Below are the basics that will help you explore more on astrology.
Click on each topic to learn about it.
Real Astrology
Popular or Sun sign astrology is what you read about in your daily newspaper. It is based on the assumption that everyone born under the same sign will behave in the same manner. This, of course, is not true, but does provide entertainment to millions and even hits the mark from time to time. Real astrology goes far beyond Sun signs and is based on the time, date and place of birth of an individual. The natal chart that is produced includes the Sun, Moon, planets, signs, houses and aspects (angles between the planets). The details found in such a chart reflect our unique differences and are the basis for any serious astrological work.
Astrology's Origin [ Top ]
Astrology is as old as measured time. In the beginning it helped our ancestors know when to plant and harvest, when to fish and when to hunt. As more complex societies developed, astrology guided kings and queens in the leadership of their nations. With the rise of ancient Greece it became a tool for individuals, a means for men and women to understand their purpose and track the seasons of their lives. Astrology was studied in universities and employed by popes, emperors, doctors and scholars. Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, said that without a knowledge of astrology one could not call oneself a physician. Astrology was woven into the study of history, science, art and religion. In the 17th century the rising tide of materialist science drove astrology out of the universities of Europe. The new "rationalist" realities no longer saw man and nature as woven of the same cloth, derived of the same spirit. But, astrology continued to be studied and practiced by people who saw the need to keep the connection between heaven and Earth. In the 1960's astrology began a comeback that continues today. As more and more people began searching for answers astrology was there to provide them. Today there are vibrant astrological associations, publications, businesses and thousands of counselors. As in days of old, astrology is respected and used by people at all levels of society.
Cause and Effect [ Top ]
Although there are many different approaches to astrology, all astrologers appear united in the idea that there is a connection between the heavens and the Earth — they share one common space. For centuries there has been a misunderstanding concerning the nature of astrology to the effect that the heavens somehow "influence" events here on Earth. This theory of celestial influence has penetrated into the modern world until today it is the main concept or idea of astrology supported by the public — the lay astrological audience.
Professional astrologers do not hold with theories of celestial influence. Instead, the modern astrologer conceives of the heavens and Earth as united, interpenetrating, and sharing a common space and time. The great cosmic or celestial events happening around and beyond the Earth (eclipses, lineups, and so on) are not seen as CAUSING events to occur on Earth, but as great signatures of events ALSO happening here on Earth. In other words, there is no "cause" in the heavens followed by an "effect" here on Earth. Instead, both planetary and earthly events happen simultaneously and are mutually reflective. Neither is the cause of the other; both are the product of the moment, one acted out in the heavens above, the other here on the Earth below.
While astrologers don't feel that heavenly events are the cause of events here on Earth, they do feel that specific heavenly events are enacted here on the Earth too — at the same moment. In other words, there is only one grand "play." The great drama enacted in the sky is also acted out (in exact detail) here on Earth in the same instant. Another way to say this is that the Earth is part of the cosmos and shares in that cosmic moment. Scientists have been discovering (for example) that sunspots, solar flares, and solar activity have a very definite (and almost immediate) effect here on Earth. Astrologers tend to feel that all major cosmic events such as eclipses are interactive; they represent an activity also taking place within us and our consciousness.
Astrology is a study of heavenly cycles and cosmic events as they are reflected in our earthly environment and vice-versa — a vast cosmic clock. Astrologers find the cosmic patterns revealed in the rhythmic motions of the planets a great help in shedding light on the seeming helter-skelter of everyday life. Astrologers may have their heads in the heavens, but only to better guide their feet here on Earth.
Fate vs. Free Will [ Top ]
Some people who have not examined astrology oppose it because they think it limits our capacity for choice in life. This is far from true. Astrology does provide a perspective, a frame of reference, which reflects the capacities of an individual. But, it is up to each of us to choose how we use these capacities. Astrology's ability to provide meaningful information about our potentials can be used to make productive choices, not to limit them. Without some awareness of who we really are we are not choosing, we are simply reacting. An intelligent use of astrology also includes all other sources of information (and inspiration) in making life choices.
