World Peace Report for
Julia Roberts
October 28, 1967
12:16 AM
Atlanta, Georgia
This report is
based on a positive vision of world peace, and the belief
that each individual has the potential within
to make a significant contribution to world peace. The
basis of inner peace is self-esteem and self-knowledge, and
when enough individuals are self-aware, they will act in
accordance with natural laws to promote harmony around them,
and the result will be world peace.
Good will win
out over evil, and the goodness within yourself will manifest
through your individual personality. This
report is designed to draw your attention to your potential,
your unique opportunities for expressing it, and your ability
to bring about harmony around you. Some of your ability is
based on gifts which you already have, which are easy for
you to draw upon. You also have the willpower to dissolve
any blockages which may be standing in the way of your clear
vision of the possibilities of harmony and peace. Start
with a positive attitude, and you will be favorably surprised
at what you can achieve and what you can overcome. Love
yourself, and you are already creating world peace.
Each person's
astrological chart maps out a divinely created plan for
that individual. It tells what you were put
on this earth to do. You can learn what your own, unique
mission is and then you can rejoice in carrying it out. The
utmost good which you can imagine can become your reality. Then
you can spread the good news to others and awaken them to
their own, inner Light. All persons are created from the
divine, and we are moving back to the divine. Life
is a celebration of both our common awareness of the Light
and our God-given birthright to an individual identity which
is uniquely ours and which, when fully realized, will shine
as its own Light and harmonize with all the other Lights
on the planet. It will be like the vivid and beautiful
colours of the spectrum all merging into White Light, and
then radiating from the souls of all individuals at once.
Astrology is
the study of the Astral Plane. The Astral
Plane is the link between the everyday world of the manifested,
Physical Plane and our higher planes of awareness, from which
we can draw insight into how to improve our affairs in the
physical realm. If we perceive a problem in the everyday
world, such as a lack of peace, we cannot always solve it
on that level, because the everyday world is made up of opposing
polarities. We need to rise above the physical plane
to see that these opposites are reconcilable. For example,
if one person is male and another is female, they appear
on the surface to be of opposite polarities but on the higher
level, they are both human; they can communicate with each
other; and they can enjoy working together for their common
Each individual
has opposing polarities too, such as a right side and a
left side, but through the higher awareness of
our brains we get our two sides working together. Our
brain has two hemispheres: The left hemisphere is responsible
for logical thought and governs the right side of our body. The
right hemisphere is responsible for creative, lateral thinking
and rules the left side of our body. When we operate "from
centre" - that is, when our higher brain gets our logical
thought and our creative thought to work together harmoniously
- then we come up with our best, most creatively intelligent
output. When we use our full potential, when we know
whom we are and believe in ourselves, then we create maximum
harmony with those around us and, on the transpersonal level,
we come up with our best solutions for world peace.
On the astral
level each individual has command of both polarities. For example, we each have a Sun sign and
a Moon sign. We also each have a Venus and a Mars sign,
regardless of whether we are male or female on the physical
plane. So, if we tune into whom we are astrologically,
we begin to reach a level of awareness where we have transcended
the polarities of the physical plane. We can see how
we are each an embodiment of the harmonious balancing of
polarities. We are born with this unity already in
place. We just need to know how to use our Sun sign
and our Moon sign, and our other planets, to our best advantage
in our daily lives, so that by being our true selves, we
will be bringing about peace.
