Senior Report for
Elizabeth Taylor
February 27, 1932
2:15 AM
London, England
Introduction to Senior Report:
the following page begins the interpretation of your birth
chart. This
interpretation focuses on issues and concerns that people
have in their later years. We tend to respond to astrological
influences a bit different as we get older. With time we
gain wisdom, moderation, and constancy that helps us handle
astrological influences differently from the way we did as
teenagers and young adults. This report takes this into account.
Also, although many of our basic concerns are the same throughout
our entire lives, there are also concerns and situations
that we are more likely to encounter in different stages
in life. This report focuses on the issues that are most
likely to interest you. Hopefully, this astrological analysis
will encourage you to pursue the activities and interests
that will help you follow a path that will be the most fulfilling
and meaningful one for you.
Ascendant in Sagittarius:
rulership of Sagittarius is also conducive to promoting a
youthful, vivacious, enthusiastic outlook on life. Sagittarius,
no matter his/her age, tends to be fun loving and playful,
and always ready to learn or experience something new. You
are open-minded, tolerant and ever ready to start a new adventure. Many
Sagittarians are good at sports. Others enjoy recreational
activities and will feel completely at ease in the great
outdoors. This ascendent is drawn in its highest expression,
to promote truth, justice and fair dealings. Sagittarian's
make excellent government workers, lawyers, law enforcement
officers, security guards, politicians, teachers, professors,
philosophers and other types of workers that involve defense
or promotion of the people, especially those less fortunate. Higher
education is ruled by this sign, consequently, most Jupiter
ruled people are likely to value education and understand
fully, the benefits of becoming educated and knowledgeable. This
sign loves to experience the world at large, not fearing
to travel overseas and visit foreign cultures. You
are likely to do some extensive traveling at some point in
your life, but more likely when you are very young or after
It is true,
too, that you will possibly marry very early or from mid
to later years. You have so many things on your life
agenda that you sometimes wait for a potential mate who is
of like nature and may even limit the number of children
you have. You are careful with whom you share your
most personal feelings, especially where your spiritual beliefs
are concerned. You are what you have learned but always hold
back enough to maintain your sense of self. Astrology,
numerology, The Sacred Tarot and the occult, in general could
provide you with some interesting study material. You
have tremendous insight and some may even call you psychic. You
have an understanding about the human condition that leads
you to know that there is more beyond the veil of death...that
there is another whole dimension to living that hasn't even
been explored yet. Your leisure years could find you
traveling, taking part in community projects, involving yourself
with church or youth groups or continuing with your career
or life work in some capacity.
Sun in Pisces and in 3rd house:
Pisces is
often said to be the sum total of all the other zodiacal
signs. In essence, this means that you have the spiritual
essence with which to discern the lessons, challenges and
successes of all the signs. You then become the spiritual
leader, the member of the zodiac who often lives some times
in the realm of earth, sometimes in the realm of spirit,
but always to a certain degree upon the bridge of both worlds. Your
vitality comes from your connection to the divine that is
within you. Family relationships are important to you
and it is probably true that you are close to your siblings. You
are also likely to be a good pen pal and will keep up with
your loved ones by writing them or through emailing. You
will probably feel closest to your siblings and their families. You
are an emotional individual and express yourself often. Sometimes,
you change your environment or move furniture around when
working through a mood that might express the desire for
change. You are a great one to study on your own and
will enjoy pursuing this after your middle age to retirement
years hit. Your greatest lesson is to share your feelings
more often and then process through them, finding a clear
perspective. Your message to the Universe is to promote
constructive communication between family and loved ones.
Sun Conjunct Mercury:
have the ability to express yourself well, not just one on
one, but to the public and groups of people. You can
be quite influential later in life and will enjoy short journeys
and travel.
Sun Conjunct Mars:
will have increased energy and vitality with age, as you'll
learn through experience, to meter and schedule your time
and routines. Physical activities bring enjoyment. You
are an initiator and leader.
