Who Wins Report is based on extensive research by Lee Lehman
on games to see whether
the home team or away team is likely to win the game based on Bonatti’s
rules of war. The rules have been researched and adapted to modern
games. While being closely based on Bonatti’s rules, the
rules in Who Wins has been adapted and implemented to work well
for modern sports events.
The Who Wins Report provides the following features.
1. You can produce a report for a game or a prospective game (date,
time, and place) to see how points have been applied to either
the home team or the away team to see which team is forecasted
to win the game. This report is essentially a natal report based
on the date, time, and place for the start of the game. The conclusion
of the report is simple: either the home team is forecasted to
win, or the away team is forecasted to win.
2. You can produce a graph that forecasts the most likely time
that the home team will win throughout the day. This forecast is
possible because a Who Wins electional research AstroSignature
is provided. After installing the Who Wins Report, you can select
the Electional Astrology Graph in Sirius, and then select the Who
Wins forecast.
3. A database of over 4,000 football (American football, not soccer)
games is included with the Who Wins Report. This data can be used
for research. The data is divided into categories of Home Team
Wins and Away Team Wins. You can conduct research on this sports
data using the Who Wins AstroSignature to see how well the Who
Wins AstroSignature correlates with the home team winning.
below is a graph of the likelihood of the home team winning.
When the graph is high, it indicates a likelihood that the home
team will win and when the graph is low it indicates a likelihood
that the away team will win according to the Who Wins AstroSignature.

While viewing the Who Wins electional graph, in a separate window
the astrological influences throughout the day are displayed
in a separate window. This is a standard feature of Sirius and
it works with the Who Wins electional forecast AstroSignature
as well. Shown below is the window of astrological influences
that result in the graph shown above.

The Who Wins Report provides not only the report that determines
whether the home team wins or away team wins but also the Who
Wins graphic forecast and sports data to assist you in conducting
research on sports events. This combination of features provides
useful information and tools for the astrologer who has an interest
in determining the winner of sporting events or in classical
astrological methods.