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Astro*Dictionary by Michael Erlewine





4 articles for "Vernal"

Vernal Point [Astro*Index]

Also called the Aries point. One of the points where Celestial Equator intersects the Ecliptic. This is a start of the tropical zodiac. Vernal Equinox (equal day and night) = 0° Aries.

See also: ♦ Aries Point ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Tropical Zodiac
Vernal Point [Prima]

Also called the Aries point. One of the two points where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic, it denotes the beginning of the tropical zodiac. Vernal equinox (equal day and night) = 0° Aries.

See also: ♦ Aries Point ♦ Celestial Equator ♦ Ecliptic ♦ Tropical Zodiac
Vernal Equinox [Munkasey M.]

That time of the year when the Sun crosses the Equator, going North. This occurs in the Spring, around March 21.

See also:
♦ Equinox
Vernal Equinox [DeVore]

The Spring Equinox. (v. Equinox; Celestial Sphere)

See also:
♦ Equinox ♦ Celestial Sphere


Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine