7 articles for "Aries"
Aries [Astro*Index]
The 1st zodiacal sign. <Cardinal> <fire> ruled by Mars active, spontaneous, initiating, self-assertive, energetic, naive, "me first", ardent, leader, get-there-first-ness, out-rushing-ness, get-it-done-ness, push-on-ness, pioneering-ness
See also: ♦ Zodiac ♦ Mars ♦ Sign ♦ First House ♦ Fire ♦ CardinalAries [Prima]

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.
Ruler: | Mars |
House association: | First House |
Keywords: | active spontaneous initiating assertive energetic naive "me first" ardent leader extrovert rash pioneer |
The sign of Aries is both Fire and Cardinal.
See also: ♦ Zodiac ♦ Mars ♦ Sign ♦ First House ♦ Fire ♦ CardinalAries [DeVore]
The first sign of the zodiac. v. Signs.
See also: ♦ Zodiac ♦ Mars ♦ Sign ♦ First House ♦ Fire ♦ CardinalAries House System [Astro*Index]
Planets are arranged in a circular wheel according to their zodiacal longitudes without the midheaven and ascendant and oriented so that 00 Aries 00 in the usual position of the ascendant and with the other house cusps placed at successive 30 degree intervals. Aries is called the "1st house"; Taurus, the 2nd house, etc. Caution should be exercised in referring to such a diagram, as it bears no relationship whatsoever to the observer's position (especially his geographic latitude) or to actual zodiacal orientation. On the other hand, this system is useful for casting charts with no known birth time without the confusion of false angles and cusps.
See also: ♦ House System ♦ Zodiacal Longitude ♦ Midheaven ♦ AscendantAries House System [Prima]
Planets are shown in their zodiacal positions without the midheaven and ascendant, with the chart oriented having 00° Aries 00' in the usual position of the ascendant. The other house cusps follow at successive, equal 30-degree intervals. Aries is called the "1st house," Taurus the 2nd house, etc.
Caution should be exercised in referring to such a diagram because it bears no relationship whatsoever to the observer's position (especially his geo- graphic latitude) or to actual zodiacal orientation. On the other hand, this system is useful for casting charts for someone with no known birth time (it avoids the confusion of false angles and cusps).
See also: ♦ House System ♦ Zodiacal Longitude ♦ Midheaven ♦ AscendantAries Point [Astro*Index]
Also called the vernal point. The start of the tropical zodiac, defined as the intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator; an important point in Uranian astrology, signifying as a point common to all horoscopes (along with the cardinal axis in the 90° dial) a person's role or place in the world.
See also: ♦ Vernal Point ♦ Tropical Zodiac ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Uranian AstrologyAries Point [Munkasey M.]
That point in space where the Celestial Equator andthe Ecliptic intersect with the Ecliptic going from Southerly to Northerly values. See also: Equinox, True Equinox, and Mean Equinox.
See also: ♦ Vernal Point ♦ Tropical Zodiac ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Uranian Astrology
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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