Our Roots in the Sun Date Published: 11/14/2002
Besides being the author/astrologer behind our top-selling Astro*Talk, TimeLine, and Friends and Lovers report programs, Michael is the man who founded Matrix back in the late '70s. Michael and his brother Stephen Erlewine (Stephen is still head of all astrological programming for Matrix) built Matrix into the leading producer of astrology software.
For many years Michael lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he was much in demand as a counseling astrologer specializing in relationship and vocational advice. He also taught astrology at local schools and colleges, working with groups of as many as 1,200 people.
Michael is also known for his entrepreneurial drive which, in addition to Matrix, led him to create the All Music Guide - the largest music database in the world - and the All Movie Guide, as well as several award-winning websites, including ClassicPosters.com.
Michael also founded the Heart Center Library, the largest astrological library in North America that is open to the public. He remains curator of the works contained in this library, tapping this resource for one of his pet projects - a complete astrological encyclopedia.
Today Michael lives in the northern Michigan community of Big Rapids with his wife of 33 years and his family. He still does occasional private astrological counseling as people from around the world continue to seek his advice.
Those interested in a personal reading by Michael may contact him at: Michael@Erlewine.net
Most of us learn in grade school that Nicholas Copernicus was the man who first demonstrated that it was the Earth which circled around the Sun and not vice versa, and that with that discovery, all of the many alternative theories and explanations of apparent planetary movement took a giant step backwards and became obsolete. Before we get into why the heliocentric chart is attracting the attention of astrologers all over the world at this time, let us give a brief sketch of the history and roots of this fascinating concept.
Most intriguing is one conversation that is recorded between Copernicus and his great pupil Rheticus. Rheticus was urging the master concerning the importance of making observations of the planets with all imaginable accuracy. (Copernicus is somewhat famous in the history of astronomy for being a careless observer.) Copernicus answered that minute accuracy was not to be looked for at that time in history and that a rough agreement between theory and observation was all that he could obtain. He devoted his time to questions of theory, rather than to the measurement and recording of celestial events. It is interesting for us to note — and perhaps the moral of the story — that the heliocentric theory that Copernicus formulated was indeed capable of explaining all of the centuries' accumulated observational records to a degree of precision beyond man's experience. In other words, Copernicus put his finger right on the key concept that explained all planetary movement, and this very simple idea soon replaced all of the more complex theories held at the time. To this day, all of our ephemerides are first calculated in the "helio" and then translated into the familiar geocentric zodiac positions.
Why did the astrologers of the time not learn to use the heliocentric system as more than a calculation device, in the way we are now learning to do? A detailed answer would take an article of its own, but here is our general impression of what did happen, and it might serve to shed light on this point.
Copernicus received the first copy of his major work, De Revolutionibus on his deathbed. Because of his failing health, the final preparation had been entrusted to his pupil Rheticus, who, himself unable to see it all the way through publication, had given the work to Osiander, a Lutheran preacher interested in astronomy. It appears that Osiander, alarmed at the disturbance which the heretical ideas of Copernicus might cause, added a prefatory note of his own (which he neglected to sign) to the effect that the principles laid down in the book were but an abstract hypothesis convenient for purposes of calculation. It should be noted that only the most advanced mathematicians among the astronomers of the time were able to read Copernicus's books, and that there was no popular explanation or summary of ideas that might have fired up astrology's "poets" with the revolutionary nature of the heliocentric idea. The preface inserted by Osiander, but believed by readers to have been written by Copernicus, seemed to suggest that here was a mere calculation device: a convenient method to calculate and arrive at the correct geocentric planetary position.
To sum up the essence of this, the helio theory was understood and shared by only the most advanced mathematicians of the time and never reached the heralds of the people, where it might have been turned into poetry and song to fire up the public imagination. If that were not enough, the book (which was dedicated to the Pope) was soon put on the Index of banned books, where it remained until the edition of 1835! The heliocentric conception became the exclusive property of the more erudite among astronomers, and the idea was fed to the general public through an academic filter that failed to pass on any of the esoteric meaning and possible spiritual significance inherent in the idea itself, if indeed there was any appreciate at this time of the esoteric meaning. The situation has remained the same until recent times.
Somewhere along the way, the astronomers parted company with the astrologers: where before there was One, now there were two. The astrologers remained in possession of their geocentric astrology and came to forget the mathematics and astronomy that was once their possession and is still their heritage. They failed to assimilate the heliocentric conception, but remained in firm possession of the ancient wisdom — or so we like to believe. On the other hand, the astronomers assimilated the heliocentric theory, but somehow lost sight as to how this knowledge related to them in their personal (geocentric) lives. They ceased to relate the planetary motions to their individual lives, and no longer spoke in public about what all of these motions might mean. This also continues to the present day, and the official ephemerides of the astronomers no longer even list the geocentric zodiacal positions of the planets. However, this great separation is dissolving as scientists again begin to speak of what it all means to them, and as astrologers move to regain the astronomy and mathematics they surrendered centuries ago.
Let us turn then and take a look at what the helio chart is and why astrologers are discovering its value at this time in history. Many astrologers are not clear on just what a heliocentric chart is — how it differs from the geocentric chart, and how it is to be calculated. So let's begin right there.
Modern astrology, as we have inherited it, is geocentric, or Earth centered, and the natal chart with which we are familiar is a map of the Earth's view of the solar system in its journey around the Sun. The helio chart (not to be confused with the so-called "solar chart") is a map of the same birth instant; the same planets and the same zodiac, except as they are viewed from the center of the Sun, rather than from the center of the Earth. The "geo" chart is a diagram of the Earth's perspective of the various planets as seen from within the solar system, while the helio chart is a diagram of the entire solar system, as if viewed from high above the system. The two view-points could be compared to a snapshot of a bicycle wheel take from the middle of one of the spokes of the wheel (geocentric), and another taken from high above the wheel, with the hub as a center (heliocentric). The geo, or Earth perspective, relates all planetary activity to the Earth as the center of our universe, while the helio map is a map of the solar system conceived as a unit or whole, and it relates all motion to the Sun center, with the Earth as one member of the whole. The difference is one of perspective or attitude. Neither is "better" than the other, for each gives us different information about our life.
A key concept with which to approach helio astrology is that it is more than just another astrological technique; it represents a different kind or level of information. There is great emphasis within astrology today on holistic and transpersonal considerations when approaching natal interpretation; that is, on interpreting the chart as a whole rather than as only a conglomerate of parts. We have come to know in these times that our whole system is alive, whether it be our ecological system or our solar system, and that all parts have a living interaction. We have reached a points where we can see the importance of an inquiry into the life and nature of the solar system conceived as a living entity. The life and destiny of this system is our life, too. We are willing to suspend for a moment our rather exclusive relating of all celestial activity to the Earth as center in favor of inquiring into the general state of health of the body, in order to better understand its relationship to a particular organ about which we may be most concerned. At this point, let's take a look at the geo and helio charts of an individual and see how they represent different views of the same phenomenon.
We have chosen the late Howard Hughes because he was a unique individual, and because there is good contrast between the patterns in his geocentric and heliocentric natal charts (figures 1 and 2, above). We include a third chart, a schematic diagram to help illustrate how the positions in the two charts were derived. If you look at this schematic (figure 3, above), you will find the Sun in the center of the chart and the Earth (a circle with a cross in it) and planets in orbit around the Sun. This is a view of the heliocentric arrangement of the planets on Hughes' birthday. (Since we don't have a birthtime, these are noon positions.) The heliocentric positions are shown by solid lines from the Sun center through the planet to the degree of the zodiac degree. It is clear that the geocentric chart is a picture or diagram taken from within the system, while the helio seems to be some sort of grand overview of the solar system.
In Sun-sign language, the Earth sees the Sun to be in Capricorn, or, in other words, Hughes' Sun-sign is Capricorn; his Earth, therefore, is in Cancer. Please take enough time to examine this chart, until the difference between the geo and helio perspective is clear.
As an example of how these views can differ, look at Hughes' geocentric Mars, which is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, and yet, in the helio view, Mars is not in Aquarius at all, but in Aries, and is the focus of a very strong T-square. The basic whole-chart patterns are, as you can see, very different. The most prominent whole-chart configuration in the geo chart is the traditional "wedge" (an opposition linked to a trine and sextile aspect), but in the helio we have two very perfect T-square configurations. Both charts are quite significant and elicit a valid interpretation of the nature of Howard Hughes. Before we launch further into the theory of the helio chart, let's cover drawing up the helio chart.
There is no way you can transform your geo chart into its helio equivalent; the formulae involved are far too complex for the average astrologer. You will need to purchase special heliocentric ephemerides of planetary positions, and a list of all such publications (and where to order them) is found at the end of this article. Once you have secured an ephemeris, nothing could be easier than constructing a helio chart. There is no sidereal time to be calculated for helio charts. The same procedure you now use to calculate the planet's places in the geo chart is all that you will need to calculate helio positions: in other words, interpolation between two given values of zodiac longitude, based on the interval of time-elapsed simple proportion. Further, more detailed instructions for erection and lay-out of the helio chart can be found in our little heliocentric ephemeris, The Sun Is Shining, included in the above-mentioned list.
There are some significant, easy to see differences between the geo and helio chart interpretation, as any newcomer to the helio approach can testify. First there is the absence of the Moon: the Moon is part of the Earth system and is not considered as separate from the Earth in the helio chart. from the vantage point of the Sun, the changes in motion of the Moon would, in fact, not be distinguishable from the Earth motion. The Moon, in other words, is always to be in an eternal conjunction with the Earth and cannot ever form any other aspect with it. And then there is the fact that you have no ascendant, no mid-heaven, and no houses — heaven forbid! All of these old standards are an exclusive parts of geo or Earth-centered astrology and have no direct bearing upon the helio chart. How's that for difference! There is also no retrograde motion here, but only the forward or direct motion of the various planets as they move in orbit about the Sun.
What, you may ask, is there to helio interpretation? The helio system (as I myself can well remember) can seem very austere on first approach. It gives one the same feeling that some of the astronauts must experience working in zero gravity — nothing to hang on to! Fear not, though! If your are able to persevere in your study of helio beyond the very great sense of loss you may at first feel — resulting from the absence of houses, etc. — a new and inspiring quality will occur to you. The major concern of helio astrology is the very regular and direct motion of the planets as they circle around the Sun forming and endless, ever-changing, kaleidoscopic series of grand aspect patterns through the zodiac. Having lost the more particular concerns of the Earth-centered astrology, we are faced with attempting to understand the whole-chart patterns or gestalts formed by the solar system at any given moment. Interpretation of the whole-chart pattern becomes a matter of practical necessity in helio astrology, and as a result, we are forced to exercise conceptual muscles we have perhaps never used before.
With the pure energies of the entire Solar System mapped out before us, the traditional aspect configurations, such as the grand trine, mystic rectangle, and T-square, begin to take on new and awesome — perhaps luminous — significance for us. A cardinal concept begins to occur to us, one with far-reaching effect; that of interpretation of the great or more inclusive life of our solar system in terms of basic archetypical patterns formed by the planets. These are the basic patterns that mediate and signify the life-force manifesting itself through all persons on Earth, Mars, or for that matter, in any other part of the Solar System: a sacred map of higher consciousness. Is the helio chart, then, you may ask, a map of God's life? No, not of God's life, but it seems to be a map of the saints' or masters' lives. And that is a thought. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, let's spend a moment on a metaphysical consideration of the two systems.
There can be no question in anyone's mind that the helio chart and the approach it requires represent a more inclusive reality than the geocentric system does. It concerns itself with energy and activity that is impersonal or transpersonal, affecting all persons energy at the level of the solar system, rather than the Earth. This energy, as manifested in the helio chart, is shared by all planets. And any future colonies we might establish in space would all share the same helio chart: consideration of a specific locality within the solar system is not the concern of the helio chart. There is general agreement among those astrologers who use and have investigated heliocentric astrology that the Earth-centered natal chart is somehow a chart of the personality and the circumstances in which each individual is involved, and that the helio chart refers to some larger or more fundamental energy and self — call it an inner nature, deeper self, the "true I," or what-have-you. All agree that the helio, in fact, represents a different ordering of information. It has been the traditional suggestion of most of the world's great religions that as we work with and in and through our particular personality, as we accept and make use of its possibilities, we will discover the true self. We find this self in and through the limitations of our personal lifetimes. Much of astrology in its modern form has been a study specifically of personality (on a global level), while our inner or deeper self has been referred to as simple or undifferentiated experience shared by all persons. In other words, each of us refers to his or her inner self, and all more or less agree that we mean the same thing, that we refer to the same One.
