12 articles for "Aspect/s"
Aspect [Astro*Index](Astrology)
The angular separation between two bodies, measured along a great circle (not necessarily passing through the bodies); one of a set of particular angular separations between two bodies; one of the angular separations between two bodies or sensitive points accepted by astrologers as qualifying the way in which planetary principles manifest themselves in a chart; more generally, any angular separation between planets.
Commonly used aspects are based on harmonic considerations. The traditional set, called the major or Ptolemaic aspects, consists of the;
conjunction | 0° |
opposition | 180° |
trine | 120° |
square | 90° |
sextile | 60° |
The minor aspects consist of the;
semisquare | 45° |
sesquisquare or sesquiquadrate | 135° |
semisextile | 30° |
quintile | 72° |
biquintile | 144° |
quincunx, inconjunct, or disjunct | 150° |
Aspects are generally measure with reference to a particular coordinate planet, celestial bodies projected onto that plane. Some astrologers also work with so-called true-body aspects, which take a body's latitude into account and determine the actual angular distance between two bodies on the celestial sphere. Eclipses are true-body aspects. Aspects can also be formed in the manner of a mundoscope by projecting the planets onto the great circles (other than the ecliptic) used to define the various house systems. These are called mundane aspects because they depend on our position on the Earth's surface. Today, two general principles guide aspect interpretation in astrological charts, both with roots in tradition. One is that an aspect represents a combination or commingling of the separate energies of the planets having that aspect. These energies can enhance one another or interfere with one another's expression, depending on whether they are "in phase" with one another or not. Another principle is that an aspect works primarily through one of the two planets, which channels the influence of the other in a way characteristic of its own nature. The modern concept of aspect has diverged from that found in Ptolemy. In establishing the qualitative character of an aspect, the emphasis has changed from the qualitative relationships between the signs themselves to the qualitative character of the geometrical angle determined by the planets. Geometrical aspects with orb have taken the place of aspects reckoned in terms of the whole signs themselves. Although Ptolemy uses `schemata' indiscriminately to describe the "figures" that the planets make with one another (and the earth) by their motions, as well as the geometrical relationships between the signs themselves, it seems fairly certain that the notion of aspects was originally introduced with reference to the signs, not the planets. Planets had an aspect by virtue of their presence in signs that had that aspect, and the benefic or malefic influence of the aspect reflected the harmonious or disharmonious relationship between the signs. The concept of aspect was gradually transferred to the planets themselves as part of a general tendency to give precedence to the planets over the signs, typified by the idea that each sign was "ruled" by a particular planet. It is not entirely clear just when this shift took place. There was, however, a controversy in ancient times as to whether the planets merely distributed and allocated the influence of the zodiacal signs that they occupied, or whether the zodiacal signs were themselves modified by the presence of the planets. The relatively new harmonic astrology is explicity based on the esoteric properties of number. It has provided a new way of interpreting the traditional aspects as but the first several harmonics in a potentially infinite series of harmonics, each representing the division of the circle by a whole number. According to Addey: "In the case of the aspect circle, one is, in fact, simply dealing with the positive and negative points of relationship between one planet and another according to the symbolism of different numbers [p. 69]" The original Ptolemaic aspects, now called the major aspects, were grounded in musical consonances.
The conjunction is treated as an aspect, though it is not one of the consonances. The opposition is accepted as the fundamental aspect. Divided in half and in thirds, it gives the sextile, quartile, and trine, then the resulting arcs have the ratios ratios 2:1, 3:2 and 4:3, corresponding to the musical octave, fifth and fourth respectively–the traditional consonances. Once the basis of aspect was transferred to the exact angular relationships obtaining between planets, and it was no longer necessary for a proposed aspect to be an aliquot part of 6, but only that its angular separation was an aliquot part of 180, it was possible to consider other prime number divisors of the circle such as 5. Kepler seems to have been the first to do this. He introduced the quintile (72°) and the biquintile (144°). He ruled out the possibility of seven, ninth, and eleventh parts of a circle on the grounds that they had no counterparts in nature. Throughout the years there have been numerous other additions to this list, sometimes based on scientific or geometrical concepts of the day, sometimes on sacred or numerological considerations, sometimes just on the empirical evidence of the individual astrologer.
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Great CircleAspect [Munkasey M.]
A term used to denote the distance of angular distancefrom one body to another. It is through aspects that significant exchanges of astrological planetary energies take place. Aspects are most usually measured along the Ecliptic, but may also be measured along other great circles, such as the Celestial Equator. The term: 'Aspect' implies an arc of harmonic length.
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Great CircleAspect [DeVore]
Anciently termed Familiarities or Configurations (q.v.). Certain angular relationships between the rays which reach the Earth from two celestial bodies, or between one ray and a given point: such as — the horizon; the degree that was on the horizon at a given moment, or that represents the position of a planet at a given moment; the point on which an Eclipse or other celestial phenomenon occurred; the places of the Moon's Nodes; or the cusps of the Houses, particularly the First and Tenth.
Many factors enter into the delineation of the effect of an aspect: such as — the nature of the aspect; the character of the planets involved, their latitude, character and rate of motion; their strength by virtue of their sign position; the measure of harmony that exists between the signs in which are posited, and between the signs they rule; and sundry other considerations. Various terms are employed to describe these factors.
Generally speaking, the term Aspect is applicable to any blending of rays that results in their interactivity. The body which has the faster mean motion is said to aspect the slower. As speed in orbit is relative to the size of the orbit, the inner planet aspects the one farthest removed from the Sun. Thus Venus aspects Saturn, not vice versa. There are exceptions, but only when other factors are involved. Transiting Saturn cannot pass over Venus, but Saturn can pass over the degree which Venus occupied on some former occasion, at which time its influence was sufficiently augmented to create a sensitive degree — a Venus sensitivity. Thus when Saturn transits this degree, you receive a Saturn impulse through a Venus expectancy. This illustrates the two principal types of aspects: (a) mutual aspects — those which occurred between two moving bodies on some specified date; and (b) directional, progressed or transitory aspects — between a moving body, and a fixed point, usually the degree a planet occupied on a specified day of birth, when it became a sensitive point in a life pattern of daily expectancy and receptivity. The planet which "burned" its mark into your pattern, has moved away — but the expectancy and receptivity lingers on.
Forming, is said of the conditions of motion which are bringing two bodies within each other's sphere of influence, whereby an exact aspect will result. After the aspect has become exact, the receding motion is termed Separating. Also, the faster planet may be spoken of as Applying to or Separating from an aspect or a contact with the other. When sufficiently within each other's orbs of influence to be deemed operative — within half the sum of their two orbs — it is a wide or platic aspect, which culminates in an exact or partile aspect. An aspect computed forward in the order of signs, or counter-clockwise on the map, is a sinister or left-hand aspect; in the reverse direction, a dexter or right-hand aspect. There is lack of agreement as to which are the stronger, but ancient texts favor the dexter aspects.
ZODIACAL ASPECTS, those most widely considered, are measured in degrees along the Ecliptic. They are based upon fractional divisions of the 360-degree circle of the ecliptic — as measured in arc from the point of an observer on the Earth.
Said of two planets occupying the same degree of Longitude along the Ecliptic. It is often classed as a position rather than an aspect.
Dividing the circle by one-half, results in the Opposition, a 180° separation, the reverse of a conjunction.
Dividing the circle by one-third, results in the Trine, or 120° separation. Subdividing the one-half aspect, there results the square, quintile or quartile (90°), Semi-square, semi-quadrate or semi-quartile (45°), and the sesquiquadrate (135°) — square plus semi-square — the inversion of the semisquare.
Subdividing the one-third aspect, yields the Sextile or Hexagon (60°), Semi-sextile (30°), and the Quincunx (150°) — the inversion of the Semi-sextile.
The matter of Orbs is one that has never been settled. The figures given are merely an average of opinion:
Degrees | Operative | |||
Name | Signs | When Exact | From | to |
Conjunction | 0 | 0 | - 10° | + 6° |
Semi-Sextile | 1 | 30 | 28° | 31° |
Semi-Square | 1½ | 45 | 42° | 49° |
Sextile | 2 | 60 | 56° | 63° |
Square | 3 | 90 | 84° | 94° |
Trine | 4 | 120 | 113° | 125° |
Sesquiquadrate | 4½ | 135 | 132° | 137° |
Quincunx | 5 | 150 | 148° | 151° |
Opposition | 6 | 180 | 170° | 186° |
Names have been given to these Aspects, as follows: 0°, Prominence; 30°, Growth; 45°, Friction; 60°, Opportunity; 90°, Obstacle; 120°, Luck; 135°, Agitation; 150°, Expansion; 180°, Separation.