Each person's
method of using his or her Sun and Moon signs, and other
planets, will be different, because we were each
born at a different time and place on the Earth, where we're
influenced by different combinations of influences by the
other planets. On this astral plane, some of us will
be contributing a more masculine interpretation of solar
energy (if our Sun is in a fire or air sign) and the rest
of us will be showing the world a more feminine way of looking
at the Sun (if our Sun is in an earth or water sign). Also,
depending on our Moon sign, we will each have our own way
of interpreting the Moon's type of energy and, in our mission
on Earth, we will be contributing this much-needed awareness
to our own planet's evolution. We are all important,
and we are all here to be ourselves, at our highest possible
level of understanding. We are here to help our planet achieve
its divine purpose, and to do so is perfectly natural to
Just as there
are particular points of strength and prominence in your
astrological chart, there are strategic points on
the Earth's surface for the achievement of world peace. For
example, this Report is being written in the city of Toronto
which, along with London and Los Angeles, are important world
energy centres (or chakras) for the development of international
understanding. London is the world centre for intelligence
and Los Angeles is the world centre for creativity. Toronto
is the centre for unity, or creative intelligence, or the
resolution of polarities. The name "Toronto" means "meeting
place" in native Indian. Therefore, it is part
of the mission of those who are familiar with the earth energy
of Toronto to spread to the rest of the world the message
that polarities can be resolved and peace can be created.
I once obtained
a computer printout as to what was going on in the news
on the day of my birth. It said that,
on that date in 1950, Ralph Bunche received the Nobel Peace
Prize. I later learned that he was one of the founders
of the United Nations and that he had been successful in
negotiating a truce between the Jews and the Palestinians
in Israel in 1949. He did this by working very hard
to listen to the points of view of both sides and looking
for a common ground. He said "Talking is better than
shooting". He remained calm himself and successfully
brought about an armistice. Treaties were signed between
Israel and each of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. So,
the very positive message which can be brought into the present
day is: Peace is possible. Differences can be overcome
and understanding can be reached through conscious effort
and communication. Look for what you have in common
with your neighbour and build on it.
My message as
an astrologer to you is: Whatever day you were born on
is divinely significant. Your birth data
can be the key to your realizing how important your presence
in the world is. Each person is uniquely important. Within
each other person we can see our own, divine essence mirrored,
because what we have in common is our potential to bring
out the very best in ourselves and each other.
On the day that I decided to write the World Peace Report
and I began writing it, October 17,2002, there were many
trine aspects, which confers harmony. I hope that your World
Peace Report helps you to fully develop your potential for
contributing to world peace and harmony.
Chapter 1: Rising Sign
Ascendant in Cancer:
Your outward
personality, through which your Inner Light and all of
the various planetary influences in your chart
are expressed, is nurturing, protective and emotionally receptive. The
members of your family and others would feel that they can
come to you if they are in need of care. You would,
through your outward expression, be able to inspire others
to care more about themselves and to create a more caring
world. You would be good at showing others how to be
more sensitive to those who are most vulnerable, especially
little children.
Chapter 2: The Sun
Sun in Scorpio:
If anyone can
delve into what the deepest blockages are which are preventing
world peace, you can. For a problem
to be solved it first has to be identified at its root level,
and then transformative measures need to be introduced. You
have the courage to face the unknown, to get at the real
truth, and then to make the positive changes which others
would have said were never possible. Is there a conspiracy
which is working against the general good and needs to be
exposed? Is there a mass propaganda campaign which
needs to be stopped and replaced by factual reporting? Are
there oppressed people who have no choice but to behave desperately,
who need to be understood and helped? Whatever the
mystery is, you will be able to get to the bottom of it and
implement regenerative action.
Sun in the 4th house:
The place where
you can really shine is in the home, and in creating positive,
nurturing conditions for others. If
others are cared for and loved, they will go out into the
world being creators of peace. You would be good at
looking after children. You could work at providing
nourishing meals. The influence of the motherly role
should never be underestimated because, as the say goes, "the
hand that rocks the cradle rules the world".
Sun Sextile Mars:
You have an unusual
ability to bring the Light into actual, physical manifestation,
because your willpower combines with
your outer expression in a very favorable way. You
are very creative in the way you can visualize a goal and
then achieve it. If your goal were to lead people towards
the actual accomplishment of world peace, you would be very
effective indeed. Work on remaining spiritually attuned,
so that you will not fall back into taking your power for
granted, as its proper purpose is to uplift others.
Sun Sextile Jupiter:
This is a very
favorable aspect, as it gives you tremendous zeal, leadership
ability, optimism, and goodwill. Sextiles
are ruled by Venus, which rules peace, so you could be a
very effective leader who could inspire others to live in
such a way that they would being about harmony, goodwill
and peace. You were meant for such a great destiny,
so use your high energy level for its most spiritually possible
purpose. Uplift others. Inspire them. Reach
out to those in need and be generous to them. Show
others how they can find their Inner Light and maintain their
positive faith.
Chapter 3: The Moon
Moon in Leo:
Your talent for
positive, protective leadership is a great contribution
for those who need someone to lift them out
of their doubts and show them that there is every reason
to maintain a happy disposition. You would be a good
person to have working with children, and your generosity
would bring out the best in them. Others do not mind
giving you the attention you need, because you, in turn,
are able to spread so much joy. Remember that your
inspiration comes from the spiritual source deep within,
rather than just from your ego, and let your love for yourself
and for others flow genuinely from your heart.
Moon in the 2nd house:
Emotional security
is very important to you, and you will benefit by realizing
that real security comes from within. If
you are in tune with your Inner Light, you will have a stable
centre, no matter what is going on around you. Practise
meditations which take you beyond the everyday, material
world, and then you will not feel an anxiety to own possessions
in order to feel secure, and you will be immune to the economic
changes around you. Paradoxically, once you achieve
this inner state of detachment from material things, money
and other possessions will come very easily to you. However,
in your higher state of awareness, you will now know how
to use them to build a secure, stable world with lasting
Moon Conjunct Jupiter:
You are very
caring and generous, both to your own people and people
from other lands. You would enjoy learning
about the beliefs and practises of other cultures and then
applying them to help your own people, because you know that
it does not matter where an idea comes from, as long as it
is a good idea. You would be equally open-hearted about
sharing your own culture's knowledge with persons of other
cultures, and you would find a mutual, nurturing bond with
Moon Square Neptune:
Not only do you
have psychic healing ability, but you also have the willpower
to put it into practise. You are
very caring about those in need and you are willing to take
concrete action to assist them. You can help others
become more aware of their emotional side and their untapped
creativity, so that they will be happier, more self-expressive
individuals. You would encourage their higher compassion
and set a good example of it yourself.
Chapter 4: Mercury
Mercury in Scorpio:
You would be
good at probing into what the underlying barriers are to
world peace and communicating this information so
that peace negotiations could be more meaningful and relevant. You
know that peace cannot be created with only politically correct
niceties, and you seek the deeper truth. For example,
are there people behind the scenes who are influencing governments
for their own financial interests, rather than for the good
of all? Is there any misinformation going out to the
masses? Are there people secretly meeting to plot destruction?
You have more courage than most people to investigate these
Mercury in the 4th house:
Because you likely
grew up in an environment where reading was taught to children
in a nurturing way, such as by parents
reading stories to their children, you would be good at reaching
others and encouraging them with their literacy skills. When
the people in a society can read, their economic opportunities
open up and they can solve their differences on a peaceful,
mental plane.
Chapter 5: Venus
Venus in Virgo:
Your natural
contribution to peace comes from the fact that you work
hard to achieve perfection in everything you do. You
get along well with others and are willing to do your share,
and this makes for harmony and effective cooperation. Meditate
on beauty and orderliness, and you will be better than most
people at promoting these values.
Venus in the 3rd house:
You have a talent
for kind, pleasant communication, and this would help you
to create peace with others. You
may be able to write and sing songs which would get across
the message of peace, and perhaps translate them into other
languages. You are likely to make many short trips,
perhaps to visit relatives, and the good relationships which
you maintain with them are what the world needs on a larger
scale among countries.
Venus Conjunct Pluto:
You are concerned
with peace in the most ultimate sense, of how peace is
the will of the Creator and how it is necessary
for the survival of the planet. You are, therefore,
devoted to a regeneration of spiritual values. You
know not to be attached to money, because "you can't
take it with you". You are aware that the love
which people can manifest for one another is what will bring
about peace on the mass level, and you set a fine example
of being fair and just, no matter what happens.
