The Starlight Solutions Forecast for

Julia Roberts

28 October 1967
Atlanta, Georgia

27 February 2009 - 27 March 2009

1 Feb 2009               (31 Jan 2009 to 2 Mar 2009)               Mars 7th H.

        Partnership, marriage, or other significant relationships heat up. Will you lead, follow, or work out a way to cooperate that respects the different needs, desires, and intentions of both? This is the dilemma of your current cycle. There's apt to be a lot of friction, of push and pull, as you strive to balance your style and agenda with another's. If you are committed to working together, perhaps assigning separate but equally vital tasks to each partner will succeed. Avoid relationships where the need to dominate or win overrides the respect for each individual.

8 Feb 2009               (7 Feb 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)               Sun 8th H.

        Intensifying your emotional, psychic, and energy connection to an intimate partner is the focus now. Also on the agenda are issues of shared values, shared properties or money, and the ways you blend with or withhold from one another on all levels.

        In practical terms, you may need to attend to your will, investments, inheritances, insurance, and preparations for personal and/or mutual long-term security and well-being.

12 Feb 2009              (11 Feb 2009 to 2 Mar 2009)               Merc 7th H.

        Communication with significant others is featured, with an emphasis on mutual understanding, listening and receiving the other's point of view and perceptions, and giving others access to relevant information. You seek out ideas and counsel to balance and fill out your own understanding. However you could get caught in a verbal tennis match, playing tit for tat, and leave your heart and feelings out of the discussion. If you avoid playing mental games and focus instead on clear, honest communication, you'll get the most from your interactions.

25 Feb 2009     15:51    (23 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Ven Ari Qucnx Merc Sco

        It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other aesthetic decisions.

26 Feb 2009      4:57    (26 Feb 2009 to 27 Feb 2009)               Mars Aqu Sxtil MC Ari

        You take a proactive, assertive, and eager attitude toward challenges and your ambitions. You could impress superiors with your vigor, as you are willing to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes. Opportunities to advance your standing or achieve a desire come to you now. Green light!

27 Feb 2009     21:12    (26 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Mars Aqu Qucnx Ven Vir

        Powerful desires and amorous feelings are stimulated now perhaps through an enticing interaction or personal encounter. You take the lead in social situations or attract personal attention. Coming on too strong, not picking up on subtle cues, or being inappropriate in a social sense are pitfalls of this time. Strive for a balance between taking the initiative and being sensitive and aware of others' needs and wants. If you are usually shy and unassertive, this is your moment to come out and take a risk even if you're a bit awkward.

28 Feb 2009      0:07    (28 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Sxtil MC Ari

        Clarity, objectivity, and a smooth flow of communication makes this an excellent time to reach a decision and/or tell others of a decision you've come to. Ideas come flooding in now, too, and you're able to assimilate all kinds of new information. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored.

28 Feb 2009     22:05    (28 Feb 2009 to 1 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Qucnx Ven Vir

        Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm. It is a much better time to go shopping!

1 Mar 2009               (11 Feb 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Ura Pis Oppos Plu Vir

        You are confronting circumstances that uproot your normal life, relationships, or understandings. You may be feeling pressured by large collective forces or other factors outside of your immediate control. Or you may feel surrounded by rapid and inexorable changes that demand that you focus upon the actual current reality instead of relying upon what was true in the past. Old rules and strategies need to be revised.

        You or others who impact your life may be making abrupt changes, such as leaving a long-standing relationship, job, or a place you have been for sometime. What appears as sudden has actually been slowly building underneath, and may serve evolutionary purposes for all concerned.

Positive Potentials:

        Powerful changes that liberate your energy. Birthing a whole new life and set of possibilities.

Negative Potentials:

        Intense restlessness or rebellion. Disruption, reversal, upsets, death of an old way of life.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        The changes which are emerging now, whether initiated by you or forced upon you, are not something you can avert or avoid. Willingness, flexibility, and a fluid and open attitude will serve you best. If you are the instigator, appreciate that people will move and adapt at their own rate. Again, flexibility is the key.