A group of aspects, introduced by Kepler, based on a division of one-fifth of the circle. They have had limited adoption, and their value is chiefly in directions. They are:
Bi-Quintile | 144° |
Tredecile | 108° |
Quintile (one-fifth of 360°) | 72° |
Decile or Semi-Quintile | 36° |
Quindecile | 24° |
Semi-Decile, or Vigintile | 18° |
Said of a planet closer than 5° to the Sun. It introduces factors that considerably alter the interpretation of the conjunction.
A planet within 0°17' of the Sun's longitude is said to be "in the heart of the Sun" or Cazimi. Ancient authorities deemed that it fortified the planet as much as a Combust position debilitated it; but modern authorities generally ignore the distinction and classify it as combust, imparting to the nature a one-track viewpoint on all matters appertaining to the planet so placed.
Abscission, or Frustration.
When a planet is simultaneously forming an aspect to two other planets, the one that culminates first may produce an abscission of light that will frustrate the influence of the second aspect. The term was much used by ancient writers, but unfortunately has been neglected by modern astrologers — other than those who practice Horary astrology. v. Frustration.
The aspects based on 3 are said to be benefic in their influence, though much depends upon the character of the planets involved. The Trine joins harmonious signs; the Sextile, those reasonably congenial.
Those based on 2, combine signs that are less congenial, and operate generally at cross-purposes, hence are termed malefic. Modern astrologers tend to prefer malefic aspects between harmonious planets, to benefic aspects between malefic planets — but this enters into the realm of interpretation where mathematics yields to psychology. A planet thus aspected, particularly if by a malefic planet, is said to be afflicted.
Latitude, Parallels of.
Latitude is measured in degrees of arc N. or S. of the Ecliptic. It is reasonable to assume that planets conjoined in latitude as well as longitude will impart a stronger accent than when at different distances above the ecliptic. The Zodiacal Parallel is a latitudinal aspect. Older authorities considered a Parallel effective between one planet in North and another in South Latitude, but modern authorities largely agree that both bodies must be on the same side of the Ecliptic. Within orbs of 1° it is a powerful influence, greatly intensifying the effect of a conjunction. On rare occasions, when planets are close to their nodes of intersection with the ecliptic, a parallel may result in an eclipse between planets. The eclipse of a planet by the Moon is of more frequent occurrence, and is termed an Occultation (q.v.).
Declination, Parallel of.
This is the same phenomenon as a Parallel of Latitude, except that longitudinal position is measured along the Equator in terms of Right Ascension, while latitudinal position is computed in terms of declination, measured in degrees N. or S. of the Equator instead of along the Ecliptic.
MUNDANE ASPECTS are those reckoned along the Equator, and measured in subdivisions of the nocturnal or diurnal semi-arc. For example: Any two planets that have a separation of two houses are in mundane Sextile; of four houses, in mundane Trine. Thus it is possible for two planets to be simultaneously in the mutual relationship of a mundane Trine and a zodiacal Square. Mundane aspects can be computed only on a map erected for a birth moment. They represent a computation of coincidental influences on a basis of time, in subdivisions of the Earth's period of rotation; instead of on a basis of degrees of arc, in subdivisions of the orbits of the bodies involved. Zodiacal Aspects, based on the degree of longitudinal separation along the ecliptic, are computed without reference to an hour of birth, and are the ones commonly employed in delineation.
Because of the alternation of signs of long and short ascension throughout the daily rotation of the Earth, equal units of arc rise over the horizon of an individual on the Earth's periphery, in disproportionate units of time; and vice versa. This affords one explanation of the phenomenon of the Orbs in reference to Aspects, and suggests that consideration should be given to the seasons at which a wide zodiacal aspect may become an exact mundane aspect.
Mundane Parallel.
Parallel in Mundo. This has to do with a similarity of relationship between two planets on opposite sides of, and the same distance, measured along the Equator, from any one of the four angles of the horoscope. Mundane parallels bear no analogy to zodiacal parallels. A Rapt Parallel is a mundane parallel by direction, formed after birth, as a result of the Earth's rotation (axial), whereby the places of the planets are carried from East to West to the point where the two planets are equidistant from, and on opposite sides of the same angle. Another variety of mundane parallel by direction, is that formed when one planet advances to the same distance from an angle as that held by another planet at birth. These parallels are the invention of Placidus de Titus who held them in high esteem. Yet it appears that time tempered his judgment, for in his collection of Nativities he frequently employs zodiacal directions as taught by Ptolemy.