Using Astrology in Your Life [ Top ]
Astrology can be used on many levels and in many areas of life. It can be applied to the practical affairs of business, career, travel and so forth. Astrology is also used to deepen understanding of our own nature. This psychological approach has grown significantly in the past 30 years as more and more astrologers develop their counseling skills. Astrology's ability to uncover core issues about motivation, family patterns and perceptions is being used increasingly by psychotherapists and counselors. Astrology can also address spiritual questions dealing with the meaning of an individual's life, as well as the possibility of understanding past life influences. Of course, it's not necessary to believe in reincarnation to explore spirituality with astrology. In fact, astrologers can be found in almost every religious group. What attracts this diverse group of people is astrology's fundamental premise that we belong to this planet, this solar system and this universe. We are, as one astronomer has written, "literally born of the stars themselves." Astrology reminds us of this connection and the idea that our lives are not accidents, but meaningful events in the fabric of time and space.
People use astrology to inquire about themselves and their futures. They often use astrology to assess important relationships in their lives. Synastry is the term astrologers use when comparing the charts of two individuals. Relocation astrology techniques help people discover the different kinds of experiences they may have in different places on the globe. Electional astrology is used to pick the best time for an important event such as a marriage or launching a new enterprise. Horary astrology is a traditional technique used to answer specific questions. Forecasting the future, or analyzing trends, is one of the primary uses of astrology. Astrologers have a wide array of techniques to use in this area. Transits, progressions, planetary returns and solar arcs are the most commonly used. On a less personal level, because astrology has been tightly woven into human history and culture, studying it is a useful way to learn more about mythology, history, mathematics,science and art.
Learning Astrology [ Top ]
There are many ways to learn astrology, the best may be to combine them all. Finding a competent teacher always helps. Additionally,there are many books and journals on the market today. Advanced astrology programs like Matrix's Win*Star 6.0, Win*Star Express, and Day Watch contain a wealth of information on techniques and interpretations. In fact, these programs make it easy for a beginner to produce accurate charts and start reading them. Your skills will grow over time, as you combine studying and practice to broaden your knowledge of astrology. While the number of techniques and combinations found in astrology are almost limitless, the fundamentals breakdown into a handful of categories. The next sections will address these.
Types of Charts [ Top ]
Astrological charts represent the sky for a particular time, date and place. A natal chart, also called a birth chart or horoscope,is calculated for an individual and is the primary tool used for analyzing personality, comparing with other charts for compatibility,and as a base point for any forecast work. Charts can also be calculated for entities like nations, corporations or organizations. Progressed charts are used in forecasting, horary charts to answer questions. In the past astrologers needed at least three reference books to calculate a chart by hand. An ephemeris is a book of planetary positions covering a particular time period (year, decade,century, etc.). The positions of the planets usually are given once a day for Greenwich, England (the standard reference point)and then are interpolated for the time and place of birth. Tables of logarithms or planetary motion were used to do this. A table of houses was used to produce the houses of the chart (more on these later). Reference books for time zone changes and latitude and longitude were also required for an accurate chart. While it is still possible to use this collection of books to do a chart by hand (requiring about 15 minutes to an hour depending on the skill of the astrologer), most astrologers use computers to do the job today. Advanced programs like Matrix's Win*Star 6.0 and Day Watch have all of the reference materials built-in so that accurate charts can be calculated in seconds. While it is useful for astrology students to have the knowledge to calculate charts by hand, the artistry of astrology is in the interpretation. The almost instantaneous creation of charts by computer allows astrologers to get on with their analysis more quickly and efficiently. Computer programs also print charts and store them for later retrieval.
The Sun, Moon, & Planets [ Top ]
The planets, including the Sun and the Moon, represent basic forces or energies. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have been used in astrology for over 2000 years, and while their meanings have been somewhat altered over time, the fundamental symbolism has stayed the same. In fact, the interpretations of the planets have remained fairly constant in vastly different cultures. Venus, for example, is the planet of love and attraction both in European and Hindu astrology, while Mars is associated with action or aggression.