Chapter 6: Mars
Mars in Capricorn:
You would be
very reliable in situations where action is needed to prevent
conflict. You know the quickest thing
to do to help people get their emotions under control, so
that they can act rationally. You maintain peace by
preventing any trouble before it starts. You would
do well in any kind of training which teaches you how to
be self-disciplined and well organized in a positive way,
rather than feel burdened or restricted. Your maturity
would help you rise to a top position where you could be
very influential in keeping peace.
Mars in the 6th house:
You set a good
example for others of how to work diligently and take pride
in a job well done. You would be an effective
health care worker, taking the initiative to make sure that
the highest standards of cleanliness and disease prevention
are employed. Your accounting ability would ensure
that all financial dealings are honest and therefore, peaceful. You
would be a reliable, diligent, behind-the-scenes worker in
any peace effort.
Mars Trine Jupiter:
Because of your
broad outlook, you are able to put your religious or philosophical
beliefs into practise in a non-partisan
way, so as to promote peace and understanding. You
would be very good at raising funds for a religious or charitable
group concerned with making a real, positive difference in
the world. You would set an example of tolerance and
forgiveness for others, so that they would learn to transcend
their anger and forgive those who have wronged them.
Mars Square Saturn:
You need to work
at being self-disciplined in order not to be too aggressive. However, you have been learning
how to do this all your life and now you have knowledge which
you can share with others of how to go about it. One
of the keys is to keep constructively occupied, preferable
at some kind of physical work, or else to pursue fitness
as a hobby. Another aspect of it is to maintain a flexible
attitude. If your knees are hard to bend, you need
to work on physical and mental flexibility. Still,
you have a very positive potential to get the necessary work
done under even harsh conditions, and you set a very fine
example of this for others.
Chapter 7: Jupiter and Saturn
Jupiter in Virgo:
You would make
an excellent healer - someone who could show others the
way to good health with optimism and enthusiasm,
rather than just a set of rules to follow. Undertake
extensive studies of holistic health care - the various techniques
to achieve the utmost potential of body, mind and spirit. Heal
any of your own blockages to good health, and then you will
be ready to heal others who, in turn, will then be in a better
position to create a healthy planet.
Jupiter in the 2nd house:
Because of your
expansive outlook and practical business sense, you would
excel at making sure that there is enough
food and wealth for all. Your generosity would go a
long way towards ensuring world peace. You could donate
money for environmentally sustainable agriculture and projects
which get people to become independents in producing their
own food. You tend to be very fortunate in acquiring
land and you are very spiritually aware about its use.
Saturn in Aries:
As Saturn rules
restriction and Aries rules war, your approach to creating
peace would be to stop the conflict which is
preventing it. You would be able to teach those who
tend to assert their own rights at the expense of others
that there are agreed-upon rules which everyone must follow.
If all people build a peaceful society as equals, all can
be winners, rather than anyone having to lose or fear retaliation.
Saturn in the 9th house:
You see religions
and philosophies in terms of their practical value for
creating a better society. You would be good at
helping prevent any disagreements over ideologies, because
you would see that would work against the social order. You
are unusually honest and demand honesty from others, because
you know that truth is the only valid approach to better
Chapter 8: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
Uranus in Virgo:
You would have
the ability to make a contribution to the health of the
populace. You could either promote holistic
methods of healing or come up with new inventions or innovations,
such as making health information available to all by computer. You
might be able to get a group of people together who are concerned
about health reforms at the grassroots level.
Uranus in the 3rd house:
As you are very
intellectual and have good, original ideas, you would be
concerned about the importance of the rights
to freedom of speech and freedom of thought. You would
be skilled at getting groups of people together for discussions
and debates about what would be best for the world, how science
can solve problems, and how computers could be used to exchange
Uranus Sextile Neptune:
You were born
into a generation of people who had an unusual, higher
spiritual vision of how world peace could be brought
about through tolerance, equality, compassion, and self-sacrifice.
You have great potential as a psychic and spiritual healer,
of individuals and of the planet as a whole. You would
believe in the cause of helping those most in need, and you
might become involved in a group willing to do this. Your
highly original art and other, inspired creative works would
remind others of the higher, spiritual enlightenment beyond
the world's problems, and would help them see that they,
too, can bring in the Light.
