The Psyche and Eros Relationship Analysis for

Hillary Rodham Clinton


Bill Clinton

Birth Data for Hillary Rodham
Hillary Rodham Clinton
October 26, 1947
8:00 PM
Chicago, Illinois

Birth Data for Bill
Bill Clinton
August 19, 1946
8:51 AM
Hope, Arkansas

SECTION I:  The Relationship from Hillary Rodham's Point of View

      Hillary Rodham, the following information explains how you view your relationship with Bill, and explores some of the major issues that arise.

Your Sun Square Bill's Saturn (orb < 1 deg)

     Your connection with Bill is strangely bonding. If you are willing to submit to the restrictions and responsibilities this relationship imposes, it will be a lifetime tie which will improve with time. This can never be a casual relationship.

Your MC Trine Bill's MC (orb < 1 deg)

     However else you may differ, when it comes to personal goals and life purpose, you appear to be moving in the same direction. You have similar attitudes toward authority and your compatible personal philosophies suggest you could achieve together professionally.

Your Mars Conj Bill's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     Your connection is intensely erotic and compulsive. Bill's personal magnetism both intrigues you and stimulates you to be at your productive best. Your energy may initiate major transforming changes in Bill whose charisma empowers you.

Your Venus Oppos Bill's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     Whatever else this relationship may be, it's intimate. You can enjoy being together without having anything dramatic on the agenda. Bill arouses your love and affection by simply being. When you're around Bill, you feel good about yourself.

Your Sun Square Bill's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     Sometimes it seems to you that when Bill is speaking, it is not with a clear perception of who you are or what you believe to be true. This may make you a little uncomfortable. Watch a tendency to be a little overbearing.

Your Mercury Square Bill's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You may occasionally be a little intimidated by Bill or feel your ideas and opinions are either misunderstood or not being taken seriously. Even while you're defending your views, Bill has a way of making you feel privately insecure about your position.

Your Venus Square Bill's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     Bill holds a special fascination for you. The bond between you might be somewhat obsessive. Bill often exerts an influence over you others may find difficult to understand. This relationship can transform the way you love and relate the rest of your life.

Your Sun Trine Bill's MC (orb 1-5 deg)

     You may have initially been more influenced by Bill's public image than more intimate persona. Bill appears to admire you greatly and you respond to that by taking a great interest in the goals and ambitions to which both of you aspire.

Your Moon Trine Bill's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     The approval of people you care about is important to you so you would be uncomfortable doing anything Bill didn't respect. You avoid arguments because somehow Bill has a knack for always sounding right. Doesn't that remind you just a little of your mother?

Your Mars Sextile Bill's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     The sexual energy between the two of you was immediate and powerful from the first meeting. This could never be an entirely platonic relationship. If you are not lovers, you will be confidantes and love and sex will be your favorite topics of conversation.

Your Asc. Sextile Bill's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     This is a natural partnership. Bill has a type of dynamic energy you admire but can't play out yourself. When you are together, this imbalance is corrected and you feel more whole and vital. You understand Bill and enjoy giving center stage.

Your Sun Sesqu. Bill's Uranus (orb 1-5 deg)

     You were attracted from the very first meeting. You felt, on one hand, that you completely understood Bill and, on the other, that you never knew what to expect next. You admire Bill's originality. It taps into a uniqueness of your own.

Your Sun does not aspect Bill's Moon

     While you may communicate very well on a rational level, sometimes you may feel as if Bill doesn't really understand you. You may find Bill's emotional responses incomprehensible as well. You have to make a special effort to share and connect.

Your Moon does not aspect Bill's Moon

     While you may like and respect each other and understand each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable with each other. You may, at times, find each other's moods or responses puzzling.

Your Mercury does not aspect Bill's Mercury

     You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord, there are times you seriously question if you see the same world since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict, they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or pleasurable.

Your Mercury does not aspect Bill's Venus

     There is something about Bill's personal style and taste and way of expressing affection which doesn't comfortably merge with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren't quite in sync.

Your Venus does not aspect Bill's Venus

     While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like the same people and have different interests. You wish Bill dressed differently.

Bill's Sun in your 3rd house:

     Initially, your attraction to Bill was intellectual. Possibly you met at a lecture or in an educational setting where the emphasis was on the sharing of ideas. Your relationship has always been marked by long talks. You might also travel well together.

     Shared communications are important to both of you. Together you might be involved in a writing or teaching project. Your contacts will be on a regular, daily basis. However, separations eased by frequent letters and phone calls tend to be especially bonding.

Bill's Moon in your 11th house:

     Your emotional tie may have initially blossomed in a group situation where you share both friends and interests. Bill's emotional qualities instantly conveyed that this was a friend whom you could trust. You admire sensitivity and perceptiveness.

     Bill appears to intuitively understand your goals, particularly those which transcend your individual concerns. You share social and political views. A close involvement with a group of friends deepens your bond. This is essentially a beautiful friendship.

Bill's Mercury in your 2nd house:

     You really should consult Bill about business matters. Here is someone who takes an interest in your financial problems and could give you excellent advice about managing your money. This interest may be self serving. Is Bill a bit too interested in your finances?

     You may find yourself oddly possessive of some of this advice  and resentful of anyone else who might benefit from it as well. Make sure you don't betray a trust or claim Bill's ideas as your own for your own financial benefit. Stick to the plan you both agreed on.

Bill's Venus in your 5th house:

     This is a loving and affectionate relationship. You have similar taste in music, movies and entertainment and always have a good time together. The pleasure you share stimulates you erotically. If a sexual tie is not appropriate, you will share many secrets.

     If you are, in any way, creative, the love and admiration Bill feels for you will motivate you to express your talent freely. You could work well together on any artistic endeavor. Any connection you have with children would also benefit from this tie.

Bill's Mars in your 4th house:

     Bill is not interested in being kept at arm's length. This is someone who wants to come to your home, meet your family and be a part of your inner circle. If you resist this for any reason, Bill might become pushy. This can create problems and exacerbate family dislike or opposition to the relationship.

     Living together should be considered with caution if domestic harmony is important to you. Bill will be assertive, sometimes  aggressively so. If you weren't prepared to be extremely accommodating and flexible, petty quarrels and irritations could result.

     Active involvement in a project of mutual interest might reduce the tension and be an effective channel for this energy. Should you have a problem finding a place to live or figuring out how to make your home more livable, Bill can be astonishingly helpful to you.

Bill's Jupiter in your 5th house:

     You enjoy being together so much that sometimes it's hard to get any work done. The two of you may also go overboard on pleasure activities at the expense of other responsibilities and find you are spending more money and time than you had earlier planned.

     Be that as it may, you share many happy times together and this is a very loving relationship. Bill may encourage an artistic or cultural pursuit of yours and generally appears to admire your creativity. If you have children, they would love Bill and Bill would love them.

Bill's Saturn in your 2nd house:

     You may know and feel close to Bill for quite a long time before you realize how different your values are. This undoubtedly will come as a disappointment to you. It might be an important test of both the value and the viability of the relationship.

     Now let's talk money. Bill will cost you. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The financial responsibility this relationship may represent may be a small price to pay for an association so valuable to you. It will force you to reassess your priorities.

Bill's Uranus in your 12th house:

     Why do you feel so rattled in Bill presence? Whatever issues you successfully manage to repress and not deal with seem to come bubbling up to the surface when you are together. Actually, this can be a good thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't always feel that way.

     It may be that the nervous excitement Bill generates within you stirs up aspects of your inner self with which you are not entirely comfortable. You may behave in a way you don't like and then blame Bill. Calm down and trust your natural responses.

Bill's Neptune in your 4th house:

     You could live very comfortably with Bill because you have similar ideas of the ideal, happy home. You also tend to like the same music and can, very happily, enjoy quiet times in which you enjoy being together even when doing different things.

     Close as you may be, however, there is an elusive quality about Bill which remains mysterious to you. You may often sense what is being thought or felt but it surely isn't being discussed. Sometimes you may wonder about out-and-out deception.

Bill's Pluto in your 3rd house:

     Sometimes when you are getting ready to change your environment, someone comes into your life who so shakes up your thinking and reflects your altered perspective, that remaining in the old situation becomes truly impossible. Bill has this effect upon you.

     You would work wonderfully together on any project involving either depth analysis or research. You both enjoy digging below the surface - frequently in each other's lives - and any type of cooperative probing would enhance this friendship and draw you closer.

SECTION II:  The Relationship from Bill's Point of View

      Bill, the following information explains how you view your relationship with Hillary Rodham, and explores some of the major issues that arise.

Your Venus Conj Hillary Rodham's Neptune (orb < 1 deg)

     There is an almost mystical quality about your relationship that is really quite lovely. That Shangri-la view you share of love and life emerges while enjoying music, sipping a glass of wine or just being close. Together you can create a mysterious ambience.

Your MC Trine Hillary Rodham's MC (orb < 1 deg)

     However else you may differ, when it comes to personal goals and life purpose, you appear to be moving in the same direction. You have similar attitudes toward authority and your compatible personal philosophies suggest you could achieve together professionally.

Your Sun Sextile Hillary Rodham's Uranus (orb < 1 deg)

     You may have met in a group situation and the basis of the strong mutual attraction was the unusual interests you share. You enjoy Hillary Rodham's independence. It stimulates you to act on your own uniqueness, knowing you have the support of an admired friend.

Your Sun SemiSqr Hillary Rodham's Neptune (orb < 1 deg)

     There is a strong element of fantasy and idealization in this relationship and it is important to make sure that the person you think is so wonderful is really the person before you. Clarity is not the key word here. There is a lovely sense of Shangri-la.

Your Mars SemiSqr Hillary Rodham's Saturn (orb < 1 deg)

     On one level Hillary Rodham fascinates you and motivates you to be the best that you can be. On another, there is something about Hillary Rodham which pressures you somehow and can lead to resentment. If this is not dealt with openly, it can inhibit sexual responsiveness.

Your Sun Conj Hillary Rodham's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     Your connection with Hillary Rodham is strangely bonding. If you are willing to submit to the restrictions and responsibilities this relationship imposes, it will be a lifetime tie which will improve with time. This can never be a casual relationship.

Your Moon Oppos Hillary Rodham's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     You often come away from discussions with Hillary Rodham feeling kind of irritated. You've made your point and Hillary Rodham replied  but somehow there's been no connection. The logic is there but not the understanding. You probably shouldn't work together.

Your Moon Oppos Hillary Rodham's Venus (orb 1-5 deg)

     Yours is a warm, loving, affectionate relationship. You enjoy being together not only because you like each other so much but because you feel so loved and valued in Hillary Rodham's presence. You feel as though the parts of yourself you secretly like best are seen.

Your Sun Square Hillary Rodham's Mercury (orb 1-5 deg)

     Sometimes it seems to you that when Hillary Rodham is speaking, it is not with a clear perception of who you are or what you believe to be true. This may make you a little uncomfortable. Watch a tendency to be a little overbearing.

Your Sun Square Hillary Rodham's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

     Hillary Rodham has a calming effect upon you. When you are together, you feel wonderful. Hillary Rodham gives you the confidence to grow and expand and may be quite helpful to you in material ways by opening doors and providing opportunities.

Your Moon Square Hillary Rodham's Saturn (orb 1-5 deg)

     No matter how close you, you're never entirely comfortable emotionally when you are together. Hillary Rodham subtly affects your self-confidence and you may have a disquieting sense that no matter how hard you try to please you never entirely succeed.

Your Mercury Square Hillary Rodham's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You may occasionally be a little intimidated by Hillary Rodham or feel your ideas and opinions are either misunderstood or not being taken seriously. Even while you're defending your views, Hillary Rodham has a way of making you feel privately insecure about your position.

Your MC Trine Hillary Rodham's Sun (orb 1-5 deg)

     You admire Hillary Rodham and enjoy doing things together. Hillary Rodham's natural vitality helps you both to identify and pursue life goals and directions since you share them. This would be a productive professional tie. You wouldn't mind if Hillary Rodham played the leader.

Your Sun Sextile Hillary Rodham's Asc. (orb 1-5 deg)

     There was always something about Hillary Rodham with which you could strongly identify, an outward personification of some deeply felt sense you have of yourself. There was a strong, enduring attraction and compatibility from the start.

Your Mercury Sextile Hillary Rodham's Neptune (orb 1-5 deg)

     There are times you understand what Hillary Rodham isn't saying better than what is actually being said. You intuitively tune into each other -- even when you're not actually together. Hillary Rodham understands your views and admires the way you express them. You share dreams and ideals.

Your Venus Sextile Hillary Rodham's Mars (orb 1-5 deg)

     A sexual energy permeates your relationship and will underlie all aspects of your connection. In addition Hillary Rodham stimulates your creativity, heightens your energy and lends a certain excitement to all of your contacts. Hillary Rodham's presence makes you feel livelier.

Your Venus Sextile Hillary Rodham's Pluto (orb 1-5 deg)

     Hillary Rodham holds a special fascination for you. The bond between you might be somewhat obsessive. Hillary Rodham often exerts an influence over you others may find difficult to understand. This relationship can transform the way you love and relate the rest of your life.

Your Asc. Sextile Hillary Rodham's Jupiter (orb 1-5 deg)

     Hillary Rodham makes you feel wonderful when you are alone together. Yours is, at the very least, a lovely friendship. This would also be a good working relationship. You are helpful to Hillary Rodham. Sometimes one of you encourages the other to take irresponsible chances.

Your Sun Quincunx Hillary Rodham's Moon (orb 1-5 deg)

     While you may communicate very well on a rational level, sometimes you may feel as if Hillary Rodham doesn't really understand you. You may find Hillary Rodham's emotional responses incomprehensible as well. You have to make a special effort to share and connect.

Your Moon does not aspect Hillary Rodham's Moon

     While you may like and respect each other and understand each other intellectually, there is an emotional distance which might prevent you from being truly at home with or comfortable with each other. You may, at times, find each other's moods or responses puzzling.

Your Mercury does not aspect Hillary Rodham's Mercury

     You don't think alike. Even if you are in emotional accord, there are times you seriously question if you see the same world since, while your perceptions are not necessarily in conflict, they are so different. Discussions are rarely fruitful or pleasurable.

Your Mercury does not aspect Hillary Rodham's Venus

     There is something about Hillary Rodham's personal style and taste and way of expressing affection which doesn't comfortably merge with your own. It may not exactly lead to war, but it may have delayed the initial attraction. Your philosophies aren't quite in sync.

Your Venus does not aspect Hillary Rodham's Venus

     While you may be very fond of each other, you're quite dissimilar in some important ways. Your tastes diverge widely and you tend to express love very differently. You don't like the same people and have different interests. You wish Hillary Rodham dressed differently.

Hillary Rodham's Sun in your 1st house:

     The attraction between the two of you was powerful, dynamic and mutual from the very beginning. Hillary Rodham immediately recognized you as a kindred spirit and instinctively gravitated toward you. You strongly respond to the dynamic energy of Hillary Rodham's personality.

     You are so affected by Hillary Rodham's presence that sometimes you may find yourself deferring to needs or expectations sensed but not actually  expressed. Hillary Rodham, in turn, identifies strongly with you, loves the intimacy of shared perceptions and feels reinforced and validated by your presence.

Hillary Rodham's Moon in your 6th house:

     When it comes to working together, you are a good team. Hillary Rodham is very sensitive to your moods and to the way you like things done. Even if you are not actually in a position of authority, Hillary Rodham is helpful to you and assists you in your efforts.

     It's important that you don't take advantage of this sensitivity.  If you are not as in tune to Hillary Rodham as Hillary Rodham is to you, you may unconsciously pick up an unspoken resentment which would make you feel almost ill when you are together.

Hillary Rodham's Mercury in your 2nd house:

     You really should consult Hillary Rodham about business matters. Here is someone who takes an interest in your financial problems and could give you excellent advice about managing your money. This interest may be self serving. Is Hillary Rodham a bit too interested in your finances?

     You may find yourself oddly possessive of some of this advice  and resentful of anyone else who might benefit from it as well. Make sure you don't betray a trust or claim Hillary Rodham's ideas as your own for your own financial benefit. Stick to the plan you both agreed on.

Hillary Rodham's Venus in your 2nd house:

     The genuine love and affection Hillary Rodham feels for you encourages you to develop your talents and resources to a point where your financial situation will increase significantly. You, in turn, admire Hillary Rodham's creativity and may contribute to its development.

     The two of you are fond of exchanging gifts. Hillary Rodham has given you some beautiful and, perhaps, costly things which you treasure. You not only reciprocate, you also exchange gifts of deeply personal significance which are expressive of your warm affection.

Hillary Rodham's Mars in your 11th house:

     No matter how personal or private your relationship may be, you always find yourselves embroiled with other people. The two of you may be very active in a group which shares your strong interests. This group may have brought you together at the start.

     So-called friends may create problems in your relationship. Either they are in conflict with you as a couple or they divide you in some way. Perhaps you have different tastes in people and disagreements about associates may lead to unpleasant quarrels.

Hillary Rodham's Jupiter in your 2nd house:

     This relationship has a wonderful influence on your life. Not only does Hillary Rodham's presence encourage you to develop your talents and resources to their fullest, it has a very positive effect upon your financial situation. And then there are those wonderful gifts.

     Hillary Rodham may be of material benefit to you by both sharing and encouraging you to express strongly-felt values and to develop your talent and resources. Sometimes, however, this enthusiasm leads you to be more extravagant than usual.

Hillary Rodham's Saturn in your 11th house:

     Your relationship may be wonderful in many respects but your social life isn't exactly the most satisfying part of it. It may be that your circumstances are such that you lack opportunity to meet people. Your friends may not be comfortable with Hillary Rodham.

     Hillary Rodham may feel that your social interests or obligations are at odds  and it is hard for you to have fun together. It would be helpful if you both worked hard for an organization devoted to an intense interest you both share equally.

Hillary Rodham's Uranus in your 9th house:

     Hillary Rodham may have come into your life at a time you were reconsidering your life-style and could very well have been the catalyst which triggered a major change, perhaps by being an inspiring teacher. Certainly, Hillary Rodham affects your philosophical or religious views.

     Any connection you have with Hillary Rodham which relates to travel, education, the law or spiritual matters will be unpredictable. Ideas you share will be considered odd or unconventional. You will encourage each other to take chances rather than play it safe.

Hillary Rodham's Neptune in your 1st house:

     There's something about the way Hillary Rodham often romanticizes you that you can't help responding to. Somehow it gives you a special insight into Hillary Rodham's dreams and fantasies which connects with your dreams and fantasies. You start to like yourself better.

     Sometimes you find the relationship baffling. Even if Hillary Rodham is not being consciously deceptive, you often find some behavior difficult to comprehend. What does Hillary Rodham want from you? What does Hillary Rodham want from your relationship? Do you know?

Hillary Rodham's Pluto in your 11th house:

     If you met through a social organization or group of co-workers, that group -- and Hillary Rodham's role in it -- will have a major impact upon your life. It may be the situation that will prove to be the catalyst that will lead to a change you have been waiting to make.

     Together, you may be involved in causes, some of which are political in nature and others more social. The strong mutual interest you share is a powerful bond. Some of your friends may reject your ideas, leading you to people who tend to reflect your views.