Interpreting a birth chart involves blending the meanings of the planets with their signs, houses and aspects. It can seem complicated at first, but with experience you can learn how to sort through the information and come up with meaningful interpretations.
The Lights: The Sun and Moon
Of all the planets, the two most important planets to astrologers are the "lights," the Sun and the Moon. From where we stand here on Earth, the great shining Sun by day and the reflecting Moon at night are our constant companions. They have much to tell us as to where we have been and where we are headed.
The Sun: Our Shining Light
From the Sun comes light, that which draws us into life. The Sun represents all the changes we have not yet taken, that part of us that we have not yet experienced but are headed toward.The Sun represents our identity, or self, in that it is toward these that we are moving and developing. The Sun relates to our will, consciousness, creativity, father and authority figure sin general. It describes how (by sign) and where (by house) we need to shine.
The Moon: Nurturance
The Moon symbolizes emotions, feelings, instincts and day to day habit patterns and routine. The Moon is very strongly related to mother, home and family. The sign the Moon is in describes how a person is nurtured and nurturing. Its house shows the circumstances under which emotions are most likely to express themselves.
Mercury: The Mind and Communication
Mercury is the light in our eyes, the ever-changing consciousness within us that moves from idea to idea. Thus Mercury has always represented thoughts, ideas, and the mental process in general. It governs not only ideas, but communications, too. Communications — by phone, letter, spoken, or however — are ruled by Mercury. Also thoughts, connections, phone wires, and everything that connects and conveys — even conversations.
Venus: Planet of Love
Venus rules our values and sense of appreciation. When we appraise or appreciate something, whether another person or a new car, this is Venus at work. Venus describes how we love and what we want to be loved for. It's a key to relationships, pleasure, art and beauty.
Mars: Action and Initiative
Mars, the first planet outside the orbit of the Earth, is associated with action, assertion, aggression or initiative. It tells us how we get things going, the way we like to work and how we express anger.
Jupiter: Guide and Guru
Jupiter is the method each of us has for dealing with the laws of life, our Saturn or limitations. The Hindu word for Jupiter is Guru and this planet indicates our particular Dharma, the way we can solve the problems that confront us. Thus Jupiter has to do with our vocation, the way in which we can be successful.Jupiter is the light or path. The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter represents the principles of growth and expansion.
Saturn: Responsibilities
Saturn indicates where we are bound to learn, the narrowness that makes our way felt, the walls that make homes possible. Saturn holds us together as much as apart. Saturn, the ringed planet, shows us our boundaries and limits and where and how we need to take responsibility in life.
We have just dealt with planets that we can see with our naked eyes. In general, these planets refer to life as we know and live it, and are the so-called historical or classic planets. Beyond these are three planets that are not visible to the naked eye and which have cycles longer than the average human life span. Since they are beyond Saturn or time, astrologers call them the transpersonal or transcendental planets — the planets beyond the physical. One of the ways astrologers learn something about our life beyond time (eternal life) is through these three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Here we find information on how we discover ourselves (Uranus), how we understand and accept these discoveries (Neptune), and, in time, how we depend and identify with them (Pluto).
Uranus: Breakthroughs and Revolution
Uranus, discovered between the American and French revolutions, symbolizes our capacity to go beyond limits. It is about inventiveness, originality and independence. "Uranian" people (those marked strongly by this planet) are unique individuals who act as agents for change, they are awakeners here to help us break our patterns.
Neptune: Ideals & Imagination
Neptune dissolves boundaries and barriers, enabling us to connect with the universe. It's about inspiration, imagination, compassion, ideals and communion. But, the other side of Neptune is about confusion, illusion and diffusion.
Pluto: Transformation
Pluto is the planet of profound change, starting deep within us and moving toward the surface. It often touches upon the most sensitive psychological areas inside us. Once touched, we have no choice but to change and grow. Pluto is about death and rebirth, the transformation that comes from letting go of that which is unessential so that we can get to the core of things.
