The Poppe Forecast Report for

Julia Roberts

28 October 1967
Atlanta, Georgia

27 February 2009 - 27 March 2009

1 Feb 2009           (31 Jan 2009 to 2 Mar 2009)               Mars 7th H.

    Mars has entered your 7th house now. Mars is the planet of intense activity and the house it occupies by transit shows where that activity will take place. Mars is aggressive and can be quite selfish in its needs and desires, so be careful how you utilize this tremendous energy.
     Tensions arrive in your life and negative relationships will suffer the consequences. Creativity is on the rise and be careful of compromising too much in any litigation or divorce. The domestic front will be very touchy with aggressive attitudes but an active participation in social activities is favored. If Mars forms a difficult aspect while transiting the 7th house, there is a danger of physical confrontations, or face disagreements in marriage or with partners.

8 Feb 2009           (7 Feb 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)              Sun 8th H.

    The Sun has now entered your 8th house. But what does the monthly position of the Sun mean to you and how will it effect your life at this time?
     Involvements in business, joint finances, taxes, insurance, wills or goods of the deceased, behavior patterns, heavy changes or something in your life that comes to an end are areas you will be dealing with in one way or another. Expect something in your life to end now like the mighty Phoenix that dies and is reborn out of the ashes. Changes instituted now will come with the influences that only a "Scorpio-8th house energy" can bring. Look at the aspects to the Sun this month to see what you will accomplish. Also note where your shortcomings will be found by difficult aspects to the Sun. Your financial status will have you concerned, perhaps more than normal.

12 Feb 2009          (11 Feb 2009 to 2 Mar 2009)               Merc 7th H.

    Mercury has entered your 7th house. Transits of Mercury point to areas of interests in our lives at specific times, health matters or where our thoughts are during any given time.
     Increased communications with partners both marriage and business are highlighted. Business matters increase as do public relations, social activities and advertising methods. You may be contacting or discussing matters with attorneys, lawyers or doctors as well. If Mercury makes a harsh aspect while transiting the 7th house, there can be communication problems in marriage or partnerships, and legal difficulties.

25 Feb 2009     16:00(23 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Ven Qucnx Merc

    This is a MINOR influence and aspect, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
   " Oh how I love shopping sprees," is the theme of this transit. More junk to add to the junk you already have. There will be a greater urge and need to buy something that you may regret later. Should you find the need to discuss things with your lover, please do so another time. If you try to get your point across now, you will have the grace of a sledgehammer. Get the point? Tempers can flare and emotions can get out of control now and matters of love, security and feeling needed can be an "issue" rather than a discussion.
     If you are considering speaking or lecturing now, try to make it another time if possible. If you can't, you may find that others may have no idea what you are talking about and prompt people to ask questions about things you may not be prepared for. Are you a writer looking for inspiration? Go fishing instead, it will be much more productive and interesting.

26 Feb 2009      5:00(26 Feb 2009 to 27 Feb 2009)               Mars Sxtil MC

    This is a great transit for work in the mental or intellectual areas. Any task that requires careful thinking will be of great benefit to you now. This is not a favorable time for hot and heavy negotiations, but it is an excellent one for any physical activities. Repairs needed around the home can be accomplished with ease at this time.

26 Feb 2009          (22 Feb 2009 to 3 Mar 2009)               Jup Sesqu Ura

     The need for change for the sake of change alone will be high.
     Risks will remain risks now and are to be considered ones that will fail. You may have to take sudden and difficult long distance trips now and find that dealing with foreigners or customs and modes of transportation will be extremely difficult. Be careful not to be rude with others now because this can be a direct result of your own inner restlessness. There will be a great need for sudden and new freedom in your relationships and dealings with others. You will not listen to the opinions of others very well either at this time.
     Heated words with people in your environment and accidents are probable now. This is an unfavorable time for finding the money needed for that new project.
     This is not the time to experiment in any form of cult group or occult group because common sense will go out the window and Judgements made will be incorrect. Wait until after this transit and reevaluate before you give everything you own away to some cult.
     Serious electrical problems can occur in the home requiring serious re-wiring, or electronic gear can burn out at this time, costing a great deal of money to be repaired.
     Adventures, changes in occupation, separations, divorce, moving and losses of money can accompany this transit. Business ventures are likely to fail as well.

27 Feb 2009     21:00(26 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Mars Qucnx Ven

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
     There is no excuse for any abuse in relationships especially now and romantic quarrels are apt to be hot and heavy. Problems in social and business areas are likely to arise so watch those remarks made to others, as they can cut like a knife. Avoid any purchases of extravagant items at this time, as they may have to be returned for one reason or another. Learn to control your emotions and your feelings.
     Rubbing people the wrong way is a real danger now so give others a little breathing room. Quarrels with the opposite sex or resolving thereof is possible during this transit. This is a difficult time for money, insurance, taxes and wills.
     Opposing views regarding confidential data can cause separations and disagreements with others as the battle of the sexes can hit home. Jealousy is on the rise with this transit and sexual needs and desires are accented. Sexual incompatibility can occur at this time and men may face a bit of questioning their masculinity as intimate moments won't "perform" to their expectations. Aggressiveness touches all of us at times and selfishness can rear its ugly head and should be dealt with.
     Financial extravagances can leave you broke, angry and disappointed in your choice of purchases. Items bought at the store may have to be returned with defects, especially electrical/mechanical.

28 Feb 2009      0:00(28 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Merc Sxtil MC

    This is a good time to go looking for real estate, pay bills, or pay attention to all details and balance the checkbook. Your heart and mind will be more in harmony and activities that take place in the home are fortunate. Public relation matters can prosper and domestic and professional matters go well.

28 Feb 2009          (14 Feb 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Sat SSqr Sun

    A time of ENDINGS has arrived in your life. What has been limiting your growth? These are the things that will pass from existence now. Let things go as gracefully as possible and prepare for new beginnings up the road.
     This is a time of restructuring, streamlining and reorganizing the way that you work. Frustrations and depression just prior to this transit will signal the changes that are coming. Normal procedures that are done with ease will face the inevitable frustrations called "one step forward, and two steps back." Work hours will increase as you try to correct the foul ups that are bound to coincide as well. You can completely abandon the work you are doing so that you can begin again at a new level.
     This will prove to be a very troublesome period where your mental outlook will be on the negative side. This is a wonderful time to establish a method of doing something you have always wanted to do, but get a plan first, then go after it. Projects that you would have never attempted before can be successfully completed now.
     Someone in your domestic arena or friends may depart at this time, and expect delays and obstacles to confront you, but you can overcome them, just be realistic in your approach and you will be fine.
     Needless to say this isn't a favorable time for social appointments or romance as many burdens and resentments can pop up to be dealt with. Perhaps they have been neglected for too long and it will be a way of clearing the air.

28 Feb 2009     18:00(27 Feb 2009 to 2 Mar 2009)               Mars SSqr Mars

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Your ego may get way out of control at this time, causing you to act completely on impulse thus getting you into trouble, as usual! Irritability with others is high at this time so try aerobics or anything physical to use up that energy, but I must tell you, it won't be easy to do.
     Here is another one of those brief periods that your behavior can get you into trouble and you may not be feeling up to par health wise as infections, fevers, accidents or illness may have you a bit down. This is not the time to try to out race the train to the railroad crossing or try to cut someone off, wait for another day to do unto others.
   In your frame of mind it will be best to work alone until this transit passes in a few days as people may try to provoke you and if you are easy to provoke, avoid those people now. Ideas presented to others will be opposed to, so don't be surprised or save them for a more ideal day. Disagreements can take place in the areas of Money, Insurance, Taxes, Wills, Land, or Alimony. Injuries may find you by way of automobiles, guns, chemicals or other methods of their own device, so use an extra amount of caution.

28 Feb 2009     22:00(28 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Merc Qucnx Ven

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     Communication problems are high at this time, so expect breakdowns in business, relationships and social functions. Avoid signing any papers especially involved with finances until another time.
    " Oh how I love shopping sprees" is the theme to this transit, more junk to add to the junk you already have. The urge and need to buy something will be greater, that you will regret at a later date. Should you find the need to discuss matters with your lover, please do it another time. If you try to get your point across now, you will have the grace of a sledgehammer. Get the point?
     If you are considering speaking or lecturing now, try to schedule it another time if possible. If you can't, you may find that others may have no idea what you are talking about, prompting people to ask questions about things you may not be prepared for. Are you a writer looking for inspiration? Go fishing instead, it will be much more productive and interesting.
     This transit is not favorable for phone calls, dealing with any females, romance or gossip (foot in mouth disease).

1 Mar 2009       9:00(28 Feb 2009 to 2 Mar 2009)               Merc SSqr Mars

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Business negotiations are not favored and should be left for another time. Delays in shipments and transportation breakdowns can occur, so if you are waiting for something to arrive, expect it NOT to show up. You are more susceptible to infectious diseases now, so make sure to increase vitamin intake and rest whenever possible.
     Use honesty and diplomacy in all that you do now, as this is not a favorable time for social engagements, romance and marriage because upsets and disagreements are possible.
     Heated emotional arguments can easily erupt now, so think twice before you speak. Situations requiring quick thinking should be avoided because the impulsive side of your nature is out of whack with the thought process. Control those outbursts before they get you into trouble. Accident potential is rated very high at this time so use caution in travel.
     Competing with others for attention can easily cause quarrels and ego disputes with others. Expect sarcasm from other people around you as the mind is strained and frustrations can lead to physical repercussions. This transit is also known for infections, fevers and colds. This is the bodies way of telling you to lighten up!

1 Mar 2009           (11 Feb 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Ura Oppos Plu

    There will be a great need for freedom now and you will find relating to people very difficult. Be careful of manipulating people because there will be a very deep seated need to change the lifestyles of others. Old hang ups and ways of life can end, and new lifestyles can begin now. Rapid and unforeseen changes and events can occur that wipe out old conditions. Friendships and group associations are greatly altered or end altogether.
     Why go with the flow when you can resist and make yourself as well as everyone else miserable? A time of stress and turmoil has arrived, along with a desire to overthrow everything you have been doing. Remember that all of this change and rebellion can bring accidents, so don't overthrow yourself at the same time.
     This is a difficult time for taxes, finances, alimony, money and inheritances.

2 Mar 2009           (1 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Merc 8th H.

    Mercury has entered your 8th house. Transits of Mercury point to areas of interests in our lives at specific times, health matters or where our thoughts are during any given time.
     The emphasis is now on intellectual subjects requiring very deep thought, negotiations on finances, property and secret communications and mysterious studies and short trips are also highlighted. If Mercury makes a harsh aspect while transiting the 8th house, secret investigations may reveal something about you, or there may be someone investigating you. Financial plans may need to be re-evaluated as well.

2 Mar 2009           (28 Feb 2009 to 4 Apr 2009)               Mars 8th H.

    Mars has entered your 8th house now. Mars is the planet of intense activity and the house it occupies by transit shows where that activity will take place. Mars is aggressive and can be quite selfish in its needs and desires, so be careful how you utilize this tremendous energy.
     You will encounter people who will have a very powerful effect on you now. Conflicts and disagreements in marriage can occur over foolish uses of money. Mars in the 8th brings aggressive attitudes in the sexual department and you will find this a difficult time to apply for a loan, as they are apt to be rejected. Insurance salesmen come out of the woodwork to haunt you and arguments can develop over taxes, insurance or inheritances.
     Financially speaking, you can expect to hear from anyone you owe money to at this time, even if you are just a little late in payments. If Mars forms a hard aspect while transiting the 8th house, there is the danger of conflicts with others, or situations which can bring harm to yourself.

2 Mar 2009      21:00(2 Mar 2009 to 3 Mar 2009)               Sun SSqr Node

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it is connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     Don't expect communications to be easy with the rest of the world now. A withdrawal from social activities can be expected at this time. Problems with the nervous system can develop and physical exercise may be the key to relieving the tension.
     Relationships between men and women will not do well at this time and creative endeavors should be left for another time. You may want to be a leader now, but the timing is very wrong.

3 Mar 2009       8:00(2 Mar 2009 to 4 Mar 2009)               Sun Sesqu Asc

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it is connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     Rejections can really deliver a blow to the ego, so don't push sensitive matters. Wait for another time to initiate new ventures. Do not ask favors from people, especially men whether it is a parental figure or the boss. If you are in a position where you do all the work on the job or at home yourself, let someone else help you. I know you hate to ask for help, but this is the time to let your pride go and ask. Be careful as this can be a very stressful time for you and we don't want you getting ill.

3 Mar 2009      14:00(2 Mar 2009 to 4 Mar 2009)               Merc Qucnx Plu

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     A danger of this transit is forcing your point of views on others, or just coming on too strong with your opinions. If you handle it diplomatically however, you can enlighten people around you with your views that shed light on an issue. Compulsive thinking now can cause confusion and a serious frame of mind. This is a difficult time for business and no contracts or agreements should be formulated at this time.
     False accusations through gossip or misrepresentations surround this transit and there are no winners in debates, so reschedule them for a more prosperous time. Beware of telling others what is wrong with them, they can easily be offended.
     Conditions are right for fraudulent misrepresentations and the possibility for THEFTS or misunderstandings is very high. This is a good time to avoid people trying to sell you anything over the phone.

3 Mar 2009      17:00(3 Mar 2009 to 4 Mar 2009)               Merc SSqr Sat

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     If you are involved in sales, they may not be up to par and it might be best to reschedule clients for another time. Dragging the past into your life at this time won't help matters, so leave them in the past for now. Keep things on a strictly legal basis and keep business strictly business now.
     Communication problems can leave you alienated from others temporarily, and lost mail or delays in deliveries can be expected. People will say what is on their mind at this time and you will not take criticism very well.
     Negativity and mistrust surround you now and ill health and problems with bones, teeth, constipation, aches, pains, colds and flu can develop. Energy levels and vitality will be very low as well. This is not good time for legal matters.

4 Mar 2009       8:00(4 Mar 2009 to 5 Mar 2009)               Sun Trine Merc

    Speak your mind in any way you need to because now is the time. This is an excellent time for romantic encounters or a special trip to a place with no return address or a rendezvous of some sort.
     The thought and speech process are clear as a bell and ready for ringing, so if you have to give a speech or think out problems to a successful conclusion, this is the time. Business will go well if other aspects support it.
     News that arrives at this time is bound to be very gratifying and if you are awaiting news involving finances, this can be a very exciting time for you. Contracts can be agreed to and settlements can come to a head now.
     This aspect is known for letting the phone ring off the wall with activity and keeps you extremely busy. Present your new ideas to those in authority NOW!   Romance, social affairs, pleasure trips, studying, publishing, dieting, buying clothes and personal hygiene are all under favorable auspices.

4 Mar 2009      12:00(4 Mar 2009 to 5 Mar 2009)               Merc Sqr Nep

    Be somewhat skeptical if any offers that arrive now seem too good to good to be true as confusion, lies and deceptions will be found in communications. Avoid dishonesty at all cost and stay away from dishonest people. You may notice that your nerves can be on edge so make sure you have all the facts before you engage your mouth. This is an unfavorable time for close emotional relationships and you may be feeling homesick, or miss someone romantically.
     Avoid any sort of contracts, as the fine print is not to your advantage. Talk about absent minded, you may wind up somewhere you hadn't intended to go, with no idea how you got there. Delays in mail are to be expected, so if you are waiting for something, be patient. WATCH YOUR DRIVING to avoid any mishaps at this time.
     Ill health connected with drugs, medications or alcohol is possible, so be careful in their use as you are very susceptible to Negative effects from them, whether they are prescription or not. Please remember that any medication you take now that promises "not" to cause drowsiness is a lie, but you are sure to find that out for yourself!

4 Mar 2009      20:00(3 Mar 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)               Mars Qucnx Plu

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
     Community property interests can be upsetting in some way now and business failures can occur now affecting many people. Circumstances beyond your control can easily develop and this is certainly not the time to try to discipline the kids or have a fight with your spouse as things can get way out of hand.
     Maintain patience with others during this transit, because Mars loves to agitate things. High energy will be in abundance. You will experience great opposition to people you confront for no reason and challenges to egos will be easy to find. A different course of action is needed for a few days.
     Loose ends can trip you up as they always do and ruthless and underhanded behavior can undermine any situation, so try to keep your distance from others. Serious conflicts between individuals can occur now, or you can be a victim of someone elses ruthlessness. Losses will occur through confrontations with others and jealousy and possessiveness can rear their ugly heads as well. Difficulties in taxes, insurance, alimony and sexual prowess are all direct results of this transit
     Someone can do something to you at this time that can very well prompt retaliation by you. It seems for now reason the world has an axe to grind with you, and you are left bewildred and angry by the whole thing. You may even decide to sue someone for an injustice done to you now, but the probability of success is slim to none at all.
     The danger of contracting diseases (social, sexual or otherwise) and encountering annoyances, physical and verbal abuse is high with this placement. Attacks on others is likely to have a ruthless overtone and trying to institute changes now will meet with great resistance. Impulsive actions are always regretted at a later date, so try your best to avoid them. Be extremely cautious in what you do, as your actions now can have very explosive consequences.

5 Mar 2009       2:00(3 Mar 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)               Mars SSqr Sat

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Industrial or transportation accidents are possible, so use extreme caution. Urgent situations can arise at this time, calling for urgent solutions to problems. The presence of extreme anger should be recognized and dealt with before it gets out of hand. Young and old can easily face each other in that old popular favorite, the generation gap and matters of law and order may seem to be ineffective temporarily.
     Don't force any issues because you are going to be very frustrated in your attempt, so expect blockages to your plans and ideas. Don't panic! The universe has a sense of humor, don't forget to keep yours. Difficulties can easily arise with father figures, the boss or any authority figures. Legal matters and dealing with the government are unfavorable.
     Stick only to programs that have been working for a long time and don't try to make any changes or rock the boat. Those of you who waste the bosses time with foolish actions or behavior will feel the mighty wrath of who is really in charge. Difficulties over financial arrangements can arise and durability testing in relationships occurs from time to time to point out the weak areas to be worked on, this is one of those times. Separations and breakups from close attachments that occur at this time will be the result of your own actions and no one can be blamed but you!
     Health matters that can arise now are broken bones and problems with the teeth and caution should be observed with automobiles, tools, machinery and weapons no matter how small, as injuries can occur. The burdens of older people can arise now to be dealt with as well.

5 Mar 2009      11:00(4 Mar 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)               Merc Oppos Moon

    Communications will be strained during this time, so do not issue emotional ultimatums to others now, wait until another time when you are better in sync to speak "to" people, not "at" them. Start a diary or journal of daily routines to reflect on for future reference.
     If   you make appointments during this transit expect them to be missed, cancelled, late, experience traffic delays, or get lost in route. Unexpected visits by people you probably don't want to see can easily occur.
     On the health front you can experience colds or digestive problems and watch what you put in your body, it can have an adverse reaction to the wrong substances. Wait until another time to consider advertising or deal with the public, as the ideas are good, but the timing is wrong.

6 Mar 2009           (4 Mar 2009 to 6 Apr 2009)              Sun 9th H.

    The Sun has now entered your 9th house. But what does the monthly position of the Sun mean to you and how will it effect your life at this time?
     Travel, meeting new people who are somehow foreign or different than you are used to meeting, new interests in studies or knowledge, hobbies, metaphysical subjects, spiritual endeavors and legal matters (as outcomes) come under the rays of the Sun this month. Look at the aspects to the Sun this month to see what you will accomplish. Also note where your shortcomings will be found by difficult aspects to the Sun.

6 Mar 2009           (1 Mar 2009 to 11 Mar 2009)               Jup Sqr Merc

    You can suffer from an excess of too much thinking or the inability to handle too much information. You can also expect arrogance from people and your partner or spouse to be very verbal, negative wise that is. From here springs the saying "You've got some mouth on you!" It will be easy to experience misrepresentations of statements made by others.
     Promising investments should be investigated very carefully (unrealistic thinking prevails) now and don't jump to ANY conclusions. You may have to give until it hurts in any situation as this is a very poor time for business transactions. Protect all money dealings to avoid possible loss as realism and thrift can help the tendency to overbuy. Thefts also need to be guarded against at this time.
     Don't make any promises you know you cannot keep to others at this time. You may fail in your endeavors because of a lack of attention to the details you just let slide by.
     Triple check any travel or appointment plans made and get the names of people you have spoken to, because what you say may not reach their ears. CHECK ALL RESERVATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS AGAIN just before you leave on your trip, as this is not a very favorable transit for travel. There can be problems dealing with foreigners in any area of life and in foreign travel be careful in customs and be aware of the legalities of that country. This problem with foreigners can be as simple as talking to anyone on the phone as well.
     You may be accused of talking too much now, so it's better to curb it before someone makes you feel bad. Thoughts and ideas will come to you so rapidly that keeping track of them may be impossible and be careful someone doesn't feed you the wrong information by accident or on purpose. White lies and exaggerations surround this transit. Reexamine your thoughts and ideas and make the appropriate changes in your life that need to be made.

6 Mar 2009      15:00(6 Mar 2009 to 7 Mar 2009)               Mars Sqr Nep

    You may discover that you have been betrayed by someone very dear to you at this time, as deceptions can be found at the highest levels of work, government or domestic life. Getting the truth from others is not promising, and avoid potential hazards to your health or well being by using care in what you do.
     It is likely that you will be easily discouraged in your attempts to succeed and find your vitality is on the low side. Avoid wasted and destructive energies, impulsive actions, failures, misuse and abuse of others, criminal behavior and infections which are all side effects of this transit. You can find danger in the strangest places without having to go looking for it, mainly because you aren't thinking about what you are doing. Remember, your ENERGY LEVELS WILL BE NON-EXISTENT.
     Refrain from offbeat impulses now, they will only get you into trouble, and this is not a good time to push stressful situations. Keep away from drugs or drinking because they will react adversely on your body and misunderstandings with others will be easy to come by, you won't have to go looking for them, they will find you.
     Confusion and chaotic conditions can easily arrive in your life now and new ventures or business should wait a few days until the fog you call a mind clears. Dangerous conditions CAN exist around areas where escaping gas, toxic chemical or fumes, flammable liquids and gases are stored or located.

7 Mar 2009       0:00(6 Mar 2009 to 8 Mar 2009)               Merc Qucnx Ura

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     TRYING TO REACH PEOPLE NOW IS AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY, Or, increases in communications with verbal confrontations that can get out of control or get carried away due to your own impatience. Hasty words or intolerance of others over apparent stupidity on someones part, of which you are partially to blame. This will not be a dull time for you! Sudden events can occur that increase your workload and appointments dramatically as well, leaving you scattering to tie up all of the loose ends or do some quick reorganizing of priorities.
     Plans will have a tendency to go haywire for awhile and legal technicalities can prove upsetting and costly. Too many cooks can spoil your projects, so limit the number of participants. Don't rush projects, let them go along at their own pace. Be careful going up or down anything that can cause you injury. URANUS has a lot to do with Explosions or electrical problems, or problems that arise without warning. Remember that if you make a promise to someone, keep it!

7 Mar 2009       4:00(6 Mar 2009 to 8 Mar 2009)               Merc Sxtil Node

    Communications increase with harmonious results now. This is also a favorable time for public relations, advertising, short trips and contacts with the general public and it is also a very sociable time for the exchange of ideas. You have a good grasp of any situation at hand and your judgements are sound so use it for any form of the written or oral word. Joint plans and the exchange of ideas will prosper now and the same goes for any intellectual pursuits, social or business communications.

7 Mar 2009           (8 Feb 2009 to 8 Apr 2009)               Nep Oppos Moon

    Dreams and events of the real world seem to be intertwined and there will be difficulty separating the two. You are able to see the shortcomings of others, but still find it difficult to keep away from them. If you are trying to find out if the object of your love shares your feelings, this is not the time to try, instead wait until the fog clears after this transit ends and the answer will present itself. Health matters can include a nervous stomach, allergic reactions to pollen and dust and feeling more tired than normal.
     You may feel you are engulfed in a tractor beam and obsessed by a love relationship now, one which you can do nothing about except submit. The universe is getting even for things you have done in the past by the very people you have done them too. Don't be to hard on them, as they are just returning the favor even though they may not know it. It's a very subconscious and Karmic type of thing.
     Moods are apt to drift in and out like the confusion that surrounds them now and the use of any drugs or alcohol whether prescription or not is to be considered adverse to your health. Love relationships that are started now are addictive but impractical, so DON'T make any commitments to this person now! There can be some very strong obsessions to love at this time that cannot be denied, perhaps a Pisces personality.
     Yearnings to do things that have no definition will find you now. You are very sensitive and impressionable to the world around you and it will be easy to fall into the well of drinking and its abuses, self pity and depression now. Although you may or may not mean to, this transit brings out the ability to lie, cheat or mislead others and worries over female problems can develop.

7 Mar 2009      11:00(6 Mar 2009 to 8 Mar 2009)               Merc Qucnx Asc

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     Problems in communications can arise now and disagreements in partnerships whether business, marriage or with the public in general will be in evidence. Every time you try to say something intelligent, it will come out garbled and misunderstood, as people will be standing there with strange looks on their faces trying to figure out what the heck you are talking about. Your judgment in all matters will be incorrect and even if you have all of the facts before you when forming an opinion, it will be the wrong decision. Printed material, letters or books can be the source of disagreement with family, or partners.
     Misunderstandings will be very easy to find at this time, so double check what you say preferably before you say it. Go out of your way to make sure that others understand you.
     Transportation difficulties can easily arise just when you are late for work or on time for work.

7 Mar 2009                          ven sesqu jup

    This is a MINOR influence and aspect, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Find a middle of the road with those who are "all take" and "no give" in relationships or people that you deal with on a daily basis. A taste for luxury can get out of control leaving you financially short. OVERDOING, overeating and drinking are issues to be carefully handled now. Trips are likely to be very expensive, OR wind up to be more than quoted. Evasion of work for the pursuit of pleasures is the theme of this transit. The expanded love urge arises, looking for greener pastures. This is not a productive work period because how can you work when your heart is set on play.
     Taking chances with love or money is unwise at this time and any health problems that you experience at this time may be linked to overindulgences. Stay as close to earth as possible, so you won't have too far to fall should things go wrong now. Vacations will prove to be more expensive than expected, so make sure to bring extra funds with you to cover any additional costs. Plans you have been looking forward to will not materialize at this time and items purchased will have a high probability of being returned to the store for several different reasons. Faulty emotional and financial judgment is to be expected, but you will do okay if you keep expectations realistic.

8 Mar 2009      12:00(8 Mar 2009 to 9 Mar 2009)               Mars Oppos Moon

    Handle no sharp objects if you can help it as little accidents and cuts are likely and the bigger the machinery, the bigger the cuts. The most common complaints during this transit are irritability, feeling provoked, arguments and anger. This period is unfavorable for dealing with the public, women, business and land. The most common health problems are indigestion and stomach problems.
     Bitter feelings may have you by the throat at this time because of some unresolved issues that are eating away at you. You are easily provoked so be careful to keep your ears and mouth closed. If someone is chewing you out, imagine yourself meditating, while not hearing a word they say. It's that kind of time period.
     Separations from others can be expected now, and it is better for you to stay away from people if you can. Feeling annoyed at others is the least you can expect.

8 Mar 2009      12:00(8 Mar 2009 to 9 Mar 2009)               Sun Oppos Ven

    Uncontrolled romantic attachments and pleasure seeking may be all in vain and cost you a bundle in the process.  Be careful not to smother people with affections, or let them get an emotional hold on you that you cannot break. Remember that affections will not be returned by others.
     Emotional slights can cut like a knife even more so under this transit, so use caution in the remarks department at this time. This transit is notorious for overindulgence in the social and sexual department. This isn't the best time for a party because you can easily go overboard in the food department leaving you with a refrigerator full of leftovers.
     Actually what is going on here is a childish need for attention that desperately needs fulfilling in whatever form it takes. All interests now will focus on being self centered, so deal with it however you have to.

9 Mar 2009      12:00(8 Mar 2009 to 10 Mar 2009)               Sun Sesqu Sun

    A MINOR aspect and influence, but can take on much more importance if connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     Are you working on a really important project? This transit has the capacity to test them to the maximum. Annoying yes I agree, but there may be something you haven't counted on, or an error in thinking. This is what this transit is all about. Do not speculate at this time because lady luck isn't with you. This is a positive time for meditation and spiritual work, however.
     A stressful period in your life where extra hard work may be required but not appreciated. A VERY difficult time for pleasure, romance, creative endeavors, finances and speculative interests.

9 Mar 2009      15:00(9 Mar 2009 to 10 Mar 2009)               Merc Oppos Jup

    Meet others' half way now and try to compromise with all of the people you come into contact with now. You may be prone to daydreaming which fouls up a job or project and communications or business with people at a distance will be disappointing.
     Ill health can be the result of poor intake into the body, so be careful what you put into it. A meeting of the minds will not take place now, especially if it concerns money, so try to give and take instead of push and shove. Avoid over optimism in your expansion in business and personal life to avoid losses.
     This is an adverse time for any business transactions, so protect all money transactions to avoid losses. Realism and thrift can help the tendency to overbuy needles items that will be regretted later. THEFTS are possible, you need to be on guard now, this includes mistakes at the cash registers in the stores favor, leaving you on the short end. Don't make any promises you know you cannot keep no matter how sincere they are.
     A time of confusion and exaggerations surrounds your life and you may receive misinformation about something or little white lies disguised as truths. Confirmed appointments can be cancelled or postponed and meetings and communications should be left for another time. If you have to travel remember your mind isn't on what is going on, so see if you can make that trip at a more favorable time.

9 Mar 2009      21:00(9 Mar 2009 to 10 Mar 2009)               Merc SSqr MC

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Even though you may want to quit of change your job because the boss is being a pain in the butt, wait for this short transit to pass and rethink it. Your thoughts and communications will not come easy and what you do say will be misunderstood by others.

11 Mar 2009      3:00(10 Mar 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Merc Sxtil Mars

    People involved in sales or communications will prosper and the home, property and family interests will be activated. Mental alertness now will bring quick decisions resulting in success. Total recall of past events aids you in discovering hidden elements of yourself. This is one of those time periods that supports sticking to your guns for what you believe in.
     Winning arguments can be easy now and any communications, study, writing and research of any kind will be fortunate. This is an excellent placement for the formulation of agreements and contracts and any military and police activities.
     This is an excellent transit to make peace with others, not war. Teach, council and help others. Short trips related to work are emphasized and last minute invitations to sporting events can arrive. This is an excellent time to do some investigative work into something you are curious about.

11 Mar 2009      7:00(10 Mar 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Merc Trine Sun

    Are you the creative type? Do you have to make a speech or get your point across to others? Now is the time to do it. The thought and speech processes are clear as a bell and ready for ringing. Business will go well if other aspects support it.
     This aspect is notorious for letting the phone ring off the wall with activity and keeping you extremely busy. Present your new ideas to those in authority now as they will be more open to receive them.
     Romances, social affairs, pleasure trips, studying, publishing, dieting, buying clothes and personal hygiene are all under favorable auspices now.
     Communications are favored, so if you have to buy, sell, travel, write, teach, or do any research this is the time to do so.

11 Mar 2009     14:00(10 Mar 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Mars Qucnx Ura

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
     You will find that projects you are working on or activities STOP temporarily and your health may not be at its best now. Have you been overdoing it physically? An Illness is a strong possibility now, arriving quite suddenly to remind us that we are human and we need a break! You wouldn't slow down, so your body reacted with an illness. Get the point?
     Explosive situations can easily get out of control at this time, and changes will seem to be imposed on you rather than chosen. Be aware that freak accidents are very possible during this transit!
     It's easy to lose your cool more easily now and understand that uncommon happenings happen and most probably to you. Physical upsets can be experienced as well as traffic jams, potential fires and bad tempered people.
     The influence of this transit is one of being enveloped in a cloud of constant negativity and you may find yourself just trying to get a break from yourself. Money becomes nonexistent temporarily, but like all things there is a positive side. It forces you to finish tasks that you have been working on and bring them to a successful conclusion. Once this transit ends, then everything goes back to normal, whatever normal is.
     Expect nervous tension and an irritable nature to be your friend for the next couple of days, so spend some time by yourself and avoid getting into tiffs with close friends and associates.
     Temporarily, you will be very erratic in your actions for no apparent reason. Avoid working on or near electrical equipment, wiring, appliances, machinery, sharp tools, fireworks or automobiles until after this transit passes. Do not give into the peer pressure that dares you to do something out of the ordinary. If this situation does arise, you might want to consider new friends. Your behavior might cause separations or permanent breakups of relationships, friends and family.

11 Mar 2009     20:00(10 Mar 2009 to 13 Mar 2009)               Mars Sxtil Node

    Will power is on the rise as well as courage to face any situation that comes up at this time. Determination and joy in doing any kind of physical work is present and the urge to do something is favored. Go dig up the back yard or get a good physical workout to use up all of this energy. Cooperation and collaborations with people can take place and encounters based on physical attributes will be very prosperous.

12 Mar 2009     10:00(12 Mar 2009 to 13 Mar 2009)               Sun Oppos Plu

    Don't get caught up in statements that breed misunderstandings and out and out quarrels, because that will be easy to do at this time. Major problems can arise in your dealings with others. Coping with contradictory feelings is a necessary evil at this time and stay away from those people who try to pressure you into doing something.
     Overdue penalties are impossible to escape and can be called due at this time. Things that come to pass now will seem inevitable and disturbing. Avoid fanatical people and protect your valuables against loss Encounters involving power struggles arise.
     Relationships can be terminated now if they aren't going well, or fail the test of endurance. Avoid being overbearing in your dealings with others. Tension can also arrive in your life to be dealt with.
     Don't try to dominate or remake others, because people just won't take it as well as other times. Problems will be noted in joint finances, insurance claims or policies, taxes and business. There is a very strong sexual energy present. Do something creative with it.

12 Mar 2009     11:00(12 Mar 2009 to 13 Mar 2009)               Mars Qucnx Asc

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
     FOR A FEW DAYS YOU WILL BE VERY ACCIDENT PRONE! Perhaps the Universe is trying to tell you something!
     True love doesn't run regular, smooth or on time now, it can be considered more or less constipated. Neither party will be willing to give in, so let it go until a few days from now when you see it in another light. Love really stinks at this time, but don't take my word for it, it'll be a surprise.
     Argumentative people will be easy to find. This is a notorious transit for mechanical breakdowns and failures in your automobile, so make sure you are not too far from a service station.
     Your aggressive and positive actions will lead to disagreements and conflicts in your private relations and with the public as well. Expect to be unpopular for a few days and don't think that revenge through anger will improve your status. If you must drive, expect to be cut off, gestured and provoked. Remember this is only a test.
     You will be inconsiderate of others feelings, uncooperative and downright intense, so it might be better to be alone for awhile.
     Open conflicts arise can arise with others and opposition can occur while fighting for your rights. Be careful of trying to dominating others for your own ego satisfaction. Make sure to consider the rights and feelings of others especially now and remember that the need for competition is at its peak. Illnesses can also be encountered at this time.

12 Mar 2009          (28 Feb 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Sat Conj Ven

    The simple life is where you will find enjoyment now !

    Deep commitments can now be made to love now and past romances can come back into your life. Possible throat problems can suddenly erupt and women can experience late menstrual cycles, or lower back aches, and kidney problems can develop.
     Selfish concerns for your own welfare can manifest, or you may be remembering past joys that can be a source of sadness. There will be a need for emotional and financial security which can be quite strong now and there is a danger that loneliness can occur, so use this time wisely to get in touch with who you are and what you expect from others, as well as yourself.
     Relationships will go through a time of testing now and the good ones will remain and grow, while the weak ones will experience separations and change or end. You may go through a time of finding out who your real friends are.

13 Mar 2009     19:00(12 Mar 2009 to 14 Mar 2009)               Sun Trine Nep

    Job hunting prospects look good and humanitarian projects are emphasized. Intense and powerful experiences will find you and investigation and study unto the unknown will be very revealing.
     Perceptions are stronger than usual now, so please pay attention to the insights that come to you. Remember to forgive others when they do you wrong, and be merciful to others. Meditation and Spiritual Development can begin at this time and spiritual values should be shared with others. The intuitive mind can influence the thinking process, and this can be a very spacy type of day. Kindness and generosity can easily be bestowed on others. You have the ability to visualize past experiences and analyze them. This is a very favorable time for meditation and self development.
     A great time to do any chores or take a vacation, but try to avoid any laziness that is sure to find you. Ideal loves are in the picture so go find them. Perhaps they will find you. Long journeys are favored.

14 Mar 2009          (23 Feb 2009 to 1 Apr 2009)               Node Sxtil Sat

 Under this transit there is a strong need to belong with others and sociability and a sense of brotherhood prevails. There can be an attraction to someone of a great age difference or being around older and mature people is more to your liking at this time.

15 Mar 2009      6:00(14 Mar 2009 to 16 Mar 2009)               Sun Qucnx Moon

    A MINOR aspect and influence, but can take on much more importance if connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     Pride can really get you in trouble, especially now. Ego trips will offend people easily now so watch what you say. Disagreements will occur with others now. It's just one of those times when it cannot be avoided. Authority over you can be questioned and your reactions will be less than tolerable. Stress can be caused by inner conflict that is unresolved so try to find the cause of that turbulence in your life.
     A loss of confidence is possible now and you may want to spend some time by yourself temporarily. Differing value standards can cause disagreements at this time so try to find a way around obstacles rather than through them. You can expect to be somewhat irritable, upset, emotional or frustrated at this time. Avoid spending for the next couple of days because you will only buy junk you don't need and when this is over you'll admit it to yourself. Save yourself some money and don't gamble at this time.

15 Mar 2009     10:00(11 Mar 2009 to 17 Mar 2009)               Ven Qucnx Merc

    This is a MINOR influence and aspect, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
   " Oh how I love shopping sprees," is the theme of this transit. More junk to add to the junk you already have. There will be a greater urge and need to buy something that you may regret later. Should you find the need to discuss things with your lover, please do so another time. If you try to get your point across now, you will have the grace of a sledgehammer. Get the point? Tempers can flare and emotions can get out of control now and matters of love, security and feeling needed can be an "issue" rather than a discussion.
     If you are considering speaking or lecturing now, try to make it another time if possible. If you can't, you may find that others may have no idea what you are talking about and prompt people to ask questions about things you may not be prepared for. Are you a writer looking for inspiration? Go fishing instead, it will be much more productive and interesting.

16 Mar 2009      6:00(16 Mar 2009 to 17 Mar 2009)               Merc SSqr Node

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Communications and ideas are out of sync with the rest of the world at this time. Socializing may be non existent or very difficult, so it would be best to leave it until a more favorable time. This is not a favorable time for dealing with the public, media relations or advertising.
     Problems with the nervous system can develop, so make sure to add some physical exercise to your daily routine to stay in shape. The negative side of this transit is disruptions in relationships, gossiping, being unpleasant or totally unsociable.

16 Mar 2009     13:00(16 Mar 2009 to 17 Mar 2009)               Merc Sesqu Asc

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Problems in communications can arise now and disagreements in partnerships whether business, marriage or with the public in general will be in evidence. Every time you try to say something intelligent, it will come out garbled and misunderstood, as people will be standing there with strange looks on their faces trying to figure out what the heck you are talking about. Your judgment in all matters will be incorrect and even if you have all of the facts before you when forming an opinion, it will be the wrong decision. Printed material, letters or books can be the source of disagreement with family, or partners.
     Misunderstandings will be very easy to find at this time, so double check what you say preferably before you say it. Go out of your way to make sure that others understand you.
     Transportation difficulties can easily arise just when you are late for work or on time for work.

16 Mar 2009     21:00(15 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Mars Oppos Jup

    Avoid those people who do not know when to stop once they get started (in a negative way) or people that are annoying. Generosity can get out of hand, so be careful with your funds and possessions. If you cannot afford to buy something, then don't buy it now!  Use caution in your spending now, as you may purchase something with lots of good will in your heart, for the wrong or undeserving people. You may find out too late that the people that you put your time, effort and love into do not have your best intentions at heart. It is therefore better to buy small gifts and offer small tokens, than to look like a major fool!
     Arrogance, accidents and impulsive actions are advised against now and caution is advised in business dealings with foreigners and danger is present while travelling!
     Financial mistakes can easily be made now, leaving you with egg on your face. This period is unfavorable for any legal activities and don't start any new endeavors because impatience and carelessness can be your downfall.
     Relationships actually appear better than they are at this time. Unethical business practices should be avoided and use caution when dealing with others, especially foreigners. Be careful of others who encourage you to spend money or waste your time and energy as money comes and money goes very quickly now. At least it comes, so it can go, maybe that's why it came in the first place?
     Challenges will excite you for a few days and impulsive and hasty actions will be your downfall as you go off like a loose cannon and more than likely wind up overextending yourself and getting involved in very UNWISE ventures. Legal and religious disagreements occur now, so avoid remarks made to others, no matter how innocent they were meant to be. Travel and trips will prove to be more expensive than you counted on through your own extravagance as well.

17 Mar 2009      2:00(16 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Merc Trine Merc

    That trip you may have been planning is favored now. Communications will be at their peak, so get your point across to others while you can. You will be able to understand new concepts very easily and your social intercourse with others will be pleasant.
     You may experience a state of restlessness now. Do not sit around waiting for something to happen, go for a walk at least. This is the time to sign contracts or conclude agreements that have been pending. Appointments that are made now will be on time and prosperous. This transit also favors reading, teaching, lecturing and group activities.

17 Mar 2009      9:00(16 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Mars SSqr MC

    This is a MINOR influence or aspect, but it can take on more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Don't start any new ventures that involve you getting involved immediately without the proper forethought as losses will occur. Expect difficulties with business matters, the boss, relationships and parents. People around you may be trying to limit your freedom or disagree with you in other ways that will make you a very unhappy camper for awhile.

17 Mar 2009     16:00(16 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Sun Oppos Ura

    Freedom is needed, sought and desired at all costs at this time, especially from circumstances that have you tied down or restricted in some way. Sudden romances can begin at this time and end just as quickly when this transit does, so don't expect anything long term from it. This is an unfavorable time for any group activities.
     This can be a time of electrical fires, so be more aware of the hazards in your surroundings. Murphys Law is in full effect now, so if it can go wrong it will, now! Hold on to something and prepare for a shock in your life! This is not a good time for private negotiations because disappointments of the major kind are to be expected.
     You will experience difficulties in expressing yourself and that is hard to do with your foot in your mouth. Separations from others is possible at this time because either of you or both need your own space. You will have the advice potential of a blind man, you won't see it, or take it.

17 Mar 2009          (27 Feb 2009 to 5 Apr 2009)               Node Sesqu Plu

 During this transit there will be a powerful urge to retreat from the public and people you have karmic ties with can be a burden at this time. You may meet some very powerful people now that don't see things the way that you do and it would be better to avoid contact with them until this period passes.

18 Mar 2009          (17 Mar 2009 to 3 Apr 2009)               Merc 9th H.

    Mercury has entered your 9th house. Transits of Mercury point to areas of interests in our lives at specific times, health matters or where our thoughts are during any given time.
     New and interesting phenomena has your attention. Foreign subjects, law or philosophy, taking a class or activities that you do not normally engage in may have you fascinated. This is an excellent time to travel UNLESS ASPECTS ARE NEGATIVE! If Mercury makes a difficult aspect while transiting the 9th house, there can be intellectual differences over religious, cultural or educational issues.

18 Mar 2009      9:00(18 Mar 2009 to 19 Mar 2009)               Sun Trine Asc

    Take some time off and have some fun. Lighten up for this short transit. Recognition and success for past activities are bound to catch up with you, so plant lots of good seeds. A time of socializing and close relationships. Let your creativity run amuck.

19 Mar 2009      9:00(18 Mar 2009 to 20 Mar 2009)               Sun Sesqu Merc

    A MINOR aspect and influence, but can take on much more importance if connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     This is not the time to speak your mind, because you may come off sounding like a buffoon. Your nervous system can easily be EXHAUSTED now and needs to be soothed through physical exercise because of overwork. Absent minded behavior   is a real problem at this time and you may wind up somewhere you had no intention of going, with no idea how you got there. During this time you will possess a very fuzzy mind that can cause you to make mistakes, so double check all of your work. You may encounter some unpleasant experiences or receive some bad news at this time.
     Ideas will come to you very quickly now and communications with others will increase as well. Make sure you don't lay into someone verbally now so that wallpaper comes off the wall, because you are too much of a good thing now, so back off a little. Your ideas are bound to conflict with other peoples and now that you know it, don't push issues. Any promises or agreements made at this time will end or be changed before they get going. Don't dress yourself during this transit, let someone else lay out your outfit for today, as you have poor taste in clothes now!

19 Mar 2009     11:00(18 Mar 2009 to 20 Mar 2009)               Merc Oppos Ven

    Communication problems are high at this time, so expect breakdowns in business, relationships and social functions. Avoid signing any papers especially involved with finances until another time.
    " Oh how I love shopping sprees" is the theme to this transit, more junk to add to the junk you already have. The urge and need to buy something will be greater, that you will regret at a later date. Should you find the need to discuss matters with your lover, please do it another time. If you try to get your point across now, you will have the grace of a sledgehammer. Get the point?
     If you are considering speaking or lecturing now, try to schedule it another time if possible. If you can't, you may find that others may have no idea what you are talking about, prompting people to ask questions about things you may not be prepared for. Are you a writer looking for inspiration? Go fishing instead, it will be much more productive and interesting.
     This transit is not favorable for phone calls, dealing with any females, romance or gossip (foot in mouth disease).

19 Mar 2009     22:00(18 Mar 2009 to 21 Mar 2009)               Mars Sxtil Mars

    This is a high energy cycle and a great time to present new projects to the boss, or start them for yourself, so put your ideas into positive action. Do you have a physical job to do that requires stamina? Try it now!
     Your self confidence is high and the only loss you can encounter is by doing nothing at all. Precision workmanship will be utilized in your work, and a lot of short trips will be made. Expect your idea mechanisms to be stimulated and your will power, determination and urge to do something very strong now as well.

20 Mar 2009      0:00(19 Mar 2009 to 20 Mar 2009)               Merc Sesqu Sun

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Communication with others is apt to be intense to say the least. That may prove to be the key to survival here. "Say the least." Do not formulate or sign contracts and legal documents at this time as important points can easily be overlooked. Business meetings can be delayed at the last minute, or cancelled altogether.
     This is a very busy and active time, but you can expect HEAVY opposition in communications with others. Avoid making any promises, forming contracts or agreements now because they are likely to fall apart as fast as they started.

20 Mar 2009          (15 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Jup Sxtil MC

    This transit will be a very successful time for your career and there will be a strong need to expand your social life, become more active in sports or include more travel, perhaps connected with your job.
     Business expansions are successful at this time and confidence in yourself and your actions will be a real asset to you. Others may look to you as a leader for their causes.
     Financial gains are likely and you are not likely to squander it on useless items. This is an  excellent time for buying or improving your home and also favors politics, publishing, teaching, lecturing, religion and law. Support can come from people in authority or somehow connected with the government.

20 Mar 2009      8:00(20 Mar 2009 to 21 Mar 2009)               Mars Trine Sun

    The ability to take charge of your life is highlighted with this transit. This is a good time to work in harmony with others. Working with tools and machinery is favored but use care around them anyway. Physical activities are favored as well. This is a time day "FILLED" with energy to accomplish whatever you desire.
     This transit favors knowing the right course to take in any situation and taking it, so get out in the world and accomplish something. Don't let this wonderful energy pass you by. Should you encounter any emergency situations at this time, you will know exactly what to do, with reserve energy to keep on going in the face of adversity. You might enjoy working by yourself rather than with others for awhile.

21 Mar 2009     14:00(21 Mar 2009 to 22 Mar 2009)               Merc Oppos Plu

    A danger of this transit is forcing your point of views on others, or just coming on too strong with your opinions. If you handle it diplomatically however, you can enlighten people around you with your views that shed light on an issue. Compulsive thinking now can cause confusion and a serious frame of mind. This is a difficult time for business and no contracts or agreements should be formulated at this time.
     False accusations through gossip or misrepresentations surround this transit and there are no winners in debates, so reschedule them for a more prosperous time. Beware of telling others what is wrong with them, they can easily be offended.
     Conditions are right for fraudulent misrepresentations and the possibility for THEFTS or misunderstandings is very high. This is a good time to avoid people trying to sell you anything over the phone.

21 Mar 2009     21:00(20 Mar 2009 to 22 Mar 2009)               Sun Qucnx Jup

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it is connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     Practical considerations go out the window and large scale errors in judgement can easily be made, so don't count on anything until you have it firmly in your hand. This can be a great time to diet because you can lose weight easily.
     You may very well quit your job because of ego conflicts with authority figures. This is not a good time for gambling, romance or business as FOOLISH OPTIMISM can be your downfall.
     Transportation accident levels are on the rise so keep an eye on the road at all times. The need to spend money on needless items, or spending just for the sake of spending will be very strong. Very extravagant, materialistic and arrogant behavior emerges. Say goodbye to the credit line you kept in good shape for so long. By the end of this transit, the money spent on useless items will show you the error of your ways. I know you want something new, but this is not the time to do it, buy it, or try it. Better to deny it! You may feel frustrated over financial shortages which is the result of your spending.

22 Mar 2009      8:00(22 Mar 2009 to 23 Mar 2009)               Merc Trine Nep

    People in public relations fields will be filled with inspiration now, so let inspiration be your guide. Heightened intuition and creativity can take you into unknown areas for exploration, so follow your hunches, you never know what genius lies inside you. The magic of make believe can influence creativity, so don't let anything pass you by.
     You may find a good luck charm, or it may find you. Meditation now can reveal some wonderful answers to your questions, so be sure to put some quality time aside to do so.
     Make agreements, sign documents and travel now, they are all under favorable times now. You have the ability to sense coming events now and spiritual awareness is very strong. This is an excellent time to make some plans in advance, with strong yearnings for far off places and people.
     This is sure to be a very telepathic, intuitive and insightful time for you. Short trips are favored and you will find that your creative expression is on an unconscious level. Secret information and investigations into something you have been curious about can be accomplished now and you will find that you have a very metaphysical type of mind temporarily, interested and fascinated by science fiction.
     Always read everything before you sign, as you can get lost in a day dream and miss the fine print. The study of mystical subjects is favored and you can be the channel for a spiritual source, so open up a channel and await further instructions. Photography, drawing and painting are all favored as well.

23 Mar 2009      2:00(22 Mar 2009 to 24 Mar 2009)               Merc Qucnx Moon

    The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Communications will be strained during this time, so do not issue emotional ultimatums to others now, wait until another time when you are better in sync to speak "to" people, not "at" them. Start a diary or journal of daily routines to reflect on for future reference.
     If you make appointments during this transit expect them to be missed, cancelled, late, experience traffic delays, or get lost in route. Unexpected visits by people you probably don't want to see can easily occur.
     On the health front you can experience colds or digestive problems and watch what you put in your body, it can have an adverse reaction to the wrong substances. Wait until another time to consider advertising or deal with the public, as the ideas are good, but the timing is wrong.

23 Mar 2009     17:00(22 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Ven Sesqu Moon

    This is a MINOR influence and aspect, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Don't make the mistake of smothering others with love now, instead give them enough attention to make them want more, but not so much that they gag from it. Give them breathing room! Relations with women in general will not be very successful.
     Obstacles can easily arise in romantic situations and with your close ties to others. Emotional disappointments and feeling neglected are the responses you will get. Your self expression in affections to others may be somewhat impaired and attachments. Acquaintances and friendships are not favored at this time as well. Finances that involve expanding, purchases or lending to people who are not going to pay you back should be guarded against especially now.
     Problems can develop in business especially if your dealings are with women. You may be a little more overprotective than usual and may feel somewhat unloved. Avoid diving into the sugar syndrome (cakes, sweets and fattening foods) for satisfaction.

24 Mar 2009      6:00(24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Sun Sqr Mars

    Avoid crowds and irritating people now because tempers will be hotter than normal and impulsive and intense actions as well as some aggressive attitudes will be in evidence.
     You are just looking for a fight now, but are you prepared to pay the price for your quarrelsome nature? Do you think other people around you should be the brunt of your anger? If you are looking for a perfect time to separate from a loved one, this is it! Go for a LONG walk and reevaluate later! Remember, this is a very short transit, but separations is the price for impulsive acts lasts for a long time.
     This is a difficult time for romance and gambling. You may have an illness or headache that develops at this time. The Sun is always hot and when it reaches Mars (ruler of the head and house where it is natally) it makes it hotter and natural temperatures and tempers rise.

24 Mar 2009      9:00(24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Merc Oppos Ura

    TRYING TO REACH PEOPLE NOW IS AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY, Or, increases in communications with verbal confrontations that can get out of control or get carried away due to your own impatience. Hasty words or intolerance of others over apparent stupidity on someones part, of which you are partially to blame. This will not be a dull time for you! Sudden events can occur that increase your workload and appointments dramatically as well, leaving you scattering to tie up all of the loose ends or do some quick reorganizing of priorities.
     Plans will have a tendency to go haywire for awhile and legal technicalities can prove upsetting and costly. Too many cooks can spoil your projects, so limit the number of participants. Don't rush projects, let them go along at their own pace. Be careful going up or down anything that can cause you injury. URANUS has a lot to do with Explosions or electrical problems, or problems that arise without warning. Remember that if you make a promise to someone, keep it!

24 Mar 2009     14:00(24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Sun Qucnx Sun

    A MINOR aspect and influence, but can take on much more importance if connected to other negative aspects at the same time.
     Are you working on a really important project? This transit has the capacity to test them to the maximum. Annoying yes I agree, but there may be something you haven't counted on, or an error in thinking. This is what this transit is all about. Do not speculate at this time because lady luck isn't with you. This is a positive time for meditation and spiritual work, however.
     A stressful period in your life where extra hard work may be required but not appreciated. A VERY difficult time for pleasure, romance, creative endeavors, finances and speculative interests.

24 Mar 2009     18:00(24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Merc Trine Asc

    The mind is quick, alert and alive at this time and agreements can be formulated in disputes. The phone may never stop ringing and communications with your fellow man or woman will be easy, harmonious and lively. Health, diet, writing and self expression are favored.

25 Mar 2009      6:00(24 Mar 2009 to 26 Mar 2009)               Merc Sesqu Merc

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     This short period will not be beneficial to try and discuss matters with others because the mind is inflexible and not willing to compromise. The Ego may be out of sync with others and verbal confrontations can be expected with heavy oppositions to your ideas. Wait for another more prosperous day to make your point to others around you. Concerns for brothers or sisters can cause agitation in relationships and everyday matters and insignificant problems will be of greater concern than normal.
     Incoming news may be upsetting and the thinking process will be slow and seem to be very fuzzy. How can you grasp new concepts when your mind is not functioning at its peak? Simply reschedule that meeting for another day. A fidgety type of composure exists with the urge to go and do, but you may not be sure of just what it is you should do. Patience will be non existent at this time which can cause mistakes. Stay away from stimulants which will only upset the inner you.

26 Mar 2009          (8 Mar 2009 to 13 Apr 2009)               Ura Trine Nep

    New age subjects will be very attractive to you during this transit and a change of consciousness can bring with it completely different way of looking at your way of existence. If you have been considering looking into metaphysical subjects, this would be an excellent time to do so. You can work very hard with others and gain great satisfaction from it. Gifts, Inheritances and inner spiritual growth are all possibilities with this transit.

26 Mar 2009      2:00(26 Mar 2009 to 27 Mar 2009)               Ven Sesqu Nep

    This is a MINOR influence and aspect, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     Be alert to possible deceptive practices in any dealings or romantic encounters at this time and be especially careful of what you wish for now, you just might get it and then you have to deal with it. This is a very vulnerable time for romance or emotions so do not make permanent commitments to others now.
     Watch out for Con Men, you may not see them coming. Meetings and appointments with women can be cancelled because of an illness and escapism through alcohol and drugs should be avoided now when they are the most adverse to the body. Get rich schemes will not go your way and most likely fail.

26 Mar 2009     13:00(26 Mar 2009 to 27 Mar 2009)               Merc Qucnx Jup

    This is a MINOR aspect and influence, but it can take on much more importance if it occurs at the same time as other negative aspects.
     The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations. Meet others' half way and form a compromise with all of the people you come into contact with now. You may be prone to daydreaming which fouls up a job or project and communications or business with people at a distance will be disappointing.
     This is an adverse time for any business transactions, so protect all money transactions to avoid losses. Realism and thrift can help the tendency to overbuy needles items that will be regretted later. THEFTS are possible, you need to be on guard now, this includes mistakes at the cash registers in the stores favor, leaving you on the short end. Don't make any promises you know you cannot keep no matter how sincere they are.
     A time of confusion and exaggerations surrounds your life and you may receive misinformation about something or little white lies disguised as truths. Confirmed appointments can be cancelled or postponed and meetings and communications should be left for another time. If you have to travel remember your mind isn't on what is going on, so see if you can make that trip at a more favorable time.

26 Mar 2009          (21 Mar 2009 to 31 Mar 2009)               Jup Qucnx Ven

    The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustrations.
     Be careful when offering your opinion without having all of the available facts, we don't wan't you making any foolish mistakes. Overindulgences can cause you to put on excess body weight during this time, so be careful what you indulge in. Sweets are one way this can be accomplished, but laziness that often accompanies this placement is the best way.
     Insincere friendships are likely during this transit. There will be difficulty in sharing with others now or in finding delight in other peoples happiness.
     Taking chances with money is unwise and any health problems that occur now may be linked to overindulgence, so be good to your body. Stay as close to earth as possible now, so you won't have too far to fall should circumstances go wrong.
     Modify your extravagance, you are likely to wind up broke! Plans you have been looking forward to will NOT materialize now and items purchased now will have a high probability of being returned to the store. Faulty emotional and financial judgment is to be expected at this time, but you will do okay if you keep expectations realistic and practical.
     A new and significant relationship can start at this time and it will be very stimulating to say the least and allow to see yourself in a new light. Caution is advised however, because your emotions are out of whack temporarily.
     Too much partying can leave you feeling under the weather now and gambling and speculative ventures may be very appealing to you now but don't go overboard so you can keep your losses to a minimum.
     Evasion of work for the pursuit of pleasures is the theme of this transit. The expanded love urge is looking for expression, so seek and you just may find what you are looking for.
     Vacation trips will not work out as expected because there can easily be some hidden costs involved that you didn't count on. This is not a productive period for work, because how can you work when your heart is set on play.

27 Mar 2009     17:00(26 Mar 2009 to 28 Mar 2009)               Sun Conj Sat

    You can accomplish tasks easily which will be very satisfying for you, but this is also a time of very hard work and reliable efforts. This is a time for self discipline so remember that more rest may be required.
     Family worries can easily arise to be dealt with. A good time to fast and give your body a break because your bodily intake needs more fiber. Dental problems can arise as well.
     This is a time of slow but sure progress and you may "feel" a bit depressed and held back from what you want to do and your vitality is likely to be on the low side. DELAYS will be experienced, so take advantage of the time given to double check and reevaluate what you are doing. Perhaps you will find an error that needs correcting and maybe that is what this time is for. Perhaps the Universe in its own wisdom is trying to look out for you and save your some grief! What do you think?

28 Mar 2009      0:00(26 Mar 2009 to 29 Mar 2009)               Ven Conj Sat

    Deep commitments to love is now possible and this transit can bring past loves back into your life. Possible throat problems can develop that need some kind of attention or women may experience late menstrual cycles which is also a side effect of this transit.
     Lower back aches and kidney problems can develop now so make sure to increase your water intake to keep your kidneys working correctly. Selfish concerns for your own welfare is an issue that you must take responsibility for.
     Remembering past joys can be a source of sadness if you haven't learned to let go and there can be a need for emotional and financial security can develop giving a boost to selfishness. There is a danger that loneliness can occur, but if you use it wisely to get in touch with who you are and what you expect from others and you might be pleasantly surprised. Limited finances can leave you stranded and broke.

30 Mar 2009          (16 Mar 2009 to 15 Apr 2009)               Sat Qucnx MC

    The Quincunx has the annoying capability of letting us feel that the problem at hand will soon be solved, while continually eluding us and giving us FALSE HOPES through self deception and frustration.
     You can feel quite insecure about any recognition that comes to you now, preferring to be unnoticed and taking a subordinate position to stay out of the spotlight. There can be some sadness over the loss of a love as well.
     Business and finances will slow down now and your career is likely to suffer disappointments and obstacles. Stay with your current job if you can because this is not a favorable time to change jobs. Responsibilities may become cumbersome and you will want to avoid them in any way possible, but try not to. There can be separations, loss or disputes with a parent or an authority figure. Actions here are sudden and unexpected and may send you off into a new field of work altogether. Highly technical fields such as computers or some sort of machinery may have you quite interested. The work place is sure to come under change through different working hours or a new boss who has got to have you under his thumb. In some instances there can be some sort of celebrity status that is conferred on you through radio or television appearances.

30 Mar 2009          (24 Mar 2009 to 4 Apr 2009)               Jup SSqr Mars

    You can easily suffer irritations over the insincerity of others around you now and it will be easy to make serious errors in judgement about using force or power against others of any kind. You can easily run into overopinionated people or partners who use hasty judgement and you might notice a certain degree of weakness in the limbs.
     Avoid those people who do not have the good sense to know when to stop when activities become dangerous, or draw you into difficult situations.
     Generosity can easily get out of hand, leaving you on the short end of the stick, so if you cannot afford that dream item, don't buy it now! Arrogance, accidents and impulsive actions should be guarded against and caution is advised in business dealings with foreigners.
     Relationships "appear" better than they actually are now and you will find that it will be very hard to repress the energy that accompanies this transit. Accidents are possible for Automobiles and Aircraft now, so schedule any travel or business trips for another time.
     Travel and trips will prove to be more expensive than you counted on through your own extravagance. Challenges will excite you for a few days but impulsive and hasty actions will be your downfall if you are not very careful. You can easily go off like a loose cannon and likely wind up overextending yourself getting involved in very UNWISE ventures. Legal and religious disagreements can occur now so be careful to avoid remarks made to others, no matter how innocent they were meant to be because people can have their feelings hurt very easily. This is a dangerous time for travel, so please reschedule. This is a time when financial mistakes can easily be made.
     You may be pressing too hard for success at the wrong time, so lighten up some, there is just too much energy here for you to handle. Find an outlet for it that won't cause you any injury, and if you have to drive remember that you don't own the road because you will take chances and become very reckless. You may become somewhat "fanatical" in any issues you are involved in to the point of your own downfall.

5 Apr 2009           (5 Mar 2009 to 6 May 2009)               plu sxtil sun

    There will be a very deep need for the truth to be shared between people. You will have an overwhelming need and determination to succeed at anything you work at now.
     Have no fear, if someone gives you a secret now, it will never be revealed. You will have a deep seated need to express very profound emotions with others at this time.
     Positive opportunities may arise to get rid of old ideas now and intense and strong wills can be used to overcome obstacles. There will be more faith that the future holds the key to success for you. Dedicated and fanatical goals can surface and powerful connections can be formed with others. The ability to serve others in some capacity is a positive outlet for this transit or you may find some real bargains at a thrift shop and also find potent creativity is present that should be utilized.
     Benefits can come to you through Taxes, insurance, new businesses, scientific endeavors and the workplace. Your intuition is strong and clairvoyant facilities can manifest themselves.

5 Apr 2009           (17 Feb 2009 to 23 May 2009)               plu conj mars

    Dangerous environments should be avoided at this time and don't gamble or take any unnecessary risks now. Mars is fiery in nature and Pluto rules the masses of people. Secret and behind the scenes actions are possible now and secret and private research can take place, which should prove to be very favorable.
     There can be a compulsive desire to destroy yourself and others now and secret police investigations can take place. This is also a very difficult time for marriage and you must ask the question " Are you the dictator here, or the one dictated to!" This transit favors business, taxes, insurance and wills.
     If there were ever a time when you can experience more bumps, bruises and accident prone behavior, you have been placed in the midst of it. On the other hand if you work around or near dangerous or unstable people, you can be placed in the middle of their problems which can draw physical harm to yourself and them. In essence the surroundings you are in now can be difficult. If you work in a bad part of town or have to drive, use more caution, or keep your wits about you to avoid any mishaps at the hands of another or through your own negligence.
     One word of caution however, if your thinking has been rather strict, unyielding or unbending up until now and you think you know it all, or come across as a "wise guy or girl" then misfortune will show you just how smart you are not. Believe it or not, how you think can actually draw circumstances to you that will strongly change or modify your behavior patterns or do you in in some way if you refuse to get with the program, as we have "free will" to do what we want in this lifetime, until we have come against universal laws that were formed to teach us, in ways we cannot really comprehend, but WILL obey at some point.