Sun Opposition Neptune:
good care of yourself, always. Follow a professionally
approved health regimen, including good dietary habits and
an exercise routine. Otherwise, your vitality is likely
to be affected when under the pressure and stress of everyday
living. You may have difficulty accepting the authority
of others.
sure you are in the right before "fighting city hall".
Sun Square Asc.:
will probably want to steer clear of dogmatic attitudes. Otherwise,
you are likely to fail before you even begin a project. Give
yourself the best possible circumstances for success in all
you desire to accomplish.
Sun Quincunx MC:
people with this aspect change careers in mid-life. Others
will work more than one job throughout most of their lives. Your
life focus is probably quite different from the expectations
of family, family elders and loved ones. You simply "dance
to the beat of a different drum".
Moon in Scorpio and in 11th house:
The Moon
is the reflection of the soul, in a manner of speaking. The
Moon is the seat of the emotions and is one of the main reasons
the earth school was that humankind could learn
all of the lessons the emotions have to teach. The
Moon is a barometer, of sorts, and measures what we have
assimilated in spiritualized lunar energies. It also
measures what our "target" areas are...that is,
what areas in life we need to process through via our feelings
and emotional expression. Any negative behaviors that
are based in the emotions, that we brought with us into this
lifetime will be given ample time and due course, to be processed
and elevated into a higher expression.
With the
Moon placed in the eleventh house, you can expect to have
some really close relationships with women. Women,
in fact, are likely to become your greatest mentors and your
most supportive friends. You have a nature sway to
nurture positive relationships and will never lack for good,
solid friendships. You are also drawn to officials
and authorities in high positions in life, especially those
connected to government, law enforcement and political professions
are concerned. You feel very deeply about your hopes,
wishes and dreams. You are not likely to share your
deepest thoughts and feelings with anyone other than a close
friend or relationship. In your later years, you will
enjoy the company of friends and loved ones and will have
more time to share in favorite activities, including some
travel. Clubs, organizations and special group memberships
are likely to appeal to you, but you'll probably have more
time for these in your mid to later years.
Moon Square Jupiter:
will be times when it will be difficult for you to immediately
grasp the reality of any situation. Where money and
investments are concerned, you would do well to rely on the
experience of trusted, ethical, and credentialed professionals.
Moon Trine Pluto:
psychology behind emotions, habits, behaviors and feelings
will be of interest to you. Your desire to know yourself
and others on a deep level, could cause you to study such
subjects as sociology, psychology, meditation, creative visualization,
yoga, eastern philosophy or the occult. Your intuitive
urges are accurate and you will act on gut level instincts
with self-confidence.
Moon Quincunx Venus:
are attracted to the finer things in life, but may experience
guilt over your desire for them. This is probably due
to your early childhood upbringing. By mid-life, you
will have sifted through the dross and can, at last, become
comfortable with your likes and dislikes. Social interactions
can be stressful. Some with this aspect are painfully
Moon Quincunx Uranus:
past lives, you may not have been allowed the personal freedom
required to control your own life and destiny. Now,
in this life, you are being given the opportunity to develop
good problem-solving skills. With age, you will learn
when and where it is appropriate to place your sentiments.
Understand what is behind any over-sensitive feeling.
Mercury in Pisces and in 3rd house:
From Mercury,
you learn how to communicate with the world around you. You
discover your mental aptitude and find ways to utilize your
abilities in logic and reasoning. Mercury teaches you about
life through some travel, personal studies and the use of
perception. With Mercury in the third house, there
will be lots of communication, telephone calls, email, letters
and for many, direct spiritual guidance and prophetic dreams
as well. You are likely to be very close to your family
and loved ones and they will sponsor many get-togethers and
family reunions as well. While spiritual studies are
likely to be your most favorite, you are also somewhat of
a nature student and could take up studies about plants,
animals or natural phenomena.
Mercury Conjunct Mars:
an orator and a debater, there are few who can rival you. With
age, however, you will better be able to field blunt questions. Get
down to brass tacks. Don't waste your time. Choose
your battles.