2 Mar 2009               (1 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Merc 8th H.

        Focus the light of understanding and honest communication on emotionally-charged topics such as sexuality and intimacy, feelings about the power dynamics in your partnerships, and money you share with significant others. You can have a more objective and fair view of such things now, and could clarify any long-standing issues related to any of this. On a practical level, it is the time to handle joint finances, material assets or property you hold in common with another, and matters pertaining to inheritances, taxes, or commercial interests.

2 Mar 2009               (28 Feb 2009 to 4 Apr 2009)               Mars 8th H.

        Power politics, sexual tensions, or underlying forces that may be affecting your partnership or marriage are stirred up during this period. Trying to ignore or avoid it won't work now - you'll have to clearly define and address your differences. Working out these issues can revitalize and strengthen your union.

        Shared finances, co-owned properties, or conflicts over an inheritance or legacy may also be a focus of your concerns during this cycle. This can be a productive time to work together on the areas in which your values and aspirations are in sync.

3 Mar 2009      13:34    (2 Mar 2009 to 4 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Qucnx Plu Vir

        Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

4 Mar 2009       7:55    (4 Mar 2009 to 5 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Trine Merc Sco

        A free flow of ideas, lively interactions, and a positive environment for learning and communication is featured. This is a good time to meet people for business or commercial purposes, to make connections via speaking or writing, and to use your mind. Clarity of thought and of expression eases your way now. This is an excellent time to take a test or make an important phone call or meeting.

4 Mar 2009      11:57    (4 Mar 2009 to 5 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Sqr   Nep Sco

        Minor misunderstandings, communication foul-ups, or not seeing the obvious can cause a bit of confusion. Check and recheck your figures, or put off important legal or mundane matters for another day. It's a much better time to let the muse inspire you with interesting ideas than to carry on business.

4 Mar 2009      20:17    (3 Mar 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)               Mars Aqu Qucnx Plu Vir

        A hidden or mostly unconscious need to control or gain power is at play within and around you now. If you violate others' rights or territory in pursuit of your own agenda, a battle of wills (subtle or overt) is likely. There is a destructive element operating as well, which can be turned to good ends in that you can work to "destroy" or eliminate something, or completely purge or overhaul something in your life. You tend to drive yourself quite hard, so beware of over-straining or forcing yourself past your limits.

5 Mar 2009      10:47    (4 Mar 2009 to 6 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Oppos Moon Leo

        Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to do so now. Phone home!

6 Mar 2009               (4 Mar 2009 to 6 Apr 2009)               Sun 9th H.

        Envisioning your future, considering all options from a larger, long-range perspective, or significantly expanding your horizons through cross-cultural exchanges is emphasized. This is also an excellent time to teach or promote a publication, to attend a conference or seminar, and to travel for adventure, educational, or spiritual purposes.

6 Mar 2009               (1 Mar 2009 to 11 Mar 2009)               Jup Aqu Sqr   Merc Sco

        Philosophical disagreements, challenges to your belief systems, or simply exposure to more ideas and information may cause you to enlarge your views at this time.

        You may also find yourself intellectually restless and bored with your usual occupations, conversations, and ideas. Your thirst for broader experience of the world, more knowledge, or more expansive ideas may lead to long distance traveling, attending seminars or classes, or reading extensively on new subjects. This is actually a good time to teach what you know, also. Reaching out and communicating on a larger scale is favored now.

Positive Potentials:

        Optimism and positive thinking. New, more expansive ideas and plans. Networking, making contacts, negotiating mutually beneficial deals. New alliances.

Negative Potentials:

        You may come across as overconfident, self-righteous, or preachy in expressing your opinions. Also, because you are so optimistic about plans and possibilities, you tend to overlook significant details or to overextend yourself. Beware of saying too much right now also.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Remember to LISTEN to what others have to offer, with the intention of learning from them. (Don't think you know it all already). Pay attention to the logistical and practical details of your plans and ideas.

6 Mar 2009      15:14    (6 Mar 2009 to 7 Mar 2009)               Mars Aqu Sqr   Nep Sco

        You may be a bit unfocused or unsure of how to direct your energy at the moment. Circumstances may be confusing, strange, or in flux. It's fine not to do anything right now. Trying to press forward will yield mixed results. Avoid extremes, quixotic missions, or acting on ill-considered impulses.

7 Mar 2009       0:19    (6 Mar 2009 to 8 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Qucnx Ura Vir

        Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your head or jaws - then proceed.

7 Mar 2009               (8 Feb 2009 to 8 Apr 2009)               Nep Aqu Oppos Moon Leo

        During this period you are apt to have unusual experiences of an emotional, psychic, or even supernatural nature, but the pitfall is that you aren't necessarily clear or able to accurately interpret them. Discriminating between actuality and fantasy may be a challenge for you. In particular, you aren't perceiving other people very clearly, and relationships can become muddled because of this.

        Beware of becoming involved in relationships based on shared weaknesses, dependencies, or pity, on saving or rescuing another or being saved or rescued yourself. You share so much empathy with others at this time that it can be difficult to discern where the boundaries are. What are your own feelings and what belongs to the other? You also tend to idealize or otherwise exaggerate another person's motives or qualities.

        Your body is more sensitive to what you take in now, too. Chemicals of any kind, even medications, affect you quite strongly and should be used only if truly necessary.

Positive Potentials:

        If you are a spiritually mature and well-grounded person, this can be spiritual opening. Receptivity to the subtle emanations and spirit in all living things. Mystical oneness.

Negative Potentials:

        Self delusion or being deluded by others is a major obstacle now. This can occur in very subtle, innocuous ways. Confusing archetypal or inner realities with everyday life. Being ungrounded.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Excessive involvement in religion, or spiritual teachings and practices can be detrimental now, especially if you are avoiding your everyday life, relationships and responsibilities.

        You may want to delay any final or long-term commitments that involve relying on someone who comes into your life at this time. While they MAY be fully trustworthy and posses the qualities you believe they do, you are not likely to be seeing the whole picture, especially if it looks too good to be true!

        Do things that connect you to your body and the here-and-now. Working in your garden, doing mundane chores, and physical exercise are helpful.

7 Mar 2009      10:49    (6 Mar 2009 to 8 Mar 2009)               Merc Aqu Qucnx Asc Can

        Your curiosity is piqued and you may innocently involve yourself in something that's none of your business. Overhearing conversations or being drawn into gossipy chats purely out of boredom could be a part of this. You need to keep yourself busy, but try not to scatter your energy into too many directions today.

8 Mar 2009      11:35    (8 Mar 2009 to 9 Mar 2009)               Mars Aqu Oppos Moon Leo

        Just DO IT is your motto now. You're in the mood for action and may be especially disgruntled by others' indecisiveness, passivity, or laziness. Beware of emotional outbursts and aggressive maneuvering in traffic or at home, because what you perceive to be slowness on the part of others may just be your own impatience. However, ongoing or chronic tensions that you try to ignore most of the time are likely to erupt now. This isn't the best time to visit the in-laws, or to work out problems with people you're close to. Find positive ways to let off steam. A vigorous tennis match, perhaps?

8 Mar 2009      12:17    (8 Mar 2009 to 9 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Oppos Ven Vir

        There may be some stress or lack of flow between you and a loved one or friend. Perhaps one of you is feeling slighted, neglected, or under-appreciated. It would be wise - and probably would require very little on your part - to reach out and make a loving offer at this time. Little snags or bruised feelings should be attended to, so don't allow pride to stand in the way.

9 Mar 2009      15:28    (9 Mar 2009 to 10 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Oppos Jup Vir

        Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway friends.

11 Mar 2009      2:36    (10 Mar 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Sxtil Mars Cap

        You speak clearly, directly, and honestly about what you want now, and your lack of ambiguity is compelling. If you need to convince or persuade another, this is the time to do it. You are sharp in negotiations, and respond quickly and intelligently, but you may unwittingly fail to listen, empathize, or receive the other person's side of things.

11 Mar 2009      7:08    (10 Mar 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Trine Sun Sco

        Clear thinking and an easy flow of communication make this a good day to present your ideas in writing or in person to take an exam, to learn something new, to initiate discussions or conduct a meeting. The pace of life is quickened and everyday business flows smoothly, especially casual interactions.

11 Mar 2009     13:36    (10 Mar 2009 to 12 Mar 2009)               Mars Aqu Qucnx Ura Vir

        Mishaps or disruptions due to recklessness, tactlessness, sudden outbursts of anger or impatience, and heated encounters are potential trouble spots at the moment. Slow down in traffic, and take precautions around fire, electronics, and sharp tools. Perhaps you can do something daring and outrageous that isn't dangerous!

12 Mar 2009      9:31    (12 Mar 2009 to 13 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Oppos Plu Vir

        An encounter or incident (whether you are a witness or a participant) may force you to look at something you would normally avoid, and you may have unusually strong feelings about it. Buried emotions and old scars may come up. If so, it's an opportunity for you to gain awareness and to relinquish old grudges, and to make peace with yourself. Something that has been hidden or in the dark comes up now.

12 Mar 2009     10:33    (12 Mar 2009 to 13 Mar 2009)               Mars Aqu Qucnx Asc Can

        This is not the best time to try to do something jointly or cooperatively. Without realizing it or intending to, you may arouse others' anger or antipathy, perhaps by being overly assertive, competitive, or inconsiderate. Minor inconveniences or compromises create more friction and irritation than the situation actually warrants. Try to keep your cool. Working out or getting some physical exercise can help.

12 Mar 2009              (28 Feb 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Sat Vir Conj  Ven Vir

        Questions of commitment, loyalty, security, and deeper values arise now in your closest relationships. You may feel more serious, heavier, disinterested in lightweight people or superficial interactions. Partings and endings are quite possible, as you are reevaluating the role of others in your life and whether or not your relationships support your life and purpose. A relationship that begins now may well be a deep and lasting one, but it also has karmic implications and can lead you into some dark and difficult territory at times. True love and friendship will weather this period and emerge stronger than ever.

        Fears and concerns about your own ability to love or to attract what you need may arise now also. If you have been neglecting your heart or loved ones, you'll be feeling the effects of that now.

 Financially this is a period of contraction and conservation, and not a wise time to make significant investments in anything at all risky.

Positive Potentials:

        Eliminating waste, excesses, nonessentials. A greater appreciation for simplicity with a focus on quality rather than quantity. Releasing self-deception and illusions regarding intimate others. The nourishing effects of solitude.

Negative Potentials:

        Loneliness, self-isolation, seeing the worst in yourself and/or others. Humorlessness, joylessness, extreme seriousness. Seeing the half empty glass and thus feeling deprived or impoverished.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Accept this period of withdrawal or cooling off as a necessary face of love, a way to deepen your own appreciation of love, and a time to tend to yourself. Quiet creative activities done in solitude can be helpful. Do not force yourself into social activities that do not feel comfortable, as this will likely only increase your sense of aloneness.

        Be aware of your tendency to reject love, to tell yourself you don't deserve it or that the other person doesn't really know you or mean it. See the ways you keep love out, and determine to open more to love in your everyday life.

        Also be aware that your financial fears are probably exaggerated and unnecessary, even if this is a period of belt-tightening. The tide will turn.

13 Mar 2009     19:13    (12 Mar 2009 to 14 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Trine Nep Sco

        Light some candles or put on your favorite music to create a mood and atmosphere where magic can happen. Or engage in activities purely for the inner rewards, like bringing a meal to a friend or some other random act of kindness. This is a day to cultivate spiritual well being and dream peace solutions.

15 Mar 2009      6:02    (14 Mar 2009 to 16 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Qucnx Moon Leo

        Any tension between your conscious actions and your emotional needs, wishes, or feelings that has been bubbling beneath the surface will show itself now. Strained relationships, irritability or a subtle resistance and lack of enthusiasm are possible ways you might notice this. If you find yourself acting like a whiny or willful child, pay attention to what you are needing. Self-comfort and care, a little extra rest, or acknowledging feelings can re-energize you.

15 Mar 2009     10:27    (11 Mar 2009 to 17 Mar 2009)               Ven Ari Qucnx Merc Sco

        It's time for a love talk! Any disagreements or problems you encounter can be more easily worked through now, and you're able to articulate your feelings and wishes in a way others can hear. You seek closeness through verbal exchange, a meeting of heart and mind. Style is important to you now as well, and this is a fine time to consult a beauty expert, get a haircut, choose clothing or make other aesthetic decisions.