Uranus Conjunct Pluto:
You were born
into a generation when there were profound changes going
on in the society around you. These changes
were the result of a mass awakening to the need to get back
into harmony with the intended purpose of Creation and to
regenerate spiritual awareness in individuals. You
know, therefore, as an individual, that revolutionary changes
are sometimes necessary to create world peace. You
also know that the intense, unpredictable energy which gives
rise to these changes must be handled in a way which reflects
Universal Will and deep, spiritual understanding, in order
for the changes to be constructive and positive.
Neptune in Scorpio:
You were born
into a generation of people who were concerned about contacting
their deeper emotions and accepting even
the most challenging aspects of themselves. This, in
its own way, was a process of developing greater tolerance
and love for people of all types. There was increased
awareness that compassion, rather than attempted suppression,
was the way to reach even the worst offenders, whose intense
energies could be turned around from doing great bad to doing
great good.
Neptune in the 4th house:
You are able
to visualize peace for your family and homeland and, therefore,
to act with the positive expectation of this
reality and to help bring it about. You are very compassionate
and caring. You might be able to help homeless people
find a better life. You are capable of using your subtle,
psychic perception to send caring, protective vibrations
to others from a distance, so that they feel that someone
is concerned about them.
Neptune Sextile Pluto:
You were born
into an age when there was a subtle awareness that world
peace could be created if individuals chose in
large enough numbers to treat one another with compassion
and kindness. There were many spiritual visions of peace,
which appeared in music, art and mass communication. The
knowledge of how to bring about peace was there, but it needed
to be brought down into the physical plane of actual action,
for there to be enough love and spiritual regeneration in
everyday life. The willpower was needed to overcome
addictions and material attachments, in order to make the
wisest use of the readily available, profound, channelled,
higher insights.
Pluto in Virgo:
You were born
at a time when holistic health care became popular, and
individuals took control of their own physical,
emotional and spiritual health. Transformational health
techniques from around the world were explored and practised. This
trend set the stage for individuals realizing that, if they
could heal themselves, they could also heal the planet. There
were also great advances in world health care, such as individuals
helping others in different countries to enjoy better health
and to have more say in the health matters which affected
Pluto in the 3rd house:
This is a very
powerful position for being able to use the mass media
to create peace. Words have a very powerful
effect and, if they are chosen carefully, they can have a
very beneficial, even transformative effect. Think
of the number of times the media sensationalizes stories
by using words which have a connotation of war, and how influential
it would be if they used words suggesting peace instead! Pick
up an actual newspaper and study how you could improve the
headings. What would be the positive side of the coin
instead? Collect "good news" stories and
use them to educate others as to their positive, psychological
effects. Give peace a chance!
This report on
World Peace is best utilized by those who are ready to
go ahead and make a positive contribution to
the world. If you find that you need to feel more secure
as an individual first, before taking on the task of helping
to change the world, then you may find that the Personal
Security Report is more suited to your needs. The Personal
Security Report addresses the issue of preventing negative
outcomes. The World Peace Report takes the next step
and focuses on how to manifest positive outcomes. The
Personal Security Report is about undoing past karma, and
the World Peace Report is about creating good karma for the
The outlook for
world peace in the 21st century is very positive. If Ralph Bunche were able to bring about
a truce in 1949, think of what many individuals working
together could achieve now! He was working under pressure,
but there are many persons now who are able to reflect on
peaceful solutions without being under pressure. There
are new technologies such as computers which can be used
to bring people together. The concept of a unified
world is more acceptable nowadays in people's minds and,
therefore, easier to achieve. Yes, the tensions in
the world may appear to be more obvious now, but that reflects
the healthy process of the world's past karma unravelling,
in order to pave the way for a positive, enlightened future.
The World Peace Report is designed to help you discover the
ways in which you can participate and contribute to world
peace in this century where there is so much potential for
all of us to assist in this very important endeavor.