The Nodes of the Moon: Crossroads
The Nodes of the Moon are not planets, but appear in many charts. The North and South Nodes are those two opposing points where the Earth's orbit around the Sun is crossed by the Moon's orbit around the Earth. The South Node of the Moon shows old patterns of behavior and response. The North Node points in the direction of the future, fulfillment and integration. Together the Nodes provide information about how we link ourselves with others.
The Part of Fortune: Good Luck Charm? [ Top ]
Some astrologers put the Part of Fortune in their charts. There are scores of "parts" from medieval and modern astrology which are derived from formulas combining the Zodiac positions of various planets and points. The Part of Fortune is calculated by adding the Moon's position to that of the Ascendant and subtracting the Sun. The resulting point will be the same distance from the Ascendant as the Moon is from the Sun. So if you were born at the New Moon (Sun and Moon together) the Part would be right on the Ascendant. If you were born during the Full Moon (Sun and Moon opposite one another) the Part of Fortune will be opposite the Ascendant. The Part is considered to be a point of good luck by those who use it in their charts. Many astrologers, though, do not include the Part in their work.
Retrograde [ Top ]
From our perspective here on Earth planets appear to move backwards in the sky during certain parts of their orbits. This retrograde motion is considered to be meaningful by most astrologers. Retrograde planets are interpreted as "turned inward" or inhibited. Some astrologers think this diminishes the power of the planet, while others believe it simply means that inner reflection is often necessary before outwardly expressing the planet's energy.
The Signs of the Zodiac [ Top ]
The signs of the Zodiac are based on the Earth's annual journey around the Sun. This is called the Tropical (or seasonal) Zodiac. Aries, the first sign, starts on the first day of Spring (vernal equinox). Most Asian astrologers (and a small minority of westerners) use the Sidereal Zodiac based on the constellations. The two Zodiacs coincided about 2000 years ago, but have since slipped out of phase by almost one sign.
The signs of the Zodiac are divided into two groups called Elements and Modes. The Elements are Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Fire symbolizes creation or action, Earth is practical, material, Air is mental and communicative and Water is sensitive and feeling oriented. The Modes divide the seasons into three parts: Cardinal- initiating signs that begin the 4 seasons of the year, Fixed- maintaining and enduring occupying the middle of each season, and Mutable - adaptable signs that end each season.
Each sign of the Zodiac is a unique combination of Element, and Mode. There is one Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable sign of each element. By combining the meaning of the Element with the Mode you can have a quick idea of the meaning of a sign. Additionally, the signs are organized in an orderly fashion, one which marks development from a simple beginning to a complex end. Aries, the Cardinal Fire sign, starts the Zodiac and represents the spark of life. Taurus, the Fixed Earth sign, grounds that spark into physical form. Gemini, the Mutable Air sign, takes notice of the surrounding environment. Cancer, the Cardinal Water sign, chooses its home in the environment. Leo, the Fixed Fire sign, expresses creativity from its center. Virgo, the Mutable Earth sign, adjusts Leo's expression to the physical conditions present. Libra, the Cardinal Air sign, meets others as equals. Scorpio, the Fixed Water sign,deepens relationships, transforming itself and others. Sagittarius,the Mutable Fire sign, seeks meaning through experience. Capricorn, the Cardinal Earth sign, builds structures to support that meaning. Aquarius, the Fixed Air sign, sets higher ideals for the society, and Pisces, the Mutable Water sign, connects to divine inspiration out of which new life is born again in Aries.
These descriptions are one idealized version of the Zodiac story. Individuals will act out their parts differently depending on the variety of individual factors in the natal chart.
Note that each sign is "ruled by" or associated with a planet with which it has affinity. The placement of a sign's ruling planet will provide more information about how a person will experience that sign.
