From the Sun comes light, that which draws us into life. The Sun represents all the changes we have not yet taken, that part of us that we have not yet experienced but are headed toward. The Sun represents our identity, or self, in that it is toward these that we are moving and developing. The Sun relates to our will, consciousness, creativity, father and authority figures in general. It describes how (by sign) and where (by house) we need to shine.
Here is what Glorial Star says about your Sun sign in Just for Woman Report.
Just for Woman Natal Report for Women
Through your Taurus Sun you experience a sense of continuity and stability, and can express your masculine side through establishing as secure place in the world. Whether you choose a career path or family structure as your focus, you are like an anchor and have the ability to provide strength and consistency. It may be important that you to create a home base, and the energy you put into building your home includes both house and family. Your special sensibility toward the environment can grow as you mature, and you may find that your awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and making the best use of resources is behind your your most powerful drives. As a woman, you will take great care to build upon the foundations in your life, and may prefer to assert yourself in a slow, steady pace. Your career path needs to provide opportunities for you to establish yourself and grow steadily. Regardless of your marital status, you function best when you have your own money and resources. Although your father may have been the breadwinner and financial mainstay when you were a child, you may prefer a different situation with a husband or partner. Allowing the man in your life to control your finances will ultimately result in a power struggle, if not externally, then certainly within yourself. You can work cooperatively with a partner toward joint ventures, financially and otherwise, and can feel willing to share and contribute to the financial and other needs of your family. You will feel greater autonomy if you also have a separate fund which you control for yourself.
There's a lot more to learn about you.
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