Tips & Secrets to Forecasting Date Published:
Celeste Teal is the author of Predicting Events with Astrology and Identifying Planetary Triggers, published by Llewellyn in 1999 and 2000 respectfully. She invites you to learn more about accurate forecasts by understanding the Vertex, the Aries Point degrees and other secrets to prediction.
Celeste's e-mail address is: CelestTeal@aol.com; her web site is located at: http://moonvalleyastrologer.com/
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"Predicting Events With Astrology"
Remember, first of all, that if you’re interested in forecasting trends or events, you really must apply some traditional astrology concepts. With our new age search for the psychological and spiritual implications of planets we hesitate to apply terms such as malefic or benefic, but to toss these descriptive images altogether will decrease the ability to pinpoint probable events.
Actually, if one can target the most likely physical or earth plane manifestation shown in the aspects, it helps tremendously in knowing where to apply a remedy. Left to their own, the combined planetary energies have a natural “tendency” to work out in a way that allows them the most expression. However, this isn’t always desirable and since each aspect contains multiple potentials, with some conscious direction, you can get more mileage out of one aspect and corral another. If a problem area is located, you can pull out all the tools and put them to work. An illness can be circumvented or an accident avoided by applying the proper antidote to the root of a problem.
The truth is that a majority of stressful aspects or aspects involving malefic planets in the progressed chart shows a time of challenge while a majority of benefic planetary configurations show a fruitful and easy period.
For any specific time period, there won’t be more than a handful of “active” aspects in the progressed chart. Each of these describes part of the current picture and each must be considered against the remaining aspects to find the major overall theme for the time period. These are the road conditions.
To begin, using Win Star or a program with similar capabilities, run a three-wheel chart with the natal chart in the center, the secondary progressions in the middle wheel and transits in the outer wheel. I prefer the Tri-Small Wheel because the precise positions of the planets are shown in all three wheels, making it easy to locate aspects that are forming. Be sure the progressions and transits are set for the location of the date in question. Set preferences for the tropical zodiac and Placidus house system.
The “active” aspects are those that have formed between the natal and progressed planets within a one-degree orb; slightly more for the Sun and Moon. Aspects that have formed involving the angles within a one-degree orb are highest priority and most significant of eventful times approaching.
First of all, find major aspects to the natal Ascendant from progressed planets that are with a one-degree orb. If it is the Sun or Moon, give a one and a half degree orb. Make a note of it. Do the same with the natal Midheaven. Then go to the progressed Ascendant and check for aspects it makes to planets in the natal chart or to planets in the progressed chart. Not finding a whole lot, right? Ok, do the same with the progressed Midheaven. These are the top priority aspects and these angular aspects indicate important crossroads, with hard aspects more indicative of major changes and activity than easy aspects.
Now, do any of those angular aspects involve the Sun? If so, that is emphasizing a trend for important events already. Which planets are in aspect to the angles? Is it the natal chart ruler or an important planet from the nativity? Which natal house does it rule? Put this in parenthesis because when a house ruler becomes active, it means activity involving the issues of that house are coming due. Finally, what does that active planet say in terms of tradition? For example, which would you rather have; an active Venus or an active Mars? If you were planning a wedding, Venus is great but if you wanted to start a new venture, Mars is a must. At worst, Venus is indulgent and Mars is selfish. Venus is looking for social times and Mars is looking for competition. Venus signifies women’s affairs, Mars shows masculine interests.
You must keep in mind that for any significant event to unfold, the aspects must suggest it at least three times.Before going on, you must keep in mind that for any significant event to unfold, the aspects must suggest it at least three times. This is for good or bad. For major events, the aspects will point to it in many ways. For example, if progressed Venus were conjunct the progressed Midheaven while in trine to natal Mars, both aspects are spotlighting romance possibilities. If the ruler of the fifth house also came prominently into view, and you’re single, you can just about count on it! A transit would then show when.
So, to continue, we have the first set of active aspects and have an idea of what the planets are saying. If it is the Midheaven involved in the aspects, the indications are of a Solar nature. The event is likely to be related to self-esteem, character, honor and career goals, similar to the Sun. Here, one is thrown into the limelight for better or worse. If it is the Ascendant involved in aspects, there’s a more lunar theme and events more likely to be personal in nature, with an accent on home and family matters.
Go next to the Sun, first the natal Sun and find aspects to the progressed planets. Then to the progressed Sun and find aspects it forms to either a natal or a progressed planet. These are dynamic aspects! The Sun is always active when major events are forthcoming and may show special “once in a lifetime” opportunities. At this point, check the relationship of transiting Saturn to the progressed Sun. This is an important indicator and may substantiate findings already, one way or another. While looking at transiting Saturn, also check the aspectual relationship it holds to the progressed Moon. With Saturn, the easy relationships to the lights show times of great forward strides in a business or material way and the hard aspects show challenge. It is also a good idea to check the relationship of transiting Uranus to the progressed luminaries.
Continue to make notes of the remaining planetary aspects, going next to the natal chart ruler. Aspects of the progressed Moon are very transitory, lasting only about three months and they furnish a lot of detail and fine tuning to your reading.
Now, bring in the transits beginning with Pluto. See if it is making a close contact to any of the active points or planets. Go through the outer planets down to Jupiter and then see what area of the chart the transiting North Node spotlights.
At this point you should be able to come to some determination as to what is signified. Taking a stab at forecasting will often give you some surprising results and practice helps. Jot down your key impressions as they come to you. By the time you’ve gone through the whole chart, some of your impressions will be reinforced. Ask these questions; what kind of aspect comes up most often and which planet comes up most often? Is the ruler of one particular house exceptionally active? For good or bad?
Remember that each planet signifies more than just one thing; for example, the Sun rules vitality as well as life purpose, so aspects it forms points to both health and passion for life. It also shows how things are going with the important masculine people in your life, including your dad and your husband if you are a woman.
The final say on whether your forecast is accurate will be found in the center of your wheel, in the natal chart. If an event is to come to pass, it will be suggested there among the natal placements and aspects.
© Copyright: Celeste Teal
Other articles by Celeste Teal