Strength of Aspects.
The relative strength of aspects is a debatable factor, for so much depends on the intrinsic character of the rays. If you consider the rays as energy, each altered in character by virtue of the sign position of the planet from which it is emitted, the aspect determines the direction of the influence upon you as an individual. It is in the synthesis of qualitative, quantitative and directional factors that the practice of Astrology becomes both an art and a science.
Forming Aspects are considered more powerful than Separating Aspects; or at least the orb of influence is wider when forming. Some authorities make an exception in the case of the Sun and Moon, to the extent of placing the point of maximum influence from 2 to 5 degrees beyond the Degree in which the aspect becomes exact. There is the theory that separating aspects in the birth map represent influences which have already been made manifest; while forming aspects, particularly in the progressed map, represent influences which are yet to be experienced. Sepharial, in his Dictionary, has this to say regarding Separating Aspects: "When two bodies have been in exact aspect, the one which by its swifter motion moves away from the aspect, is said to separate from the other. When one of two bodies in aspect turns retrograde, it separates. When both bodies turn retrograde, doubtless a mutual separation is effected. In Horary Astrology these relations have distinct significations: the party representing the separating planet will decline the proposition, back out of the agreement, or annul the contract; the party represented by the retrograde planet will default in his agreement or contract; and when both turn retrograde there will be an annulment by mutual consent. Similar effects have been noted in regard to marriage."
This is classified as a constructive influence, though much depends on the nature of the planets. Modern authorities tend to reject the classification of aspects as good or bad, since a so-called bad aspect has constructive possibilities to an individual who has the strength of resolve to put it to constructive use.
The same nature as a conjunction. Since it is usually coincident with a conjunction it serves to give it an added accent. This accent is helpful if it involves other aspects from favorable planets. The effect of a parallel is generally considered to be of longer duration than that of a conjunction.
Semi-Sextile (30°).
An aspect of mixed quality, rhythmically favorable but involving planets in inharmonious signs.
Semi-Square or Semi-Quartile (45°).
Generally termed a malefic aspect; somewhat mitigated, in case the aspecting planet is a benefic.
Sextile, Hexagon (60°).
A favoring aspect, involving planets in congenial signs of the same polarity (q.v.). Alan Leo says of the Sextile aspect: that it partakes of the nature of Moon and Neptune; that it is more combining than any other aspect, and is often more potent and favorable than the trine; that its color largely depends on the nature of the planets involved, and of the Signs they occupy; and that while the trine may be said to denote negative goodness such as a reward for past deeds, the sextile denotes positive good in that it generates the activity that produces change and thus possesses greater potentiality for the future.
Square. Quartile (90°).
Generally deemed unfavorable, since it represents the struggle of two forces at cross-purposes. It imposes severe tasks to be accomplished only through much concentration and self-denial — often interpreted by the individual in terms of ambition.
Trine (120°).
Supposedly the most favoring of aspects, joining planets in congenial signs of the same element. Trines are like having "a silver spoon in your mouth" luck becoming "happy-go-lucky" for lack of the ambition that is born of challenge.
Sesquiquadrate (135°).
Inversion of a Semi-square, and deemed equally unfortunate but less powerful.
Quincunx (150°).
The inversion of a Semi-Sextile. Ptolemy called it inconjunct, practically rejecting it as an aspect of appreciable force. Modern statistics appear to indicate, however, that it has unrealized possibilities. It is presumed to be mildly favorable, but as it operates through inharmonious signs the resulting influence must be somewhat contradictory.
Opposition (180°).
Proper interpretation must give consideration to the psychological stimulus resulting from whatever planetary influences are then in operation, from a sign and through a house.
Biquintile (144°).
Classed as a harmonizing influence.
Quintile (72°).
A mildly benefic aspect, but ineffectual when directed to malefic.
Semi-Quintile or Decile (36°).
Kepler deemed it a good influence, but mild.
Semi-Decile (18°).
Harmonious, but weak.
Inconjunct, Dissociate.
These are terms sometimes applied to the Semisextile and the Quincunx aspects, as indicative that no relationship can exist between adjacent signs and houses, or between those which are one sign or house less than an opposition.
The aspects were anciently classified as benefic and malefic:
The benefic aspects were the Trine and Sextile. The conjunction is generally classed as a benefic aspect. In them the relationship is harmonious, between congenial signs, even though the influences related are often inharmonious — because of the intrinsic nature of the rays so combined. They are deemed conducive of harmony, in that cosmic energy is released without obstruction.
