Tech Support & Quick Fixes


Here we provide the fixes to the most common issues faced by our customers using the old version of the Matrix programs. Please note that these quick fixes only applies the customers who are still using the old programs (version 4 or earlier) that is being used on an older computer.

Below is a list of common problem description with the link to the instructions on how to possibly fix the issue. It is not guaranteed that this quick fixes will work on your computer but it will be worth a try.

If the suggested quick fixes do not solve your problems, we now have new versions that you can upgrade to. The upgrades are not free however but upgrade prices are reasonable. Here is the link to the upgrade prices page:

Vista/Win7 Compatibility and how to reinstall our software: Learn More >

The old Win*Star 2.0, Win*Star 2.5, or Win*Star Plus are more than 17 years old and they are not compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10.

The procedure to reinstall the software is the same as making your system ready for the Vista compatible versions. If you accidentally installed a version of the software that is not compatible with the operating system you are using you can use these instructions to remove what is already installed so you are ready to reinstall.

Display issues jumbled graphics, etc.: Learn More >

These instructions cover how to fix things such as text boxes not lining up with their labels. Graphics looking jumbled. And in Star Types the Runtime Error 424: Object required message.

Other Error Messages: Learn More >

These articles covers many other common issues related to issues with your machine.

  • Fixable by reinstalling fonts Learn More >
    Runtime error 380 (Also see deleting .INI files below.)
    Get Char Widths or Run-time error '-2147418113 (8000ffff)
    Garbled fonts
    Freezing on a font during software install
  • Fixable by deleting .ini files Learn More >
    Runtime Error 5
    Runtime Error 6
    Also - Runtime Error 380
  • Fixable by replacing DAO files Learn More >
    Runtime error 429
    Runtime error 3447
    Class not registered, looking for CLSID...
    Atlas not found
  • VSOCX issue Learn More>
    Atlas not found and other errors involving the Atlas or database access
    Runtime error -214... Client has disconnected from its host
  • Winwriter unable to run reports. Learn More >
    Runtime Error 3443 - Invalid database format in Reports.mdb
    "Win*Writer has encountered a problem and needs to close..."
  • Runtime Error 9 - Subscript out of range Learn More >
    This is usually and rare issue and is easy to fix.
How to Backup your charts: Learn More >

This article covers how to backup your charts and other settings so that if necessary you can restore them after a hard drive crash. You can also copy the files mentioned between machines after the software has been installed and is working.




Support for old software

Company policy places limits on the age of our software than we can support.

For technical reasons we can no longer support software older than 2005 on windows XP or older than 2008 on Vista and later. We do not support versions of windows prior to XP nor DOS.

If you have any technical issues with older software you will be asked to update or upgrade to the appropriate version of our software for the version of windows installed on your machine.

For upgrade prices please contact Matrix Sales by phone: 1-800-Planets   —   (352) 373-1504
or you can email us at