Sign | Element | Mode | Ruler | Pos. Trait | Neg. Trait |
Aries | fire | Cardinal | Mars | Initiating | Impatient |
Taurus | earth | fixed | Venus | Steady | Stubborn |
Gemini | air | Mutable | Mercury | Adaptable | Unstable |
Cancer | water | Cardinal | Moon | Nurturing | Moody |
Leo | fire | Fixed | Sun | Confident | Self-centered |
Virgo | earth | Mutable | Mercury | Skillful | Over critical |
Libra | air | Cardinal | Venus | Gracious | Indecisive |
Scorpio | water | Fixed | Pluto/Mars | Passionate | Possessive |
Sagittarius | fire | Mutable | Jupiter | Optimistic | Careless w/ details |
Capricorn | earth | Cardinal | Saturn | Organized | Over ambitious |
Aquarius | air | Fixed | Uranus and Saturn | Inventive | Impersonal |
Pisces | water | Mutable | Neptune and Jup. | Compassionate | Lacks boundaries |
Pioneer and adventurer. Courage, daring, and boldness.The fountainhead or source. Independence, impulse, and energy. Starting point. First flush.
The steady, deliberate, determined response of life to new ideas, impulses, and manifestations. Possessing and embodying. Materialized impulse. "Word made flesh."
Linkage, reasoning, establishing connections,and drawing together. Endless search for information. Exploration, inquiry, curiosity. Nervousness and fussing.
Home and family. Feeling and sensing. Protection.Nurturing. Sympathy. Practice and routine. Absorption. Feeling preceding recognition.
Self-awareness. Pride, will, creation, ego. Expression and acting. Drama. Heart. Beating of the chest. Children. Sports. Regale; regal. Generosity.
Chastity, purity, and devotion. Concern and caring for. Practical, analytical, and discriminating. Attention to detail. Crafts. Busy and careful. Worry.
Marriage, partnership, union. Socially skillful.Appraisal and appraising. Diplomacy. Attentiveness. "Truth is beauty, beauty truth."
Furnace and phoenix. Purgatory and process. Stripping away excess. Purification. Reduction to essentials. Intensity and penetration. Elimination. Strong defense.
Seeker of experience. A teacher, traveler, adventurer. Truth, religion, and philosophy. Hitting the mark. Frankness. Projection.
CAPRICORN – THE MOUNTAIN GOAT (Sometimes the Sea Goat.)
Practical vision. Sober and orderly. Control and power. Direction. Endurance. Responsibility. Industry.
Impersonal; works with anyone. Team player. Aspiring. Radical. Humane. Associative. Scientific. "What makes it tick?" What I know, not what I do. Democratic.
Intuition. Understanding. Accepting what is for the sake of what could be made of it. Sacrifice. Fluidity. The inexpressible. Restless. Sponge. Imagination. Inspiration.
Houses and Angles [ Top ]
The chart wheel represents the space surrounding where you were born. It is divided into 12 sections called Houses. Each house represents a different environment or set of conditions. We can describe the planets as the What, the energies themselves, the signs as the How, the ways in which the planets are modified, and the houses as the Where, the circumstances in which we meet the planets. Keep in mind that our Earth makes a complete turn on its axis every 24 hours, so that each planet will move through a house about every two hours. As the Earth turns, it brings each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac overhead (or to any part of the wheel) once in 24 hours — a new degree of the zodiac every four minutes. (Note. There is a relationship between the meanings of signs and houses, so that Sagittarius, the 9th sign, has similarities to the 9th house. But on average, only one chart in 12 will have the 9th sign on the cusp or border of the 9th house.)
Dawn. Self. Physical body. A change from thinking to being. The division between mind (houses above the horizon) and body (houses below the horizon). What others see in us. Persona. Head. Identity. The mask and facade we wear. The fresh exchange between self and others. The cusp, or border, of the 1st House is called the Ascendant or Rising Sign. The Ascendant, the eastern most point of the birth chart, shows how we come across to others; it's who we see in the mirror and a very important key to one's identity.
Material resources. Substance. Self-possession. Self-esteem. Values. Money and movable goods. The new body or what is drawn forth in response to new ideas. Reaction to novelty and new experiences.Tangible change in life due to new direction. How we own, possess, or embody things. Owning up to new ideas.
Communication. Thinking. The full development of new situations. Movement. Collection of information. Exploration of what is forming. Searches, investigations, inquiries. Gossip. Counterpoint. Brothers, sisters, and neighbors. Teachers. Meetings.Channels. Short trips.