16 Mar 2009     21:18    (15 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Mars Pis Oppos Jup Vir

        Your challenge now is to synchronize your own will and agenda with the larger energies or grand design. You tend to be tripped up by over-eagerness or expecting too much too soon, but if can relax, trust, and allow supportive energies to come to you, your desire can be fulfilled or a wish realized. Ask for what you want and do what you need to, then let it happen. No forcing or overdoing needed!

17 Mar 2009      2:09    (16 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Trine Merc Sco

        Today, expect a free flow of ideas, stimulating conversations, and making the right connections at the right time. All intellectual activities are favored now, including writing, speaking, making presentations, getting your ideas across, reading, learning, and conducting business. You enjoy being a messenger, a conduit for information in some manner or form. Casual contacts go well.

17 Mar 2009     16:13    (16 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Oppos Ura Vir

        Minor shake-ups, mishaps, or aberrations from your normal routine require you to be on your toes, or you could feel restless and create a stir yourself. You're less compliant, obedient, and patient with arbitrary rules. If you can, break your usual patterns in small ways, like dressing less formally or showing some eccentricity.

18 Mar 2009              (17 Mar 2009 to 3 Apr 2009)               Merc 9th H.

        Cross-cultural exchanges, a visit or significant communication from someone far away, and/or a long journey broaden your thinking. Your thoughts are lifted above the usual daily concerns and immediate business into thoughts and visions about future, larger goals, and the purpose and meaning of your activities. You are putting everything into a larger context. Discussions and/or reading on issues of faith and of the spirit are likely to be a part of this.

18 Mar 2009      8:43    (18 Mar 2009 to 19 Mar 2009)               Sun Pis Trine Asc Can

        The force is with you! Your vital energy is flowing well and your confidence is up, so anything you attempt now is likely to succeed. You influence others through personal direct contact, and without much effort. Work with what inspires you, gives you energy, or matters most to you, and expect great results. Express yourself!

19 Mar 2009     10:40    (18 Mar 2009 to 20 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Oppos Ven Vir

        Your interactions and conversations are on the light side now, with an emphasis on affection, humor, understanding, and pleasantries. This is not the best time to enter into any important negotiations, however, because although the tone will be friendly, you are inclined to be a bit too conciliatory or be swayed by charm. It is a much better time to go shopping!

19 Mar 2009     22:03    (18 Mar 2009 to 21 Mar 2009)               Mars Pis Sxtil Mars Cap

        You are highly motivated, energized, and eager to do and to accomplish now, especially if you can determine your own pace and course. Your efforts tend to succeed because you act with an extra measure of confidence, certainty, and verve. This is an ideal time to take on daunting challenges that you might back away from on other days. Satisfying work and friendly competition is featured.

20 Mar 2009              (15 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Jup Aqu Sxtil MC Ari

        A promising opportunity, promotion, bonus, or positive recognition for your contributions is likely at this time. Your relationship to authorities, bosses, and "higher-ups" is quite good now and they are open to your requests and suggestions.

        If you have been on shaky ground or experiencing uncomfortable circumstances at work, this is the time to make major improvements, either by making amends and building bridges or by finding a new position. In general, your outlook is hopeful and positive, which attracts the best possible options to you at this time. Increased prosperity, satisfaction, and well-being characterize this period, and it's an excellent time to make decisions and to go forward with plans. You see the larger view and sense the future direction that you wish to follow. Helpful new contacts come in now also.

Positive Potentials:

        Broadening your education, sphere of activities, and/or connections. Public recognition, honors, benefactors. Seeing solutions and healing options to ongoing problems in some arena.

Negative Potentials:

        None likely.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        To gain the most from the positive potentials of this cycle, be PROACTIVE. Follow through on the ideas and expansive urges you have, reach out to people, and in general extend yourself and make yourself and your intentions known. A little bit of effort goes a long way now, and the world will meet you more than halfway.

