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Astrological Signs Date Published: 11/14/2002 by Michael Erlewine
Bio: Michael Erlewine

Author Michael Erlewine Besides being the author/astrologer behind our top-selling Astro*Talk, TimeLine, and Friends and Lovers report programs, Michael is the man who founded Matrix back in the late '70s. Michael and his brother Stephen Erlewine (Stephen is still head of all astrological programming for Matrix) built Matrix into the leading producer of astrology software.

For many years Michael lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was much in demand as a counseling astrologer specializing in relationship and vocational advice. He also taught astrology at local schools and colleges, working with groups of as many as 1,200 people.

Michael is also known for his entrepreneurial drive which, in addition to Matrix, led him to create the All Music Guide - the largest music database in the world - and the All Movie Guide, as well as several award-winning websites, including

Michael also founded the Heart Center Library, the largest astrological library in North America that is open to the public. He remains curator of the works contained in this library, tapping this resource for one of his pet projects - a complete astrological encyclopedia.

Today Michael lives in the northern Michigan community of Big Rapids with his wife of 33 years and his family. He still does occasional private astrological counseling as people from around the world continue to seek his advice.

Those interested in a personal reading by Michael may contact him at:




The Ram. Spring. The pioneer, adventurer. Courage, daring, boldness. The fountainhead, source. The Word or Logos. Impulse, energetic, start, beginning, manifestation.


The Bull. The universe's response, reaction to the new impulse at Aries. Aries draws forth in Taurus a body or environment to match the impulse. Every new thought or impulse draws forth a response from the universe. Taurus is the body that comes forth. It is all kinds of 'having', fielding, response. The field. The ear. Taurus is the steady, deliberate, determined response of life to new ideas, impulses, etc. -- possessing them, embodying them.


The Twins. The endless search for experience, substance and limits. Always in motion, communicating, inquiring, investigating, exploring. Getting to know you, getting to know all about you. Nervous, versatile, inventive, curious, linking, reasoning, making connections.


The Crab. The experience, vehicle or body itself. The house and home -- the Chariot. The experience as in 'feeling', living and sensing life. Protective, domestic, sympathetic.


The Lion. Self-awareness, ownership, pride. Discovery. Emotion (emote: to move out from, migrate), expression. Acting, creative, children, sports. Fullness, power, pride of ownership. I have lived, I live! Regal, using, forthright.


The Virgin. Concern, care-for. Conservation of life. Salvage, harvesting, repair, maintenance. The drive to conserve and maintain life -- salavage, salvation. Attention to details, repair, craftsmanship. Busy, concerned, careful. Worrying. Practical, analytical, discriminating.


The Scale. Marriage and Union. Yoga= to join, or yoke. Marriage is the most common form of yoga. Undconditional acceptance or response. Diplomatical, compassionate, attentive.


The Scorpion. Purgatory, the furnace, phoenix. The adjustments of marriage or union. Responsibility. Removing excess, purification. Reduction of personality to essentials. Intense, penterating, elimination, metamorphosis, genuine.


The Archer. What remains after the furnace of Scorpio. The remains, relics, embers. That which can not be further reduced. Thus the truth, religion, philosophy, etc. Enthusiastic, profound, generous, frank, projection.


The Goat. The purified essence bursts into light. Clairvoyance, clear seeing. Practical Vision. Unemotional. Sober, authoritative. Serious, orderly, control, manipulating, power.


The Water Bearer. Carrying the spiritual light of Capricon into actuality. "For spirit must be made to matter". The resolve to implement our clearest vision. The will to do it. Impersonal, willing to work with anyone and any vehicle. Thus group or teamwork. Aspiring, unconventional, humane, associations.


The Fishes. Intuitive. Accepting, understanding, willing to sacrifice. Accepting what is for the sake of what could be made of it.


© Copyright: Michael Erlewine





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