However, with the discovery of Pluto and the rise of modern psychology in this century, there has been an important and fundamental change in our understanding of the self — our common self, the inner self we al share. We have had increased awareness of this inner self, and this new information has been protruding and emerging into our consciousness over the last decades. My point here is not only that we are now able to share an awareness of a common self, but that this self is now capable of being described, even if only in the manner of the proverbial blindfolded men, grasping onto different parts of the same elephant. And, most important, we realize that selfhood is differentiated into basic "types of self." These are the archetypes that until now were only described in words and pictorial images, and were not able to be measured. The helio chart is a symbol, a diagram or mandala of these great entities of our lives. To make sure the importance of all the above is clear, let me rephrase it a bit as follows.
Our astrological tradition with its geocentric frame of reference concerns itself above all with the particular circumstances of individual life here on Earth. Reference to the higher or inner self is not so much indicated or found in the geo chart itself, but must often be brought out by the intuition of the adept astrologer. We did not have a chart of this larger life, this inner self — the "vision face-to-face," as it were. Until the opening of our mass subconscious to self-awareness, and the subsequent development of psychology and psychic sciences, we did not know at a conscious level, that there were kinds or types of the One Self; that between the Creator, at one pole, and our personal lives at the other, was a panoramic expanse of archetypes, or saints' or masters' lives, to be known within.
We cannot prophesy whether the ancient world of Atlantis will emerge somewhere in one of the world's oceans, but we do know that some great continent is rising up into the ocean of consciousness, allowing us to perceive and know its basic form. This rising into consciousness of what has been beneath or sub-conscious has been the major concern of modern psychology since its inception. It is psychology, in fact. All of us are seeing more into the inner or deeper self than we ever did before. Perhaps this "deeper" or "true" material was the experience of but a few saints or men of genius in past centuries. We cannot say, but we do know that it is becoming available to the many in these times. In other words, we seem to be experiencing some kind of mass initiation into deeper understanding at this time, and not by a small and select group of mankind. As astrologers, we should be able to testify to the quickening our field has undergone in the last decades, as more and more astrology comes to focus and into its own, ready to perform a crucial task in the not-so-distant future.
Let me sum this up: the roles of astrologer and psychologist will merge in coming years; indeed, the are doing so already. Astrology will be discovered to be the most appropriate formal notation for the concerns of psychology, much more efficient than the countless words and theories now invoked to explain the life of the psyche. The function of the astrologer/psychologist in the latter part of this century will be, above all, to minister unto those coming into greater spiritual awareness; to be a kind of cosmic midwife, or midwife of the spirit. Astrologers will assume (or resume) a more priest-like function in society. The public impression of astrology as hocus-pocus will fade as the tide of spiritual newcomers grows stronger and the demand for individual attention increases. It will no longer be possible for us to afford only a few great astrologers in a generation capable of unraveling the nature of the individual and the truth (or "dharma," if you like) if this Earth existence. Necessity will dictate that we have many astrologers, as the spirit of group work takes hold. In other words, genius will be found to be a quality common to all men and women, in which all, through right understanding, may participate. We are sure that many of you will grasp the nature of what is being written here and may even concur with it! Some, on the other hand, may feel taxed by an overdose of metaphysics. As an antidote, in that case, let me give you more particular information about the interpretive techniques of helio astrology.
The Interpretive Techniques
We would like to show in more detail the technique used to elucidate the archetypes or soul-types found in the helio chart. The greatest attention is to be given to the whole-chart patterns present in the solar system, regardless of what planets happen to create the pattern, or what signs of the zodiac are being occupied. The signs are secondary consideration here, though they may be interesting and valid. A whole-chart pattern is defined here as a series of major aspects that link together to form one pattern that reaches all 360 degrees around the chart. Examples familiar to astrologers would be the Grand Trine and the T-square configurations. Such patterns refer to the archetypes or soul types we are talking about.