Home, family, roots, foundations. Center of gravity. Base of operations. Where you've stored things up. The end of the matter. Repository of personal and family history. Real estate and property. Parents. The cusp, or border, of the 4th House is called the IC (for Imum Coeli, Latin for "lower heavens"), the northernmost point in a birth chart. The IC symbolizes one's roots as it is the very base of the chart itself.
Self-consciousness, self-discovery, awareness, and pride. A pouring forth. Conveying and teaching. The extension of self. Stepping out. The search for recognition. The show. Children. Creativity. Fun, games, hobbies, and sports. Romance. Risk and venture. Celebration.
Service and industry. Harvest and repair. Care and cure. Maintenance. Work conditions. Health. The end of vitality and the beginning of attempts to prolong, preserve, and take care of the experience of the body. Criticism. Meticulousness. Craft. Purifying. Application of experience. Practice. Organizing the variables.
The other, partnerships and relationships of all kinds. Where we meet others as equals. A concentration of concern for others. Marriage and partnership. Yoga. Unity and harmony. Spirit of cooperation. Counselor. Signing contracts and agreements. Saying vows. The cusp, or border, of the 7th House is called the Descendant,the western point of the chart. The Descendant is the primary door to relationships and a key to understanding partnerships of all kinds.
Fusion with others. Physical and financial union. Transformation. Shared values. Approval by others. The results of relationship. Probing. Administration of others' resources. Intimacy. Meeting the mysteries of sex and death. Psychological inquiry. What you need from others.
Philosophy, religion and higher education. The search for truth and meaning. Moral judgment. Long journeys. Foreigners and faraway places. Visions for the future. The law. Enthusiasm for experiences beyond the day-to-day. Wanderlust.
Career and vocation. Practical talents. Responsibility. Authority, parents, up there and out there. Management and supervisory skills. Government and foundations. Public face. What you do. Judges. Police power. Law enforcement. The cusp, or border, of the 10th House is called the Midheaven or MC. This highest point in the chart points towards the South and the direction of the noonday Sun. It indicates both one's role in society and highest aspirations.
The resolve to put vision to work. Resources of the idea. Plans for action. Cooperation. Groups and teams. Colleagues. Larger goals. Hopes and wishes. Impersonal drives to realize personal ideals. Friends. Planning. Improving the community. Humanity and humanitarianism. Identification with a group or cause.
The area behind the scenes. Working in privacy, outside the limelight. Loss of identity. Impersonal institutions. Connection to God or the universal. Caring for the disadvantaged. Channeling. Limits and confinement. Hidden faults. Dues and karma.
Aspects [ Top ]
Aspects measure significant angles between planets and points in a chart. Astrologers use aspects to understand how these different factors blend together. Aspects are measured in longitude, the position of a planet in the Zodiac's 360 degree circle. Planets are considered to be in aspect with one another if they fall within a certain number of degrees of the precise aspect angle. This allowance is called the "orb" and may differ from astrologer to astrologer. There are two broad categories of aspects called "hard" and "soft." The hard aspects indicate challenges to be met in life. The soft aspects indicate where qualities flow together easily. The following is a list of major aspects. Some astrologers use additional aspects, or divisions of the Zodiac, which are called "minor aspects."
CONJUNCTION Angle: Zero degrees (like a New Moon). Hard or soft depending upon the planets involved. Planets in the same place. Reinforcement of planetary qualities; a concentration of influence. Potential for new birth.
OPPOSITION Angle: 180 degrees (like a Full Moon, division of the circle by 2). A hard aspect which has two planets facing one another. This can indicate polarization, separation of the two functions or projection of one of the planets on others. The opposition, though, can also bring awareness through objectivity (seeing both sides).
SQUARE Angle: 90 degrees (division of the Zodiac by 4) Also semisquare and sesquiquadrate (45 and 135 degrees or 1/8 and 3/8 of the Zodiac circle). The square "family" of hard aspects spotlights challenge or tension and a need for changes symbolized by the planets, houses, and signs involved. Development, construction, commitment, turns in the road or roadblocks. Squares are arguably the most difficult of all the aspects.
