3 articles for "Horoscope"
Horoscope [Astro*Index](Greek: hora + skopein) View of the hour.
Original meaning was identical to the ascendant, or rising degree. Largely avoided by professional astrologers, the term has become synonymous with the entire astrological chart, especially the natal chart. Also applied to the Sun-sign predictions, found in magazines and newspapers. Many astrological define the term as `a symbolic map of the heavens as the appear at a given moment at a specific location on the surface of the Earth'. Unfortunately, this is far from the true state of affairs: The positions of the Sun, Moon, and planets are as `seen' from the center of the Earth, not from its surface, as (normally) no corrections for parallax or refraction are applied; normally, planets are placed within houses of the chart according to the approximation afforded by a table of houses.
See also:Horoscope [Prima]
♦ Sun Astrology ♦ Houses, Table of ♦ Planets ♦ Ascendant ♦ Signs ♦ Aspects ♦ Houses ♦ Rising ♦ Astrological Chart ♦ Natal Chart ♦ Parallax ♦ Refraction
A horoscope is a map of the heavenly positions of the planets as viewed from the Earth. It is "cast" for a specific time, such as the moment of birth, and contains symbols representing the following: planets, signs, aspects and houses.
The horoscope is used by the astrologer to help the "native" (the one for whom the chart was cast) gain insight into his/her psychological makeup and understand the relationship between habitual behavior and the repetitive themes of certain external events.
A horoscope is constructed with the aid of tables and ephemerides in which mathematical formulae are employed in the calculation of the positions of planets and other points used in astrology.
The 360-degree horoscope is divided into 12 houses of approximately 30° each and 12 signs of exactly 30° each. Planets are positioned in the horoscope along with their zodiacal coordinates in degrees and minutes.
Lines drawn on the horoscope represent aspects, which are the angular relationships between planets. Aspects denote stressful or harmonious interaction between the qualities and spheres of life represent- ed by the planets involved and their sign and house positions.
"The birth chart has to be understood as the archetype or seed-pattern of one's individual being — as the symbolic "form" of one's individuality, and therefore also of one's destiny, for the two are identical." Dane Rudhyar
See also:Horoscope [DeVore]
♦ Sun Astrology ♦ Houses, Table of ♦ Planets ♦ Ascendant ♦ Signs ♦ Aspects ♦ Houses ♦ Rising ♦ Astrological Chart ♦ Natal Chart ♦ Parallax ♦ Refraction
Strictly speaking the Ascendant, since it is based upon the "hour." As generally employed it refers to the Figure, or Map of the Heavens, for a given date and hour, utilized by astrologers for the judgment of a Nativity and for predictions in Mundane and Horary Astrology; also delineations based thereon.
See also:
♦ Sun Astrology ♦ Houses, Table of ♦ Planets ♦ Ascendant ♦ Signs ♦ Aspects ♦ Houses ♦ Rising ♦ Astrological Chart ♦ Natal Chart ♦ Parallax ♦ Refraction
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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