In beginning work, we make use of only the traditional major aspects — conjunction, opposition trine, square, and sextile — to form whole-chart patterns, and these aspects, when linked together, form certain basic patterns or wholes. We have pictured these "building block" patterns in figures 4A & 4B (above).
We repeat that our research shows that the basic archetypical pattern, regardless of the signs and the planets involved, is the single most important factor to comprehend for a successful entry into helio astrology. Within our definition of archetypes, the most important questions to be answered when looking at the helio archetype of an individual or even is this: does this whole-chart pattern constitute a cross through the Sun, like a T-square, or does it lack the cross and avoid sending a cross through the center, as in the grand trine? After years of research in examining thousands of helio charts, and through fifteen hundred individual chart readings performed with helio and geo natal charts side by side, the single most important idea to emerge form it all is the simple question: is there or is there not a T-square in the helio chart?
The square and the trine have been, throughout the history of astrology, the two basic aspect archetypes (hard and soft, bad and good, etc.) used to define the basic nature of an individual as reflected in his chart. In our helio work, we do not focus on the solitary trine or square, but consider these aspects only when they contribute to form a larger whole-chart pattern. This does not mean that a simple square unconnected with other major aspects is not important, but when aspects link together in some resonant pattern, they seem to be outstanding indicators of the nature or "chemistry" of that moment.
Our technique involves drawing out the helio chart on a 360 degree wheel and connecting the major aspects (drawn in with colored pencils: red for squares and oppositions, green for trines and sextiles. The next step is to see if these aspects link together to form some larger pattern that we can call in archetype. These patterns, when once they are drawn in, help to raise the archetypes above the level of the other aspects drawn in colored pencil. This process is described in detail in several of the publications listed at the end of this article. It should be noted that the care and the colors used to draw out these archetypes amounts to a form of meditation for most students, and that much of the information and inspiration found in the helio work comes from the contemplation and absorption of the correctly constructed and drawn diagram. Remember that we have in the helio chart a mandala or sacred diagram of the great energies of our solar system.
Let us turn now to an investigation of our previous — and hopefully intriguing! — statement that the helio archetypes appear as a map of the lives of the saints and masters: one implication being, in other words, that one's helio type can indicate to what sort of "school of yoga" or philosophy a student belongs, or falls heir to.
There is so much awareness these days of reincarnation, past lives, and the like, that perhaps you would enjoy a discussion of how the helio chart might relate to this very popular concern. People seem to agree that there is such a thing as incarnation — the soul entering the body — and that it might even be possible to do it again or, somehow, to reincarnate. There is much more confusion in our mind when we try to explain where we go between incarnation, what we do there, and so forth. Incarnation can be reduced to a reckoning of the many physical bodies walking around throughout the world, but it is much more than that. There are man kinds of bodies other than the physical body that serve as vehicles through which to experience life, through which to come to know oneself. For instance, astrologers have each gathered and built around themselves a body of technique and knowledge, through which they can feel and know life in astrological terms. In all areas of life we are constantly creating various vehicles in and through which to learn and live. Some vehicles or bodies that we form are more successful and last longer than others — they are the more true. What astrologer among us has not had some hot astrological flash that failed to sustain life when it came down to practice? Other flashes result in a body of technique being formed that may satisfy and serve us for our entire life time — or for many lifetimes, perhaps. Some incarnations, in other words, are more strong and have a long-lasting physical existence than do others. In the helio chart, these are represented by the T-square whole-chart configurations.
The questions as to where we go when we are between incarnations (out of work!) is best solved by looking into the mini-lives we all live within any given lifetime. An example: if I have a real idea about my astrology — a good moment of inspiration — and succeed in bringing this idea into my practice through actual chart technique, such that I may try to test the idea, what may happen? The idea may prove to have been a very true idea and serve me well for a lifetime, or it may work (and this I know well) for a while, prove too awkward of ineffectual, and have to be phased out. When the idea ceases to hold good for me, it frees all of the energy I have involved in it, and I have to go search once again to satisfy my craving for a more secure astrological technique. The unresolved quantity of energy must always seek to satisfy itself. There I am again, with my original desire unsatisfied, and driven to search all over again. Our point is that we are all the time investing in and forming small vehicles or bodies in which we live, and out of which to get some satisfactory knowledge of the self. Some are more successful than others.
Our larger lifetimes or cycles may be looked at with this same principle in mind. Some individuals represent a more physical and solid incarnation of the self than others, while others are very insecure and feel but little involved in life at all. The helio trine types are more at home in the mind, or mental self, and imagination; they spend a large part of their life, in effect, out-of-the-body, roaming the halls of the mind. The T-square types, on the other hand, are so wrapped up in themselves, so wonderfully selfish and unconscious of themselves as anything more than a presence, that they are indeed a marvel to behold. Many public figures like movie stars and politicians have this sense of presence and lack of self-consciousness that makes them so watchable and, we must admit, lovable. They bring out the spectator in us and we enjoy caring and serving and being around them. They feel good. They are living masters of this physical realm, for they know from constant experience what life is from a very feeling, intuitive, and physical point of view.
Watching all of this, trine types are anything but lovable and feeling-oriented, for they are watchers — the see-ers and prophets of whatever there is to be seen. They do not feel comfortable being looked at and do not assume objective form with ease. They are ever subjective, awake, and self-conscious, and can describe in minute detail what life looks like from their more meta- or transphysical perspective.
The disembodied spirit, ever so sensitive to the rise and fall of the physical "beast" in us, is on some grand rollercoaster ride, sensitive to every last thing and to everybody. Plowing through all this like some huge ship through life, T-square types dominate in the physical world; they are the monarchs of this realm. They have no choice, for they are, in a literal sense, bound to learn what it feels like to live and to feel alive. Like a great queen bee, the T-square type is surrounded and accompanied through life by the loving attendance and care of the less-physical types who crowd around to hear the tales of the flesh (and of the desires of the flesh), to get a feeling of what it is like there, "on the inside."
These basic archetypes, trine and T-square, are the yin and the yang of astrology. Within any whole we can sense the two poles or opposite charges, and in the astrological chart these have been, throughout the literature and history of the field, the trine and the square aspects as types for the easy and yard, the yin and the yang. "Opposites attract" and "sames repel" is ancient wisdom. And the chemistry involved in the exchange and communion between these great opposites, these streams of life leaving and entering the physical body like a vast circulatory system, is what helio chart comparison is all about. Popular wisdom sings the same tune when it tells us that there are just two kinds of people in the world — those who are born to love (trine type) and those who are born to be loved (T-square type). These are the great streams of our consciousness, like Ganges and Kashi. These are the approaches to life that we call evolution (T-squares) and involution (trines). The T-square, bound to the physical, seeks to express himself and to evolve into a more aware and less feeling (more thoughtful) existence, while the trine types feel the need to involve themselves with matter and to take on form: to have a more feeling and less speculative existence.
Given the accurate helio chart, a very great deal of information of immense value to clients is forthcoming, pertaining to the dharma (the "school of life" or yoga) to which we belongs, of which he is already a representative. What are the lessons and kinds and qualities of experience they can expect? What, in fact, they will seek out: the nature of their individual "yogas" or their marriages (yoga=union) to this world.
Table 5 is a list of keywords that may prove helpful. Once you have grasped the yin and the yang, the opposite types in astrological terms, almost any questions and concern may be examined in this light. Even the most complex helio chart pattern can be reduced to a dominance of either the T-square or the trine archetype. Once the dominant archetype for a chart is found, information of great value to the client is available regarding what they are or have to do in this world (their archetype), and what they lack or want to do (the opposite archetype or quality). A balance between these two opposites is the straight, narrow gate through which each of us must pass, the middle path or balance we must find.
The very best image that we have found to represent the unity of the yin and yang concept is the familiar honeybee during hibernation. In winter, the honeybees cling together to form a large sphere of solid bees. They sustain this configuration throughout the cold weather. In the very center of this massive ball of bees, something very special is always happening. The bees in the center perform, both day and night, a feverish kind of dance. The endless activity of this dance generates precious heat that, radiating outwards, warms the entire ball of bees and keeps them from freezing. When the bees dancing in the center tire, they are replaced by other bees who take up the dance. In other words, the whole sphere of bees is in constant revolution and circulation. The bees that tire fall asleep and, over time, are worked outwards from the center to the very edge of the sphere. Here the cold awakens them and they burrow back to the center and take up the work of the dance once again — an endless process.