TRINE Angle: 120 degrees (division of the Zodiac by 3). A soft aspect indicating a smooth flow of events and a clarity of vision with respect to the planets, houses, and signs involved. Confidence. Harmony. Creativity.
SEXTILE Angle: 60 degrees (division of the Zodiac by 6). A soft aspect similar to a trine, lacking some of the vision, but more work-oriented, bringing clarity, drive and facilitating communication.
QUINCUNX or INCONJUNCT Angle: 150 degrees (5/12 of the Zodiac) A moderately hard aspect indicating obligation, reorganization. Adjustments, as symbolized by the planets, houses, and signs involved.Incongruity. Fence-sitting.
Chart Synthesis and Interpretation [ Top ]
There is no magical formula for interpreting a chart. Every means you have to learn more about astrology will help you become more skillful. An important idea is that anything significant in a person's life is likely to show up in the chart in a number of ways. For example, the action planet Mars in fiery Aries will show spontaneity in a personality. If the person also has the Moon in the Fire sign Sagittarius, this would be another indicator of a spontaneous personality. Repeating patterns like these enable us to come to some conclusions about the meaning of the chart in question. Astrological interpretation will vary from astrologer to astrologer. Each person has his or her own values and ideas about life which will enter into any astrological work. Working successfully with astrology requires as much self-awareness as you can muster. The further you are along in your own path of self-discovery and awakening, the more skillful you will be in helping others with astrology. Astrology does not have an intrinsic ethic, that's something the astrologer brings to the interpretation. As you grow as a person, your capacity to understand and use astrology will also grow.
Astrological Resources [ Top ]
The best way to learn about astrology is every way you can. Take classes, read books, join groups, nourish your mind and your intuition. Astrology can be an endless source of fascination and information, and can enlarge your life in many ways. There are astrology groups in just about any large city, some affiliated with national organizations, some not.
The following lists describe some of the resources available to you.
Organizations: U.S.
- American Federation of Astrologers (AFA), P. O. Box 22040, Tempe, AZ 85285-2040, Tel. (602) 838-1751, Fax (602) 838-8293
- Association for Astrological Networking (AFAN), 8306 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 537, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, Tel. (212) 799-9187
- International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR), P. O. Box 38613, Los Angeles, CA 90038-8613, Tel. (970) 626-5902
- National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR), P. O. Box 501078, Malabar, FL 32950, Tel. (407) 728-2277, Fax (407) 728-2244
Organizations: Great Britain
- The Astrological Association (AA), 396 Caldonian Road, London, N1 1DN England, Tel. 0171-700-3746, Fax 0171-700-6479
- The Astrological Lodge of London (ALL), 50 Gloucester Place, London W1H 3HJ England
In addition to any specialty bookstores, many large, general interest book stores carry astrology titles. As a general rule, stay away from books that are just about one sign as they tend to be rather superficial. Take a look at the books on the shelf, open one up and read about yourself. See which books "talk" to you. These will be the ones that you'll read and learn from.
- Welcome To The Planet Earth, P. O. Box 5164, Eugene, OR 97405, Tel. 1-800-252-BEAR
- The Mountain Astrologer, P. O. Box 970, Cedar Ridge, CA 95924-0970, Tel./Fax (916) 477-8839, e-mail: tmatem@aol.com
- American Astrology, 535 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10017, Tel. (212) 490-0172
More and more astrology information is showing up in cyberspace. While there are dozens of Web sites to check out, you can start with astrologysoftware.com which provides online readings and resources for astrologers and beginners alike. Astronet on America Online is a growing source of astrological information. The New Age Forum on The Microsoft Network (MSN) has a number of places for fans of astrology to meet, exchange ideas and gather information.
Matrix Software is the largest astrology software company in North America. Matrix has a wide variety of astrology programs for the PC, all the way from the top of the line Win*Star 6.0 for Windows to report writers providing computerized chart interpretations. Having your own software will allow you to produce accurate charts of every imaginable kind. Matrix Software can take you all the way from the beginner Win*Star Express to the Win*Star 6.0 professional level.
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