20 Mar 2009      7:31    (20 Mar 2009 to 21 Mar 2009)               Mars Pis Trine Sun Sco

        Your positive, outgoing, action-oriented, "yang" energy is stimulated now. You won't want to be contained or sitting still for long periods; vigorous sports, outdoor adventures, and physical expression are indicated instead. You are the favorite for any competitive activity you're engaged in, and you're apt to make whatever you do now a race or contest!

21 Mar 2009     13:42    (21 Mar 2009 to 22 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Oppos Plu Vir

        Your conversations and interactions take on an intensity you normally wouldn't expect from casual encounters. You or another person may reveal something very personal and private, or bring up deep topics that are rarely discussed. Very strong views, bordering on the fanatical, or thoughts expressed with a lot of emotion may stir up resistance. You can be keenly insightful now, but beware of forcing any kind of agenda onto those around you.

21 Mar 2009     20:49    (20 Mar 2009 to 22 Mar 2009)               Sun Ari Qucnx Jup Vir

        You tend to overreach, overextend, and promise or expect too much, in an overly optimistic assessment of what you can do right now. You see all the possibilities in a positive light, minimizing the potential obstacles. If you commit to anything now, be certain it's something you're truly willing to follow through on. Mutually beneficial contacts are fostered, especially with people at a distance.

22 Mar 2009      7:48    (22 Mar 2009 to 23 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Trine Nep Sco

        Imaginative, artistic, or spiritual topics occupy your mind and conversations today. You may be especially telepathic with the people around you, sensing their thoughts and emotions rather easily. None of this is apt to be terribly distracting and in fact will probably be rather subtle, yet it can add another dimension to your interactions. Listen to your intuition.

23 Mar 2009      2:21    (22 Mar 2009 to 24 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Qucnx Moon Leo

        Gaining objectivity about your past through talking or writing about it, needing to talk on an intimate feeling level, or reconnecting to someone you have a long history with is featured. Personal topics interest you much more than factual or philosophical discussion. If you tend to gossip or spend a lot of time analyzing your own and other people's feelings and motives, you are especially likely to do so now. Phone home!

24 Mar 2009      6:14    (24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Sun Ari Sqr   Mars Cap

        A battle of wills or simply the stress of an overly pushy, ambitious, hurried approach can make this an unpleasant time, even if you "win" or achieve what you wanted to. Strong ego drives are activated now, and it would be best to moderate yourself if you don't want to arouse antagonism. Aim for your personal best rather than competing with others. Vigorous sports can be a good expression for strong energies that need to come out, but beware of over-exerting yourself.

24 Mar 2009      8:58    (24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Oppos Ura Vir

        Making or hearing comments that provoke controversy, feeling unusually impatient with others' slowness, impulsive movements or a sudden change of direction can challenge you today. Beware of acting out of nervous haste or tactlessly blurting something out that you can't take back. Instead, consciously slow yourself down, breathe deep into your middle, and relax the tension in your head or jaws - then proceed.

24 Mar 2009     13:43    (24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Sun Ari Qucnx Sun Sco

        Honoring others' personal style, desires, and objectives which not turning away from your own is a challenge at this time. Significant encounters, while not entirely harmonious, are likely. You can learn from the personal differences and contrasts presented now, and become cleared regarding your own path.

24 Mar 2009     17:34    (24 Mar 2009 to 25 Mar 2009)               Merc Pis Trine Asc Can

        Communication, learning, or being a messenger or conduit for information is favored now. You express yourself clearly and intelligently, getting your views across with ease. Friendly or casual encounters can lead you to information you can benefit from right now. You may want to visit a book store, or make some phone calls you've been putting off.

26 Mar 2009              (8 Mar 2009 to 13 Apr 2009)               Ura Pis Trine Nep Sco

        Your sensitivity and openness to nonphysical dimensions, heightened or altered states of consciousness, and visionary experience intensify. If you have been strictly conventional, rational, or skeptical until now, you're likely to experience something of an uncanny or mystical nature that offers you another perspective.

        You are part of a generation experiencing an evolutionary shift in consciousness, in which much that was considered important or sacrosanct will be passing away, and many things which were once considered distant fantasies or idealistic dreams are coming into being. This may disrupt many people's view of themselves and the world, but at this time you are able to harmonize and flow with the innovations, revelations, and changes which are occurring on many levels.