The malefic aspects were the square and semisquare. The opposition is generally classed as malefic, even though it combines signs that are moderately congenial. These are generally deemed conducive of friction, in that two opposing forces challenge the individual's capacity for adjustment.
There follows a condensed interpretation of the aspects:
According to the ancient philosophers two systems of force arc in operation, whereby Nature is maintained in a state of balance, and life enabled to manifest itself in physical form: These are the positive and the negative, the inflow and the outflow, the centrifugal and the centripetal, construction as opposed to destruction, expansion versus contraction. The result is a continual cycle of birth, maturity, decay and dissolution. Since these forces are equal, each complements the other.
All organic structures are builded of cells which in their simplest form are hexagonic spheroids, similar to those of the honeycomb. Therefore, the hexagon is the primary structural pattern of beneficence. When light enters at the external angle of 60°, and the internal angle of 120°, it necessarily illuminates all parts of the structure in equal lines of influence. The light that pours in at either of these angles, imparts exhilarating and harmonious vibrations which stimulate its continuous growth. Opposed to this is the process of crystallization, recognized in magnetism and electricity, wherein the two forces operate at right angles to each other — a geometrical relationship that is destructive to organic form. As a result, side by side through Nature two mutually antagonistic forces exist, which, despite their antipathy to each other, work together toward the ordered disposition of the whole: one based upon the quadrature, the other upon the hexagon-the square and the trine.
Astrology postulates: that the quadrate relationship between energy sources is destructive to form, through releasing the energy that is locked up in the various structures Nature has built; and that the trine aspects constitute the constructive side of Nature, whereby organic forms are created, nourished and perpetuated, to be released when subsequent destructive configurations are encountered.
Ancient astrologers who looked upon the Zodiac as representing the soul of Nature, divided it into four parts, making the beginning point of each part the apex of an equilateral triangle. Thus it obtained the twelve signs of the Zodiac and their corresponding Houses.
To establish a relationship between the physical body and these two systems of partitioning a sphere, one considers first that portion of the heavens which, like the physical body born into this world, is at that moment emerging from darkness into light; the eastern horizon-otherwise known as the Ascendant, the cusp of the First House; or as anciently termed, the Horoscope.
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Great CircleAspects [Prima]
Aspects are the specific angular relationships between planets, house cusps, or sensitive points. They are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds from various points of reference (along the ecliptic, along the equator, along the horizon). There are also real spherical (both spherical coordinates are used) and house aspects.
Traditionally aspects have been classified as either major or minor. Most astrologers agree on this classification, although the quincunx has recently been proving itself a more powerful aspect than once thought.
The major aspects are the following:
Conjunction | 0° |
Sextile | 60° |
Square | 90° |
Trine | 120° |
Opposition | 180° |
The minor aspects are the following:
Quintile | 72° |
Septile | 51.4° |
Octile | 45° |
Semisextile | 30° |
Bi-quintile | 144° |
Tri-octile | 135° |
Quincunx | 150° |
Dexter Aspects: formed when faster planets separate from slower ones.
Sinister aspects: formed when faster planets apply to slower planets.
Exact aspects are considered the most powerful and indicate planetary combinations likely to manifest as major life themes, talents or experiences.
When several aspects contact each other, they form aspect configurations, whose strengths depend upon the nature of the orbs involved.
Unaspected Planets - Planets receiving no major aspects in a natal chart. They are said to indicate qualities in a person's life that, although not necessarily weak or debilitated, are basically unintegrated into the bearer's personality, functioning more or less independently.
See also:Aspect Color/Style [Prima]
♦ Conjunction ♦ Sextile ♦ Square ♦ Trine ♦ Opposition ♦ Quintile ♦ Septile ♦ Octile ♦ Semisextile ♦ Bi-quintile ♦ Tri-octile ♦ Quincunx ♦ Dexter Aspects ♦ Sinister ♦ Aspect Configurations ♦ Orbs ♦ Applying Aspects ♦ Separating Aspects
PRIMA has a selection of 16 color options, enabling you to use your own color scheme for aspect lines. In addition to user-definable colors, you can select a different line style (solid, broken, thick, thin, etc.) for each aspect — useful for black-and-white printouts.