Mercury Opposition Neptune:
youth, you will find it difficult to get others to hear your
ideas, as you may come across as a daydreamer or one in need
of a reality fix. While your mind is active and thirsty
for stimulation, your intuitive nature is crying to be heard. You
may often find yourself on a teeter totter, unsure of which
direction to take. The key to your success in later
life will be in blending your practical side with your spiritual
side. Learn to take risks, confident in the knowledge
that you have done your research well. Avoid procrastination. Allow
yourself the right to make mistakes. In age, you will
be less judgmental of yourself and others. You will
learn to go with the flow.
Mercury Square Asc.:
life, you will need to constantly improve and upgrade your
personal communication skills. As you grow in maturity,
you will become more and more adept at organizing, clarifying
and ordering your personal and business affairs.
Mercury Quincunx MC:
your job or career, you are only one person. You can't
do everything by yourself. Learn to delegate power,
authority and job assignments. In later life, you may
work with a partner or hire a manager to run things while
you take care of personal business matters. Family
becomes more important to you at this time, as well.
Venus in Aries and in 4th house:
The sign
and placement of Venus will give you insight into your feelings
and emotional leaning. Venus helps you to discover
your attitudes about music, art, culture, theatre and all
forms of creativity and beauty. Venus links you to
love, romance and altruism. Your home will be beautifully
appointed, taking great care to place prized art or other
decorative objects where you can gaze upon them often. You
may even pioneer the ideas of Feng Shui in your home or work
environment. You will want your home, in later years,
to be a haven for family and friends. Beauty will be
reflected inside and outside.
Venus Conjunct Uranus:
are likely to have met your life partner under some unusual
circumstances. Your attitude toward romance is not
necessarily mainstream. You require excitement and social
freedom in romance.
Venus Square Pluto:
is a danger of becoming narcissistic with age. If you
develop a genuine consideration for the feelings and needs
of others, however, your mid to later life relationships
will be more fulfilling and comforting. Practice nurturing
those you care about the most. Build your feelings
of self-worth and self-esteem.
Venus Trine Jupiter:
speaking, you are considered to be a happy person, empathetic
in nature and optimistic in outlook. You enjoy activities
involving family and friends, and are a fabulous host when
entertaining in your home. You enjoy being a part of
groups and always have something worthwhile to contribute.
In youth, others may try to take advantage of your easygoing
nature, but with maturity, you become adept at picking and
choosing your associates. Business dealings are favored.
Mars in Pisces and in 3rd house:
The Pisces
influence gives Mars more of a peaceful nature and one much
less aggressive. Mars in Pisces is often energized
by what is hidden, subconscious or sentimental. These
natives often give service to others and understand emotional
factors. You desire peace at all costs in your early
years. As times moves forward, you will learn to be
more assertive and protect yourself, especially where siblings,
colleagues and family are concerned.
Jupiter in Leo and in 8th house:
sign and house placements give you hope and optimism in life.
Jupiter shows you the potential for your greatest rewards
and benefits, and gives you a chance to speak your own truth
to the world.
You are
likely to be a natural when it comes to the smooth operation
of partnership matters, joint investments and joint financial
affairs. You could lean toward the accumulation of
both personal property and real estate. Many of your
purchases will be for the purpose of owning a valued investment. Art,
paintings, sculpture, land and so forth, are all possible
purchases for you and your life partner. Jupiter in
the eighth house sometimes foretells of an inheritance or
legacy, probably to be received sometime in the second half
of life. In general, you will have luck with wills,
inheritances, legacies and your partnership financial affairs. You
and your life partner may also become interested in real
estate investing, as a way to increase your retirement benefits. Jupiter
is often interested in different religious points of view,
different philosophic outlooks and different cultures. In
the second half of life, you will have more time to pursue
these interests.
Jupiter Trine Uranus:
increment is yours with this aspect. If you are entitled
to a spiritual legacy, an inheritance, rebate or other benefit,
this aspect allows you to collect it. You have expansive
ideas which can be successfully implemented in rather unique
ways. Your greatest successes from mid-life on, come
through the utilization of your hidden talents.
Jupiter Trine Asc.:
would probably do well to keep an eye on your weight and
on the types of food you eat. This will especially
be true in your later years. You may notice, for example
that you eat based on your feelings and emotions. Establish
a good health regimen right away. It's never too late
to start good habits. You are a social being and will
often find yourself the center of attention, no matter your
Saturn in Aquarius and in 2nd house:
Your greatest
lessons in life will involve Saturn's sign and house placements. Saturn
as teacher soon reveals that you would do well not to accept
the advise of ordinary people when it comes to your earnings
and finances. Your situation will be unique and will
require either your own intuitive faculties to help make
monetary decisions, or those of highly trained professionals. The
likelihood is that you could receive a windfall near your
middle to later years. This will probably be due to
a spiritually earned increment of good.
Saturn Trine South Node:
can easily take on the role of "boss", just don't
earn the reputation of being "bossy". You
are a natural born teacher, but remember that failure is
a good teacher too. You can't do everything for you
loved ones. Give them their wings so that they can
excel on their own. You won't lose out. By mid-life,
you will turn your attentions toward overcoming certain fears.
You will become more of a risk-taker and will delight in
taking part in family gatherings.
Saturn Sextile Node T.:
are one who would do well in the business world. By
mid-life, you may become self-employed or, if connected to
a firm or institution, could be a full partner. Your
cultural attitude shapes your views.
Uranus in Aries and in 4th house:
Uranus is
the planet of the higher mind, the super consciousness, and
represents the attunement we can make with the divinity that
exists within us all. Uranus, it has been said, never
takes anything away from us without giving back something
far better. False beliefs fall. Truth replaces the
Home and
family, with this fourth house placement of Uranus in Aries,
becomes a tool for expressing the nurturing, caring, comforting
side of your nature. You see yourself, in the microcosm,
as belonging to a greater whole. You feel, express
and accept the fact that you are part of a larger destiny
than just the self. In learning to empathize and cooperate
with home and family, you prepare yourself for a greater
understanding of your role in the Universe.
Uranus Square Pluto:
is a wonderful aspect for the initiation of both minor and
major changes in your life goals. Always be prepared
to be feasible and adaptive.
age, however, you will want to make sure that others are
not influencing you to do something for their sake, to the
detriment of yourself. Don't be afraid to question
Neptune in Virgo and in 9th house:
governs your basic beliefs on a spiritual level. Your inner
world, subconscious expressions, psychic intuition and creative
visualizations all come under rulership of Neptune. Your
role in the upliftment of the planet is divulged in the lessons
Neptune instills. Neptune keeps your secrets and reveals
your fears. Neptune helps you uncover your hidden beliefs;
especially those that hold you back spiritually, and keep
you from living a fulfilling and joy-filled life. History,
short distance travel, specialized education, community affairs,
writing and collecting such things as historical replicas,
crafts or other unique items are likely to be of interest,
especially in your middle to later years. Any illusions
you may have about education, the government, your early
childhood religious beliefs or other cultures will also be
given a chance for clarification and understanding in the
second half of life. Neptune in the ninth house may
spark interest in a new religious movement or in mysticism
and metaphysics.
Neptune Square Asc.:
it's hard for you to keep from muddled thinking patterns. Life
can be confusing, especially if you approach it without a
game plan. You are one who needs to keep schedules,
strategies and ideas written down and near you. In
later life, you will do better at communicating your wants,
needs and desires to others. Always clarify your meanings
to avoid misunderstandings.
Pluto in Cancer and in 8th house:
The sign
in which Pluto is placed is a generational influence. The
house placement tells how it will affect you. Pluto in cancer
affects the concept of family, home and environment. Older
family members are likely to place their trust in you and
in mid life, you could become an executor or advisor for
the affairs of another. Your concept of life and death
changes in later years. You are highly intuitive and
often "read" others emotions accurately.
