate and has excellent vision, dwelling in the Above Realm of Fire, and is also the Guardian of Warming Plants and Stimulants in Kvniakati herbal medicine. The hawks are all monogamous animals or nearly so, and travel very far. You have many of Red Hawk's weaknesses, qualities that come from the Above Realm of Fire. Excess haste or ruthlessness may sometimes be a problem for you, and other issues such as inflexibility, fanaticism, melancholia, coldness in the head, and rigidity may be problems for you.


        Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and other outer or otherwise invisible planets are not used in our traditional astrology which is observational in its methods. For the same reasons, what is known as the second through sixth houses are not consulted, as they are below the horizon and thus not visible or measurable except by inference. All below-the-horizon bodies, and what are considered second through sixth house functions, are considered to be associated with the hidden self. Many aspects and qualities of below-the-horizon planets are remembered or inferred from what was recently visible.

        Native American astrologers used a number of stars and constellations in their interpretations as well. Many tribes considered themselves to be at least partially descended from Pleiadians or Syrians.

        In your chart none of the fixed stars Aldebaran, Sirius, Castor and Pollux, Spica, Antares, Altair, Pleiades, or Fomalhaut is conjunct a planet used in Native American Astrology.