Positive Potentials:

        An influx of creative inspiration, new awareness, and expanded perception of spiritual realities. Positive participation in a collective or group focused on renewal, expanded consciousness, and enlightened action. Fruitful investigation of the paranormal, super conscious, or transpersonal realm.

Negative Potentials:

        Ignoring or actively resisting a change in consciousness or the movement toward a more liberated mind will not result in immediate problems, but may make adjusting to changes in the years ahead more difficult than they need to be.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Understand that others may not be as open to new possibilities or the future developments you are attuned to now. Rather than becoming impatient or trying to change others' entrenched beliefs, let yourself gravitate to people who are more supportive of your interests and ideals.

26 Mar 2009     12:50    (26 Mar 2009 to 27 Mar 2009)               Merc Ari Qucnx Jup Vir

        Community or world events, long-range trends, or a desire for wider contact with the world occupies your mind right now. You may feel the urge to make travel plans, to attend a cross-cultural event, or simply to move around more. It may be harder for you to sit still for a long period, or engage in tedious or exacting mental work. You could overlook critical details. Break up your day with humorous interludes, a long distance phone call, or by emailing your faraway friends.

26 Mar 2009              (21 Mar 2009 to 31 Mar 2009)               Jup Aqu Qucnx Ven Vir

        At this time there is a tendency to overindulge in some way. Though subtle, this can be detrimental nevertheless. Some of the more concrete ways this could manifest include overeating (with resultant weight gain and sluggishness), overspending, or spending on "treats" that provide some immediate gratification or cosmetic appeal but have little lasting value. Other temptations involve being too loose and tolerant with others, perhaps overlooking their transgressions in order to get along or because it's too much work to deal with the problem directly. (This will probably only be an issue if you tend to be a bit too soft and indulgent to begin with.)

        Making excuses (for yourself or others) because you just don't want to do the work is the main pitfall of this cycle. If you "play hooky" now, as you may well be tempted to, you may seem to get away with it. But it's apt to catch up with you later.

Positive Potentials:

        A relaxing period if you tend to be too driven, rigid, and disinclined to let your hair down.

Negative Potentials:

        Being sloppy and careless with resources, including your health.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Find some relaxing and healthful pleasures, without "spoiling" yourself. If you have a play now/play later attitude, most likely you will pay later and a lot more than you might wish. Consider the long-range effects of your choices, and don't make purchases on credit you are likely to regret.

27 Mar 2009     16:37    (26 Mar 2009 to 28 Mar 2009)               Sun Ari Conj  Sat Ari

        Necessity, duty, discipline, and work are the focus for you today, and you're protective of your time and energy. You don't want to scatter your forces or waste efforts, and you may withdraw socially in order to attend to your tasks. Purposeful concerns override other priorities. You may feel rather humorless as well, taking it all a bit too seriously.

27 Mar 2009     23:46    (26 Mar 2009 to 29 Mar 2009)               Ven Ari Conj  Sat Ari

        You are attracted to people with maturity, worldly wisdom, and a solid sense of values (perhaps an advisor, elder, or teacher), and are disinclined to frivolous activities or wasting your time. In fact you may be pleased and happy to be alone or perhaps with just one other person that you know well. On the other hand, you may feel quite cool or withdrawn in a crowd. You are also restrained and careful about spending money at this point, and that's as it should be. It is a good time to reflect, set priorities, enjoy simple pleasures, and appreciate quality time with yourself or with your chosen companion.

30 Mar 2009              (16 Mar 2009 to 15 Apr 2009)               Sat Vir Qucnx MC Ari

         This can be a trying time, with extra work, responsibilities, or a rigorous schedule demanding that you cut out pleasantries in order to stay focused on a goal. Financial concerns, tensions or pressure from co-workers, and a tendency to focus on "should's" and "have to's" can create stress and fatigue. You may also undergo a period of doubt regarding your direction, perhaps because of a discouraging professional encounter or a rejection which forces you to slow down and reassess. If you are essentially on the right road, this can be a temporary setback and may help you define weaknesses you need to work on. You may feel hindered and thwarted by circumstances, other people, or by what you perceive as limited opportunities.