You can also select one of 8 background screen colors as a desktop color — an excellent way to reduce eye strain (you may even want to change the color regularly for this purpose).
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Great CircleAspect Configurations [Prima]
Stellium - three or more planets or points in the same sign or house; an area of emphasis. Synonymous with the obsolete term satellitium.
Grand Trine - Three planets or points 120° apart from each other, forming an equilateral triangle; usually in the same element (fire, earth, air, or water). Represents natural ease and harmony, or sometimes over-emphasis of the elements and planets involved. Astrologers consider this configuration to increase the strength of all three bodies.
T-Square - Three planets or points of which two are in opposition and a third is square both. Similar nature as the Grand Cross but less stressful.
Grand Cross - Two oppositions involving 4 planets or points that square each other; usually in the same mode (cardinal, fixed or mutable). Also called a "cosmic cross." Combining the properties of the square with the opposition, it is one of the most stressful but potentially creative configurat- ions. It represents exceptional challenge and possibly much struggle, but also the capacity for considerable ensuing achievement and success. The individual must learn to compromise and to be more flexible. This configuration is thought to increase the strength of all four bodies.
Grand Sextile - Six planets or points in sextile to each other, forming a hexagon. This configuration rarely occurs. It emphasizes either the fire/air (yang) or earth/water (yin) qualities. It partakes of the natures of the sextile, trine and opposition. Often indicative of great talent (which can lead to success) or of help from others.
Yod (Finger of God) - Two planets or points sextile to each other and both quincunx a third. It was at one time considered to reflect an unusually spiritual nature — hence the name, Finger of God — but the "finger" can point out more common concerns. It can indicate trouble adjusting to others, often due to problems involving projection (which originate with the third planet and are projected onto the sextile). The need to act (correctly and consciously) arises from the third or focal planet, while the opportunity to act is found in the sextile. This is a mixed configuration that suggests the need for change or action, as denoted by the involved planets and their house placements and house rulerships. The unwillingness to make the necessary adjustments can result in health problems (physical or psychological).
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Great CircleAspect Grid [Astro*Index]
A traditional method of displaying the aspects. A grid or matrix is set up with the names of the bodies arranged along two outside edges (e.g. top and left) of the grid. Aspects between any two bodies are located where any row and column intersect. For example, the aspect between the Mars and Pluto can be located by following the column for the Pluto down until it reaches the row for Mars.
See also:Aspect Power Factor [Astro*Index]
Numerical factor introduced by Gary Duncan and Donald Bradley to indicate the (theoretical) relative strength of a pair of planets at a given angular separation (aspect). The angular separation (A) is used as the argument. One Angular Power Factor (APF30) varies between 100% (at multiples of 30°) and 1% (at odd multiples of 15°). Another Angular Power Factor (APF90) varies between 100% (at multiples of 90°) and 1% (at odd multiples of 45°).
The APFs can be computed using the formulas:
APF30 = 100.0 - 99.0*abs(sin(3A))
APF90 = 100.0 - 99.0*abs(sin(A))
See also: ♦ Angular SeparationAspect Search [Prima]
This feature lets you examine the current chart degree by degree (by means of a moveable degree marker) the aspects being made to any selected degree of the on-screen chart. It can be used to locate the sensitive-degree areas of the chart, to analyze the influence of a planet transiting or progressing through a particular degree, or in synastry to examine the planetary aspects activated by the position of a planet in a partner's chart.
See also: ♦ Angular SeparationAspect Table [Astro*Index]
A tabulation of angular separations between pairs of bodies, sometimes including midpoints.
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Applying ♦ Separating ♦ Midpoint ♦ Tables of HousesAspect Table [Prima]
An aspect table or grid is a list of aspects between planets, houses and other points. This is a traditional method of displaying the aspects.
In a grid, the planets and other points are listed on both the vertical and horizontal edges, with the aspect between any two points displayed as a symbol in the space at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal rows for those two points.
The table also indicates whether the aspect shown is applying, exact, or separating.
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Applying ♦ Separating ♦ Midpoint ♦ Tables of HousesAspect Types [Prima]
There several different methods of aspect calculation (ecliptic aspects being the most commonly used):
- Along the Ecliptic
- Along the Equator
- Along the Horizon
- True Spherical
- House Aspects
See also: ♦ Angular Separation ♦ Applying ♦ Separating ♦ Midpoint ♦ Tables of Houses
Astro*Index Copyright © 1997 Michael Erlewine
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