The Diurnal Chart Date Published:
Celeste Teal is the author of Predicting Events with Astrology and Identifying Planetary Triggers, published by Llewellyn in 1999 and 2000 respectfully. She invites you to learn more about accurate forecasts by understanding the Vertex, the Aries Point degrees and other secrets to prediction.
Celeste's e-mail address is: CelestTeal@aol.com; her web site is located at: http://moonvalleyastrologer.com/
To order the book, click:
"Predicting Events With Astrology"
A Diurnal chart is a chart that brings all of the natal potential to the foreground for a one day only period. It is the personal daily horoscope. To calculate the Diurnal, use exactly the same data as for the birth chart, except change the date to the date in question. Do not alter the time of birth, the time zones or location from those at birth. An easy way to see if the chart has been calculated correctly is to check the position of the Sun. It should remain in the same house position as at birth. This is the only factor that will not change, although Mercury and Venus will also remain near the Sun and will not stray too very far from their birth position.
This chart can be used to pinpoint the timing of events, but the aspects must be very nearly exact. Keeping that and a few specific guidelines in mind, the Diurnal can be interpreted much the same as Solar Return charts except they are for one day only.
Basic Guidelines
The Diurnal chart must be based upon the radix (nativity) and current directions to the radix, such as secondary progressions. The natal planets and points as well as the most prominent figures from the progressed chart can be inserted upon the Diurnal for the most accurate interpretation. Or, using WinStar, run a tri-wheel chart with the Daily chart in the inner wheel, the natal chart in the center and the current secondary progressions in the outer wheel to see all the connections easily.

The current rising sign of the Diurnal and ruler of the chart are the prime indicators. Exact aspects formed by the ruler of the chart are quite important. Unless there are significant issues to surface for the day, there may be no exact aspects to this ruler. The natal house corresponding to the rising sign shows areas of special attention.
The bodies lying exactly upon an angle of the Diurnal, whether the natal, progressed or daily planets, are of exceptional significance, along with the exact aspects they form.
Aspects formed by transiting planets (the planets in the Diurnal chart) to natal planets may go by unnoticed unless one of the planets happens to be the ruler of the Diurnal, or one of the planets involved is angular in the Diurnal, or in aspect to a Diurnal angle.
The bodies crossing the Ascendant or Meridian, either daily or natal reveal the most important issues. The presence of a traditional malefic on one of these angles is sometimes indicative of a disturbance, especially if in stressful aspect to transiting or natal planets. If the daily Sun, Moon or Mercury lies on one of these angles in afflicted aspect, it is likewise a sign of disturbance. This is also true of the radical Sun, Moon or Mercury if afflicted in the natal chart and falling upon an angle of the Diurnal.
The contacts to the angles by Jupiter or Venus reflect advantages, unless they are very afflicted. Likewise, the Sun, Moon or Mercury produce benefits when falling on the angles if there are no afflictions to them. Benefits are also produced from the natal Sun, Moon and Mercury upon one of these angles unless afflicted in the birth chart.
The daily aspects of the Moon must be considered in regard to the house(s) occupied by the planets in aspect. For example, a conjunction of Moon to Mars in the second house may indicate impulsive spending, while a trine to Jupiter in the 11th may show a bit of constructive financial advice from a friend.
In summary, the primary effects are due to transits over the angles of the Diurnal. Next, the conjunctions that are formed to the Sun by major planets, then the mutual aspects and conjunctions of the planets, and lastly to the aspects formed by the daily Moon to the other daily planets.
Reading the Diurnal Chart
The Part of Fortune seems to play a quite dynamic role for interpreting the Diurnal and I've found it to furnish essential information time and again. Because the Diurnal is so transitory, special focus is furnished from a quick moving Significator like the Part of Fortune. The following chart illustrates the Diurnal basics at work, including a wealth of information when contacts involving the Part of Fortune are considered.
In this chart, a Diurnal for the day of an announced promotion for the individual, we see the nodes on the angles, in close orb to Uranus, ruler of the Diurnal chart. These two, along with the Ascendant degree are forming a grand trine involving both the natal and the progressed Part of Fortune.
While those links would be in force for about a two or three-day period, we see that the Daily Part of Fortune is in trine to the progressed Ascendant and in sextile to the natal Sun, ties that are exact only for this one day. The Daily Part of Fortune is also conjunct the natal Moon, which in the nativity lies in the sixth house of job responsibilities. In the sign of Capricorn, fortunate circumstances may come from associations with authorities.
Agreement of benefits forthcoming is seen by the position of the Diurnal Sun conjunction to progressed Jupiter on the progressed Midheaven. The daily Moon is semi-sextile the daily Jupiter, with Jupiter in the 2nd house. Aries, the sign of new beginnings rules the 2nd house of earning potential in the Diurnal chart.
These are just a few of the most notable contacts, and many of the interpretation techniques for the Solar and Lunar Returns that are detailed in my book, Predicting Events with Astrology, are in evidence. For example, Pluto in the 10th house suggests a change of status; Jupiter is the next natal planet to rise to the Diurnal Ascendant, indicating honor and benefits - it is often notable when a title is bestowed that reflects new authority and achievement. Venus highlights benefits surrounding the job and daily work routine by its position in the 6th house while in orb of conjunction to the North Node, an exceptionally positive connection. Finally, the daily North Node is conjunct the natal Ascendant, always an important indicator, suggesting the timely capacity to ride the mainstream through qualities of good leadership.
Incidentally, the individual in whose chart these links are found is involved in the publishing industry; astrology in particular, so the Aquarius/Uranus theme and the prominence of Jupiter refines the chart reading with special significance. Since nothing can come to pass unless shown in the natal chart, confirmation of an accurate forecast will always be found there.
© Copyright: Celeste Teal
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