         This is not the best or easiest time to try to make significant outward progress, but it can be a useful step. Your willingness to do the work, stay with it, and learn from mistakes  will be your best choice now.

Positive Potentials:

         Willingness to pare down, simplify, or redirect your energies and/or methods can put you on more solid footing. Handling duties and responsibilities wisely, maturely, carefully. Self-sacrifice now for the attainment of any important ideal or aspiration.

Negative Potentials:

         A period of insecurity and anxiety in work or finances creates an overly gloomy world view. Setback, losses, endings in the material or professional sphere.

Remedies and Suggestions:

         Don't take criticism, setbacks, or difficulties personally (even if they seem to be meant that way). Be as objective as possible and simply watch and observe what is happening. Make amends, do the extra work, and don't try to prematurely press forward. This is a time to refine, clarify, and cut out whatever isn't working.

         Try not to let seriousness and anxiety color your entire attitude. Seek out the humorous, playful, and absurd.

5 Apr 2009               (5 Mar 2009 to 6 May 2009)               plu sxtil sun

        Subtle but profound changes within you will have a tremendous effect upon your relationships, quite possibly totally altering significant relationships in your life. A new spirit of self-respect, personal empowerment, and deeper honesty arises. It is a time of births and deaths, (literally as well as metaphorically), and these will have a powerful impact upon you and your decisions. Group work is very powerful and positive for you now, especially if the focus is on conscious awareness, deeper learning, healing, or combining energies to create positive changes in the collective (media, education system, etc.).

Positive Potentials:

        A deepening of all your relationships, an "alchemical" relationship in which both parties are transformed by the blending and sharing of there energies, old habits and attitudes shed more readily which opens you to new life and more aliveness.

Negative Potentials:

        If you are a very malleable and impressionable person, you  could get overpowered or "swept away" by another person or group of stronger individuals. Even so, you are likely to learn much about your own strengths.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Pursue those dreams and ideas you have put on the back burner. Take creative risks, as well as personal ones. If you do not act upon the impulses for creative change and renewal that are open to you now, it may be harder or more urgent in the future. Even on a physical level, you may want to repair and rebuild before a crisis occurs.

5 Apr 2009               (17 Feb 2009 to 23 May 2009)               plu conj mars

        Hidden power drives come to the fore now and you are extremely motivated, perhaps obsessed with, achieving your aims. Suppressed energies of aggression, anger, ambition, or jealousy that have been festering within will surface now as well, and your task is to find ways to clear or resolve them. Otherwise they are apt to be destructive, damaging your personal health and safety or the people around you.

        Beware of attempting to force your will or impose your desires onto others. If you are hell-bent on getting what you want, doing things your way, or getting ahead at all costs you may be setting yourself up for a ferocious backlash.

        Your sexuality is intensified during this period also, which can be all-consuming at times.

        On the other hand, if there are things that MUST be done, something that must be set right which you have been avoiding for fear of creating discord, you now have the courage and will to do it. Just be certain that revenge isn't your motivation.

Positive Potentials:

        Reclaiming one's power and thus accessing deep wells of strength, courage, and energy. Intense striving leading to significant achievement. Decisive action that transforms your life. Healing long-standing physical or personal problems through direct action or intervention.

Negative Potentials:

        Struggles for power and dominance for its own sake. Explosive anger. If you completely ignore and refuse to admit your own anger, ambition, or power drives, you could become the victim of another's violent energies or of circumstances that harm you.

Remedies and Suggestions:

        Avoid extremes, over-exertion, and pushing too hard, especially at work or in physical exercise. Work intensely, but be certain your motives are positive and for the good of others as well as yourself.

        Beware of your so-called "justified" anger. Current circumstances which arouse your fury or outrage may well be simply triggering old, repressed feelings which are coming out with a vengeance, quite out of proportion to the actual event. If this seems to be happening, look to the sources. You may have a difficult time with this if you are dedicated to seeing yourself as a "nice" person, instead of allowing yourself a full range of emotions including anger, competitiveness, and so forth. Blaming others is a cop out, and while it feeds your righteous anger, it won't lead to the positive action that can transform your life at this time.