Another good image of the endless process of incarnation and out-of-the-body experience that is our life in this world is as follows: we are like a vast spaceship in endless voyage through eternity. At any one time, some of us have more physical incarnations and form the very body of the spaceship itself. Others, of a more reflective and less physical nature, care and serve and tend to the welfare of those more objective physical incarnations. Much like the ball of bees, this great ship of life moves through the great silence that is our eternal life process. Those who identify and represent the body and form awaken and work themselves through life, toward a more aware and reflective life, while those who are born aware and out-of-the-body work to lock themselves into form and to find peace in simple existence and action. These two great streams of life-waves form the One Self and life process. Within this one eternal process are the two great opposites or poles, the yin and the yang, that we have represented in this article in the form of the T-square and trine helio archetypes. The red-blooded, solid, and more arterial types (T-square archetype) are ever working from within the body out toward the periphery to a more refined state and life, while the finer green-blue of the veins of our life (trine and wedge archetypes) work from outside the body (from the periphery) in toward the heart and center of the body (our incarnation). These two great steams in life identify the circulation or life process. and the root of all this circulation (and this has been the theme of this article) is the heart of the body of our solar system, the Sun: a mass of pure and radiant energy. The contemplation of the endless mandala of the solar system (heliocentric astrology) in terms of two eternal archetypes, in endless combination and exchange, brings a new and welcome dimension to modern astrology. A dimension that will help to complete and enhance the knowledge of our essential life and Self.
Table 5
Keywords for the Polar or Opposite Archetypes
T-Square Helio Archetype | Trine Helio Archetype |
Yang | Yin |
Time | Space |
Red Blood Cell | White Blood Cell |
Careless | Careful |
In-the-Body | Out-of-the-Body |
Sense | Sight |
Evolving | Involving |
Wants Out | Wants In |
Eternal Guest | Eternal Host |
Born to be Loved | Born to Love |
Object | Subject |
Seeks to Express | Seeks to Impress |
Intuitive | Reasoning |
Love the Mind | Love the Body |
Material | Mental or Spiritual |
Dense | Subtle |
Of the Flesh | Of the Spirit |
© Copyright: Michael Erlewine
The following is a list of the sources known to the authors of heliocentric ephemerides and where to obtain them.
The Sun is Shining: Heliocentric Ephemeris 1653-2050. Order from: Matrix Software, 315 Marion Avenue, Big Rapids, Michigan 49307. Price: $5.75 Postpaid. This is our own publication and is designed to be used with a small pocket calculator, common log tables, or slide rule. For a small price, an astrologer can investigate and erect helio charts for a period of 400 years that are exact within seconds for most outer planets and within one minute of a degree for the inner planets.
The 200 Year Ephemeris by Hugh MacCraig. Order from: Macoy Publishing Co., 3100 Dumbarton Rd., Richmond, Virginia 23228. Price: $15.00. In the back of this book are helio positions from 1800-2000 given for the first of each month. The listed values have been found to be in error by several degrees for the inner planets.
Circle Books Astrological Calendar. Price: $2.80 Postpaid. Our publication. Order from: AFA, 6535 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ 85282. Various other helio information also.
Other articles by Michael Erlewine
The Value of the Heliocentric/Geocentric Comparison
The Counselor: Midwife of the Psyche
Tidal Vector Forces: Lunar Phenoma
Burn Rate: The Retrograde Phenomenon
Outline of Major Tibetan Techniques
The Tibetan Calendar: The 12 Months of the Year
Local Space Astrology — Relocation
Lunar Gaps: Taking Advantage of the Lunar Cycle
The Lunation Cycle: East and West
Science and the Lunation Cycle
Interface: Planetary Nodes - Part I
Interface: Planetary Nodes - Part II
Galaxy: Circles, Cycles, Circulation
Galaxy: Higher Order Structuring