Jupiter is Retrograde:
represents expansion, the true quality of expression, and
authoritative judgment. Jupiter allows you to see beyond
what is deemed "real" in our earthly existence. It
is a visionary planet that let's the human soul branch out
far beyond it's limited scope. This is a planet of
hope, faith and inspiration. Jupiter envelopes cosmic
law, universal principles and spiritual destiny. It
gives flight to the soul and then reconnects it to the body,
so that practical applications can be made in the present
lifetime. The key to Jupiter's influence over your
life as you begin to mature, is that you are better able
to apply Jupiter's learned knowledge to your affairs in a
way that sets you free and expands your awareness of what
is possible for you to attain at any given moment. A
retrograde Jupiter tells of a soul who was either held back
and fairly limited in his past life, or who held others back,
disallowing for their growth and evolvement. In this
life, a retrograde Jupiter makes you work for what you want. You
still have the qualities of belief, foresight and faith,
but nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter. If
you were born into riches and prosperity, you will be forced
to learn the lessons of value and integrity. If you
don't, you could lose everything and have to start over,
perhaps more than once. Jupiter's influence is often
attached to the word "Karma" and will show us what
it is that we must grow beyond, where we must expand our
consciousness. Jupiter retrograde teaches us the value
of utilizing our talents and abilities to their fullest. We
learn to survive, to overcome and to give unselfishly, when
called upon to be of service to humanity. We learn
to give to ourselves as well.
Neptune is Retrograde:
is a reflection of the spiritual side of your nature. It
tells us about your spiritual development up to this lifetime,
and hints at the direction you are likely to go at this life's
close. It bespeaks your generational Karma with others
born during your time period and helps to show the developmental
direction being taken by this planetary evolution cycle. Neptune
shows us how you express yourself on a subconscious level
through your dreams, intuition and psychic flashes. Neptune
can be, like Jupiter, quite inspirational, but the guidance
comes from within the depths of your own higher self. With
a retrograde Neptune, you are probably more sensitive to
your environment, stress and outside pressures than those
with a direct Neptune. You more easily "pick up" on
the subtle outworking of energy and vibration taking place
all around you. With Neptune retrograde, it is possible
that in a past life you had to deal with the results of alcoholism,
drug addiction or any of the other shadier sides of human
existence. Take care in this lifetime, lest there be
any residuals. Some people with Neptune retrograde
are sensitive to medications, alcohol and smoking in this
life. This can actually be, however, a blessing in
disguise. In the early part of life, especially, you
will also want to avoid negative psychicism. Keep a
realistic perspective on your dreams, hopes, wishes and goals. Don't
become so spiritual that you are of no earthly good. Seek
balance in all areas of your life. If you can be practical
in all of your daily affairs, if you can avoid obsessive
or possessive behaviors, if you can stay grounded to the
reality of existence and if you can utilize your intuitive
perceptions, then you will do well by this Neptune placement.
Pluto is Retrograde:
role as official caretaker of group and individual Karma,
is often expressed on the more subtler levels of human and
earthly experience. It takes time for Pluto to make
it's influence felt, but it's influence is always an effort
to initiate a needed change or transformation. The
key to Pluto's retrogradation is transformation. Once
you have accepted the inevitable, you are likely to find
that you wish you'd given way to the change much sooner. Pluto
vibrates to a higher octave and is considered, by many, to
be the higher expression of Mars. Pluto, in days gone
by, was sometimes referred to as the "Destroyer". In
reality, however, Pluto tears down what is old, outmoded,
outdated or worn out, and replaces in it's stead, something
new, unique, serviceable and better than before. Remember
that Karma does not always imply negativity. Rather,
it implies that any good you have earned, will also be awarded. With
a retrograde Pluto, you can expect that anything held in
abeyance in your past life or early childhood in this life,
will be released to you in full measure as you enter your
mature years. Pluto forces the soul to grow up and
to accept responsibility for it's actions. Pluto holds
the individual and groups of individuals, accountable for
their every deed. Pluto admires and reveres the art
and act of self-discipline. It demands loyalty and
it rewards hard work. Pluto retrograde, will give you
the opportunity to right the wrongs of your past, in this
life or from other lives, and it allows you to build a firm
foundation for both the present and the future. With
age and maturity, come attainment, achievement and lasting
rewards. Don't take any shortcuts.
time for regeneration. Develop inner joy and an excitement
about what you will accomplish in this life. Move forward.