3 articles for "Dexter"
Dexter [Prima](Latin "dexter," right, to the right)
Dexter means "on the right-hand side." A dexter aspect is one in which the faster planet is waxing, separating, or increasing in light, with respect to the slower one. The faster (separating) planet is casting its rays back to the right (dexter) in forming the aspect because the more ponderous planet lies to its right as viewed from the Earth.
Lilly says, "Dexter aspects are contrary to the succession of Signs." That is, the rays of the faster planet flow clockwise around the wheel to reach the slower planet, as viewed from the Earth.
Traditionally dexter aspects have been considered to be more positive or powerful than sinister aspects, much like the waxing Moon is thought to have more benefic affects than the waning Moon. {Rudhyar} thought dexter aspects had a subjective orientation. Modern statistical research by Gary Duncan supports the view that dexter and sinister aspects may differ in significance, indicating that the effect of a square of 90° (dexter) may differ from that of 270° (sinister).
One troublesome implication of the dexter/sinister concept is that dexter in the northern hemisphere is sinister in the southern hemisphere (and vice versa).
See also:Dexter [DeVore]
♦ Aspect ♦ Sinister
Applied to an aspect which is computed backward, against the order of the Signs; in which the aspected body is elevated above the aspecting body. If this appears opposite to what you sense it should be, remember that Ptolemy, who originated the term, knew only apparent motion — that of the daily motion of the heavens because of the Earth's rotation; therefore the one ahead, was on the right hand — dexter; and the one behind, was on the left hand — sinister. There is some controversy as to which are the stronger, although the ancients gave preference to the dexter. Today, some differentiation can be had by application of the Doppler effect noted in spectroscopy, wherein the ray from a body whose position is becoming increasingly distant is displaced toward the red end of the spectrum, while with lessening distance the displacement is toward the violet end. Since the dexter aspect is forming as the result of increasing distance it would show a displacement toward the red end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect a measure of Mars energy; while the sinister aspect, forming as the result of decreasing distance, would show a displacement toward the violet end, which would tend to introduce into the aspect a measure of Venus or Jupiter geniality. From this one might infer that the relative desirability of a dexter and sinister aspect is somewhat dependent upon the nature of the planets that are involved.
See also:Dexter and Sinister Aspects [Astro*Index]
♦ Aspect ♦ Sinister
A dexter (right-hand or waxing) aspect occurs contrary to the natural order of the signs (Aries through Pisces). The faster planet is zodiacally ahead of the slower planet, such as when the Moon at 9° Pisces applies to a dexter sextile with Saturn at 11° Capricorn.
A sinister (left-hand or waning) aspect occurs with the natural order of the signs, such as when the Moon at 9° Pisces trines the Sun at 13° Cancer. Dexter aspects have traditionally been considered more powerful than sinister aspects.
Dexter in the northern hemisphere is sinister in the southern hemisphere (and vice versa). (Observers in the southern hemisphere face north to look at the planets, while observers in the northern hemisphere face south.)
See also:
♦ Aspect
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine